Saturday, March 19, 2016

Reasons To Hope to the End.......deno.....share freely

       Church, God has always had a remnant and God has always prepared for them a place no matter the worlds condition, whether its a needed Ark, or a Name that is a STRONG TOWER, or whether they need an Upper room for a passover meal celebration, or whether they need a CITY or a NATION...Remember what Jesus said to Paul ? Jesus said to Paul in a certain CITY,. He said, Fear not Paul, keep preaching, no one shall hurt you here for I have much people who belong to Me in this city.
       Persecution comes with the calling but in Numbers there is strength and Protection as long as we keep on the Whole Armor of God and STAY STRONG IN FAITH and FULL OF SALT. We also must keep the weeds down and the saints numbers the moral major faith majority.
       In America if we Christians would stop being double minded, luke warm, double standard christians and quit giving such great place to the devil by compromises after compromise, we could cast out and reverse a whole lot of  this Anti Christ Satanic activity. Many Christians in a town or city or nation in overwhelming numbers can run the city or the nation and keep persecution down in those places and run out most antiChrist activity..
       We must remember this. There is no dispensation where our Lords Name, the Name of Jesus Christ cannot bind up Satan or cast out demons. Jesus' Name that is above every name, it never loses its power and authority (NEVER). We just must not lose our faith in our Lords FAR ABOVE ALL Great Name of Gods Power and Authority placed in that Great Far Above All Name (See Mathew 28:18)..
         As with all the churches problems. God nor Gods power is not the problem. Its the churches blurry wobbling stand and our DOUBT and UNBELIEF that makes us to sink.
         Let us rise again in renewed faith in the faith of Jesus Christ....Like Jesus said, But when I return, will I find real bible faith on the earth??? And in another place Jesus prayed what we to must pray, He prayed that Peters faith would NOT FAIL. Its up to us Church. We need BELIEVING BELIEVERS....Like Paul said, Hope to the end.
         When Elijah's helper was fearing because of the the number he saw of the army that chased them, Elijah prayed, OPEN HIS EYES LORD....God opened Elijah's helpers eyes and what he saw filled him with confidence of VICTORY over their enemies. Paul prayed that we (THE CHURCH) would have our eyes opened to the EXCEEDING GREATNESS OF GODS POWER THAT HE HAS GIVEN USWARD WHO BELIEVE..
         In closing we write this. Jesus said, to us THE CHURCH...I give you power to TREAD on all serpents, and on all scorpions, and over ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL ALL THE POWER OF SATAN..This great power and authority over the devil that Jesus gave us Jesus never takes back from His Church (The need for that power is TO GREAT). Let us not let the devil seduce this truth out of us and let us not let the devil trick us to lay the Armor and the power Jesus gave us down.......deno.....share freely.

In Christ Jesus We Are All Members of Christ......deno.....share freely.

......Being the Body Of Christ is something unique and very special in heaven and on earth. VERY SPECIAL. Being members of the Body of Christ we all should be highly happy about and in a good way very proud to be a part of.
.......Being a member of Christ flesh and bone Body is a place of exceeding high honor and of exalted positioning. No being and no created creature either in heaven or on earth can become more attached or connected to or more One with the Lord of glory above being One Spirit with him as Paul said we are who are In Christ Jesus, and as being His Body, His Flesh and Bone the very fulness of Him that fills all with Himself.
.....Jesus said, If you have done it unto the least of these that belong to Me, you have done it unto Me. He said that because in His Heart and in the greatness of His love for us, we the Body of Christ are a part of the one that said ME.
.......I know to say this will not be accepted by all, but someone was told one day by the Lord in a whisper, "You the church, are just as much a part of ME as I am of Myself". The Oneness we are with Jesus by the greatness of Gods love is extreme when seen thru the eyes of the love of God and His Revealing Spirit of Truth.
.......Every time that Jesus sees HIS BODY, whether it be his hands, his feet, his shoulders, his legs HE SEES US...THE CHURCH....THE ENGRAFTED MEMBERS OF HIS BODY. THE LOVE IS THAT GREAT AND THAT INTIMATE..
....... In the love revealed to us in the New Covenant, Jesus did not want us to be just known as His People all though that is a great name to have, but MUCH MORE intimate than that Jesus wanted HIS CHURCH to be. He wanted us be a real part of HIm, even of His Name and of His Life as in marriage form, as in Father to Son seed, as in one looking into the mirror at the fulness of Himself. (One-One-One Persons Body Made up of MANY MEMBERS and that Body is the Body of Jesus Christ. So to accomplish this redemption glorious ONENESS, Jesus made us  ONE SPIRIT with His (1 Corinth 6:17) and He made us His Body, the very fulness of Him that fills us all In Christ (Ephesians 1:22-23)....Go now and read your bible in Ephesians 5:28-32 of the great mystery concerning Christ and the church.
.......Friend, Church, Body of Christ YOU ARE GREATLY LOVED and CHERISHED and One with Christ in ALL THINGS.
.......Note....The Cross of Christ the Son of God by no means is to be interpreted that God did not love His Son Jesus (God greatly loved Jesus even as He loves Himself). But rather the Cross of Christ means that God and Jesus Greatly Love Us, even as they love themselves as they have always preached for you and I to do, To LOVE ONE ANOTHER...Love thy neighbor as a THYSELF....The world gets so much uglier and so much more a terrible place to live in the less and less we disobey that great love thy neighbor as thyself commandment...The breaking of this commandment so greatly in the last days is the root cause of God bringing the present world to its end....The new heaven and the new world to come will be filled only with the love of God New Creatures In Christ Jesus....Even so, Come Lord Jesus......deno....share freely.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

When the Courage of a Nation is Under Fire.....deno.....share freely.

When the courage of a people and of a nation is under a test.
.......When a religion is empty of real light and truth, when it's message is dominate by fear and torment and not by peace thru the spreading of love, it is not strong enough to draw hearts by its message because the common sense people and reasoning minds can see right thru a bold lie, the deceptions, and schemes of evil. And because of its true weaknesses, that religion from envy, fears, lust for power, and from religious frustrations, that religion will revert to deceit, deception, lies, violence, murder, and terror for its drawing card because it is man manufactured with the help of a cruel and brutal Satanic Forces working on them, in them, and thru them under spiritual radar detection. They think they are doing Gods service just like Jesus said, but it really is Satans game. It is a religion of fear and fear based and its spreading power is false doctrines, spiritual illusions, scripture delusions, fear, threats and terrorism. They use all of that to make or force conversion. Love and freedom is a foreign language to its evil religious looking spirit.
...... (Note: When Jesus was on earth in the flesh, the children who Satan had blinded and taken over said and shouted that Jesus was the lie, that Jesus was even of the devil...But the very opposite was the truth...And all these chants about America and western civilization is all together the great Satan and that Jesus was only a man and that Jesus Christ and the Christians are of the devil is the same old deceiving lying ANTICHRIST SPIRIT that fought Jesus day to day when he was on earth and drove the nails.....but those driven nails God turned for our GOOD. It is called REDEMPTION BY THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB OF GOD JESUS CHRIST).
........And that is what their prophet/messenger ORDERED thru them upon THE WORLD...He boldly wrote that Allah ordered a cross of physical torture, blood shed, decapitations, bodily mutilations, murder, and terror on the opposers of his Religion of Peace, on those who believe Jesus is the Lord from heaven and is the Messiah; on those who oppose his messengers supposed spirit of sweet love and perfect peace to all men by terrorizing the hell out of everybody because we THE GREATEST RELIGION OF PEACE THE WORLD HAS EVER KNOWN, well we so love... THE WISE IN HEART SEE RIGHT THRU IT THAT PACK OF LIES...Be wise as serpents Jesus said concerning the enemy, REMEMBER ? He transforms himself to come across as a Messenger of light.
...... Every soul that approves of this BOOK of theirs is the gospels, and Jesus Christ and the worlds most dangerous foe. We have a rattle snake let loose in the world and he has mated and now he has little and big snakes finding snake dens all over the world in every nation.
....... Due to mind and heart sedation of ruling kings of western nations they have opened the door to hell on earth days to come. The world now will suffer THE KING OF SNAKES snake bites everywhere as they seek to subjugate the nations to submission by threats and terror using fear because there is no real love, nor mercy, nor tolerance in the heart of Islam. It is Evil, Deception, and Poisonous Snake Venom all packaged up together and delivered with a smile on it. But its heart is John 8:44 and its spirit is a butchers knife.
........ America, just look at the small dose of the venom of it so far around the world...THIS IS NOT A GAME. This evil is in their hearts and they are playing this thing for KEEPS even if they have to blow the whole world up in the name of the King of Snakes who has deceived their eyes and has exercised their hearts for murder and terror upon the world. They will not stop unless the world unites and puts them down. It did already once centuries ago, and the British empire had a whole lot to do with that victory. Now though, now the present England under strong delusion has allowed that snake even into her backyard and she has mated. Now England has within her boarders some no go zones where Muslims have made their demand despite British Law. They are planted. It will take a civil style war to crush the serpents head there and there is no way to pain a pretty picture of its course.
.......Im telling you, the powers of the Judeo Christian Values nations RIGHT NOW best put their shields back up because this enemies BOOK has in itself declared WAR on Jesus Christ, the gospel, western civilization, all other beliefs, theories, philosophies, Constitutions, and freedoms around the world.
........Right now, the powers that be are playing right into the Serpents scheme, placing his little snakes everywhere on earth. He is even being aided by stealth Leaders of nations who support and promote that spread. I CRY OUT TO AMERICA AND TO THE NATIONS that this product that he and they are trying to get us to buy into is worse than a lemon and it was manufactured in hell itself. QUIT BUYING IT AMERICA....STOP HIM and THEM NOW BEFORE IT IS TO LATE. Jesus Christ in his great true love and mercy for each of us forgives 7 times 70 sins a day. The beast shows no mercy and will roll the heads.
..........If you only really knew what is ahead of us and the world because we have eaten, tolerated, and keep eating this end time forbidden fruit. The bible says the antichrist has the people beheaded who refuse to bend to him. WHO or WHAT RELIGION IN OUR DAY SHOWS US ALL THEY LOVE THIS BEHEADING PRACTICE....If and when they dominate the world there will be a huge line all over the world. NEXT NEXT NEXT NEXT.Their doing it already..Go ahead and laugh. That is exactly what they want but the evidence has already been captured of how evil and heartless the beast is in them and that evidence is mounting up for the men of courage of the western nations in the world to take action against. If not soon it will be to late.
....... America, and I am speaking to WE THE PEOPLE because we have no Anti Islam leadership on the throne but AntiChrist and antichristian suppression AS IF NONE CAN NOTICE THIS..... BY THEIR FRUITS HE SAID YOU WILL KNOW THEM. Yea but he went to church all those years, Well we say YEA BACK so did Judas who claimed to be a Jesus follower FOR THREE YEARS BEFORE HE CARRIED OUT HIS HIDDEN BLOODY TAKE DOWN JESUS AGENDA. This is not a time for fear but for a boldness such the likes, like we have not seen in our nation for years.against any and all those found openly or in stealth assisting the Serpents mating game and spread of his religion of terror.
.......Who is AntiChrist the bible ask? It is those who deny the deity of the eternal Spirit of Jesus Christ and that deny that He is the Eternal Son of God that became flesh and that denies the Jesus is the Christ. Who is the AntiChrist the bible ask? It is he that says of the Cross of Christ, just a normal man died there which strips the great atoning sacrifice of its power and glory and counts Christ sacrifice, blood, death, and resurrection a powerless death of no redemption value. THAT THAT THAT IS THE SPIRIT OF ANTICHRIST and our borders and the nations are being FORCED to let those snakes that have that spirit inside them to flood the nations.
....... There is a madness INSIDE THOSE INFANT SNAKES of the KING OF SNAKES that fears Jesus Christ and that madness if not put down and seriously controlled AND PUT BACK IN ITS OWN PLACE, it will be the regret of the nations. We are just now seeing the shallow of the truth that these given words speak.....One day the blood will rise to the horses brow because of this same ANTICHRIST SPIRIT....

In the Bitter and in the Sweet........deno.....share freely.

.......You know, sometimes I wished i could just write about butterflies and beautiful birds and flowing streams of living water and post sweet honey post about Jesus, but the Spirit of the Lord want allow me to do that only. He told me true love and loyalty is found in the bitter not in the sweet. That is where the test of submissions and surrender really is and the test results scored ends with stagnation or increase of honor and grace.
....... Many of us Jesus wants to take further up his mountain of grace for greater grace transfigurations, but only few past the test for the extra climb. Most just want the sweet he says and they cast off any form of the bitter. He said it is the bitter side of grace that produces greater honor from God when under its fire we cry Holy is the Lord and not get me the heck out of here. We face our giants like David did, not tuck and run from them in fear.
......  When we serve the Lord by a gift of grace, sometimes he will take us to the rough waters in the ship of his grace. Those that are surrendered with the heart and with the mouth and with the pen to the Lord will not just write or post the sweet only  he says. The sweet only pen and post the Lord says, is like a building that is well decorated and beautiful and scented with sweet fragrances, but it is not grounded to withstand the stronger storms and attacks from the enemy. When the lightning hits, those are on the sweet only diet cannot handle the bitter side of the cross and many fall dead in faith or they cry out that the fire of this test is just to hot and they run. So many under those heavier faith trials run and only few make it thru to the next level up the mount of higher grace transfigurations.
........The Lords Spirit, he says the hour the world has entered now is the hour for the Strong in the Lord, who in their heart say, come heaven, hell, or high water I will be true and faithful and obey and serve Jesus even in the most bitter of times carrying the Cross. As it is written of many of the last days saints, even in the fire of the world's hate of them and Jesus Christ, they remained faithful and loved not their life even into death. THAT IS SCRIPTURE.
........ The day Jesus calmed the storm and multiplied the loaves and the few fish were sweet days of Christ on earth with men. Lots of happiness and satisfaction in those days amongst many. But that could not put out the bitter fire of drinking the cup of the Cross and persecutions for following Jesus. We to will have days where our storms cease and plenty is on the table and life taste like honey in Christ, but those sweet days cannot nullify the bitter side of the cross that we have all been called and chosen to take up.
......Just Ask Stephen, Peter, Paul, John, and the pillars of the church of the living gospel of this truth. The blood of the martyrs for the name of Jesus truly testifies.
.......Friends it  is easy for us to say, Thy will be done and not mine in the sweet, but in the bitter times as Peter was before the haters of Christ so often like he did we flee claiming the fire of the test is to hot and the cost to great.
.......I give to you as it was given me....If all i am willing to do is post and write the sweet in Christ which i like to do  i admit it,  then I am serving my own posting agenda and not the will of the Lord.
........Jesus posted to Peter one day this. He said, Peter, Satan wants to take you out...Peter when you were young you did as you desired. But I must tell you this bitter because I love you and want you prepared. He said, Peter, because you belong to Me and serve me, when you get older somebody is going to take you by the hand and lead you into something you prefer not.....This spoke Jesus to Peter to let Peter know by what death he would glorify God...Then after posting those words to Peter, Jesus posted these....Still yet FOLLOW ME..
.......The Spirit of Jesus in that fellowship said to me thru that light , YOU SEE, MY TRUE SPIRIT POST, SPEAKS, and WRITES THE SWEET AND THE BITTER. NOT JUST THE SWEET ONLY WITHOUT THE BITTER...AND NOT THE BITTER ONLY WITH NO SWEET.....Both the sweet and the bitter My True Spirit Speaks, Writes, and Post...Whatever I command bitter or sweet obey and do.....FOLLOW ME.......deno.....share freely.