Monday, March 16, 2015

God Gave Us This Mighty Weapon. SO USE IT.....deno.....share freely.

.......In Christ Jesus we are wrestling with Satans forces and under the constant pressure of the sinful flesh that is always warring against our soul wherein dwells our choice maker...(Ephesians 6:10-18 and 1 Peter 2:11)....But thank God we are graced and empowered with Power from on High in the faith of the Son of God who thru His Cross, Death and Resurrection overcame him, overcame death, hell and the grave and all of Christ overcomings, victories, and triumphs are all INCLUDED in the glorious power of Christ Exalted Far Above all Name that God gave us all as His Weapon for us to use against the enemy AND AGAINST CIRCUMSTANCES, SITUATIONS, STORMS. NEEDS, and against MOUNTAINS.
.......The Name of the Lord is a STRONG TOWER. The righteous run to it (Call upon it) and they are saved, delivered, rescued, upheld, and HEARD BY GOD... Load Up and Let the devil have it.....deno.......share freely.

The 4 Points of the Cross.......deno......share freely.

4 things were a major part of the Cross of Christ..... Scriptures. Sin. Satan. Surrender.
#1)....Scriptures. The scriptures had to be fulfilled.
#2)....Sin. Jesus died for the sin of the world.
#3)....Satan, Jesus said to them, You are of your father the devil and the desires of your father you will do. They murdered the innocent One with the Cross.
#4)....Surrender, Jesus laid down his life. He surrendered his body to taste death by way of the cross for every man in order to bring many children unto God by his blood. Nobody could get to him had he not done that, had he not laid the power of his life down....deno.
Deno Smith's photo.
Deno Smith's photo.

We Have Got To Get The Fire Back..The Fire of the Holy Spirit....SO IMPORTANT........deno.....share freely.

......When the real and bright light of Jesus Christ shines bright in this world (JOHN 3:19-21) and when that which holds the wolves and the lions back is taken OUT OF THE WAY as shown in (2 Thess 2:6-7), it is then that the real truth of how wicked, evil, and mean the worlds heart is, it is then revealed and shown, and the vicious haters of the REAL LIGHT (the True Gospel) comes forth (John 7:7) to do the devils bidding.
 ........The Cross of Christ, his blood, death, and resurrection is the great saving and stirring light.  That light causes the full revelation of Satan and the AntiChrist evil heart and their real hate of that REAL LIGHT to be shown on the earth. When that light is less shinning on the earth they rise and take advantage of it. For they walk comfortably in darkness, but where Christ real light shines, the brighter that light shines it often times stops them in their tracks like light does when it is shined in a snakes eyes. But when THAT LIGHT shines little, they are given greater place to and their works multiply in peoples lives, in society and in our world.
......Remember, all thru Christ shinning his light on earth, the wolves and the lions were always nearby trying and hoping to get their teeth into him using men as their present serpents. But around the Lord was a mighty hedge of Gods Covenant Protecting Power (Angels) to keep Jesus safe from all of them until the CROSSES APPOINTED TIME WOULD COME. When that time had finally come, Jesus had to surrender that hedge of protection up, it had to be taken out of the way, no one could take that hedge from him, he had to LAY IT DOWN. He had to lay down his life and surrender that body unto death, unto death by the Cross. And when that surrender happened, when he removed His Covenant hedge so to lay down his life, it was then that the dark lions and dark wolves of the worlds darkness finally were able to move in and they got there teeth into Jesus in the form of whips, staff, crown of thorns, spear, and thru hammer and nails and a Cross with Christ name on it.
........The real light of Christ shining always brings light, life and blessings in its shine, but it also brings the wolves and the lions of darkness all around. If it were not for Gods present covenant shield FOR PROTECTION given for us by faith in Jesus Christ (Ephesians 6:16), then those lions and wolves would be putting their teeth into us in full Cross mode or similar hate demonstrations (ISIS like)
...... Notice 2 Thess 2:6-7, it says the full manifestation of the AntiChrist, all his lies and lying glory and lying wonders and all his hate for Jesus Christ, cannot be fully manifested until that (the hedge, the restraining force) which holds him back is taken out of the way or is SURRENDERED. This happens partly because the Church quit resisting and quit skillfully fighting in the Spirit for their rights in Christ Jesus . Instead of them being strong in the Lord and in the power of His might and casting out Satan and binding his works, they laid the power down falling in love with this world and were deceived to let loose of the power. Those lions and wolves said among themselves, hey look the saints have laid down the power. They have fell in love with our bosses world and the things of the world and they are far more interested in those things than keeping us out of their lives. Come lets take advantage of this open door and fill the hearts and the souls and the nations with us wicked spirits to worsen their conditions on the earth. This gave Satan also a huge place all over America and the world. The Church itself laid their power and authority down by half hearted interest and luke warm devotion and distant participation and these kinds of sins gave Satan great place in the latter days until finally Satan was given even fulness place and the AntiChrist finally became flesh and dwelt among the world.
........Friends the new testament shows us that people in Paul and in the early churches days PRAYED ALWAYS with all manner of prayer. They prayed night and day. They prayed without ceasing. They had all day prayer times and all night prayer times. I've been told that the most power filled ministers and churches of the last 300 years on earth have often had 24/7 prayers going on by the church members around the clock. THAT'S DEDICATION. Living Sacrifices like that are powerful and avail much in the spirit world when wrought in Jesus Name. Those peoples fire kept the wolves and lions of the darkness further away and less and less in manifestation on earth. But where there is little fire in the darkness, the lions and wolves fear less. Now the church, the Salt of the earth has so watered itself down extinguishing its own fire out, almost to the point that is has become a theatrical show of worldly light and with little blood of Christ light and prayers are like a mysterious flash with even the angels themselves saying to one another, what was that and a UFO?....please hear what God is saying to us His children......deno.....share freely.

Mary Madalene, Her Passion For Christ......deno....share freely.

.......John 20:15)..Mary Magdalene was at the tomb of Jesus. His body was gone. Thinking that his body was possibly stolen and SO MISSING HER LORD she broke down crying.....Jesus sees her heart. He walks over to her in a hidden type form and says, Woman why are you weeping so much? Whom do you seek? She said, I'm seeking Jesus My Lord.
     Brothers and sisters in Christ, are we that in love with Jesus as Mary was? Do we miss His presence so much we are in longing and crying about it due to the feelings of His absence? Like Marys passion for the Lord, if we seek the Lord fervently with all our hearts love WE WILL FIND HIM. He will more and more MANIFEST HIMSELF to us, and in our lives. 

     When you have really been touched by Jesus in your soul, when there seems to be an absence of that touch, of His presence, the more it means to you the more deeply you feel about it when its there and when it seems absent. If you have been touched as deep in your soul as Mary had been with Jesus, you to would show such emotion at the thought of His absence. Nothing compares to the touch and the taste of the Lords Spirit and presence in us and in our life. Worth seeking after with all our passion to taste it or to re-taste it. Worth selling all Jesus said, to buy that field, where the fruit of the Presence and taste of the Lord has been planted in that ground and is grown ready for you to harvest into your life thru the obedience that comes from real faith.
     Mary, who before was a prostitute, in whom Jesus cast out seven wicked spirits out of (her loose ways opened doors for their entrance), SHE FELL IN LOVE WITH JESUS. When he set her free she tasted in herself the change, the beautiful deliverance that he gave her from those wicked spirits that drove her lust to her madness with multiple men, and for this purification she was love and life struck with Jesus. His works and entrance into her life made pleasantly new and bright her days as Gods smile she felt in her soul daily. Those that hunger and thirst for righteousness Jesus said WILL BE SATISFIED.Holiness had become her. She was a changed woman. VERY GRATEFUL.
      Jesus said, those that are forgiven much loves much, Mary proved that word true. Her love for Jesus her deliverer and Savior was with sanctification passion unto newness of life in sweet peace and holiness in fellowship with the MASTER. When she thought He was gone she wept tremendously. REAL LOVE.......deno.....share freely.


The Glorious Church....deno......share freely.

......Scholars tell us that the KJV and many other bible translations are step by step, word for word translations. They strive for a word for word, as close as possible word match. That's what God wants to see in us His children. A Step by step, word for word, as close to Jesus as possible near My God to Thee match until we are the glorious church of Ephesians 5:25-27).
....vs 25)..Husbands love your wives, just like Christ also loved the church and GAVE HIMSELF for her.
.....vs 26) So that He could separate and sanctify her from a world of sin and darkness, and cleanse the church, bathing her with the washing of the water by His word (His Bright Light).
.....vs 27) That He may present the church (His Bride) unto Himself as a Glorious Church (that's the Lords own high goal for us - A Beautiful Spiritual Bride walking in the newness of her spirit, heart in heart and hand in hand with Christ in what He loves (Holiness), not having spot, wrinkle or any such thing (Pure love relationship all holy - faithful and true to one another, walking in Christ glorious light); but that it should be holy and without blemish (this is relationship to Christ and Christ to us full faithfulness as a husband is to be to his wife and the wife to her husband in all things, resisting all temptations to do other wise, pure and undefiled by the world and evil. God said Israel went away a whoring from Him, Committing adultery and burning incense under every high tree - idolatry-relationship to God unfaithfulness).
........We will never be that level glorious until we (the body and bride of Christ) are all together walking as One heart and as one mind with the fruit of Oneness and unity our constant every day flavor and taste to God and we are together step by step, word for word, faithful to God and to one another, as close as possible near My God to Thee loving one another flawlessly faithful to Christ in all things Church..We will not get there until we THE WEAKER VESSEL humble ourselves leaning on the Mighty Hand of God promise to those who do and are in all things SUBMITTED to Christ Lordship over our lives in all we say and do......deno.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Become Gods Rock In The Faith......deno.......share freely.

       In Christ, when your heart is fixed and your focus becomes established, your a Rock in the faith....Moveable only by God.......1 Corinthians 15:58) Therefore, my beloved brethren in Christ, be established, UNMOVABLE, always involved in the work of the Lord, for as much as you know your labor is not in vain in the Lord.
       Love never ends. It is an Everlasting Work. When all other gifts and works cease, Love remains the same. Every day in glory, heaven is full of works of Gods love demonstrated in all and thru all. Love endures and remains forever.........deno.

God Saved His Best Wine, the Best Wine of His Grace For Last..... (John 2:1-11)......deno......share freely....

John 2:1-11)...Jesus brought forth BY HIS GRACE MIRACLE the Best Wine Of His Power and Grace for the last....Remember in the order of things. He said, The last shall be first and the first shall be last. This in part means the last days church rises up to the top of Gods priority list, and the first that have already run their race of grace before us sit back and watch us run our last days race of grace....deno....On your march....get set.....Its up to us......deno.
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