You may not be called to be a preacher or a President, but ALL ARE CALLED TO SALVATION. That is why Jesus called and commanded us all from His love and from His knowing of what is ahead for the world, for us to Repent and to believe what He preaches. Take your child like step of faith and tell Jesus you are a sinner and you need him. With God humility comes before honor. Tell Jesus that you believe He is the Christ the Son of God. Tell him you do believe that He died for your sins on the Cross and rose again from the dead. Say Lord Jesus be merciful to me a sinner. I know and confess that I have sinned so much, save me from my sins. Come and fill me with your forgiveness, with your Holy Spirit and love. Open my eyes and lead, guide and direct me. Lead me to the fellowship you want me to be a member of in the faith of the Son of God. Into your hands I entrust my life, spirit and eternity. Establish me in all the will of God and help me to overcome all faith, hope, and loves discouragements in Jesus Name. Jesus I confess that you are Lord and I believe that God raised you from the dead. Amen.
Every time Jesus looks at his body and the holes in his hands and feet, he thinks of You. You are his flesh and bone members. God wanted to be so close to us that He made us His house, the new house He lives in, THE TEMPLE OF GOD. HIS DWELLING PLACE. We are His Body, the fulness of Him that fills all in all. Ephesians 1:22-23. Lord she cried in her distress, WHERE ARE YOU? She heard a voice say, Right in here. She said, WHO SAID THAT? Jesus said, I did. She said I WHO? Jesus said, it is Me Jesus. Lord she said, Where have you been? Jesus said, I 've been right here. It is you that is always gone somewhere. Have you been with Me so long and you still do not know where I live? That's what happens when hearts have moved far from Me. Martha your heart is filled with so many cares of this life and so many voices of trouble and of this wold that you hardly ever notice or hear Me...You believe in Me I can see that. I can see your faith..Now Surrender to Me. I Am The Lord. Faith without surrender is like marriage without a vow of commitment from the heart. Love is lacking. Faith without love for Jesus is a most unhealthy spiritual relationship or marriage. We believe and call Him Lord, but we do not love Him as to do what He says. A whole lot of different kinds of unfaitfulness are found in loveless uncommitted relationships. John 14:21New King James Version (NKJV) 21 He who has My commandments and keeps them, it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him.....deno......share freely.
Ephesians 2:6)..And with Christ God has raised us up together and made us SIT TOGETHER in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.....The Seated with Christ spirits, when they know they are Seated with Christ, the enemy cannot toss them to and fro (Ephesians 4:12-15) and make them doubt their place in salvation. .......Did you know that Jesus was a Spirit that became in-housed with a body of flesh? Sure you did. Well did you know that before Jesus entered that flesh body you could still talk with him and walk with him, and even sit down with him in heavenly places with His Spirit and conversate as Spirit to spirit beings. Angels are all spirits and they talk with Jesus daily and have been doing so way before His Spirit came down from heaven and was in-housed in flesh. .......Spirit beings heaven is full of. They have shapes, figures, and all kinds of spiritual parts just like we do in our flesh. They eat and they drink and that which they eat and drink goes thru a process similar to our own. TO SOME THAT SOUNDS STRANGE...Some people cannot except that truth, but when you enter heaven you will see that the saints still eat and drink and so do many of the spirits DEPENDING ON WHAT KIND THEY ARE , and depending on what kinds they are is given them their kind of food or manna to intake.. ....... Matter of fact, the earth and man and animals etc. get our patterns and images from Spirits and from heavenly patterns and realities. .......You know when a persons body dies their spirit lives on. In heaven or in hell they continue to live on. They talk, they hear, they think, they know things, they can ask questions, they can recognize things, objects and people. They can walk and run and even fight wars, raise swords, or play and have fun. They can eat and drink. The fallen spirits can and do feel pain and torments, while the spirits of heaven are drenched in exquisite comforts and everlasting joy is upon their heads. They partake of food and of things the world knows not of. ....... All spirits have an everlasting existence to them being that they are spirits, but the health and wealth and conditions of the spirits vary. In hell, those spirits are the poorest of poor in spirit measurements. In hell those spirits live forever and shall never cease to exist because of the law of Gods power and energies placed in spirits when He created them. That power and energy came from Gods eternal power and that makes those spirits unable to cease to exist and they cannot dissipate. Those spirits and souls in hell live on forever but they are deprived of all heavenly nourishment. They want water for comfort and relief from their torments but are allowed none. Hell is a place of no love, NONE, and of NO MERCY, NONE at all. Don't go there. ........Heaven though on the other hand is filled with every lovingkindness of God and the spirits of people in heaven access and enjoy every spiritual blessing that exist. Those spirits in heaven eat of the Tree of life that is in the midst of the Paradise of God (Rev 2:7). Those spirits in heaven eat of the HIDDEN MANNA of heaven (Rev 2:17). They eat of all the goodness of God that He even created and placed in heavenly things that our world and life is much patterned after. .......Even when we are changed in the twinkling of an eye and put on our glorified bodies that we shall have in the resurrection, we shall ascend into heaven itself and sit down with Jesus and eat together with him at the wedding feast. There, all of us shall be served lamb better than all prepared lamb on earth in honor of Jesus and his redeeming us unto God by His blood.. Jesus' resurrected body is exactly the same kind of body that we shall have in the day of our promised resurrection and that we shall be in at the marriage supper of the Lamb feasting and celebrating the awe of it all. .......After the resurrection of Jesus our Lord, we know from the scriptures that Jesus in his resurrected glorified body, he could even walk thru walls. We know he ate fish and honey comb. He probably drank something also, but not the fruit of the vine. ........Spirits have a nature and have conditions like our flesh does. Spirits can wax strong in spirit or they can wax weak depending on the grace and the spiritual intake and spiritual build up. Right now all of us whose spirit is in Christ Jesus, our spirit has a redemption state and condition and a spiritual circumcision type of mark in it that Gods Spirits sight and even the Angels eyes can see. That real but heavenly mark in our spirit identifies us as saved and born of God and says to the heavenly host that we are the redeemed spirits that believe and belong to Christ. That heavenly cut, that mark in our spirit man within shows us to be the heavenly spirit being members of the New Covenant that God made with our spirits thru the Circumcision of Christ and His blood of the NEW COVENANT. The old covenant was after the flesh and its mark was in the flesh of the mans foreskin and that circumcision was the sign that they were covenant members with God of the old covenant. God and the angels and men could see that cut in the foreskin. Well our heavenly cut in our spirits is to spirit beings just as visual to them. It is a real cut in our spirit man. ........In the New Covenant we undergo circumcision but it is not a flesh cut as was in the old covenant. In the New Covenant it is more of a spiritual covenant for the spirits of men, for their spirits eternal life and for their every spiritual blessing for spirits to have and to enjoy. But we also need to know that the NEW COVENANT does contain and is filled with overflowing benefits and blessings that flows from the heavenlies into even our natural physical world and life. And it is for this reason the New Covenant, it is and is called the BETTER COVENANT ESTABLISHED UPON EVEN BETTER PROMISES THAN WHAT THE OLD COVENANT HAD. Glory to God. ........ The NEW COVENANT gives us all BOLD ACCESS to the Throne of God and Grace, and gives us the best of both worlds, the spirit world of God and the physical world of Gods creation. In Christ all things are ours what now is, what was, and what shall be (1 Corinthians 3:21-23). .........So in closing this light I want us to be sure of this that spirits are real. We all are spirits living in these physical bodies of flesh. Spirit of all kinds fill up heaven and they fill up hell. In hell those spirits there do not bear in their spirit the mark of the heavenly circumcision. Because of this they died in theirs sins. They died alienated from the Christ and from the salvation covenant. They did not believe in the love of the truth that it is Jesus Christ atoning blood covenant agreement. ......Those spirits of the New Covenant in heaven, their spirits had the cut or the mark of the circumcision of Christ in them and by that cut they were and are identified as believing and belonging to Christ. When their bodies died their spirit man was taken up it heaven into the glory of God in Christ. ....... A spirit that on earth is religious as all the Pharisees and Sadducees were who fought against Jesus and his teachings, who outwardly looked religious with all that that means, who are even circumcised with the cut and mark in their flesh foreskin, but are not circumcised in the spirit, in the inner man, they are the most misled and they are the most deceived by dead religion. They all wear the outward religious adornings. Their clothes even look religious. They make religious sounding sounds. They fast, they tithe and preach and quote the scriptures, but Jesus said on the inside of them they were dead men full of bones and of all corruption. All of that spiritual death, and darkness and evil that Jesus said was inside them was hid BY STRONG LOOKING AND APPEARING EXTERNAL RELIGIOUS APPAREL. And Jesus said of these men the thing that notes also the true mark of the New Covenant circumcision that reveals to Christ if the spirit in that body is really circumcised with the circumcision of Christ or not. Jesus told them, I know you look religious BUT YOU DO NOT HAVE THE LOVE OF GOD IN YOU. .......Brothers and sisters in Christ, not only is there a real heavenly circumcision cut or mark in the spirit that is born of God by faith in Jesus Christ that God and the angels can actually see as they look into our heavenly place AND PART within that identifies the spirit to whom it belongs to, but that spirit that belongs to Christ has a new Christ Spirit like nature given it when born again. It is the love of Christ and of Gods love and holy image and likeness. Read Ephesians 4:23-24 KJV and 1 John 3:14-19. For if any man be in Christ he is a NEW CREATION..this is speaking solely about his inner man, his inward spirit, the part of man that lives beyond the bodies grave.. His flesh is still that same. The New Creation difference is all in the spirit and nothing in the flesh. THATS IMPORTANT. .......We cannot rely on our flesh for the witness of these spiritual things, nor for the proof of everlasting life or of the everlasting life of the spirit, for the flesh is daily aging and dying until it is finally all dead. So for these mentioned obvious things to be learned and realized, we are not to look to our decaying, dying flesh to teach us about the spirit that is in Christ and of its everlasting life. God has to OPEN OUR EYES as he did the Apostle Paul to show us and teach us these spiritual things and heavenly truths about our spirit that belongs to Jesus and of those spirits who are the members of Satan. .......The circumcision cut or mark in ones own spirit deep within the heart as we have talked about in this light makes all the difference in the world between being saved or not saved, having spiritual life or spiritual death, between heaven and hell, between belonging to God or to the devil. .......So knowing this we beseech you in the love of Christ and say, Have you been born again or do you just appear religious a couple of times a month or year? Are you just a show of external religious looks but you have not the love of God in you as they had not the love of God in them?. Jesus said to those religious Pharisees and others of the elders of Israel that opposed him who he said outwardly looked righteous and religious, Jesus said, I see your spirit inside you (Jesus new what was in man). He said to them that they were evil, full of dead men's bones and all corruption and that he could tell that THEY DID NOT HAVE THE LOVE OF GOD INSIDE THEM. ........Loving others, even loving your enemies and doing them good for their evil they did to you are signs of the true circumcision of Christ in you. But if you hate people and your enemies and crave for them to burn with a unquenchable hate and anger, Gods love is not in you, or you have been tricked by the world and by Satan not to walk in it......deno.......share freely.
........Colossians 3:1-4)..If ye be RISEN with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. 2) Set your affections on things above, not on things of earth. 3) For you are dead, and YOUR LIFE IS HID WITH CHRIST IN GOD...4) Note this light that is coming. It reveals who really is our life. It confirms vs 3 that it surely is not us who is our life for Paul said in verse three that we are DEAD...ready? Vs 4) When CHRIST (Jesus) WHO IS OUR LIFE (HELLO, heavenly bells should be ringing here) shall appear, then shall we appear also with him in glory. ........What a revelating verse of scripture. Brothers and sisters in Christ, being RISEN WITH CHRIST is not just a theological thought here as some pine away at the scriptures, but is is a heavenly reality. Remember with me when the angels said of Jesus, He is not here. HE IS RISEN....Were those words just a theological thought? No, they were words of a great truth and reality. Christ Was Risen Indeed. .........Even so are these words that Paul wrote about us being risen with Christ far beyond just being a theological thought express in words. His words in our text are heavenly words. His words are spirit and they are of the spirit and they are life. His words here are of the born again spirit of the christians and not of their flesh. Paul was in the Spirit of Jesus, receiving from the Mind of Christ Spirit in him whereby he wrote these spiritual truths. A thing which some do even to this day. ........Paul saw into the spirit and understood spiritual things just as John who was in the Spirit on the Lords day in the book of Revelations, saw, heard and learned of heavenly things and of heavenly realities, so did Paul, such was his gift (Romans 1:9). He understood the heavenly things themselves being taught his wisdom and gospel from Jesus Christ himself. Paul learned and eventually knew the difference between our spirit, from our souls, from our flesh bodies (1 Thess 5:23-24). In Colossians 3:1-4 Paul is in the Spirit of the Mind of Christ in him and he is writing or speaking of the inner man, the hidden man of the heart, our spirit man. Paul is revealing what Jesus taught him that it is the spirit in man, mans spirit is the one that is RISEN WITH CHRIST, not the flesh and that RISEN WITH CHRIST man, OUR SPIRIT, IS A HEAVENLY REALITY even as His bodies physical resurrection is a physical reality (John 3:10-12). .......In this world inside every man and woman is a spirit, (James 2:26 tells us that our bodies are dead and lifeless without the spirit in them. Remember Jesus and Stephen both gave up their spirits and then after that happened their bodies died). ....... Jesus knew this, he knew and understood all heavenly things and spirit realities, after all He was and has been a Spirit (An Eternal Spirit, Hebrews 9:13-14 KJV) for all eternity before He became flesh and dwelt amongst us and was found in the likeness of men. Spiritual things Jesus understood perfectly. He was the Father, the parent of the spirits of all spirit beings and of the heavenly world where He and the Father share the Throne. Such light was normal to our Lord from heaven. So when Jesus said in John 3, unless a MAN be born again or he will not enter into the kingdom of God, Jesus understood what he was talking about and Jesus knew that Gods Kingdom was a heavenly place and thing, a spiritual operation and spirit reality. ...... Jesus everyday on earth was in the heavenly place of the kingdom of God that was real within him. Inside his body, the hidden Son of God who came down from heaven to us out of eternity he walked with God His Father. He was in the Spirit day by day with His Father and was talking directly to us from His Fathers Spirit about spiritual realities and truths, and about the spirit of man and Jesus called...MAN, the real man. ....... In Jesus ' heavenly speech to us, He said, unless a man (The spirit of man, the hidden man of the heart 1 Peter 3:4) BE BORN AGAIN (or we could say it this way and be right), unless he be changed, be re-created, become a new creature created in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 4:22-23),..unless he undergo this rebirthing in his spirit, he cannot ENTER into the kingdom of God. .......Now notice with me here that when ones spirit is changed, is born again, Jesus said something we need to note about that. Jesus said a man who in his spirit is born again... HE ENTERS....HE ENTERS INTO SOMETHING (That's Important).....Jesus said HE ENTERS INTO GODS KINGDOM. ....... Gods kingdom is a heavenly place, a heavenly or spirit place, a real place. A place that is the parent of the natural world and is more real than the physical world that the Spirit of God designed, formed, positioned and created. Jesus was everyday in the Spirit. Jesus was everyday in that heavenly place on the INSIDE OF HIM even though he now had a flesh and blood body on earth. ........ It was in that heavenly place within that body, THAT TEMPLE, that he and the Father daily communed and talked to one another in the sweetest of Spirit in Spirit divine fellowship and worship. Everyday he and the Father fellowshipped and walked together in Spirit and in truth. He said to us, Know ye not that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? (John 14:10-11). ......Well, unless a mans spirit is changed, re-created, born again, then the Father cannot ENTER into that man, nor can that man ENTER into the Father as things were in Jesus. God cannot enter into that man nor can that man ENTER INTO GOD as all of us can see happened on the day of Pentecost. Great Spirit in spirit entrances took place that day in heavenly places known by God to be in man. He that created that which was without created also that which is within. He knows and understand all that is a part of both men, that which is the outer man and that which is spirit THE INNER MAN. ....... On the day of Pentecost Gods Spirit entered into men and men's born agains spirits who first trusted in Christ (Eph 1:12-13) ENTERED INTO GOD. That is why Jesus did not bring to us the look of religion, such is deceptive, he came to us in the Power of the Spirit, a heavenly thing. Jesus did not come to us with just religious mind of theological thought, the world had plenty of that, even Israel was full of men of much religious thought but no of God. Jesus said of those men, their hearts were far from him. ....... Jesus brought to us and taught us of God who is a Spirit reality and he showed us of heavenly Spirit life reality with the Life and Power of the Spirit of God in and upon Him confirming his wisdom and his every spiritual word with invisible power that was clearly seen as it healed and even raised the dead and did many other miracles (John 21:24-25). * * * * * * * * * ......But brethren when the heavenly invisible part of man, when a mans spirit is born of God, changed and created new thru faith in Jesus Christ, Ephesians 4:23-24 reveals to us spiritual truths about that invisible man. It reveals to us that he, THE BORN AGAIN MAN, is a New Man and that new man is created IN CHRIST JESUS. He, that spirit man has ENTERED something. That invisible man, that new spirit man, He has even entered Someone. That something that he has ENTERED is the Kingdom of God and that SOMEONE that he as ENTERED is Jesus Christ who also is GOD, with God, in God and also now In Us.....As it is written, Christ In You the hope of glory. ....... The born again man who is RISEN WITH CHRIST has entered into Christ. In the invisible heavenly place within him that man is resurrected in his spirit even as Jesus was resurrected in his flesh. AND HE IS ALSO TRANSLATED, HE IS ALSO A TRANSLATED MAN as Jesus was translated into HEAVEN ITSELF, see Colossians 1:13. The body of Jesus our Lord that God raised from the dead and translated into heaven itself, that body that God raised up and translated back up in to heaven itself was first by God made different from the body of Jesus that was crucified by men. It is the same body taken by the Spirit of God and changed into what Paul called A GLORIFIED BODY. God caused it, Christ Body, to BE BORN AGAIN and God caused Christ body in the resurrection change to be So Greatly Different than the body that was crucified and laid in the tomb. ......... God poured his resurrection life power into Jesus' dead crucified body and God transformed, translated, changed, and made different that body. The old flesh God made super glorified New Flesh. That RESURRECTED RISEN NEW FLESH of Jesus was so different than what was the crucified flesh. The flesh that the Word Became inside the virgin Mary's womb was made subject to death. But the glorified NEW FLESH of Christ body in the glory of His Resurrection, that glorified, changed, transformed, translated, renewed, made different and new redone flesh death, decay, nor corruption could never touch it ever again, NEVER. ........God created Christ risen flesh with EVERLASTING LIFE IN ITS EVERY NEW CELL & PART and such is the same with the spirit of every man that is Born Again in his spirit and made by God a NEW CREATURE IN CHRIST. It is important to know and to note that. It is important that the Christian who is a spirit, for it is only in the spirit where the real heavenly difference is really known. it is important the the christians knows that HE IS RISEN WITH CHRIST, WITH CHRIST, WITH CHRIST for real IN HIS SPIRIT and that he is made new and different in his spirit man just like Jesus was raised and made brand new and different in his body when God raised him from the dead. Matter of fact the Risen WIth Christ Born Again Spirit is John 5:24 and Ephesians 2:1-10 reality in us (go read those scriptures in the KJV but not only)....We learn from those scriptures that In the hidden man of the heart OUR SPIRIT MAN that lives on beyond the bodies grave is a resurrected spirit, a passed from death unto life BORN AGAIN spirit, a RISEN WITH CHRIST SPIRIT SEATED WITH JESUS IN HEAVENLY PLACES. A TRANSLATED SPIRIT THAT HAS BEEN DELIVERED FROM THE POWER OF DARKNESS AND HAS BEEN TRANSLATED INTO THE KINGDOM OF GODS DEAR SON--Colossians 1;12-13). (Please go and read those scriptures KJV esp, but not only). .......Yes friend, being RISEN WITH CHRIST is far far more than a theological thought that tickles the hearers ears with fancy idle chatter in religious sounding talk. It is a heavenly reality that takes place in the spirit of man, in the hidden man of the heart, NOT IN HIS FLESH (yet) nor in his MIND. The mind has to be TAUGHT of heavenly things or of spiritual things. Being RISEN WITH CHRIST has nothing to do with our present flesh or flesh wisdom. It is a heavenly thing or a spiritual truth and reality of our spirit and every word that Paul wrote from the Spirit about the spirit of God and of man is literal in interpretation understanding. It is just that those who are not in the Spirit or exercised in comparing spiritual things with spiritual cannot comprehend their reality and truths properly. These people still think like Nicodemus did in John 3. They think being born again is crawling back into their mothers womb and coming back out. Even so with that same kind of unspiritual mind, when they read words about the spirit of God or of the spirit of man in the scriptures they try to figure them out by the flesh and they fall short of the glory of the spirits blessings and realities that is has being born again ans translated with Christ Jesus in the heavenly part and in the heavenly place that is within called the Kingdom of God. .......He that is RISEN WITH CHRIST, well Paul said in Colossians 3:1-4 that Christ Jesus is his life. He said Jesus Christ is that RISEN MANS LIFE....Go read it for yourself.... So knowing that revelation now that Christ is our life and that Jesus is the life of all them that believe and belong to Christ, we ask you, DOES CHRIST LIVE FOREVER or does he have a temporary life???? He lives now forever and death can never touch him again...Revelations 1:18) Jesus speaking said, I am he that was dead but now I am ALIVE FOREVERMORE....And because He lives we live also and for no other reason we are saved and have everlasting life. ........Friends, that which is flesh is flesh, and that which is spirit is spirit. When we know and can discern the difference between them, between the two by the eyes and mind of Christ, and learn and know that the spirit of man is the real man and that the spirit that believes in Jesus Christ is the born again man created new IN CHRIST JESUS, we are then learning spiritual wisdom and comparing spiritual things with spiritual. .......So we have learned that we who believe and belong to Jesus are RISEN WITH JESUS and Christ himself is our life and that Christ our life LIVES FOREVER....So now we can more better understand that scripture that says to us, CLEAVE TO GOD for He alone is Your Life....Let us not leave Jesus Christ the Son of God. He alone is the way, the truth, and THE LIFE...He alone is our Sure and True and EVERLASTING LIFE. All other names have no Eternal Power nor Everlasting Life in them. Those other names of people or so called prophets that men throw into the so called religious arena, they have been thrown into the religious equation and arena to DECEIVE and rob people of eternal salvation that is only in Christ Jesus the Son of God. For Jesus by the true Spirit of God exalts His Son always and in every thing as FAR ABOVE ALL...... For by Jesus Christ the Word of God ALL THINGS were made and without Him was nothing made that was made. Adam was made by Jesus. Moses was made by Jesus, Elijah was a creation of Jesus. Mohammed was created by the Power of the Name and Spirit of Jesus Christ as so were we all. For by Jesus Christ the Son of God, God created the worlds by. He alone can wear such Divine Shoes..If Moses, Elijah, King David or Isaiah, or any other self proclaimed and named by men prophets tries to tell the world that they and their light is above Jesus Christ and His Light, they are deluded by demons in the mind and they are fools and deceivers targeted by the upcoming fire of the wrath of God upon all those that bow not to the name of Jesus Christ the Son of God whose Words are far above all in truth, power and glory. Amen......deno......share freely.
The old covenants sacrifices were just the drops of something Big that God had in store to come. Jesus, Emmanuel, God with us, BY THE SACRIFICE OF HIMSELF was the full OUTPOURING. The Word that was with God and the Word that was God Became Flesh. Behold the Lamb of God John said of Jesus, He takes away the sin of the World. We need not any of the drops anymore now that the flood has been poured out upon the world. In Christ Jesus we ride that great flood of Christ blood all the way up into heaven itself. We Are Redeemed Unto God By Christ Blood....Amen. Hebrews 10:5-14....New King James Version (NKJV) Christ’s Death Fulfills God’s Will 5 Therefore, when He came into the world, He said: “Sacrifice and offering You did not desire, But a body You have prepared for Me. 6 In burnt offerings and sacrifices for sin You had no pleasure. 7 Then I said, ‘Behold, I have come— In the volume of the book it is written of Me— To do Your will, O God.’”[a] 8 Previously saying, “Sacrifice and offering, burnt offerings, and offerings for sin You did not desire, nor had pleasure in them” (which are offered according to the law), 9 then He said, “Behold, I have come to do Your will, O God.”[b] He takes away the first that He may establish the second. 10 By that will we have been sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. Christ’s Death Perfects the Sanctified 11 And every priest stands ministering daily and offering repeatedly the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins. 12 But this Man, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins forever, sat down at the right hand of God, 13 from that time waiting till His enemies are made His footstool. 14 For by one offering He has perfected forever those who are being sanctified.
In the New Covenant, the covenant of "not that we loved God but that He loved us light", God himself established our peace with him. We did nothing to accomplish the great and endless covenant of peace between us and God except this, our sins nailed the Peace Offering to the Cross. The peace offering of the flesh and blood of the animals in the old covenant was always offered for the friction to be set aside between God and Israel, but the peace of those peace offerings only lasted in brief moments of measurable time. None of them had Eternal power in them. None of them had Everlasting Power, Grace and Strength. But God had a plan of GREAT POWER, GRACE, AND SACRIFICIAL STRENGTH and that plan was known in God from the foundation of the world. God had the plan to take care of those sacrifices weakness. Looking into the mirror into the midst of the Three in One He said, Thou are slain from the foundation of the world. It is written, God became a man, and by the sacrifice of Himself, He put away sin FOREVER. (Read Hebrews 9:7-15). God was in Christ Jesus doing it all. Jesus (without us), he went to battle for our peace to be won. He went thru HARD LABOR HIMSELF on the Cross TO RAISE UP ENOUGH BLOOD to obtain for us ETERNAL REDEMPTION and to purchase and to establish forever OUR COVENANT OF PEACE with God. With His own flesh and precious blood connected to His own Eternal Spirit, Jesus bought for us Peace With God and at the same time He PURCHASED US. Now let us note this. What is about to be said is one of those sayings that we need to let sink deep into our hearing so that we REALLY HEAR IT with the HEART....ready? Bought things brothers and sisters are already paid for. Purchased things have no debt that they owe. Therefore the children ARE FREE INDEED and spiritually DEBT FREE concerning the spirits freedom. It is sad that so many do not know or see clearly or understand the deep meaning of the word that says, we were bought with a price and that we are a purchased possession and that in Christ Jesus we are all Gods possession, vessels in the house of God. Many do not understand that they have been SET FREE and a MADE FREE PEOPLE, nor do they know the grace about their glorious liberty that they have In Christ Jesus. Freed people, set free people are surely free, but if their own minds wrestle with that fact, argue with that fact, then though they are free indeed in the spirit from their tie to the spirit of this world, the other part of their being which is the mind WHICH CAN LEARN or BE MANIPULATED, their mind by improper teaching, and shortcoming knowledge and wisdom is in bodage. For whom the Son has SET FREE is FREE INDEED. They are not half free, partial free, or part time free. Nor are they on lay away. Their freedom and their purchase, and there peace with God has been PAID FOR IN FULL. Jesus said they are COMPLETELY FREE...FREE INDEED. How can a slave enjoy his freedom if he is stubborn in his mind against it, does not understand it, or is not aware that he has been SET FREE and that his freedom was BOUGHT WITH A PRICE and PAID FOR IN FULL? And how can he take advantage of BEING SET FREE when in his heart he refuses to believe it? He is free in the spirit, but still in chains in his mind. So what does he do in his ignorance? He picks up his bible and goes back to the place of the OLD WINE and gets drunk to where he does not think right. He goes and gets his bible and he goes backwards into the fields working and laboring UNDER THE LAW OF SLAVERY trying to some day justify himself and save enough money up to buy what has already been PURCHASED FOR HIM. This my friend, is a deception where the enemy preys upon the mind of the FREED ONES who still have blind spots in their REDEMPTION THINKING whereby he can take advantage of them by. Church, Satan always does his best works and roams in THE DARK. Blind spots in our understanding are places the devil can still roam in our lives and keep us in chains there. For Gods people, the prophet said, are run over, even some destroyed, because of their lack of knowledge and proper understanding. People who in their minds do not know or understand that they are a purchased possession, bought and paid for in full with a price, the price of Gods own blood, they can still think that they are slaves in their minds and not free or they think of themselves as not being purchased. They think they are still on a shelf in a store somewhere in this world waiting for somebody to buy them instead of seeing themselves as a beautifully loved and greatly cherish vessel already bought by the price of Christ own blood and that they have been BY GOD HIMSELF placed in the Mansion of God. When we go into a Mansion, into a wealthy families home, we can see all kinds of items and vessels. You being the families guest you pick of a vessel on display on a beautiful cherry wood table. You say to the wealthy Dad, sir can I ask you a question? He answers back, certainly...Just how much did you pay for this vessel. He, hesitates and says, 2 millions dollars. You get a lump in your throat, your hands start to shake and you ever so gently replace that vessel back on to that display table. You now look at that same vessel in a different light as you did before. You honor that vessel with sacred thought and activity because your eyes have now been opened to that vessels incredible value. Well just like that story teaches us, so it is with the redeemed of the Lord who were bought with a price and are Gods personally purchased peculiar vessels in the House or the Mansion of God. All of heavens angels, as they walk about in the Mansion of God, in heaven itself, and they see the children of God in Christ there, they handle us with sacred approach. For for them, when they see us and our names written down there, THEY KNOW THE PRICE GOD PAID FOR US. OUR WORTH AND OUR NETWORTH there exceeds everything in heaven by the PRICE GOD PAID TO OWN US, to make us GODS very dear children. Well, the children need to see and understand their GREAT PLACE AND WORTH as the Angels do in glory. Friends truly it is ok for us who are In Christ Jesus love our self as God loves us. If someone on earth paid a price ro purcahse and own you and make you his child and paid a BILLION DOLLARS to purchase you as his son, you would easily recognize how much you are loved, cherished, and worth, and wanted. You would think good thoughts about yourself. You would think and say, Wow, I am greatly wanted, greatly, loved, greatly cherished, and of great worth and greatly valued. All by knowing and understanding the price the BILLIONAIR PAID TO MAKE YOU HIS CHILD. Well once we really see the wealth of the Blood of God which is the HIGHEST VALUE OF ALL THINGS in all of heaven and in all of earth, far surpassing all things in all Creation, we will start to say GOOD THINGS and Lovely Things, and things of peace and goodwill about ourselves and to ourselves with joy. We will say with deeper meaning and higher and greater more positive understanding, Truly I Am Greatly Loved and We are Redeemed and I Belong to God as His dear children by the greatest price of all, by Gods own Blood. For our eyes have finally been opened to the Price God Paid to make us His Most Prized Possessions in the Mansion of God. Those that do not understand the great purchase and have dimmed eyes about who they are In Christ and about their glorious liberty, and do not see that their freedom was paid for in full with the greatest price and that they are Gods very own possession, they are still in bodage in their minds with the OLD WINE mentality that the bible calls slavery or slave mentality. Brethren PURCHASED THINGS OWE NO ONE NOTHING. PAID FOR IN FULL ITEMS BELONG TO THE ONE WHO BOUGHT THEM. WE BELONG TO GOD AND THE PRODUCT OF OUR EVERLASTING PEACE WITH GOD JESUS ALSO PAID FOR IN FULL WITH THE PRICE OF HIS OWN BLOOD. God cannot and will not transgress against this Everlasting Purchase. He would never dishonor or demean or belittle His Sons Sacrifice and Blood. God has the receipt. He was there that day when He purchased us. How could he ever forget. That day of the great purchase, It is carved deeply in both His Hands. It is important that you know that and use that truth every time the enemy tries to put you back in bondage or make you think that you are still on the shelf somewhere, or that God is against you, or that you are not redeemed or saved, or that you are not a child of God in Christ the spirit. You were bought, meaning paid for in full, with a great incomparable price. It is important that you see yourself free, bought and paid for in full and a vessel in the Mansion of God. With out that proper sight you can be deceived. Church we are free and the product of our peace with God has already been paid for in full. Read the words of the Covenant of Peace below. Isaiah 54:5-10New King James Version (NKJV) 5 For your Maker is your HUSBAND, The Lord of hosts is His name; And your REDEEMER is the Holy One of Israel; He is called the God of the whole earth. 6 For the Lord has called you Like a woman forsaken and grieved in spirit, Like a youthful wife when you were refused,” Says your God. 7 “For a mere moment I have forsaken you, But with GREAT MERCY I will gather you. 8 With a little wrath I hid My face from you for a moment; But with EVERLASTING KINDNESS I will have mercy on you,” Says the Lord, your REDEEMER. 9 “For this is like the waters of Noah to Me; For as I have sworn That the waters of Noah would no longer cover the earth, So I HAVE SWORN That I WOULD NOT BE ANGRY with you, nor rebuke you. 10 For the mountains shall depart And the hills be removed, But MY KINDNESS shall not depart from you, Nor shall My COVENANT OF PEACE be removed,”(It is Everlasting) Says the Lord, who has mercy on you.....deno....share freely.