Saturday, April 16, 2016

You Are His Special......deno......share freely.

      So you feel that you are a nobody? No one dear or special at all?...Well God came to you and visited your heart thru the Spirit of His Son. He personally picked your heart out for His Sons gospel visitation and because you believed, God took you and placed you in the life of His Son as a member of the body of the most important man of all, the GOD/MAN JESUS CHRIST who sits today in the Throne of God with His Father.
      Now that you are a part of him as a member of His Flesh and Bones; you are Royalty beyond your wildest dreams. The glory that shall soon be revealed in you is beyond natural human fathoming in beauty, in joy, in life, in bliss, and in the riches of His glory....In your patience Jesus said, possess ye your souls......For friends it is a glorious paradise. The greatest Love and the greatest life. No pains. No sorrows. No death, just joy of life and more abundant living all around. It is a great great endless never changing inheritance........Jesus Loves You......Amen......deno.....share freely.

God is Love......deno......share freely.

God Is Love...written by deno.
The Bread is in the writings.

Matthew 22:34-46....New King James Version.

The Scribes: Which Is the First Commandment of All?
34 But when the Pharisees heard that He had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together. 35 Then one of them, a lawyer, asked Him a question, testing Him, and saying, 36 “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?”
37 Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself. 40 On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.”
         John wrote, When we love God we love His children also. The real measure of one's love for God can be seen by the way we love one another. The two are un-seperable. 
         John wrote by the Spirit, If a man says he loves God but hates his brother (means his fellow man), that man is a liar. Those are pretty stout words used calling a man a liar, but the point had to be made, because there were many spirits that had gone out into the world claiming that they were and are of God and that they knew God. The world is flooded and full of these deceiving misleading spirits...See 1 John 4:1-12.
         But the disciples, (including John) really did know God. He had become flesh and dwelt amongst them for three years. Emmanuel which means GOD WITH US as the prophet Isaiah foretold, had paid the world THE PROMISED BIG DIVINE VISIT THRU CHRIST. And John had seen Him, John had handled Him , touched Him, heard Him, talked face to face with Him, and watched Him in action and everything he observed about Jesus was just awing and so incredible, so not of this world in glory and wisdom and power. 
         Jesus was not just your ordinary man. No one had ever seen such a man as Jesus who was excellent in all his ways AND ANOINTED. He even walked on water and calmed the raging seas. His character and strengths in every way were flawless and without any form of blemish. He was Divine in Spirit and Divine in His thinking. His way of doing things was far above our ways and His level of thinking was as high as heaven is above the earth compared to our level.
      We think according to the flesh. Jesus' wisdom thoughts and thinking was according to the Spirit and Power of God. We use boats to get to the other side because that is on the level of which we think and believe. Jesus uses his feet walking on the water to the other side or FLIES IN THE AIR TO MAKE THE TRIP, because that is the way of HIS MIGHTY THOUGHTS and the level of HIS FAR ABOVE ALL THINKING and BELIEVING. In no way was that water holding Jesus up or down. It was the glory of HIS BELIEVING. He was Emmanuel, God With Us that had become flesh.
        John knew Jesus was the Lord from heaven. He knew Jesus was the Word, and that the Word had been with God and that the Word WAS GOD and he knew that THE WORD which was God had become flesh and was now with them. John knew Jesus was and is the brightness of God's glory and the express image of His Person (Heb 1:1-3). And He by witnessing God for three years in action and watching Him in His divine character on earth in the flesh, he knew God was PERFECT LOVE and so MIRACULOUS. His Word was like no others and His Word never failed no matter the weight of the demand put upon them, even to the raising of the dead, or the calming of the seas. His Word made it happen. God was being God in the midst of men.
         After many days of showing great love and compassion to crowds and multitudes by way of miracles, and after healing thousands and thousands who had been oppressed of the devil (Acts 10:38), John heard this incredible Christ one divinely blessed day on earth before men utter the MONUMENTAL WORDS that to this day blesses and brings joy and comfort to many all over the world and has now for 2000 years....Jesus said, BEFORE ABRAHAM WAS, I AM.
          Jesus did not just say those INCREDIBLE WORDS and then vanish and just leave the planet. No, Jesus continued mightily to back those words with Love, Power and divine demonstrations of His Glory from on High that backed His love of God light. Jesus had so shook the world in those days with the GLORY of those words I AM, that his fame grew so great that the onlookers one day being heaven struck said, Behold, the whole world has gone after him.
         Many people do not realize HOW BIG THIS MOVE OF GOD ON EARTH WAS IN THOSE DAYS. God was ON EARTH walking with men. God with us in Christ was the most MONUMENTAL MOVE of GOD ever on earth since the fall. Greater than all the esteemed prophets had formerly seen or tasted or experienced. A greater One than Moses is here Jesus shouted and His Father on the mount of transfiguration bore the same Divine Witness in His glistening glory saying, THIS IS MY DIVINE SON WHO I LOVE, LISTEN AND OBEY HIM.
          Jesus one day said to his disciples, If I had not done the works that no other man has ever done before, then Israel would have excuse. But now they have seen and have heard but they still do not believe, therefore there sin remains. In other words Israel had finally broke the back of the patience of God. This is that heir they said in their hearts. Let us kill him and all shall be ours. This was Israels worse transgression.
        Of all the blood of the prophets that Israel had shed thru-out the years (Matthew 23:37-39), this One's (Gods Son) bloodshed would cost them and their children greatly on earth even into eternity. Part of the cost was this. The Covenant of grace would be taken from them and a wild branch (The Gentiles) would be engrafted and the gospel of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:17-21) would be handed over to the gentiles for a period of time for life and for entrustment. Then after the fulness of the time of the gentiles was accomplished, an awakening would take place in Israel. From the offspring of Abraham and of Sarah would be heard the cry, Blessed was Jesus that came to us in the Name of the Lord and Jerusalem in that our would be reborn from within and again shine with the glory of Israel which has always been the Spirit of Jesus Christ the Lord from heaven whom they had pierced in the day of their monumental visitation from Immanuel.
         God had loved Israel for years and they over and over again showed Him as a nation little love back. They often killed the prophets and stoned those He sent to them and now their hearts had become so full of Satan they were about to crucify the Lord of glory HIMSELF, not understanding the day of their visitation. They could not understand HIS GREAT LOVE FOR ALL EVEN FOR THE GENTILES that they despised. But John really got to know God. His ears were amongst the blessed ones that did hear and his eyes were amongst the fortunate ones that did see. Having eyes he saw and having ears he heard.
        John's heart, to simply say it, GOT IT. He understood the Lord and He got to know God's heart and true eternal character maybe more than all (Maybe). He was THAT FRIEND that saw the love of God in Christ. He realized the call and the heritage of Israel was not just unto themselves, but that God had raised Israel up in order to have the REDEEMING COMPASSION of HIS LOVE to reach ALL THE WORLD thru Christ and him crucified and risen from the dead. God clearly has told them their calling in these words to Abraham and HIS SEED.... I will bless you He said, SO THAT you will be a blessing, and in another place. From your seed shall ALL THE NATIONS of the earth BE BLESSED. That seed was Christ. Christ was born from the virgin thru the power of God so that the works of God would be manifested in HIM.
         Yes, John knew the Lord. John knew God. He knew that the rest of mankind was blind and in the darkness and that they had been misled and deceived by Satan about God, about divine things, and the true things of God. But he knew Him, he had seen Him, he spent three years, THREE INCREDIBLE YEARS with Him on earth in the flesh and saw ALL THE GLORY.
        John in those three incredible years with God learned much about God. He came to really know God. He learned that the one true God is love and perfect in holiness and was rich in mercy and compassion. And he knew also that if a man or a woman or a spirit said he or they knew God, or that he loved God but that same man or that same spirit hated his brother or sister or fellow man, or preached a message of hate, he said that man and that spirit is a liar, a false prophet, a deceived heart, a lying spirit, even a murderer, a demonized soul though he seems to even look religious (Islam).
         Friends no matter what men say on earth or boast of how much they know God, John who lived and loved with God for three years on earth said, If you say you love God but hate others or are prejudice about others, he said in your heart you are a liar and a murderer, you don't really know Him. All these people all over America, in the middle east, and all over the world that boast that they know God but terrorize and kill in the name of their god, and that hate others and preach hate by skin tone or by any other dividing differences ARE LYING...Jesus even said, Love your enemies. Do good to those that do you wrong. Pray for those who use you and persecute you. By doing so Jesus said you would be like your Father which is in heaven. LET US LOVE ONE ANOTHER AS CHRIST LOVED US.
..........Friends, the One true God is LOVE and He is Jesus Christ The Word, God with us.....scroll down......deno......share freely.

Jesus: How Can David Call His Descendant Lord?
41 While the Pharisees were gathered together, Jesus asked them, 42 saying, “What do you think about the Christ? Whose Son is He?”
They said to Him, “The Son of David.”
43 He said to them, “How then does David in the Spirit call Him ‘Lord,’ saying:
44 ‘The Lord said to my Lord,
“Sit at My right hand,
Till I make Your enemies Your footstool”’?

45 If David then calls Him ‘Lord,’ how is He his Son?” 46 And no one was able to answer Him a word, nor from that day on did anyone dare question Him anymore.

Friday, April 15, 2016

For the Pulling Down of Strongholds.......deno.....share freely

The Bread is in the Writings.....The Warfare Light.......deno
2 Cor 10:4-6)
       For the weapons of our warfare (battle with the spirits that rule the darkness and spiritual ignorance of this world and that fight against us to hinder the evangelizing of the world with the gospel) our weapons are not of flesh and blood, but are of God and given to us in the giving of His Son, His Word, His Grace, His Name and His Spirit. God has given us these mighty weapons for the PULLING DOWN OF STRONGHOLDS of the lies, the philosophies, false doctrines, false religions, believed lies, wrong convictions and deceiving ideas and thoughts found in the mind and hearts of men all over this deceived and blinded world.
        By our use of these mighty weapons we fight and war empowered by the Spirit, Mind and Grace of Christ strength, going everywhere within and without, CASTING DOWN personal and global planted arguments, theories, oppositions, deceitful lust, unnatural affections, deceptions,  imaginations, human fantasies, misguided beliefs, and every high and promoted thought, idea, best guess, presumptions, and thing that in this world in our hearts and in our minds has been planted there by the spiritual forces of darkness that we wrestle and war with. All those things that those spiritual forces have planted in us and in all the world thru out the many ages that is exalted and exalts itself thru the demonic power that is in those theories and lies and misguided beliefs that fight against the knowledge of God and wars against  the truth that is in His Son Jesus Christ and him crucified and risen from the dead, we being empowered by God and His Grace with these weapons we cast down and out Satan's manifold plantings that he planted in us and in the world, subjecting everything now to Christ the Son of God who is God's true light to all MANKIND.
        And by these powerful weapons God has given us we bring into captivity every thought to line up with the truth that is in Christ Jesus and to His Words, to the obedience of Christ, (to the faith agreement that all things of God are in Christ Jesus only  and no other and that Jesus alone is the Way, the Truth, and the Life and this is God's Exaltation of His Son that we preach and stand in faith upon forever without compromise and without deluding  Gods Message & Words with the lies of the worlds many shortcoming beliefs that are not in line with the light of the Son of God who was crucified for our sins and risen from the dead for our justification)...Amen.....deno....share freely.

Gods Wisdom Is Crying in the Streets for the World to heed His Light.....deno......share freely.

The Bread is in the writings......Wisdom is crying from the scriptures......deno
         Every evil in the world can be traced back to what Satan caused a long time ago, but every evil is not of his hands. Satan tempts but men choose. Billions of men join Satan in hell for their own sins. So likewise, there are a lot of good deeds done in this world, but not every good deed is of Gods Sons hands. 
         A religion of kindness and of good deeds that at the same time spits and mocks at the Name of Jesus Christ, is a religion of great good deception wrought in the form of sweet kindness. It's deceiving spirit is subtle and the evil prince of its deceiving power is hard for many to see thru. For it all SEEMED SO SWEET (but it lacked the saving SALT of CHRIST)........deno....share freely.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Conservative Swagger - Intellectual Froglegs 4.16.15

Words over Deeds: Why Americans detest Politicians (& love Trump)- Intel...

Salt verses Sweet......written by deno.......share freely.

       When we study the gospels we find out important things about Jesus' dealings with Satan. We find that where Satan is, the finger of God first points and then God pours out the power to bind and to remove the devil, but not without the Sons of God involved. We also discover that if Satans schemes have no known whereabouts, the children have no place to aim. Knowing Satans scheme and whereabouts is important. Much like the fact that even ones desire in prayer to God must have its known recognizable specific identity for the Spirit of the Lord to move a specific direction, and a Kings command must have it's targeted aim so that the decree of HIS POWER will have direction and known purpose. He that has ears to hear, let him hear.
       Jesus our Lord, he always first found out the demons specific whereabouts and then He said, WHO ARE YOU? to know their identity. Once that was established, then came down the fire of His Power directed by HIS DIRECTED ON PURPOSE AIM and he cast him out with the spiritual weapon of his warfare and destroyed his work. There are spiritual weapons and there are righteous physical weapons we are to use against the manifold schemes and works of the enemy. 
       Let not the children of God walk as blind for we are called to know even the hidden things of darkness to bind and to uproot their strongholds. Even the scripture over and over again in the book of the gospels and of the Acts REVEALED the IDENTITY OF who those organizations were that stirred up friction against the Son of God and against His SERVANTS (The Chrurch). Ask Paul, he knew exactly who slapped his face and ordered the stripes on his back and the stonings. Satan and demons Paul always cast out, but evil men who are evil flesh themselves often act with INDEPENDENT WILLS OF THEIR OWN against the things of God and his church, and those opposing men used swords and spears and whips and stones and organized movements against Jesus, Paul and the Church, from their kingdoms called the kingdom of men.
       Every evil in the world can be traced back to what Satan caused a long time ago, but every evil is not of his hands. Satan tempts but men choose. Billions of men join Satan in hell for their own sins. So likewise, there are a lot of good deeds done in this world, but not every good deed is of Gods Sons hands. A religion of kindness and of good deeds that at the same time spits and mocks at the Name of Jesus Christ and his gospel, is a religion of great good deception wrought in the form of sweet kindness. It's deceiving spirit is subtle and the evil prince of its deceiving power is hard for many to see thru. For it all SEEMED SO SWEET (but it lacked the saving SALT of CHRIST).
        Before every rebuke from the Lord He proclaims His aim whether His rebuke be to a person, to a church, or to a city, or to a nation, or to the whole world. When the world becomes to stubborn to listen to His Spirit, which is the Spirit of Jesus Christ, the book of Revelations reveals God moves to the next level of the warfare and mountains fall and men run into the caves. And to God, His targets in that hour He  first identifies as His Sons enemies and then the earth itself shakes violently under their feets whereabouts at His Strong Rebuke. Even physical hail comes down upon them at His Spiritual Command. God takes up Arms from His Own Physical Weaponry.
        Satan can be in people crying out their demonic venom into the world and Satan can be in the organizations of men who war against the Church and against the Son of God. The natural worlds legal system has its place in the warfare. Let the lawyers for Christ not be asleep or lazy against what these organizations are doing against Christ and this nation. (Those organizations against Christ are not lazy and they are organized by blindness and by the stealth of Satan). Should God not also have His representatives on the earth fighting for His Sons Name, Cause, Light, Ways and Honor with their visible arsenal of human wit, authority, ink, voice, and power? 
.......(Note..Going off track just for a second here, but this needs to be said.....Just one dollar from a million believing fighting christians is a million dollars a month to help support those CHRISTIAN Law firms that fight in the courts for the rights of Christ and christians in America. We have at least a hundred million christians in this nation. Just think of the power and the weight Christians could launch for Christ in America if a million Christians gave 10 dollars each a month to the internal and external causes for Christ in this nation? 
      The enemies of Christ and of our faith are financed highly. That first 30 pieces of silver has drawn great interest in the last days. Financed by the interest gained in those 30 pieces of silver the enemies of Jesus are throwing their weight all over this nation in the courts with all expenses paid by the left to drive out Christ, to silence the use of HIS NAME in public, and prayer, and the Ten Commandments, and they want to snuff out the christian influence in the public arena of America's schools, politics, and government facilities, and operations. They are being SALTY for Satan while convincing the church to just be SWEET FOR CHRIST by the clever and crafty us of a word called TOLERANCE. Shall the Light of the world and the Salt of the earth  DO LESS FOR JESUS IN THE NATION FOUNDED ON GOD IN CHRIST AND BIBLICAL CONVICTIONS FOR LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS ? 
       Let us all now become highly engaged and get richly involved in the fight and support those organizations that fight for Christ in the courts of America..People like David Barton and the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) are two organizations proven honorable and worthy of our prayers and financial support in this most important end times atmosphere battle. Let's do it for Jesus, for our children, and for our Nation for blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord...Jesus is Lord. ........Believers, we cannot remain Sweet in this, LOOK AT THE CONDITION OF OUR NATION, even some atheist cry at the course and the rottening they see of the American society. If we do, if we remain just sweet and not SALT we will lose even more ground and more spiritual territory in this nations soil and soul to the enemies of Christ. WE MUST BECOME SALTIER THAN EVER BEFORE.
         Now let's get back on the inspiration track...What i am about to say now, do not misinterpret. It is meant for wisdom from insight given, and not for disgrace. Don't run from it at first glance....Here it is, there are 2 of them.
.........First one.....Even Peter backed away from confrontation one time when he should have been standing his gospel ground. He backed away from the stand and from the fight because of FEAR of the confrontation and the Lord rebuked him. (In Peter's action he went from Salt to being Sweet in fear of confrontation and Paul God used to rebuke him sharply). 
.........So in the light of that we write now the second one and this remember, do not run from this light at first glance; Here it is....(Sometimes, not always just sometimes,  a prayer can be the act of a fear filled coward who uses prayer as a means to not face off his enemy and runs from the works that are really threatening. What do we mean? If David had that kind of heart and was just SWEET, then the enemies of Israel would have taken over Israel with all its women and children and its riches the day the Giant rose up to mock Israel and its God). Remember, do not misinterpret that saying. For prayer is powerful and effective against the spirits for the demons are subject to us IN Jesus Name. But not all the evil going on in this nation and in this world is devils a loose BUT EVIL FLESH AND BLOOD called MEN who themselves are evil by nature. Men stand before God to be judged for their own evils, not Satans. Satans evils must be dealt with thru the authority of the Word of Gods power and Name in prayer and in faith. But the evils of men by both prayer and physical action in formations of response.
        The church must not lay down any structure of her authority and power in this nation and in the battle for souls and for Christ. Its all in the arsenal of Salt and of Christ. Because she (The Church) laid down her achieved rule over this territory (over this nation) and did not fight a good fight to maintain the garden entrusted unto her in this land, America was shoveled way to the left where the goats the Lord said shall be gathered. She (the church in America) was told "BE SWEET", and she fell right into the hands of the enemies of Christ. She lost the morality of this nation to dogs and to the thieves and to men who erect businesses made out of sin, and to men who have no honor in whom Satan dwells in stealth attachments.
      She (the church) was talked into being SWEET by evil men who plotted with demonic SALT, who had an evil robbing bitter agenda (using Political Correctness and other schemes called TOLERANCE in both bold and stealth counter operations to conquer the soul and conscience of America to turn day into night, and to turn light into the love of darkness, and to exchange THE TRUTH for the Serpent's lies).
      They did all this satanic damage to the nation while to many of the Churches Watchman did as Peter did. Peter the Pastor of the Church, fearing the opposition he told the Church to BACK OFF and to be sweet and not salty. For decades now in our time, many pastors have commanded the church to back off as well and just BE SWEET and NOT SALTY and they have added their own drawing back delusion to their compromise. In fear of real confrontation that comes by being pure Salt in Christ, and thru a new look at the splendors of this age, we find many overseers of today's church sending their sheepfold away over and over again Sunday after Sunday promising them loads and loads of the milk and of the honey of this world yet without a cow nor a bee to draw it from. God forgive us all of every sermon or lesson that we've ever taught or preached that in your eyes were clouds without Your Water in them, but were lies or misinterpretations that could not fill, but only frustrate.
        We are now seeing the results of the Church just being SWEET & TOLERANT and what it did to this nation called America. Her faith identity, her convictions and creeds, her freedoms, and what she is and what she stands for are now all in question and in a maze of confusion. Even her traditional morals spawned from the bible are treated as by by words of the past. She is so confused she no longer can tell up from down, nor male from female, nor right from wrong, nor what is light from what is of darkness; nor what is of heaven and what is of hell. The nation is drunk with its own shame and mingled delusions of serving God and Mammon.
        Like Jesus said, If the Salt of the world loses its saltiness, evil and evil people take over the thrones of power and do so trampling over the salt that lost its seasoning. There is no Salt that exist that is SWEET....And if to you Salt is Sweet you've been deceived....Love me don't judge me did not come from God nor from HIS SON'S SALT...It was brought into the mix misused, spawned by perverted demons in SWEET MEN who love sweet and despise the Salt. These same men of the sweet that depise the SALT say love me don't judge me and such words they cleverly selected to use because of their refusal to heed Gods call to stop this sin and to repent. They even are known to cry, I believe in God and Jesus yet they make up their own rules. Why call me Lord Lord said the Holy One of Israel when you refuse to do what I say. This tolerance being now imposed on the American society has the power to destroy the world and bring to dust the glory of a nation even who once knew God and Light. This that is being imposed on the American society is driven by a powerful demonic force sent to this nation to upend more of her heavenly strength that has been in her from the prayers of her beginnings, and to crack further her moral foundations. Its weight is heavy and strong against America's founding pillars.
       And if a father walks into his house and thieves possessed by devils have broken in to steal and to kill and to destroy and men are trying to rape his wife and daughter and the father is just SWEET, then he and his loved ones will be run over. When he walks in and sees that evil going on of men against his wife and daughter, is the weapon of his warfare for that event spiritual or physical? Sweet or Salt, words or action? Or is it time for the man of faith to find him a slingshot with some stones in it turning his love and spiritual faith into physical formations? Christ prayed but he also went and got the hammer and the nails to destroy our enemies that had risen up against us.
       Sometimes Salt and the Spirit of Right and of Righteousness is forced to become flesh and physical formations to deal with powers of the darkness and to deal with those under Satan's spell and those who themselves by themselves are evil brute beast who despise authority, who honor not their parents, and who have little respect for life. These are the monsters of the flesh of this present evil world who live and do as their father the devil would depict to steal, kill, terrorize, and to destroy and to take away the peace of a society. Be sweet to them and they will destroy you and society. The devil loves it when people esp., THE CHURCH, TOLERATES him and his ways and push. We must BE SALTY against the monsters and not SWEET, for only in being salty to them have they any hope of change and to be purified and society kept in peace. 
        He that told us to love one another is He that told us also to NEVER LOSE OUR SALT or we would get run over by evil and by evil men. Tolerance of evil is like the sparing of the rod. God said such comes from HATE not from LOVE and that kind of tolerance God said would spoil the child. Just think what it will do to a society that TOLERATES most every wicked and perverse thing. America is now spoiled and becoming rot because of to much SWEET and to little of CHRIST REAL SALT. This will not change unless the CHURCH GETS REAL WITH GOD FROM THE HEART. The fancy shows want do it. DAY UNTO DAY  REAL SALT WILL, but not without the bees stirred up against us tempting us with their sweet.
        Many times in this evil world, the Spirit of Righteousness must take up BOTH SWORDS against Satan, His Craft, against his schemes and to topple his works. Do we go to the Doctors for the use of their stainless steel formed weapons against disease? Yes and we bless their weapons that they use against our common enemies of disease. Shall we disarm our doctors and take away their weapons against the evils and against the enemy of disease? The ridiculous wisdom given from Sweet might, but wisdom given from Salt never would. Not until death is swallowed up in victory and not until faith has no trace of doubt.
        And, We should never weaken, nor disarm this nations military strength and SALT POWER made for defence and for peace; nor disarm our police officers, nor THIS NATIONS citizens as the SWEET daily contemplate, wish for, and speak of. They are under the spell of SWEETS STRONG DELUSION. For to do so is an act of the deceived who live in a fairy tale called SWEET. 
     Friends let's face it, we are not living in the days of heaven on earth but in the days of hell on earth and Jesus warned us that it is going to get a whole lot worse before He returns with HIS SALT to make it a whole lot HIS BETTER. Therefore we should not lay down THE SALT our christian authority and power given us in Christ nor any of the weapons of our warfare for peace. Nor should the Lords Salt and Lawyers for Christ and Christianity lay down their SALT power and pens and voices and the christian people their votes against those organizations that seek to take away Christ and religious freedoms in this nation by the ridiculous wisdom and deceptions and lies that come from SWEET.....Sweet caused the decay, Salt preserves and heals..Enough said....Jesus is Lord....To God Be The Glory.......deno.....share freely.