I was listening within for what to write today these words came up to
me. If you want everybody to love you including the world, write and
preach the other gospel. The devils spin of the truth. You will be laced
with glitter and sparkling with gold and glory and many including the world
will applaud your name. For you rebuke no evil and say sin is acceptable. For this is an evil, unruly, unfaithful and adulterous generation
who hate all holy and sin not doctrine even as you despised before you sobered up in your thinking and came to My Holy Senses.
Living water is also for the drinking of those whose souls are in the fire of My refinement. I will baptize you with Living water and the Fire of the Holy Ghost. Both are My Holy Spirits breath and work in the heart of the redeemed. My sheep hear My Voice and know that Holy Is My Name. If the voice in you says go ahead and partake of that sin for grace approves, that voice is not Mine. Heed it not. Be aware of the other gospel. Try every spirit to see if it is of God. The Holy Spirit of truth and All spirits in heaven are love and holy and delight in the same ALWAYS. None never condone, promote, or fellowship with darkness or any form of sin......deno.
Living water is also for the drinking of those whose souls are in the fire of My refinement. I will baptize you with Living water and the Fire of the Holy Ghost. Both are My Holy Spirits breath and work in the heart of the redeemed. My sheep hear My Voice and know that Holy Is My Name. If the voice in you says go ahead and partake of that sin for grace approves, that voice is not Mine. Heed it not. Be aware of the other gospel. Try every spirit to see if it is of God. The Holy Spirit of truth and All spirits in heaven are love and holy and delight in the same ALWAYS. None never condone, promote, or fellowship with darkness or any form of sin......deno.