Friday, October 16, 2015

Simple Words That Made An Atheist Rethink His Stand......deno.....share freely.

       Atheist scientist say, The Universe is just to big and to great to come from a powerful eternal God....Then in the class room they turn right around and give this answer for how it all began...They say the mighty power of something called NOTHING did it all. Nothing which has no yesterday, no today, nor a tomorrow BECAUSE IT DOES NOT EXIST made everything that now is and was yesterday and shall be tomorrow. Well how logical is that? Yet such insight and wisdom astounds the intellectuals of our day. Yes and Amen cries the intellectual Atheist. Baloney says those that know their God.
      In the beginning God created all things thru HIS ETERNAL POWER AND ENERGIES which no man can measure, he can only ponder and wonder at the Glory of the Power of He that is called Almighty. I don't know about you but I BOW MY KNEES.
      We haven't even the science nor the technology to define what a Spirit is or what a Spirit is made of. It is like a foreign substance and like an alien world to us. A world beyond our natural physical driven wit yet so incredible in its eternal glory. That is why only those that have Gods Spirit in them can know him and understand the Lord and spiritual things and substances. Yet even with that, with the present grace, we still look and understand as seeing thru a smoked colored stained glass window. But when we have shed this life, thru Jesus Christ we shall ascend into that glorious world of Jesus and His Father and see things face to face with given us beautiful clarity....scroll down.
      Jesus thru the ANOINTING OF THE SPIRIT of GOD demonstrated measures of Gods Spirits Love, Glory and Wonder thru the many miracles of healings and provisions whose legacy of revealing God to us astounds the world to this today..In awe of HIS WONDER I still bow my knees to our Risen King and Savior....JESUS IS LORD.....deno.....share freely.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

A Wise Man Once Said.....deno......share freely.

             The Pen from my fathers  pulpit. Ladies I am not picking on you. But I have to write the light given me. I write this in love for Jesus and for you..deno....Let the words speak for themselves if they be of God or just man. We all (just like wondering Solomon did,) we live and learn. We learn even by our sins and mistakes. I pray we all learn what God is wanting us to learn in this bread to the repentance light. Writer included.
       A wise man that I love once said, The way the woman goes morally so follows the man. We see this truth in the garden of Eden. Eve was hissed at by the Serpent. She was lured over to that which was forbidden by God. With the serpents subtle twist on the truth, sin suddenly look pleasurable and a thing to be desire. Eve gave in to temptation. Then after falling from her glory as the holy mother of the offspring of God to come, Eve took Satans place in the temptation and she herself tempted Adam. FROM THIS COMES THE OLD SAYING, "the way women go morally so follows the men, the children, and the course of the nation". That is why Satan works overtime everyday hissing at women from movies, thru songs, thru self exaltations, thru TV shows, thru suggestions, thru phone calls, internet etc. to bring the women of the family and of the nation into immoral captivity and into unbridled lust behavior. He knows well from the Eve Event that if he can get to woman morally, to cross the Gods established holy lines, she will wonder off to bring down the men for he knows God put it in man to desire her. She is the top choice of Satan to bring men, men of even honor and of God down. 
      Adam friends, was holier than us all. He was sinless and he fell by the pull of the woman he so desired. Don't think yourself unable to fall superman, for God reads the heart of us all. Even its every thought and imagination. Let us then HUMBLE OURSELVES BEFORE THE SACRIFICE.
      When the mothers and the women of the nation are moral women, the nation is supplied with precious SALT. But when the mothers and women lose their morals, cross over the holy lines that God drew and become immoral, that wondering spirit that is in them invades and effects their children. Eventually that spirit will come to fuller fruit and those children male and female will end up waking up and going to bed always looking for their sin fix as their immoral mothers do.
      The mothers role is moral Salt. If she looses her SALT, she is so far out of place in Gods role distributions. When the salt is lost, precious preserving power is lost and great place is given to marching evil spirits. These spirits do not march for the glory of light either. They come to lie, cheat, steal, kill, to corrupt, defile, make unclean, make perverse, and to turn the true light off so that they can execute their lust in darkness where they feel comfortable in their sin and in their deeds of evil. When sin is abounding in the land it is because light has been placed under a bushel, compromised, or dimmed. Salt has lost is seasoning.
       If you want to measure the nearness of extreme judgements, the morals of the mothers and of the women of a nation is a sure guide. And with that said we say this, Woe to men who become so demonized to take the role of women and to women who take up the roles of men in the holy union of they two shall become one flesh, this is the final straw. They have wondered so far away from God in their minds and in their reasonings. They have no real holy discernment anymore. This behavior God will not tolerate long for it gravely effects the moral discernments of the children to come. As it is fore written, It grieved God what men and women had become in Noah's day. God saw that their ideas, reasonings, their imaginations and convictions was set on sin and on evil continuously. A few days later, God rained down His Judgement and His Sentence upon them.....deno......share freely.

He Looked Beyond My Fault [Live]....Amazing Grace Shall Always Be My Song Of Praise.....deno.

When He Was On The Cross - FBC Jacksonville, FL

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Eyes That See Thru The Curse......deno......share freely.

       Some people are more focused on the thorns in this world instead of the Roses. The thorns and the thistles of this present life came from the sin of Adam that caused the curse to come into our world and lives...Don't let the thorns WHICH ARE MANY TODAY blind or deceive you or take your heart away into captivity from the great love of God that is seen in the giving of His Son....Never forget that GOD IS LOVE and that FOR GOD SO LOVED.....that He gave.
        In heaven there are no weeds, thorns or thistles in life that prick and cause pain. So don't let this present worlds mess filled with sins curses and Satan's multi-faced trickeries and deceptions that are laid out all over the place take your eyes off the beautiful Roses of life and blind you from the truth of the love of God that fills up all of heaven where Satan cannot contaminate.
        Heaven is all so Wonderful and curse free. No one hurts or kills or hates or destroys in heaven. Gods is love and Loves perfect and full will is done in all of heaven. But on earth sin and Satans will are all in the mix and that confuses people about God and the love of God..Keep your faiths eyes on Jesus. He is the love of God revealed and Jesus is the author and the finisher of what we believe....Love you in Christ.....deno......share freely.

If It Feels Good Do It....This Is The Doctrine That Demons Brought Into America That Has Been Weakening Our Nation From Within......deno.....share freely.

       It does not take a scientist to see that ever since men in this nation years ago rose up to take a stand against God and Jesus Christ and the gospel and made it politically incorrect to call upon the name of the Lord...And ever since it was called foolish to pray and to preach the Ten Commandments, and said in all kinds of ways to the crowds,  Let us together  take the yoke of Christ off and DO WHAT EVER FEELS GOOD and whatever we desire, ever since that all started Americans and America has been falling, YES EVER SINCE. 
      The hearts of men and women are waxing worse and worse. We are amazed at what is going on in the streets of America today and behind closed doors in what was before known and called by all the world for centuries, a God fearing Righteous nation.
       Oh how has the mighty fallen? They loved darkness more than light and esteemed a brief moment of sins pleasure again and again at the sacrifice of an eternity in damnation. Though they professed themselves to be wise they became fools and exchanged wisdom for folly and truth for the demonic whispers that destroyed them.....share freely.

Billy Graham Early Years:Los Angles Crusade Tent Day(1949)...A 3 Minute Sermon All The World Today Needs To Hear.....deno.