Sunday, August 2, 2015

Removing God From The American Culture....Such Important Information....

Guest Jesse Duplantis Receiving What God Has Already Given This is so revealing. So Insightful...... Friday

The Blessing.....Looking Into New Covenant Glory. The Church Is Waking Up......deno......share freely.

        This to is in the New Covenant, in the New Covenant glory of life and peace that we have with God in Christ Jesus. This upcoming light is a vital, vital part of the new covenant that the Lord with his own blood has made with us who believe. That covenant measure that I am speaking of is found in the words of Isaiah 53:5. It reads and we amplify the redemption truth of this verse thru the power of the Mind of Christ for understanding clarity. 
        Here it is. Isaiah 53:5... The Lord was wounded for our transgression. The Lamb of God was bruised for our iniquities. The Lord became the peace offering himself and he absorbed into himself the wrath and the justifying punishment that was necessary for us to have established for us a covenant of endless peace with God. And thru the stripes laid upon Jesus we were mended. Jesus said, this (My Blood) is the blood of the New Covenant, and Isaiah 53:5 that we have just grazed upon tells us how the precious blood was poured out.
        In this light we see that God has made an everlasting covenant with us. A mighty covenant of established truth.  A covenant of Cause and Effect. A covenant of much greater power from God to man, to usward who believe than what was in the old (Ephe 1:19). A godly covenant of much greater promises to the believing and to the obedient that exceeds all the glory of the old covenants life having great promise in this life and in the life to come (1 Timothy 4:8). A covenant of everlasting life and redeeming power. It is a covenant of life, of more abundant living. A covenant of the most powerful redeeming glory that God has ever bestowed upon creatures (2 Cor 3:7-18). A covenant providing FAR BETTER RELATIONSHIP and FAR BETTER FELLOWSHIP with God than the old covenant.  In the old covenant they were called the people of God. Those in the new covenant glory to God are the born of God sons  and daughters of the Father. Thats Far Better. (1 John 3:1-3). In the Old they called Him God. In the New we called God Dad. Our Father.

        In the New Covenant the believers in the Son would become the New dwelling place of the holiest of all. The believers would become the New Temple, the new holy of holies of the Spirit of the Lords indwelling filling them with His Holy Spirit, with eternal life, with the riches of Gods grace, with joy and strength for living and for serving, and with power from on High for believing and obeying God. 
       This new covenant we preach is the second covenant that replaced the first one. It is a covenant of peace with God with the enmity removed, and a covenant of Gods goodwill to man fully available thru the obedience of faith. It is a covenant that on Jesus was all the wrath poured upon SO THAT God could pour upon us His Covenant Peace, then His Spirit and then upon this all the Blessings that would follow those of the Blessing of Abraham with everyone being justified for all things BY FAITH as believing Abraham was. It is the New Covenant that God foretold thru the prophets that would some day be established, and the Lord revealed this new covenant before its time and before the actual outpouring of the blood of the New which would flow from the Cross of Christ. Jesus said, this is My blood and this My blood is the blood of the New Covenant shed for many and the Holy Ghost said it was ESTABLISHED UPON BETTER PROMISES than the old. (Hebrews 8:6).
      God, yes Almighty God Himself, to establish this New Covenant was going to lay ALL OUR SINS AND  SHAME AND ALL OUR GUILT on Himself who became the Lamb. All that sin and all that curse laid on God himself would surely be powerful in its mending, blessing, and redeeming effects. He died not in vain and neither did God become Cursed in vain on the Cross, but to bless us exceedingly in all kinds of ways in this life and in the life to come. See Galations 3:10-14.
       Note these words......For since the blood of Christ has reconciled and redeemed us UNTO GOD, that same sacrifice and His precious blood also has the power to ALSO redeem us UNTO MANY GOOD GIFTS and MANY GOOD THINGS of God according to the goodness of God and His mighty promises given us in the giving of Jesus Christ. This New Covenant, this new covenant power would open up all of heavens life, resources, and its treasures to man, and it would also put within reach the exceeding greatness of Gods power to the hopes of all men and that  hope would be laid holt of by the hand of a believing heart that has put its trust first in Christ. A Covenant of high intercessions that excels beyond ones own good to the good of others treated as one loves himself, for so is Christ. 
       Continuing......It is a covenant of great professions of the promises of God unto the children of grace invoking THE BLESSING UPON THE TREES FOR TREMENDOUS FRUIT-BEARING of the love and goodness of God. 
        It would be a covenant of confessions of what men believe. With the mouth confession would be made unto....Even in the old covenant in the book of Numbers chapter six THE BLESSING was invoked on the people of Israel thru the priesthood confessions over them. True bible scholars agree on this. Study this out for yourself and you will find that THE BLESSING was transmitted by the tongue of men into men, of fathers to their sons in Israel. 
        The transmitting of THE BLESSING unto others BY THE TONGUE of the fathers caused family members to even scheme and deceive to be the one to get THE BLESSING SPOKEN OVER THEM, it was that real, that powerful, that effective. They knew the covenant secret. They knew the power of the tongue INVOKING BLESSINGS in the name of the Lord upon people. Even God thru-out the scriptures blesses His people with His Tongue, with His promises and words of life, the Gospel.
        Remember Solomon. God spoke a mighty BLESSING into Solomon and into his life and that spoken by God blessing prospered and prevailed in Solomons life in the wet and even in the dry. The world and all its uncertainties and all the powers of darkness COULD NOT MAKE THE POWERFUL WORD OF GOD spoken into Solomons life TO FAIL TO PRODUCE. If there were no schools of education in Solomons day, the Word Spoken By God of Wisdom into Solomon still would prosper, produce, and prevail and would bring forth no less than the glory of its glory of God into Solomon in the area of wisdom. If there were no banks around. No investment centers. No gold or silver in the area, that did not matter for the Word God spoke into  Solomons life concerning wealth and riches COULD NOT FAIL for it is absolutely impossible for God to lie. That Blessing Word that God spoke into Solomons life had such unfailing power in those words that had they been spoken in a desert of sand, THAT SPOKEN WORD OF THE LIVING ALMIGHTY GOD would have took unfailing root there  and grew up and raised up a whole entire highly productive nation of such economic power and of tremendous discoveries of silver and gold and other precious treasure findings so that Solomon and his life rose to the full glory of those BIG BLESSING WORDS that God spoke into Solomons life.
      That SPOKEN BELIEVED WORD would become, produce and bring forth, even create if necessary all the measure of the richest blessings that God spoke into Solomons life. Gods Word Cannot Fail and if man will believe, then all things are possible to him by his faith and by faith in Gods Spoken Almighty Empowered Promises. God Blessed His Words to be A Blessing to People thru faith.
       GODS WORD PRODUCES MIGHTILY EVEN IN THE VOID and EVEN IN THE DARKNESS. GODS WORD is not limited or subject to man or to anything of this world, it is only subject to the endless Power Of God and to the measure of faith applied to it. God believed Himself what He spoke into Solomons life. Those spoken words were sown as the least word in the land, but that BLESSING WORD was planted, then after being first planted, in time it took root. Then in time it began to sprout. Then in time from the SPOKEN BLESSING WORD came the ear and then the full corn of the ear (See Mark 4:26-29). That invisible Word planted or spoken into Solomons life took root in his life and brought forth all the GLORY OF SOLOMON, the glory of His Wisdom and the glory of his personal Wealth and kingdom Riches. Those words God spoke kept on becoming, becoming, becoming and becoming all thru-out Solomons life in the spiritual (WISDOM) and in the physical/material (Wealth & Riches). All from the Power of Believed Spoken Words of the Mighty God.
       Just a few SPOKEN believed words of God filled Solomons life with THE BLESSING of the Lord. That Blessing of the Lord that by Words were spoken by God into Solomons life, it was so powerful Solomons income and kingdom of wisdom and riches all the days of his life kept INCREASING.
.......Now Note This..... Gods words of life and blessing that He has spoken unto us in Christ Jesus are just as powerful. But in this life it is not automatically activated. Jesus said, Blessed are those that BELIEVE. For us THE BLESSINGS become and stay activated by the constant mix of faith which worketh by love or we then do not profit from them *Hebrews 4:2. 
      Ask for wisdom like Solomon did and wisdom will be given, but let him ask in faith the Lord says (James 1:5-8). Let him ask believing he receives (Mark 11:23-24). That believing he receives is the full guaranteed activation of THE BLESSING in this life. All that is in THE BLESSING (Forgiveness, Salvation, Healing, Needs Met, Plenty, Peace, Joy, Comforter, Fellowship, Strength, Power from on High, Gods Shadow benefits, Love and life more abundantly, the riches of Gods grace and favor etc,) all is activated by the obedience of faith that believes in the love that God has for us measured in the Cross of Christ. Obeying and believing the Lord as a good and faithful servant is the key that unlocks the TREASURE BOX within you. Christ in you the hope of GLORY, the hope of all Good Things.
       God has spoken a word over you and over me and over all of us in these last days by His Son and that word He spoke over us even now still is,  BE IT UNTO YOU AS YOU BELIEVE YOU RECEIVE. 
      All of the Son and His Best has been poured out and where-ever the Spirit of the Lord is so is all the blessings presence available to become activated to come upon us and to overtake.       Thru Christ IN US we have the One who God Blessed with all the fulness of THE BLESSINGS. So the Blessed One who God blessed with all the fulness of THE BLESSING BLESSINGS is IN US. Its time to simply drill by faith to bring out the Gold that is already IN US thru Christ in whom are HID ALL THE TREASURES of every treasure of Gods riches.
        Those treasures are not hid in Christ to just be hidden, for Jesus said that there is nothing hidden but for the purpose to be sought out and to be discovered by men. They are all the reason why that man in the bible Jesus said, sold all he had to buy that special field. That discovered that that field was loaded with treasure. That field had THE BLESSING (the kingdom of God riches and power and blessings) in it and he was going to dig and UNCOVER THEM so that he could have and enjoy the blessing. He would become THE BLESSED so that he could become A BLESSING.
       But friends we all know that it takes faith to receive from God and to uncover the blessings. It takes words believed and those words professed in real faith for them THE BLESSING to become, to become flesh, to become physical, material, or to become our heavenly or physical reality thru-out our lives. Meaning by faith, by real bible faith we drill in that field. By faith we find and partake and by faith we tap into THE BLESSING and bring it forth and sustain the blessings.
        The FULLNESS of THE BLESSING (the kingdom of God) is poured out and into us thru Christ. Christ in us contains the fulness of THE BLESSING riches, life, grace, gifts and power etc. What we experience of Christ and of THE BLESSING that is IN US thru CHRIST IN US is directly measured according to what we really believe we receive. 
       Jesus set the rules and the laws that govern the blessings manifestations in our lives and of its activation Himself. He told us the rules in John 15:7-14 and  in Mark 11:23-26. Obey God and Believe His Words. It was that way when He was on earth in the Anointed flesh before the Cross and it is that way today as the Anointed Son, the Anointed Word of God within us. His virtue that we experience and draw out of Christ in us is drawn out BY FAITH just as the women with the issue of blood drew out the power of God that was in Jesus BY FAITH. The same faith rule applies today.
       THE BLESSING IS THAT TREASURE that Jesus said a man found in a field and the man sold all he had to possess it. Our problem is we did not know this and put most of the good things as all awaiting us in heaven, not to be manifested on earth. We were taught wrong. We were taught from human experiences spawned mostly from much robbing doubt and unbelief and not from the glory of the love and power of God of the believing Son of God who always got results by faith in GOD HIS FATHER on earth. Whatever we see Jesus receiving and Causing and Enjoying from God ON EARTH can be obtained by us ON EARTH and EVEN GREATER THINGS (John 14:12).
        Jesus cursed the fig tree with the power of His tongue to show us of its mysterious powers. But in Christ we are called to bless the trees with the same source, THE TONGUE, from a believing heart in the Name of the Lord. But we can curse the works of Satan with failure and witherings and cast him out in Jesus Name.
       Christ with the power of His Believing Tongue cursing that fig tree, was done to show and teach the disciples and us the Power of a Believing hearts SPOKEN WORDS and what Believed Words can do. That we all, unbekowings to the blind, we all release spiritual substances with our words, good substance or evil defiling cursing substance. The world is full of all these substances more than the natural mind understands. We all are effected by these substances mostly released into our lives thru the avenue of words believed and words spoken good or evil, blessing words and cursing words. The whole creation is word made, word planted, word founded, word subjected.
        We, the church, we are right now the only family of heaven on earth. There should be GREAT MEASURES OF DIFFERENCE between the Church and the world in all kinds of BETTER NEW  COVENANT WAYS. They do not have a holy covenant with God established on THE BLESSING of BETTER PROMISES, but with darkness powers. We are the sons of God and Light in Jesus Christ. As David said when facing the giant...You come at me with sword and steel as your confidence. I come at you in the Name of the Lord God of Israel. Gods presence and Name and the blessing and Davids faith in God and that faith aimed by his faith filled tongue was Davids ADVANTAGE in the situation in this world. The church is given even greater power, better promises, and strengths than David had access to. We have the New Covenant of the BETTER PRESENCE OF GOD, of the GREATER IS HE THAT IS IN US THAN HE THAT IS IN THE WORLD BETTER COVENANT and we have full bold THRONE OF GRACE ACCESS and THE ENDOWMENT OF POWER FROM ON HIGH and the EXALTED FAR ABOVE ALL NAME OF JESUS CHRIST.
                        *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *  
        That incredible act of Gods love (THE SACRIFICE OF HIMSELF BLESSING) is the most powerful CAUSE and EFFECT act that God himself has ever done for His man or for any creation of His. It even exceeds the power of God in the creation. For the creation shall pass away. The creation shall melt with fervent heat. The present creation shall be dissolved by the glory of the Lord, but when all those things of the creation are dissolving around us, we who are the children of the resurrection power of God, we shall remain standing in full perfect resurrection tact far from the oppression of a dissolving Universe. That same UPHOLDING SUSTAINING POWER is in THE BLESSING.
                                           *   *   *   *   *  
       This is some of the Love speech of the New Covenant from the mouth of God. This reveals New Covenant Cause & Effects. Isaiah 53:5...Listen attentively.... For your transgressions I Myself was wounded so you would not be (This is My New and Better Covenant with you). For your iniquities I Myself was bruised so you would not be (This is My New and Better Covenant with you). For you also have a new covenant of endless peace with God, I Myself was punished to establish it. And for your health and healing, and so that the situation between you and God would be mended, by My own stripes you were healed (This is My New and Better Covenant with you)....
       And also notice the New Covenant Cause and Effect of this LIVING SACRIFICE POWER that Jesus REVEALED to Paul..This to is amazing NEW COVENANT BETTER PROMISES. Not everyone will receive it, but those who do see its glory and power can partake of ITS BLESSING.....2 Cor 8:9.....For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich and though he was wealthy, YET FOR YOUR SAKES HE BECAME POOR (A Living Sacrifice to have GREAT CAUSE AND EFFECT ON MEN) is the "IT IS WRITTEN" EFFECT.....SO THAT you thru this living sacrifice of his would be made rich.....That to is in THE NEW COVENANT BETTER PROMISES BLESSING.
       The Church is waking up. The Church is finally FINDING OUT. Jesus said it was a TREASURE hidden in a field. We were going to have to really dig, really seek diligently to find its fulness. Men and women of this generation have done this and many of them THE BLESSING has made rich with strength and power and riches from on High, and they are still harvesting from the manifold sowing of Christ in the GREAT NEW COVENANT SACRIFICE, whose cause and effects is more glorious in the riches of Gods glory and grace to man than most have yet uncovered in that field. It even extends thru-out ALL ETERNITY, from everlasting to everlasting in its findings.
                              *   *   *   *   *   *   *
         Jesus the second person in the Godhead by whom God made the worlds, as the Lamb whose blood was going to be the blood of the NEW COVENANT, he himself cried unto the Father saying, Lord take this cup from me if possible. It is a heaviness I have never felt before. Its weight exceeds my expectations. He cried to the disciples about that same weight and said, My soul is exceedingly sorrowful even unto death. He streamed drops of blood like sweat as he bled under the pressure that was opening his pores as his veins containing the atoning power TO REDEEM, TO SAVE AND TO BLESS was under redemption's full pre cross pressure.
       The price of redemption and for the new covenant to become set in stone and established surely was going to be great, but all the good life and the blessings to follow would match in glory the glory of God in men walking, living, fellowshipping, and enjoying one another for all eternity in the highest love of God life possible by the might of a Living God who is perfect love in action every day in heaven. 
        Continuing.....But the glory of all of this, the partaking of it STARTS HERE-NOW-ON EARTH. We partake of the glory of this New Covenant as much as we are willing to seek for and find and to believe for. It is those that are hungry and thirsting for God who become the satisfied in this life. All the New Covenant life, power, and glory, it's all available to all, even to all the world.
         Jesus says to us today exactly what he said to those when he was pre cross preaching. He said, Be it unto you according to your faith. Those that did believe, they partook of New Covenant Glory, healing, deliverances, miralces, and provisions etc. It's glory and virtue was every day flowing from Jesus THE WORD. It is always flowing in and from the Covenant Words of God from Christ within or from Christ without. Where THE WORD is so is the Power and Glory of God available to  men. Please do not take what I am about to say badly. I do not mean it that way. But to help you see the glory of Gods Spoken Anointed with Gods Holy Power Filled Words I use this illustrating word. Gods Word is Magical & Miraculous. It is a Living Thing Sent from God to us with His life giving blessing Powers in those words and promises of God. The Word is alive. The Word knows fully its mission. God commanded His Word to become activated and perform itself in the spirit, the soul, and in the body, and in the life of every heart that believes it.
          Yes, According to your faith Jesus said, Be it unto you. We just cannot get around those words. We just cannot remove from ourselves the drinking of the cup of faith. Jesus said that faith is absolutely necessary. It is as necessary as even the cross of Christ. Some things we just cannot live without. Faith and the Cross of Christ are two things that for sure we all must have for everlasting life. Jesus HAD TO DRINK the Cup of the Cross and we have to Drink the Cup of Faith to Drink Christ In and His New Covenant Spirit, Life, Glory, Blessings, and Power into our lives. 
        Listen attentively here.....The Cross surely is all powerful to save, even able to save all to the uttermost. But all that enormous redeeming power profits no one who does not believe. The power of God to save the soul is FULLY AVAILABLE, but if men do not believe it they will never partake of it. Neither can we partake of the New Covenants many blessings and the riches of grace glory without faith in the mix (Hebrews 4:2).
        Unbelief is a robbing power. But let us also thank God that we serve a Master who when Peter was sinking because of his unbelief, he cried out, Lord Save Me and Jesus had mercy on Peter and rescued him. But nothing from unbelief can be banked on. Nothing from unbelief carries with it any assurance or guarantee. The bible says, Faith is the ASSURANCE of the things we hope for. It is the hearts clear sight of things the natural eyes have not yet seen.
         Seek and you will find. Ask (Believing) and you shall possess. Knock and the door will be opened. Heaven and all the doors of grace, and all the treasures, blessings, and the power of the New Covenant behind them, they are before us each day for the opening. Knock Knock Knock in Jesus Name, but let him knock in faith James said (James 1:5-7). Amen......Thank You Jesus......deno.....share freely.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

The 1st Adam verses The Second Adam Jesus Christ....deno.....share freely.

         It is true that the wages of the sin that Adam committed was death to us all, but the rewards of faith in Jesus Christ (the 2nd Adam) GOD SAID is justification unto life eternal thru grace to all them that believe. In this light we see that the sin of the 1st Adam is no match against the over riding POWER of the sacrifice of the 2nd Adam, who was himself the Lord from heaven. Adams sin and its far reaching power could not keep Jesus down nor in the grave, and neither can it keep us down who have laid holt on to the risen Lamb of God. In Christ and with Christ we rise above all principalities and powers and we with Jesus rise far above all the authority and dominion of the law of sin and death. For Jesus took on sin and all its holding strength head on, and Jesus destroyed sin and the power of sin which was the Law. He nailed it to the cross thru the sacrifice of himself. When Jesus died the Laws dominion died.
       For since God the Law giver died, that Law which He gave did not have a prayer to continue in power. The Law Giver and the Law He gave tasted death at Calvary but only one of them rose back up and it was only Jesus the King of kings, the Lord our Redeemer. Then when Jesus rose back up from the dead unto the Father, our new and living way unto the Father was established. Jesus bearing his own witness to this fact saying, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes unto the Father except by Me. Jesus and his passage from the Cross back up to the Throne is the true way and the only full assurance, and only Jesus himself is the eternal life of all them that believe. He is our Savior. He is the only breath of eternal life in this world given us from heaven. (Colossians 3:104).
                                 *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
        The law of sin and death loses every time when put up against the redeeming power of the sacrifice of Christ and His atoning blood and the power of his resurrection. Every time, when sin comes into contact with Christ power and grace, without failure sin and death loses. When sin comes in contact with the blood of Jesus, sin dies completely but the sinner lives. When death comes into contact with the resurrection power of Jesus Christ, whether it be spiritual death or physical death, death loses and Gods Son that has life in himself wins. Death is swallowed up by the resurrection life and power of Jesus Christ. Jesus died for our sins to put all our sins to death, and he rose again from the dead to bring us all back unto life eternal with him in God. (Colossians 3:1-4) (See also 1 Cor 15:21-22 & 1 Cor 15:45-47).
         What Adam did was wrought by man. What Christ did was done by God Himself. You do the comparative math. God wins all the battles that He takes on Himself. The Cross was His work, His own doings and its incredible saving redeeming power is the Power of God. It's redeeming power no man can naturally comprehend. Only thru the power of the Spirit of the Lord can one obtain the glory of the power of the Cross of Christ.
         Faith in Jesus and in His atoning blood can overcome and over power sin every time. It was there one minute then thru faith in Christ blood sin is taken away the next by the Power of God. That is the power of the sacrifice of Emmanuel (God with us) who became flesh and shed his own blood to TAKE AWAY the sin of you and me. This is the good news of the gospel.
        The Lord can also change your heart and life forever by the power that streams from the same sacrifice. The Holy Spirit and Grace......deno.....share freely.

King David, Some Of His Faith and Grace Legacy. Surely Goodness and Mercy.......deno......share freely.


         David killed the giant by faith in the Lord and had the anointing of song and praise.....He also was a warrior in battle, very successful I might add for Gods love and favor was upon his life.....Then God anointed David as king of Israel.
         Eventually life and maybe the pride of life sought Davids devotion to God. Satan set things up for sin to pull hard against Davids sinful flesh that we all have and as Satans does us all. David fell in the temptation and with Bathsheba he sinned greatly against God and against the sacred Anointing. He even had the blood of Uriah (Bathsheba's husband), spilt upon the earth to try to hide his sin from Israel. Such things never work when you are called and ANOINTED. The Spirit of the Lord in us and upon us has eyes you know?
        But even though the Anointed David sinned greatly, he became greatly forgiven and wrote bountifully precious psalms about the goodness and mercy of God.
        It wasn't long that in the fellowship of forgiveness, God purged David to be even more fruitful in the fruits of his repentance and devotion to God and became a scribe who wrote prophecies from the Holy Ghost. Psalms 2 and Psalms 22 are two of them.
        Friend, your awful, terrible, embarrassing past does not have to be the end of your story. Gods mercies the bible says are renewed EVERY MORNING. He took David the murderer and the adulterer, the abuser of his governing powers and with the glory in His mercy God made a redeemed soul and prophet out of King David. David in his new found fire for God ended up having a heart that was after Gods most affectionate love of God affections. God later said of David, This man David is a man after my own heart. A murderer, an adulterer became one of faith and graces greatest legacies of men on earth.
      Truly Gods love and great good and rich tender-mercies can redeem, forgive, and change us all for the much better. I still have hope for our nation. A returning of our hearts back to God....deno......share freely.

The Saving Revelation. The Foundation to all that we surely know and believe in Christ Jesus.......deno.......share freely.

John 7:1-5.....

Jesus, in the beginning of the days of His glory on earth as the ANOINTED ONE, even his family members did not believe him.

7) 1... After this, Jesus went around in Galilee. He didn’t want to travel around in Judea. That was because the Jewish leaders there were looking for a way to kill him.
7) 2.....The Jewish Feast of Booths was near.
7) 3.....Jesus’ brothers said to him, “Leave Galilee and go to Judea. Then your disciples there will see the works that you do.
7) 4.....No one who wants to be well known does things in secret. Since you are doing these things, show yourself to the world.”
7) 5.... Even Jesus’ own brothers (His Own Family) did not believe in him. (They said all that in their unbelief and as brothers to brother simple sarcasm).

      Where did Jesus go wrong that his own family members did not believe in him? He was the smartest, most kind and perfect son to Joseph and Mary. He had to be the perfect brother, the unique relative. You and I have sinned much, but Jesus He did nothing wrong, neither did he ever wrong anyone. To his bothers, like Joseph, Jesus was envied by them. It took them awhile to really accept that Jesus was who he really was, the Son of God. His miracles astonished them but evidently it did not convince them that He was the Lord from heaven that became flesh. That took a while, even a breakthrough and an overcoming, even a revelation.
       Miracles and healings tickle the on seers  wonderment, but they do not guarantee that one will believe that you are the Son of God from heaven. That takes revelation. It has to be revealed. Veils have to be removed. Eyes have to be opened. Rulers of the darkness of this worlds blindness have to be overcome.
       Maybe it was the Lords  resurrection that finally won them over to the great confession of Peter the apostle...Peter said, I say that you Jesus are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.....Jesus told Peter, men nor the world's schools of learning made this known to you. Only the Spirit of My Father caused you to know this.....Gods Spirit bears witness with our spirits that Jesus is the Son of God.
       Be thankful that you have heard His voice and that your eyes have been opened and that you have received the saving revelation that Jesus is the Christ, the Lord from heaven, the Son of the Living God. Immanuel meaning God with us. This first revelation is the foundation for all the rest of the knowledge of redemption and of the Son of God. With out this first revelation, the Cross of Christ is then just another man dying for His crimes. But being that it was Emmanuel which means God with us, that makes  the Cross of Jesus and His sacrifice  ALL POWERFUL to ransom and Almighty to redeem....deno......share freely.

I Love God and Love Our Nation and All Our Grace of God Heritage...These Written Words Below Contain Some of My Hearts God & American Convictions. To God Be The Glory...Battle Hymn of the Republic [Live]

Deno.....America Founded By Believers For Believers.

       The Spirit is in a singing mood today.....Though like any other country, America has had her faults and her sins thru-out the ages, but it is also true that in the midst of all the wrongs of us, (yes us-for we are the nation, not the soil. God talks to the hearts of men not to the dust He made us from). Though we have had our share of wrongdoings, still yet there has been A LOT MORE GRACE and the beauty of Gods Grace upon our nation than the wrongs that the haters of America keep magnifying for their political advantage and power grab. God knows whats going on.
        But just like the Word of our God tell us, God is still marching on in Grace Power and he tells us all, "Where Sin Abounded GRACE ABOUNDED MUCH MORE by Jesus Christ". 
        For we in America despite our many present and historical flaws, are a people of faith that justifies us in Gods sight and we are a people of endless hope still calling upon the Name of the Lord. A people who hope in Gods Goodness and trust in His Compassion and Tender Mercies. These good attributes, these grace filled things of God we see of His heart as we look in Jesus Christ our everlasting hope and eternal consolation. And as for Jesus, Jesus is the true Christ, the Son of the Living God and fully declared to be so by His resurrection from the dead.
       Our songs of love for this land and for our nation and for God our Savior,  all come from Grace. From the root to the fruit it has always been Gods grace in and upon the people of this nation that has caused us to rise up strong to the glory of God and His Son and for the good of others. 
       God and His Grace Always Works Thru People Even As He Did  In Jesus To Accomplish much of His Good, Goodness and Goodwill on earth. That is why thru out all the generations the American Believers have always confessed TO GOD BE THE GLORY and GOD BLESS AMERICA.
       God chose and raised up America for the proclamation of His Risen Sons Gospel. This is Americas Highest Calling. We must not step off this platform no matter what. A storm of evil must be met by a storm of grace and good, from the good God and His Goodness to men by Christ in US. It must be met faced to face and dealt with thru us the sons and daughters of Gods Sons light, faith, hope, love and Combat Name.
       Grace Grace Gods Grace, Grace that is greater than all our sins. There has been and is still a beauty of Gods Grace upon our land and nation. In God I Still Trust. In His Risen Son My Hope Is Set. For the Son of God Jesus Christ loved US and gave himself for US...He died for our sins and rose again from the dead by the glory of God and thereby we that believe are justified.....America God is still with us and He is still MARCHING ON.
       I choose to MARCH ON with Him..Let Us Do This As One In Christ Jesus...The Spirit of the Lord says, Be ye holy for I am holy and Be ye ONE for I and My Father are One...Unified in Christ Jesus we are the strongest force for God, for Love, and for Good on earth.......deno......share all my post freely.