Thursday, September 24, 2015
You Are A Purchased Possession Paid For In Full...Vessels in the Mansion of God...Understanding the Value of the Price God Paid.....deno......share freely.
The peace offering of the flesh and blood of the animals in the old covenant was always offered for the friction to be set aside between God and Israel, but the peace of those peace offerings only lasted in brief moments of measurable time. None of them had Eternal power in them. None of them had Everlasting Power, Grace and Strength. But God had a plan of GREAT POWER, GRACE, AND SACRIFICIAL STRENGTH and that plan was known in God from the foundation of the world. God had the plan to take care of those sacrifices weakness. Looking into the mirror into the midst of the Three in One He said, Thou are slain from the foundation of the world. It is written, God became a man, and by the sacrifice of Himself, He put away sin FOREVER. (Read Hebrews 9:7-15). God was in Christ Jesus doing it all.
Jesus (without us), he went to battle for our peace to be won. He went thru HARD LABOR HIMSELF on the Cross TO RAISE UP ENOUGH BLOOD to obtain for us ETERNAL REDEMPTION and to purchase and to establish forever OUR COVENANT OF PEACE with God. With His own flesh and precious blood connected to His own Eternal Spirit, Jesus bought for us Peace With God and at the same time He PURCHASED US. Now let us note this. What is about to be said is one of those sayings that we need to let sink deep into our hearing so that we REALLY HEAR IT with the HEART....ready? Bought things brothers and sisters are already paid for. Purchased things have no debt that they owe. Therefore the children ARE FREE INDEED and spiritually DEBT FREE concerning the spirits freedom.
It is sad that so many do not know or see clearly or understand the deep meaning of the word that says, we were bought with a price and that we are a purchased possession and that in Christ Jesus we are all Gods possession, vessels in the house of God. Many do not understand that they have been SET FREE and a MADE FREE PEOPLE, nor do they know the grace about their glorious liberty that they have In Christ Jesus.
Freed people, set free people are surely free, but if their own minds wrestle with that fact, argue with that fact, then though they are free indeed in the spirit from their tie to the spirit of this world, the other part of their being which is the mind WHICH CAN LEARN or BE MANIPULATED, their mind by improper teaching, and shortcoming knowledge and wisdom is in bodage. For whom the Son has SET FREE is FREE INDEED. They are not half free, partial free, or part time free. Nor are they on lay away. Their freedom and their purchase, and there peace with God has been PAID FOR IN FULL. Jesus said they are COMPLETELY FREE...FREE INDEED.
How can a slave enjoy his freedom if he is stubborn in his mind against it, does not understand it, or is not aware that he has been SET FREE and that his freedom was BOUGHT WITH A PRICE and PAID FOR IN FULL? And how can he take advantage of BEING SET FREE when in his heart he refuses to believe it? He is free in the spirit, but still in chains in his mind. So what does he do in his ignorance? He picks up his bible and goes back to the place of the OLD WINE and gets drunk to where he does not think right. He goes and gets his bible and he goes backwards into the fields working and laboring UNDER THE LAW OF SLAVERY trying to some day justify himself and save enough money up to buy what has already been PURCHASED FOR HIM. This my friend, is a deception where the enemy preys upon the mind of the FREED ONES who still have blind spots in their REDEMPTION THINKING whereby he can take advantage of them by.
Church, Satan always does his best works and roams in THE DARK. Blind spots in our understanding are places the devil can still roam in our lives and keep us in chains there. For Gods people, the prophet said, are run over, even some destroyed, because of their lack of knowledge and proper understanding.
People who in their minds do not know or understand that they are a purchased possession, bought and paid for in full with a price, the price of Gods own blood, they can still think that they are slaves in their minds and not free or they think of themselves as not being purchased. They think they are still on a shelf in a store somewhere in this world waiting for somebody to buy them instead of seeing themselves as a beautifully loved and greatly cherish vessel already bought by the price of Christ own blood and that they have been BY GOD HIMSELF placed in the Mansion of God.
When we go into a Mansion, into a wealthy families home, we can see all kinds of items and vessels. You being the families guest you pick of a vessel on display on a beautiful cherry wood table. You say to the wealthy Dad, sir can I ask you a question? He answers back, certainly...Just how much did you pay for this vessel. He, hesitates and says, 2 millions dollars. You get a lump in your throat, your hands start to shake and you ever so gently replace that vessel back on to that display table. You now look at that same vessel in a different light as you did before. You honor that vessel with sacred thought and activity because your eyes have now been opened to that vessels incredible value.
Well just like that story teaches us, so it is with the redeemed of the Lord who were bought with a price and are Gods personally purchased peculiar vessels in the House or the Mansion of God. All of heavens angels, as they walk about in the Mansion of God, in heaven itself, and they see the children of God in Christ there, they handle us with sacred approach. For for them, when they see us and our names written down there, THEY KNOW THE PRICE GOD PAID FOR US. OUR WORTH AND OUR NETWORTH there exceeds everything in heaven by the PRICE GOD PAID TO OWN US, to make us GODS very dear children. Well, the children need to see and understand their GREAT PLACE AND WORTH as the Angels do in glory. Friends truly it is ok for us who are In Christ Jesus love our self as God loves us. If someone on earth paid a price ro purcahse and own you and make you his child and paid a BILLION DOLLARS to purchase you as his son, you would easily recognize how much you are loved, cherished, and worth, and wanted. You would think good thoughts about yourself. You would think and say, Wow, I am greatly wanted, greatly, loved, greatly cherished, and of great worth and greatly valued. All by knowing and understanding the price the BILLIONAIR PAID TO MAKE YOU HIS CHILD.
Well once we really see the wealth of the Blood of God which is the HIGHEST VALUE OF ALL THINGS in all of heaven and in all of earth, far surpassing all things in all Creation, we will start to say GOOD THINGS and Lovely Things, and things of peace and goodwill about ourselves and to ourselves with joy. We will say with deeper meaning and higher and greater more positive understanding, Truly I Am Greatly Loved and We are Redeemed and I Belong to God as His dear children by the greatest price of all, by Gods own Blood. For our eyes have finally been opened to the Price God Paid to make us His Most Prized Possessions in the Mansion of God.
Those that do not understand the great purchase and have dimmed eyes about who they are In Christ and about their glorious liberty, and do not see that their freedom was paid for in full with the greatest price and that they are Gods very own possession, they are still in bodage in their minds with the OLD WINE mentality that the bible calls slavery or slave mentality.
Brethren PURCHASED THINGS OWE NO ONE NOTHING. PAID FOR IN FULL ITEMS BELONG TO THE ONE WHO BOUGHT THEM. WE BELONG TO GOD AND THE PRODUCT OF OUR EVERLASTING PEACE WITH GOD JESUS ALSO PAID FOR IN FULL WITH THE PRICE OF HIS OWN BLOOD. God cannot and will not transgress against this Everlasting Purchase. He would never dishonor or demean or belittle His Sons Sacrifice and Blood. God has the receipt. He was there that day when He purchased us. How could he ever forget. That day of the great purchase, It is carved deeply in both His Hands. It is important that you know that and use that truth every time the enemy tries to put you back in bondage or make you think that you are still on the shelf somewhere, or that God is against you, or that you are not redeemed or saved, or that you are not a child of God in Christ the spirit. You were bought, meaning paid for in full, with a great incomparable price.
It is important that you see yourself free, bought and paid for in full and a vessel in the Mansion of God. With out that proper sight you can be deceived. Church we are free and the product of our peace with God has already been paid for in full. Read the words of the Covenant of Peace below.
Isaiah 54:5-10New King James Version (NKJV)
5 For your Maker is your HUSBAND,
The Lord of hosts is His name;
And your REDEEMER is the Holy One of Israel;
He is called the God of the whole earth.
6 For the Lord has called you
Like a woman forsaken and grieved in spirit,
Like a youthful wife when you were refused,”
Says your God.
7 “For a mere moment I have forsaken you,
But with GREAT MERCY I will gather you.
8 With a little wrath I hid My face from you for a moment;
But with EVERLASTING KINDNESS I will have mercy on you,”
Says the Lord, your REDEEMER.
9 “For this is like the waters of Noah to Me;
For as I have sworn
That the waters of Noah would no longer cover the earth,
That I WOULD NOT BE ANGRY with you, nor rebuke you.
10 For the mountains shall depart
And the hills be removed,
But MY KINDNESS shall not depart from you,
Nor shall My COVENANT OF PEACE be removed,”(It is Everlasting)
Says the Lord, who has mercy on you.....deno....share freely.
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Climate Change Card Use.........deno.......share freely.
More light from the pen of the pulpit.
Can I just say something here about the issue of climate change. That subject is used for the obtaining of the NWO and United Nations power grab over the earth. Now the issue yes has some merit. But unfortunately the princess of this world are evil and power hungry.
What a crafty way to take more and more control of the world and its powers by a seemingly desperate plea to all the nations to save what they call Mother Earth for she is sick. It is a believable message to cause national submission of the nations sovereignties to United Nation NWO New World Laws. It is their justified means for measured takeover of the nations.
But the sad thing is, what appears to be a salvation of the earth leads to the spiritual and soulish condemnation of the worlds inhabitants. For soon the NWO Throne is given to the man of sin (Rev 13:1-9) It all ends up in the hands of the devils son (AntiChrist) for 7 incredible hope and change giving years that is eventually turned in to a global human nightmare as the hope and change days of the AntiChrist become mixed with terror the world has never seen before.
Even right now the world is getting a little taste of what is soon to come full force. Those hope and change days under the AntiChrist spell turn into hell on earth increasing as God lays out His Judgements on a world that has turned their faith and allegiance to the devils counterfeit of the Messiah and for the fact that they unitedly crucified His Son again afresh thru their new unbelief and rejection of the gospel of the good things Christ blood, death, and resurrection spoke. Christ spoke the love of God to us all from the Cross of our true redemption that Jesus laid down his life to bear, to his ascension back unto His glory in the Paradise of God where he intercedes for us daily.
In their confusions and in their delusion they switch out God for the bewitching spirit of the devil, and they switch Jesus Christ Gods Son and his Good News out for the AntiChrist, the son of Satan and his lies and short lasting hope and change seducing blaspheme's and abominations. Sad that together they will smile back at the devils wink and not even know it.
ALL THIS, well it is all being lined up by the demonic powers and forces of the rulers of the darkness of this world, not for real peace on earth although its presented and preached in the NAME OF PEACE, but for the taking down to hell of souls preyed upon under the beguiling of Strong Delusion that even fools and deceives the worlds most studious.
Friend love and cleave to Jesus, for only he is our life, our everlasting peace with God, and our salvation. Jesus Is the TRUE CHRIST, the Risen Son of God. He really does love us. Just as Paul the Apostle preached of His Savior. He said, Jesus loved me and gave himself for me.....He is risen from the dead and his resurrection sealed the full assurance of our blessed hope that we preach in Jesus Christ that Jesus Is Lord......Amen......deno.....share freely.
Forgive All...No Other Choice....deno....share freely.
Jesus said, For the son of man has been given power on earth to forgive sins....That son of man part includes us.....Son of man means offspring of Adam....Not only do we have the God given right to forgive sins WE MUST FORGIVE ALL WHO SIN AGAINST US.....WE MUST...It is Loves Demand and Loves Command.
Jesus said. For if you do not forgive peoples sins against you, NEITHER WILL YOUR FATHER FORGIVE YOU OF YOUR TRESSPASSES AND SINS.
So FORGIVE ALL LEST WE FALL INTO JUDGEMENTS AND Enemy Advantages over us. Stop all cat fights immediately. The love of God forgives and forgets. The love of the Son of God says, Father forgive them and hold not this sin unto their charge.
When Jesus was crucified on the cross and while Stephen was being viciously painfully stoned, in their pain they prayed the Father forgive them prayer.
Brethren the Spirit of the Lord says, Therefore your excuse not to forgive is no acceptable excuse at all....Lord but look at what he/she did to me. The Lord says, Yes just look at what they did to Jesus and to Stephen. Still yet the love of God in them Forgave All.....You Must Forgive All. For to not forgive is worse than adultery, stealing, lying, cheating, gossipping, and worse than breaking all the Ten Commandments. For those sins against the Ten Commandments can be forgiven. But unforgiveness Jesus said will not be forgiven. Jesus said, For if you do not forgive all and every trespass against you, neither will the Father forgive you. You, me, we all need and must have Gods forgiveness so He commands us and judgement demands from us to FORGIVE ALL.
Sorry, but there is no other Word from God or from Jesus on the forgiveness matter. We have no other choice but to Forgive. Like Jesus and Stephen, despite the great agony of the heart and the great pain to the flesh, the love of God heart and Spirit forgives. The spirit that rises up with malicious ill will and with the eye for an eye action is demons playing around with the Old Wine in the mind to hurt us even more. When Jesus said, Put away the stones, he replaced that old way with his New Wine Words in our hands and in our hearts that reads, YOU MUST FORGIVE... What he wrote in the sand and on the tablet of our hearts agrees with those words YOU MUST FORGIVE. PUT AWAY THE STONES.......deno......share freely.
Tears Mixed With Joy.......share freely......deno.
No matter what we face, if we are delighting ourselves in the Lord and serving Him, surrendered and submitted to His will, His joy can be in us, his peace shall sustain us, our joy made full, and we shall experience the breaking forth of rejoicings in God and laughter in the Holy Ghost along with the tears and the know...THOSE CROSSES.......deno.....share freely.
The Son of Man has been given the power to forgive sins......deno.....share freely.
Jesus said. For if you do not forgive peoples sins against you, NEITHER WILL YOUR FATHER FORGIVE YOU OF YOUR TRESSPASSES AND SINS. So FORGIVE ALL LEST WE FALL INTO JUDGEMENTS and into Enemy's Advantages over us. Stop all cat fights immediately. The love of God forgives and forgets. The love of the Son of God says, Father forgive them and hold not this sin unto their charge.
When Jesus was crucified on the cross and while Stephen was being viciously painfully stoned, in their pain they prayed the Father forgive them prayer.
Brethren the Spirit of the Lord says, Therefore your excuse not to forgive is no acceptable excuse at all....Lord but look at what he/she did to me. The Lord says, Yes just look at what they did to Jesus and to Stephen. Still yet the love of God in them Forgave All.....You Must Forgive All. For to not forgive is worse than adultery, stealing, lying, cheating, gossipping, and worse than breaking all the Ten Commandments. For those sins against the Ten Commandments can be forgiven. But unforgiveness Jesus said will not be forgiven. Jesus said, For if you do not forgive all and every trespass against you, neither will the Father forgive you. You, me, we all need and must have Gods forgiveness so He commands us and judgement demands from us to FORGIVE ALL.
Sorry, but there is no other Word from God or from Jesus on the forgiveness matter. There is no compromise to this word in the New Wine. We have no other choice but to Forgive. Like Jesus and Stephen, despite the great agony of the heart and the great pain to the flesh, the love of God heart and Spirit forgives. The spirit that rises up with malicious ill will and with the eye for an eye action is demons playing around with the Old Wine in the mind to hurt us even more in the body and in the soul.
When Jesus said, Put away the stones, he replaced that old way with his New Wine Words in our hands and in our hearts that reads, YOU MUST FORGIVE... What he wrote in the sand and on the tablet of our hearts agrees with those words YOU MUST FORGIVE. PUT AWAY THE STONES.......deno......share freely.
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