Thursday, April 9, 2015

Those Watered Down Sermons and That World Chasing Light.........share freely......deno

      When Jesus said, Do not condemn and you will not be condemned and Do not judge and you will not be judged, those words were never meant to be words used for us or for preachers to not preach Gods demand for righteousness and holy living. Jesus would never author such a contradiction to His Fathers Throne and Holy Character. Americans are so far in the dark power today, that in their delusion they are set to war against REAL LIGHT & REAL SALT. And if your to busy laying up treasures on earth preacher, you want launch back the real SALT & LIGHT in fear of loss. Paul said , he suffered the loss of all things to win Christ.
      Prosperity is good when gained by the full and real salt and light, but other wise it is filthy lucre.....meaning its more about the money and not about character and preparing the people for all accountability and the judgements. Colossians 1:28....No matter what preachers say, We must all stand before the Lord to account of ourselves unto God. More for o
ur character than for our money, though all is included.....deno.

When Salt Has Lost It's Seasoning.....Such Important Light.........deno.......share freely.

      From Salt & Light comes all the goodness of God upon the land. God walks, lives, dwells and works thru Salt & Light. The less Salt & Light in the land, immorality is multiplied and spiritual decay is increased. This is what has happened to America.
      Now none of this is Gods fault. The weight of the blame falls on those of us who live a life of compromise and of double standards (Lukewarm) that grieves Gods Spirit and Quenches His Presence, and ends up giving great place to dark powers and evil forces.
      God, thru-out all His years of dealing with His nation Israel, He always put most of the blame for their nations downfall and problems on THEIR SINS, NOT THE SINS OF THE GENTILES. THEIRS. He rebuked the nations elders and shepherds for not leading His nation with His light as they should have. America began as a great nation of Salt & Light in the Christian Way of Faith. But today the Churches compromises and lack of SALT shaking and spreading has given place to this over turn of our nations moral compass.
      When salt has lost it's seasoning, Jesus said it is good for nothing but to be cast out and run over by men....And when light is controlled like a flash light, you know, turned on only in troubling times or from storm effects but in most other times its under the bushel, then we are strobe light Christians. Light and Darkness on then off, and we are out there jumping and dancing between the flash. By this no one can really figure us out. No one can really clearly see and understand who you really are and what you really love and stand for. Friends are we light or are we darkness? SALT & LIGHT.....deno.

A user's photo.

All This Was Made By Time and The Grind.........So They Say.......deno......share freely.

      To think the worlds magnificently enlightened tell our generation that even this multi colored, beautifully painted, awingly clothed, functionally shaped creature was all formed and fashioned by accidental chance. Made from a source of mindless matter that is without brain, without the ability to think, without wisdom, without imagination, without knowledge, nor understanding, nor having the ability to compose, YET STILL SO STARTLING INVENTIVE. Time and the grind they say just figured all of it out. Isn't it strange how their so called parenting MINDLESS MATTER that they claim is the original source of all things, that has no ability to think, dream, or imagine IS SO INCREDIBLY INVENTIVE and APPEARS TO PLAINLY HAVE AN AWING CREATIVE  IMAGINATION??????....Just look at the beauty and the diversity of all things.
       So you say that NOTHING & CHANCE are smart enough to make this awing creature yet ask of the same mindless source and matter to make a simple pencil with a eraser on it and it fails every time.
       God for the record, I just want to say thank You for being God and our Father, Creator, Redeemer, Savior & King. All things were made by the Word and without the Word of God nothing was made that was made.
      When the world loses all sight of God and has lost all fear of His glory, humanity enters such darkness and dread of life. Life becomes a tissue formation and its measure of value is decided by that which is nothing more than more advanced tissue, so there is no real meaning to life WE JUST BE. Those who have been deceived to believe that lie, well go and get the scissors is one of their most common sayings in the last 60 years. Their belief is you are just a blob of unformed, worthless tissue and THAT THERE IS NO GOD TO ANSWER TO FOR THIS. In some places, there are those who have more deeply fallen for this lie and philosophy, they have and are using BIG SCISSORS.
......Abortion is sin but God is so rich in mercy for His great love for us that even this HE FULLY FORGIVES AND WILL SET US FREE FROM OUR CONNECTION TO IT. He promised us by Christ Jesus that He would forgive us and cleanse us. He also said thru Jesus Christ that I will be merciful to their unrighteousness and their sins and iniquities will I remember no more. That is the results of Jesus, His Cross and interceding, atoning blood setting us free. Friend You Are So Greatly Loved. I will have mercy said the Lord our hope and recovery glory and grace........deno.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The powerful Burning Bush scene - The Prince of Egypt

Christ Our New Righteousness, The Free Gift of God. (EDITED & UPDATED)......deno......share freely.

     Please read and study the scriptures given in this lesson to help you comprehend Gods integrity in this light.....deno.

     In righteousness we were all failures (Romans 3:10-31). But Jesus came and made us all living letters and books written from his grace and from the sure mercies of David (Gods Mercy). He gave us Himself to be our NEW righteousness and the scripture says the church is to know and call Jesus, the Lord our Righteousness (Jeremiah 23:5-6). 
       Now, in the NEW COVENANT,  righteousness is FREELY given to us as a gift from God (Romans 5:17 & 1 Corinthians 2:12). Christ himself now being our righteousness gives us, in righteousness levels,  GREAT BOLD ENTERING ACCESS INTO THE PRESENCE OF GOD AND INTO THE THINGS OF CHRIST and Jesus being our New Righteousness gives us all - RIGHTEOUSNESS GREAT SUCCESS.
       To the Jews righteousness was figured by their works of the Law. But for us in Christ, our minds must be RENEWED to the gift of righteousness, not based on the works of the Law but by faith in Jesus Christ (He died not in vain). Supporting scriptures Romans 10:1-13) Romans 3:19-31) Romans 4:1-25) Romans 5:1) Galations 3:22-26) Galations 3:11-14), 1 Corinthians 1:29-31). Scroll Down.

       To the Jew, their righteousness was based on the works of the Law. One transgression of any Law made them guilty of all in Gods sight. This guilt was a heavy burden to bear and a tremendous condemning weight. This perfection demand and  measure was to high for them or us to reach. It was a huge bundle on their backs which they were not able to carry.
       But when God made  Jesus to be for us our New Righteousness, that was the mighty load lifter. THAT WAS GREAT NEWS FROM THE GOOD NEWS.Oh how the soul becomes lite and filled with light once it sees this truth. Once we learn that in the New and Better Covenant relationship that we have with God as our Father thru Christ, that Jesus himself is now our life and our RIGHTEOUSNESS, we are able to enter into rest in the soul and in the mind. For we stop looking hatefully or despitefully at ourselves like they did who were under the Law, and we start loving ourselves as Jesus loves us looking unto Jesus the author and completer of our faith.
      You and I, well we are never good enough for perfection but Jesus (who God has made to be for us our righteousness) he is always GOOD ENOUGH, HE IS ALWAYS PERFECT, and when He is our RIGHTEOUSNESS the burden is off our backs and has been place all on His and I promise you, He can hold us all up with the power of His PERFECT Righteousness. 
     This GOOD NEWS is part of the rest to our souls that we were SUPPOSED to find in Jesus as we learned what He did for us thru the peace offering of the blood of His Cross. He said, you shall find rest unto your souls when you take My yoke upon yourselves and as you properly learn of Me.
      We, finding out that Jesus is our life (Colossians 3:4) and that Jesus is our righteousness and our eternal redemption (1 Corinthians 1:29-31), all that is certainly rest finding GOOD NEWS truth unto our souls. It is the gift of God. Gospel means THE GOOD NEWS.
       Friend, until it is unto you a free gift, you will not find the rest you seek. You will, in your mind, work and work even in agitating  fear, to try to earn what God has already freely given. You will try to purchase by your works what God has already blessed you with freely thru Christ Purchasing Sufferings, and this error in your theology that is going cross grain against the free gift of God and the free gift of righteousness truth, it will grieve the Spirit of God in you. Such is restlessness in the soul.....deno.

Because They Have Set Their Love Upon Me (Promise from God).......deno.......share freely

Psalms 91:14-16) 14) Because they have set their love upon Me, therefore I will deliver them; I will set them on high, because they have known My Name. 15) They shall call upon Me, and I will answer them. I will be with them in trouble; I will deliver them and I will honor them. 16) With long life will I satisfy them and show them My salvation.

Nicky Cruz Powerful Conversion Testimony....His darkness was real. His hate was strong. The president of a street gang in NYC that filled the streets with blood, fear, gang terror, and violence. Then after fighting against Jesus and David Wilkerson the street preacher, Jesus got a real hold on Nicky' heart and one of the greatest conversions to Christ was made. The love of Christ in Nickys' heart has grown and grown. What a blessing to our generation.....deno.