Whatever happened to America.....deno. .........(And at this time in our history America is a divided country. America is a land of the workers and of the achievers who are the givers and taxpayers on one side of the ile, and America is a land full of takers and freeby gatherers on the other side of the ile. The takers and the freeby lovers worry about them and theirs mostly and how they personally will eat and survive and their concern does not reach much beyond themselves and their personal little world. But that's understandable, having been spoiled by the strategic political based freeby system enforced by a certain political party for their political advantage. While the workers and the givers and the taxpayers of America concern themselves not only with their needs and American dreams, but they also are greatly concerned now how the Nation is going to survive and afford all the free giveaways that has skyrocketed and not crash into national financial debt, depression and ruin). There exist many ways to weaken and to bring down a nation. Massive Gigantic Debt is one of them. .......For many generations in America the present generations have been blessed with the works, the sacrifices and the achievements of the former generations. Their hard work and blessings achieved, the next generation after them inherited. This went on for many generations, and generation unto generation the blessing continued. But after awhile something really terrible happened. Let's talk about it. ........As the nation grew and progressed, eventually the nation became so great and so beautiful that some really spoiled and bratty people came to power who lost sight of the sacrifices of those who ran the race in America before them. The generations before them ran their race to make it better for the next generation being taught that it was our nation's responsibility and love duty to do so as the heart of Christianity was the nation's dominance and light, but suddenly a generation was born who somehow grew to have different views from the bible path and a selfish indulging DO WHAT YOU WILL spirit began to be introduced into the nation. It was channeled into the nation thru the means of new music being introduced to America, even from afar. ........A wild and partying undisciplined generation of gluttonous covetous people that decided to over indulge in all forms of undisciplined sensual pleasure filled behaviors and to overspend the goodies of our nation on themselves and not put away for the next generation's financial health and prosperity and well being took holt to the reigns of the nation. National self serving indulging people became a massive part of America as the hippies roamed the land seeking new pleasures, new highs, new sensations to explore. A very radical self serving people were multiplying in America that one day would enter into the politics of America and they would shake the nation even to its traditional foundational settings. A change to old America was being born and the anti traditional American agenda was being set in slow motion. The John Wayne type of spirit and rugged heartfelt patriotism and love of God and country was soon to become almost extinct and would be replaced by the form of a spirit that I will call the sugar and spice of sweet evil. Evil and wrong would now be presented and would be made to taste so sweet, so spicy, and look so good yet after taking its full course in the people it still would destroy is prey in the end. ........Those gluttonous greedy self serving people became a spiteful, spoiled generation that began to take for granted the former generations sacrifices, labors, and great wealth achievements and they began to govern over those former generations achievements recklessly having no longer in them the richer spiritual depths that the former generations possessed to care for themselves and for the future generations of America. .........And because they did not have to really work for the national greatness that they were born into, they, looking at the great wealth that was in the nation's treasury, they thought to themselves that this could never end. The wealth is just to enormous. So they began to wheel and deal foolishly and wastefully. They forgot to be real grateful and truly thankful because they did not push that spirit anymore as America's former generations cleaved to. They even began to war with God and pushed an anti God agenda little by little and SERIOUS CORRUPTION SET IN to the course of our nation.The betraying spirit of Judas had entered and was rampant in the American government and Courts of America that began to attack Americans former Christian traditions and beliefs and from there America began to slip and slide itself away from the former generations blessings that had sustained them for several generations. The betrayal of God and of America's christian faith and traditions was now on and it is still taking its course in the American society to this day. ..........In this corruption something happened to their minds reasoning and thinking and those spoiled, unthankful, anti God anti Christian people began to handle the nation's wealth in manners that were soon to become even dangerous to the nation's security, the nation that was once the richest nation in the history of the world. The plundering of America's wealth began as the nation became governed by people that seemed to not be able to find the off button to their spending. They began to feed the world with all kinds of political giveaways and by backyard deals for America's interest and advantages and this was being done so recklessly that in time they hit a wall and a crack was put in the hull of the Great American Ship. A crack that even to this hour no one knows how to fix it without first sinking the ship and transporting the people to another boat and SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT. Something very important was just simply said there. ........They began to dish out grants, fatly fund all kinds of programs. They began to cast their pearls before the swine and the pork all of the sudden was everywhere. They became addicted (for political gain) to give out free money to people to help them, but at the same time they perverted and polluted that helping hand by buying votes thru that welfare system to grow their political parties numbers (more corruption) ......... Seeing they could buy votes that way they began to call out for more and more immigrants to enter the land even illegally, put them also on the take, buying their votes with the unearned giveaways also, to keep their political numbers increasing for their corruptive control of the nation. The citizens kept seeing the massive increase of immigrants into America and saw its problems and they thought, how so strange it is, that our American government ignores this problem. (It was to their political advantage to look the other way because they were increasing their vote power to take power away from the real tax paying citizens of this nation. ......... A subtle and yet different kind of takeover of the democratic socialist communist party of America was underway). Money was flying out of that treasury year after years as if there was no way the nation could ever run out of money, They took the hard working tax paying people's wealth and funded wars and started buying off both immigrants, people, and nations, not to mention the under the table side bar deals that made politicians rich together as they packed bills with political pork for stealth politician feast. As the bible says of covetous leaders, those covetous people feast themselves on the people's givings. .........America was full of citizens of great giving hearts but unfortunately greedy wolves in sheep's clothing crept into the power seats of their government singing God Bless America in order to get in and they were positioned by a people deceived on the power seat of the receiving end of the nation's givings and charities (The fiscal budget of America). They are corrupt politicians. Gangsters in fancy three piece suits with red, white and blue ties that sing publicly God Bless America only to hide their evil hearts of greed and the secret plundering of the American People's Taxes and Wealth. Giveaways Giveaways Giveaways to help others they pound and preach, but they preach that only to appear and to COME ACROSS as being charitable themselves ( a charitable party), but this has been going on for decades of the corrupt politicians to divert the attention of THE PEOPLE off of them and their own person political plundering of America's Tax Wealth and to BUY and to SECURE MORE VOTES so that they can continue to increase the size of the crack in the American Ships Hull. What's that old saying about that old con man, He deceives them, killing them by their love. .........These same spoiled people kept and keep on with all that reckless GIVEAWAY spending until one day they looked into the nation's treasury and bank account and said uh oh, we are out of money and we have all these checks to honor. Welfare checks, Military and government retirement checks, social security checks and all these other checks. What are we going to do? The nation's wealth we have plundered. ........They came up with an idea. They went to the printing machines and began to fabricate the government's wealth status with the printing of paper money backed by no gold. They call it borrowing money out of thin air, out of the THE FUTURE GENERATIONS in order to pay for their present reckless generations bills. That generations reckless mishandling of the nation's wealth had to reach for the first time into the FUTURE GENERATIONS WEALTH status for the first time in American history to cover its own greedy consumptions .........These evil careless and covetous politicians have plundered America's former wealth, present wealth and now even America's FUTURE WEALTH to cover the debts of their plundering of America. GIVEAWAYS GIVEAWAYS GIVEAWAY is the main campaign strategy, even though they know that America can no longer afford that...... (20 Trillion dollars in debt-Unbelievable Financial Nightmare). Talk about an irresponsible greedy gluttonous politically corrupt people. ...........They tell us our children and their children's children shall have to pay it back. How so unfair that is. We even give so many other nations all kinds of money (Billions and Billions and even trillions) while we curse our own American children's future generations with what could be an irreparable sinking ship. These evil people should be tracked and then TRUMPED for getting us into this BIG MESS. Donald Trump and his witty mind of finance and wealth gaining blessing AMERICA NEEDS DESPERATELY. We cannot afford the professional politicians any more. THEY ARE UNTRUSTABLE AND THEY ARE THE PROBLEM AND HAVE BEEN FOR DECADES as is seen in the words of this simple writing and as clearly seen in America's Gigantic Debt. We as a nation should literally THANK GOD that a man like TRUMP is even willing to take the wheel of the nation to help us with his financial wits and experience to increase America's wealth ratio. ..........The reckless spending and borrowing money out from the future generations is today still going on, even more than ever and it is 45 plus years later. For almost 45 plus years now our government's own reckless irresponsible spending of the nation's wealth has bankrupted what was once the richest nation on earth and if it were not for all those printing machines printing huge amounts of fabricated wealth and calling it money and borrowing it out of the future, the American Empire would fall and that like a mighty financial crashing of biblical proportions. 20 Trillion dollars in debt and climbing. UNBELIEVABLE, ..........Hillary Clinton and many other professional politicians for the last forty years had the ability to attack this problem but did not. They created this problem. Out of control they themselves kept adding to this reckless spending behavior. They all kept spending more than the year before until operating in a bigger and bigger deficit became like a horrible drug addiction that our government could not kick. Now we are 20 trillion dollars in debt and that debt is in itself the worse national security threat to present America. ..........Right Now, we as a nation MUST CHOOSE the right candidate for President this time at this stage in our nation's financial crisis, that can create jobs and real wealth and control cost at the same time or at least set in motion a real feasible means to pay the debt down, we could lose America soon if we don't. ..........Donald Trump is the man for America for what our nation is facing now. We have to, we must now put America First and Make America Great Again or the America we love and know could be gone forever...In Washington it can longer be government business as usual. We must excel in achievements and prosperity and financial disciplines far above our known yesterday's. Donald Trump is the most qualified person to help the nation do all this. Let us not let go of this gifted man given to our generation for such an hour as this in America......deno.....share freely.
This is America and we with our present freedoms can believe whatever we want. You may not believe in God and you may not be religious, but a least let us be honest. Think about it. The Democrats pile up and pile on so many government regulations to operate businesses in America that the weight of those regulations slows business growth in the nation and causes the establishment of the Republicans & Democrats Rich & Famous who do have the big businesses here (even for years and decades), to pack up and move to Mexico and other places outside America to get away from the BIG GOVERNMENT regulations that are causing them unacceptable higher overhead. And there goes OUR BETTER PAYING JOBS. America, this activity mentioned above (BY OUR OWN GOVERNMENTS WEIGHTY HAND) is THE ENFORCEMENT of the dismantling of our Nation....Since Clinton's NAFTA Agreement in the 90s, this has been going on...The Communist Party of America (The Democratic Party) wants the nation "Government Dependant"....WHY? So that you want go and vote or go against THE HAND THAT FEEDS YOU NO MATTER WHAT COURSE THAT HAND TAKES THE NATION EVEN IF ITS ON A COURSE FOR THE RIPPING UP OF THE CONSTITUTION unto Social Communism and the compromise of liberties. Every time you hear a Democrat speaking of a change is coming to America they mean Communism is taking over. That is what they are talking about. Lets just put it out there as it really is. It is Bigger Government at the Price of lessor Freedoms. We have so many people in America today on the government free give away programs and payroll that put nothing into it, that they would not dare go against THE HAND THAT FEEDS THEM.... As long as they are getting their freebies and checks monthly THE HELL WITH THE FISCAL HEALTH OF THE NATION and the hell with the CONSTITUTION of the Nation..JUST GIVE ME MY FREE MONEY. And this same Party also wants the flood of illegal immigrants and refugees (millions and millions of them to continue) so they can put them on the free give aways program to feed them (making them government dependent addicts), then afterwards register them to vote so that they will vote for and not go against the hand that feeds them. This is also, by the Hand of our own Government, the government strategically moving its hand to TAKE AWAY the power of the TAX PAYING TRUE PATRIOTIC AMERICAN CITIZENS and run the elections by the pile up of the numbers of the people on the government welfare payroll (dependency) and freebies program, And by those BOUGHT VOTES paid for BY THE MONEY OF THE TAXPAYERS, use that power to control the elections by the takers, taking the power away from the givers (THE NATIONS TAX PAYERS). This is so wrong but yet so clever that it is demonic. The hard working Taxpayers are allowing their own money to pay for their own Nations destruction and takeover from within by the Socialist thru the freebies and the unearned checks of those who put nothing into the system or that lie to steal the loot.. But then we ask why and how could they do all this dismantling and all this tyranny to America the land of liberty who strove for a more perfect union of all both small and great AS ONE NATION UNDER GOD united together by the glory of heartfelt national patriotism? Well here is the answer. By the de-faithing of the nation (Our Children) thru the avenue of our Universities (using Evolution indoctrination) we remove God, and God convictions and loyalties to the sacred text (which was our common ground for centuries in America), which if we can de-faith the nation, then the Constitution written by the moral code and laws founded from God's Bible can be agreed upon by these new founded atheist to be ripped apart or rewritten by a generation who no longer believes in God or at least strongly doubts His existence. So being de-faithed by the lie of evolution and being no longer esteemers of the morals of the sacred text, (with the nation gone wild) being they no longer subject themselves to the morals of the commandments of Gods Law, then they have also no guilt in being disloyal to the Constitution that was based upon fear of God and the bible. Rip it up and rewrite America....That is THE CHANGE....That is their play for their Redefining of New America. Pay attention......They are already redefining our traditional convictions that we have always esteemed and embraced from the bible. They take Christ out of Christmas & Easter WHICH REPRESENT THE BIRTH and RESURRECTION OF CHRIST and turn those days into secular holiday's though they were formed purely by the Christian faith. In God We Trust that was a common ground of America for many decades, they want removed to no longer be our nations motto. And as in their latest redefining of marriage and gender identification confusion, doing this is their boldest attack against all we have held to be holy and sacred in America. They know if we all bow to this They have conquered the nation and overcome old America.....It is sick what they are doing to this Nation. We must STOP THIS MADNESS. And also at the same time thru the bombardment of verbal pounding(Music Industry) and IMMORAL IMAGING (Hollywood & Porn) overload against America's Moral & Ethical Code called The Bible, thru all of this overloading of the mind and soul of the nation, America would undergo an inward hardening and change within contrary to her former sacred God given convictions of Americas former generations who applauded IN GOD WE TRUST... Then by this inner hardening against God and the sacred text, the nation would in time and THAT TIME IS NOW, would become a nation of people who love and prefer money over God, pleasure over sacrifice, entertainment over discipline, fame over moral code, and prefer mammon over country, patriotism, and national loyalty. Just get yours no matter what, no matter the lie, or the theft...GET YOURS. The nation by all these tactics and others has been divided and demonized by the Democratic Communist Party and by the lack of real resistance of the Republican party who are supposed to be God and the Conservatives Political Salt.Yet not to make everyone religious, but that the non religious would not take power and use that power to suppress the freedoms of the religious ones that the Constitution was written to protect. America was actually founded by believers for the protection and the religious freedoms of believers. Any change to this Constitutional setting is tyranny against the founding causes of this nation. Yet oh how this is now going on more and more in present America. To really save America, it will take a Man and A Stand greater than ever before of the American people who love this nation and who see what is really taking place to rise up in a movement and a revolution to return this nation to her former cause and glory that our founding fathers intended for THE FREE. Well now we have THE MAN, and we have THE PEOPLE and We ARE TAKING OUR COUNTRY BACK....ON THE TRUMP TRAIN. Our voice will again rule the nation and we shall dismantle from our nation THOSE PROFESSIONAL POLITICIANS THAT HAVE BETRAYED US who have been dismantling our nation, our freedoms, and our jobs for all these years and sending them to other countries while overloading our nation with the influx of millions and millions of people who have no reason to be loyal to the sacredness of our Constitution or to American Patriotism, nor to God...JUST GIVE ME THE FREEBIES AND THE FREE MONEY....but to be loyal to what the rest of the nation and our Constitution is all about they don't give a damn. They raise up their own flags of the nations they fled from and fly them over ours. This is INVASION and TAKEOVER....I'm sorry but I love this country and refuse to see this tyranny continue.. We Are The Trump Party and We Are American Correct.....deno.....share freely.
THE TRUMP BLESSING. ......There came a time in our Lords ministry that he became greatly opposed. These enemies formed alliances against Jesus and over and over again tried to catch him in his words, embarrass him publicly, and tried to stir up the villages and cities up to turn their hearts against him....But one day seeing all their attempts had failed they finally in awe struck to the Lords fame and popularity, they finally consented saying, All our schemes and attacks against him do nothing, behold the whole nation has gone after him (John 12:19)..... .....Friends not any of us can be compared to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. All of us including Trump need Gods grace, love, and mercy....But I wrote these words to say this....If God has His own hand on a person for a task, whether he super empowers and anoints that person for His cause, whether its to build a great Ark or be made His appointed ruler over a nation, if God has ordained it by His own mouth as to say THIS SHALL BE or THIS SHALL COME TO PASS; as He did in Solomon's life and reign; you can squall, scream, fuss, cuss, jump on cop cars and burn rubber all night AND ALL YOUR WITHSTANDING WILL BE AS NOTHING though you act like the devil himself in your resisting Gods plan.... .......Gods Word Spoken over the man will triumph just as it did when God spoke His own blessing word over Solomon. .......God spoke from His mouth His own blessing and purpose into the life of young Solomon, to make him business wise, rulership wise, and decision making wise to rule His nation. And And And God spoke His riches and wealth blessing into Solomon's life and dynasty and kingdoms glory called the glory of Solomon. .......God had his plan and hand on Solomon from the womb. God was being rich in Mercy for the nation of Israel. He raised Solomon up for the glory of God and Israel in the Temple being built days. Prosperity came to Israel from all over Israel's own treasures and from many other nations FAR BEYOND ALL THEIR YESTERDAYS. The sound of joy and happiness returned to Israel because of Gods Pronounced BLessing on ONE MAN who would rule HIS NATION. It was great days of prosperity in Solomon's reign because God ordained it to be with His own mouth speaking His Mighty Blessing into Solomon, his life and dynasty in that generation. ........When God personally puts a man in His sights and speaks His favor and blessing and cause into that soul personally, all the world can try to stop it but Gods Word will triumph and prevail. ..........That word that God personally spoke for HIS CAUSE into Solomon (for Solomon and the nation of Israel) was a unique and special WORD BLESSING. .........Gods spoken blessing into Solomon was so powerful that those words working their power into Solomon inside and out made Solomon rich, wealthy, wise, energized and determined. It even made the nation (THE PEOPLE) of Israel to partake of THE SOLOMON BLESSING and to enjoy for themselves exceedingly rich and wealth blessings, and to become energized to gather and to build, and to become business smart, skillful in task and in decision making and wise to rule and they were proud of being Gods People as ONE NATION UNDER GOD. The spirit of revival was in the land as the Temple was being constructed. ..........That word that God personally spoke for HIS CAUSE into Solomon (for Solomon and for the nation of Israel) was so powerful in there coming to pass power, that we read in the bible that not even the sins and failures of Israel and of Solomon himself, nor his personal human errors and failures had the power to stop the Word Blessing that God ordained and spoke into Solomon. Abounding Grace and Mercy was in the mixture of THAT MIGHTY BLESSING. When Solomon or the people missed it or sinned or even failed and grieved God in Solomons life, God had so empowered THE SOLOMON BLESSING with such abounding grace and mercy power that THAT BLESSING WOULD STILL PROSPER AND PREVAIL in Solomon's life and Israel's even when the atmosphere of Israel grieved God and sin was abounding. .........This was a special blessing of God of great grace and mercy and favor power. This was a MOST POWERFUL BLESSING that God spoke Himself into Solomon and his life and for his governing the nation as its king. It was a blessing for the nation of Israel in that day and hour for the great need and desire of God to come to pass in Israel, and THE SOLOMON BLESSING was so powerful in its coming to pass power, that we read in the bible that not even the sins and failures of Israel and of Solomon himself, nor his personal human errors and failures had the power to stop the Mighty Word Blessing that God spoke into Solomon. ........Solomon was divinely called, divinely chosen, and empowered by God for Gods purpose in the nation of Israel. God can do His Similar Blessing for now for other nations who call upon the Name of the Lord, who have humbled themselves and prayed for HIS DIVINE HELP and BLESSING on their nation...MILLIONS HAVE BEEN PRAYING FOR AMERICA FOR DECADES... ......... Gods Word Blessing into men's lives when He has HIMSELF spoken those words into that mans life, those words come to pass no matter what that man does and no matter what his enemies do. Study this truth in the life of Solomon. ..........Even though Solomon was gifted beyond comparison he still made personal mistakes. Its in the record for all to see. And yet so have we all. I know I sure have, many times. God does not bless a nation always according to their goodness, but as He did in Solomons life, sometimes God blesses a people and a nation because of HIS GOODNESS and MERCY not because of any goodness of the people. ...........God gifted Solomon with increasing wealth and wisdom, and though Solomon had great great successes and some huge failures in his personal life and fellowship with the Lord, still that Word that God spoke into Solomon was so powerful and filled with such favor, grace, and mercy multiplied so greatly, that Gods SPOKEN Word Blessing into Solomon still kept on making Solomon wiser & wiser, and more famous and more famous, and more richer and more wealthier all of his life. Even though he Solomon had personal successes and personal failures and even though His sins grieved God, Gods Spoken Word Blessing into Solomon still kept coming to pass no matter what....IT WAS THE GIFT OF GOD TO THAT GENERATION THRU A MAN CHOSEN AND ORDAINED BY GOD..That was a POWERFUL WORD that God spoke into Solomon and his life for that generation. A word like unto what God spoke into Abraham saying, IN BLESSING I WILL BLESS YOU....and I will raise you up for MY PURPOSE......and I will BLESS YOU so that you will be My Blessing to others. ........Look at all they have done and try to do against Trump, no matter what they form against him by word, by political strategy schemes. or by deeds, Trumps fame keeps increasing and he gets record attendances and votes...Gods Blessing is on the Man. .......Gods has a good plan for us and for our nation thru him....The best thing for all of us to do is to jump on the TRUMP TRAIN. .......God has something great for this nation on His mind...He has seen what all these lying deceiving professional politicians have been doing to HIS NAME and to our Faith, and against IN GOD WE TRUST. These unpatriotic disloyal betraying America Politicians, they promote and allow the plundering of our nation as they smile and over and over again lie and deceive us, and He has seen how they have schemed to dismantle our nations blessings, faith, our economic, military, and religious strengths. .......So God has gone outside the Box to get HIS WORK AND BLESSING PLAN accomplished for our nation With TRUMP. He did the same with David and with the 12 disciples and with Jesus our True KING. ........God has a special and grace abounding blessing plan for America.....God has put it into Trumps heart to bring His Goodwill plan to pass in America. ........IF MY PEOPLE WHO ARE CALLED BY MY NAME Will Humble Themselves and Pray and......., well many did as God said to do in that scripture promise...Its time for the democrats and all the opposers to let go and let God. .......Trumps His Man for the hour we live in now..He has His Blessing in store for America...He is a present day Solomon. A blessing to America in our generation...Lets all thank God for him, pray for him. support him and put him on the throne...God has put in in his heart to love our Nation and to Favor our Nation. We have had enough of these down days where America was put on the bottom of the list, its time to WIN AGAIN AMERICA and COME TOGETHER AS ONE NATION UNDER GOD....America First. With Gods blessing on His Man lets make America Great Again....Lets let go and let God.....Democrats and Republicans its time to put down your stones, and burn your signs. and embrace THE BLESSING.....Trump is Ordained by Gods Mercy and Blessing for the Nation.......This does not happen often.... We must embrace the gift and the blessing in the man and be thankful for this blessing and gift to our generation.......Amen.......deno....share freely.
“Gethsemane” in Hebrew is "Gath Shemanim". The two words GATH and SHEMANIM mean, “the place where olive oil is pressed”. When GOD calls you to draw near to Him in your Gethsemane; He is calling you to a place of obedience and surrender. To draw more oil, there must be more pressure. When the call outweighs your own desires, GOD will put more pressure to get you where He wants you to be to accomplish all HIS desires. The value of your oil depends on what you are willing to let go to receive more of Him. Obedience is better than sacrifice. What you have to gain in this world is but a fading flower. What you have to gain choosing to walk obediently, is a cup that never runs dry. Your life is not a fading flower, but want that never dies. Every calling is great when greatly pursued. The oil of anointing has the power to heal, restore, cleanse and renew. All the pressure you have endured is to reveal the golden oil of GOD's glory He has placed inside you. The more you pour out, the more glory and honour you give to Him. From PRESSURE comes PURPOSE. Surrender to His PERFECT WILL. But the plans of the LORD stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations. ~ Psalm 33:11 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, says the LORD. ~ Isaiah 55:8 If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. ~Jesus/Yeshua [Matthew 16:24] And we know that all things work together for good to them that love GOD, to them who are the called according to his purpose. ~Romans 8:28 Be blessed ~ AMC.
........All arguments cease the moment one's breath is taken away. At that moment the spirit world is seen. Are you prepared? The young gangster made his boast saying, Hell, man I'm not worried about hell. Why when I get there I'll take the granite over and run the place with my boys, yea......The young gangster was shot and killed in a turf dispute soon after he made his boast and now he was all alone.. His words made him ripe for the devils plucking. Being deceived he did not know, he did not know that in the way he lived on earth as the baddest gangster around that he was day unto day punked by Satan. In the region of the damned Satan saw the soul of the gangster all alone in the darkness and headed down so he came to him and said, You said what? The young man seeing the face of evil himself was horror stricken. Crying and terrified he replied back, I didn't say anything. Satan laughed and said you've been my punk on the earth for years, then he personally through him in the fire to the demonic vultures who called the gangster by his name. This is your reward Satan said to his demons. You deceived him now feast on him. All the devil's creeds and promises are believable lies only to destroy the soul in the end. All of them. All the bad boys can boast of their heartless badness upon the earth now. They can cuss, swear, grab their crotch while doing so in their defiance of wisdom and God's authority, and live and move as criminals and brute beast on the earth. They can wear their pants down to their knees having no concern for children, use and abuse people, lie, rap the words of evil being punked by Satan who laughs at them while they do so because it's just fuel to his case against their souls. They can walk with the proud look and with hate and evil in their eyes, and fire their iron at others while holding their gun sideways, but they are playing right into the devil's hands and playing the devil's game never ends well. NEVER. There is no rose garden in hell. Not one gangster that descended to hell (And there are many) went there without weeping and gnashing of teeth, crying and screaming as hell's reality and fury filled their eyes. Their descent and their personal entrance into the region of the damned was so horrifying and so terrifying they lost all their strength and shook violently with fear that in measure was unknown upon the earth. Hell has no play grounds. No basketball courts. No street called hope, no bench called rest. Not even one drop of water for relief anywhere. Its all pure hell and torments in every sense of the word. Its a place of extreme punishments and moanings willed with massive regrets. It is a living nightmare that has not even a speck of peace nor any chance of ending. It goes from worse unto worse for eternity. Its worth escaping by all means necessary. Don't stay punked by Satan. In hell the teeth grind in the agony of the damned. None of them had to end up there, but they chose evil over good and darkness over light. They chose to be cocky for the gangsters applause instead of fearing the Lord. They were convinced by the blind to choose hate over Jesus Christ and God's love. They learned the behavior to grab their crotch instead of grabbing the bible. They were trained to rather strut for the devil instead of walking in honor before the mighty God and Christ. They thought on the earth they punked everybody else while all the while unbeknown to them Satan was punking them daily with his deceptions formed in their thinking that was the cause for the way they rapped, talked, acted and behaved. Satan punked them all in a stealth manner to fatten their souls up for no escape from hell and damnation. What does it profit to gain the whole world but lose your soul in hell's damnation forever? Repent and lay holt of the Son of God while you have time. The lion seeks to feast on you in hell in ways the world knows not of. There is no mercy in hell, no death, no compassion, and no rest to the soul from it torments. No one is there to pull the wolves and the lions off those they attack. There is no dispute over turf. Satan and his monstrous demons rule it all like vultures feeding upon the souls of men that they deceived and punked on the earth. The most heartless and ruthless gangster on earth, his heart quivers and fears when he sees the grinding teeth of a pit bull gone mad. In hell such creatures are calm pets compared to the evil and ruthlessness of cursed demons who hate God and the souls of men that Jesus loved so much as to die for, in order to ransom. The devil has a chip on his soldiers against all men so he schemes and deceives them in stealth and in the open to take them down. Please Wake Up to all the truth of these words you have read in this light....Choose Heaven..There is an awful hell to shun and there is a glorious heaven to gain....Believe and change your ways before it's too late for you to. Death approaches all ......deno.....share freely.
He came to heal the brokenhearted and to set the captive free. She was laden with sin upon sin of the common kind of our day, her partners were many. But when her heart got a holt on Jesus and not just her head, she fell in love with the Master, her life was changed, and she cried Holy is His Name. Often times the heart melts and tears begin to run down like streams when the heart finds the Master, for it is only when the heart finds Jesus that we truly find the King. As long as its just a head connection then the heart will never understand these words. The Lord said when they believe with all their heart and when they seek Me with all THEIR HEART that's when the findings take place....scroll down.
Friends it is time for us to Seek The Lord....Our King is Rich In Mercy and full of compassion to heal the brokenhearted....Jesus is the King.....His love is so much greater than our sin......deno.......share freely.