Thursday, June 2, 2016

Turncoat Conservatives

America's Sovereignty Maintained or Lost Forever. This is the present battle......deno.....share freely.

America's Sovereignty Maintained or Lost.. This is the battle we face as the TRUMP PARTY AMERICANS.
.......I never thought we would see a day in this country when being a christian and patriotic to the "I'M ALL AMERICAN PROUD TO BE AMERICAN level would be offensive, an offense, strange, and politically incorrect in our own country.
.......We are being and have been little by little taken over by another infiltrating idea by globalist that is different than what our founding fathers made us and meant for us as an independent power and nation to be...Seems like the whole western world is right now being reshaped and re identified by the globalist mafia that is undermining all national sovereignty's to push a borderless world where the nations must let go of all their national sovereignty and re identify themselves as a ONE WORLD ORDER without the division causing national constitutions. This is part of the reason why TRUMP our nominee is under attack for his ALL AMERICAN AMERICA FIRST STAND and AGENDA.
......The globalist mafia has been raping and slowly reshaping our nation for several decades now bending the will of the American people little by little to be less and less American Patriotic and more and more subjected to One World Mindness. A borderless world to globalist is a world of no separating constitutions. It all looks good on paper but the problem with this is PEOPLE ARE FLAT OUT EVIL, selfish and hate filled, and do not get along with others for all kinds of reasons that make them different in the heart to others. The heart of Cain and the heart of Abel are two different hearts and they do not mix and cannot walk in peace as one. You may sedate Cains heart for a moment, but what he is in the heart he is and he will rise up eventually and kill you for your difference (Religious Difference). Your two altars do not contain the same sacrifice.
....... It is whats wanted and desired in the heart where the division and wars come from...Globalist cannot change that. All the beautifying of the new world order books in all the world by the zillions that glamorize the one world order subject cannot change that. The heart is what the heart is and the heart loves what the heart loves and most hearts today are very much selfish and evil and crave self identification, separation, admiration and worship of all sorts.
.......ONLY GOD CAN change the heart and that will take something that is not even of this present world thru the entrance of the light of the Jesus Christ and his gospel. This was Americas UNITING POWER AND FORCE FOR CENTURIES, our national history and heritage shouts this point....But then came the globalist infiltration and doctrine and since their dawning America has been undergoing the plowing up of what before so greatly united her and gave her her inspirations and cause. Now the weeds of globalism are everywhere in our nation and our traditional liberties and traditions in America are being choked. We who love America, love being American, love our Constitution and traditions are feeling more and more the frustrations of their attack and the blades of the plow that is plowing up Americas traditions and grounds for the new globalist seeds of change to America.
........Borderless living in this present evil world is crazy when there is so much greed and evil and agendas of all sorts and craving lust in peoples hearts. Borderless living gives great place to all kinds of terror and evil on a person and on societies. It is not a good idea when really analysed. Matter of fact, when the AntiChrist comes on the worlds stage, the world will be in awe at World Unification Speech and its seeming hope, but it does not last long until suddenly the dream turns into a living nightmare under the judgement of God who avenges his REAL SON JESUS CHRIST. It becomes a bloodbath of men against men who have infiltrated each others nations crossing their borders for a dream that cannot be really realized without God and His true Son at the top.
.......The present move for globalism for monetary gain of the rich and of the wealthy is the Satanic counterfeit of Gods future plan for the world that we read of in the sacred text called Gods Word the bible.
......(LISTEN....The present Globalist do not know it but their thoughts are satanic. Satan has entered his will, desire, and plan in their hearts to carry out this premature global unification plan. The world will resist the plan for sovereignty reasons and for other reasons. Seeing the plans delay and seeing the resistance, these people running out of patience for the plans achievement, turn to plan B which is the use of perpetrated TERROR upon the world thru small to great measures TO FORCE THE GLOBALISM agenda into play. This is what we have been experiencing for decades now. If you cannot covert them to the one world order idea by persuasive speech, you terrorize them into the idea thru fear and destructive panic.....You use 9/11 style terror and other terror activity to the advantage of your globalizing cause...The one world order will one day be temporarily achieved but not by God and not from love for one another but thru rivers of blood and tidal waves of trouble on the earth and for the terrible things that are coming upon the world. THESE TROUBLES GIVE THE ONE WORLD ORDER ITS POWER AND IT GIVES THE FALSE MESSIAH (The AntiChrist his world stage, cause, and pulpit)
.......We all need spiritual walls and fortresses for protection and families and nations need certain physical walls on their borders for their protection from evil agendas and against those who desire to invade and plunder a nations wealth and society. Folks bottom line, evil exist and it is massive today. Evil comes to us in terror and threats and evil also comes to us with a great big glowing smile on it. There will be no paradise life on earth until Jesus Christ returns from heaven with great power and glory to subdue the nations in righteousness when God places the worlds government on HIS SONS SHOULDERS. His shoulders are the only shoulders worthy and able to handle in love, power and in justice all fulness. The present One World Order fantasy is Satans premature counterfeit.
......But now enters Trump and the Mighty Trump Party Army who still have incredible patriotic passion for America as Americans and as an independent nation of its own sovereignty and power. Our rightful passion for America and our Voice that is justified and afforded us by the Constitution of the United States that the globalist love to bypass as our present president does so often. Our All American America First Stand is a threat to them and their satanic globalist dream, and our uncompromising stand to take America Back is threatening their dismantling of our sovereign identity as ONE NATION UNDER GOD INDIVISIBLE...Go read what the definition of ONE NATION UNDER GOD INDIVISIBLE MEANS...This is under their attack.
.......They are attacking our nations national most sacred identities and our motto of IN GOD WE TRUST, and our ONE NATION UNDER GOD INDIVISIBLE.....pledge....Wake up America.
.......And many of our other traditions they have been attacking (even the most American Sacred ones), forcing change upon us and their twisted re-definings. Marriage they re defined. This is evil....Gender is re defined. Sin is denounced and denied. Christ out of Christmas they want and the resurrection out of Easter, for now all these things are so called politically incorrect. That is globalism speech and push in America making room for all the world, while Americas heritage and precious heart felt traditions are Sacrificed on the altar of change.
......Shall the American People win this battle or shall the globalist remain in power and continue their rape and plundering of America????....Sad to say it, but all those past and present politicians and even past presidents that are taking their stand against Trump THE ALL AMERICAN AMERICA FIRST PATRIOT are all part of the globalist mafia. The media is even a part of it and for this core purpose they bring their heat.
......Friends, fellow Americans and Trump Party, this is where the rubber meets the road. This is where the friction of our division against this globalist agenda becomes hostile and hot. They are the ones that cause the violence in the protest against Trump waving even foreign flags at the mighty Trump gatherings SO THAT THRU TERROR LIKE FORM they hope to break our will to stand for Americas sovereignty and national independence. We must not bend an inch to their will. .........We as Americans for decades have already bent enough at their subtle plan and all it has done for America is weakened and worsened our nation in every aspect (Open your eyes and just look). The globalist fear and despise the idea of America really Being Made Great Again. They know this can literally be done, but such would put them way back again in their plundering of our nation and giving our wealth and jobs to the world.
.......These people of the globalist mafia know that they undermine our Constitution and they know that they have broken over and over again their sacred oath to uphold and to defend the Constitution of the United States where our INDIVISIBLENESS COMES FROM AS A SOVEREIGN NATION. They know also that this makes THEM guilty of TREASON. They know that in many many forms and ways they have betrayed the American people and the sovereignty of America and of our Constitution and it scares the hell out of them to see a man like TRUMP ( a true American loving Patriot) rise to power. They could all be impeached and tried for treason if the whole American Constitutional Law was truly enforced, defended and upheld against them...Our founding fathers would have showed such treasonist people no mercy...NONE
........Its been a show folks for many years, a fabricated rigged show of good cop verses bad cop politics at the elections times to make us think that we are still a democracy and still an independent sovereign nation while in reality we are now falling way down the list of the most freest nations on earth. Its all on the record to see.
........ The Secret globalist societies have been running this American show for a long time now and they never thought that America would ever produce or see a John Wayne style All American, All for America level PATRIOT again. Well here we are TRUMP and THE TRUMP PARTY and they are baffled and trembling at our Resolve and strong  stubborn determination to save America and To Make America Great Again resolution revolution.
......We (The Trump Party and movement) with our every American Constitutional Right are in the right and they are in the wrong. But if the corruption is risen so high that even the treasonist and the corrupt walk free while the upholders of the Law and of the American Constitution are nailed to the wall, then America has lost her sovereignty to the hilt by inside infiltration. The clock is ticking and soon who wins will be revealed. If there was ever a time for Americans both small and great to fight for their country and for our American Independence and Sovereignty it is now. If we lose this election, America then and our heritage as we know it is lost forever. This is why Trump is the only one FOR TRUE AMERICA and not those of the globalist America that sells us and our American sovereignty out to the plundering for the worlds gain at the Americans demise.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

American Nationalist vs the Globalist......deno....share freely.

       The American Loving Nationalist of the Trump Party verses the globalist who sell out our nation to foreigners and the world. As America Loving Nationalist WE THE PEOPLE want borders to save America and to put America and the citizens of America First as was intended by our founding fathers written in the Constitution.....THEY (the globalist) DON'T....By the globalist comes all this violence and vandalism. They even fund the protest and pray for the violence to occur in hope that the All American Loving Nationalist (Trump & The Trump Train) will fear and step down....BUT WE SAY NEVER.....We are fed up with what you have been doing to OUR COUNTRY.
       The government of the globalist thought they had the controls of our nation in their hands for good and then this guy called Trump and the Massive Trump Train showed up and threatens everything.
       We The People Are Taking Our Country Back....Anyone that preaches against building a wall at the border or is demanding we have open borders and registering non citizens to vote, THEY ARE THE GLOBALIST and THE GLOBALIST PARTY..They are more dangerous to American Independence and National sovereignty than all our enemies abroad.
      The Democrats are the nations Main Globalist Party. They only get somewhat Patriotic about America as a nation around election time to deceive and mislead the people for votes. Then if we fall for the front and vote them in again, we find that they do not push an America First Agenda, but their global agenda and we get raped again as a nation and are left frustrated for another 4 years how things keep going the non American Way....ENOUGH IS ENOUGH....WE ARE TAKING THIS NATION BACK...JOIN US ON THE TRUMP TRAIN....share freely.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

The Heart of our Cause as the Trump Party....Keeping it plain & simple...written by deno

        If you see any blue highlights in this writing, they were not put there by deno, nor were they authorized. This writing was hacked. We are looking into this matter. Thank you.
........Had the establishment been able to control Trump he would not have won, Had Trump followed the normal course and standards of political correctness in campaigning he would not have established his edge and triumphed as big as he has. Had Trump been soft and tender, the professional career politicians would have taken advantage of his lack of political experience, polish and shine and they would have taken control of the debates and stole the stage from Trump. Trump kept those on the stage and the whole establishment feeling awkward and off balanced as they needed to be to lose their confidence in their normal approach to political competition, Only a wise and witty man and a strong staff could have done so. What the establishment and the career politicians tried to do to Trump fell on them. I call it the TRUMP BLESSING...Every negative thing they try to do to bring Trump down only makes him rise higher with Votes and with the Voters.
.......Had Trump compromised and kissed the backside of the will of the big cigar boys he would not have won. Had Trump let the professional politicians on the stage or elsewhere (remain comfortable in their own) personal and political skin then the show up (YOU and I) would have been yata yata same o same o and SO BORING, but this witty man WOKE THE NATION UP and for the first time in decades America has heard the TRUE GIGANTIC Voice of the SILENT MAJORITY that had given up on the same o same o lying career politicians whose true politics quit putting America First a long time ago.
.......Trump has woke the Nation Up. We feel real American Hope in the air and not one that others spawned by massive (free give away *programs*) without any work or service involved. Such programs only make (free give away addicts) out of people, spoils them from entering a productive and fruitful life. They become welfare junkies and the government itself is their pusher. Its all for THEIR DEMOCRAT VOTES and that's the Crooks (crooked bottom line). Crooked Hillary is all a part of that crooked system, as they buy their votes with the Taxpayers (hard earned money) which they take and buy votes with thru the massive (free giveaway programs). THAT CORRUPTION IS GOING TO CEASE. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. The courts must stop this tyranny,
       The Left (Democrats) gives hope by the (FREE MONEY PROGRAMS) and that attracts crowds, some legit yes, but it also attracts loads of crooks and criminals. What do we mean? Well look at it this way. The Democrats political party, those crooked people lie and lie and lie in their reasons for given out (the free money). (They say they give all that tax payers wealth away to the takers in the name of compassion, but GOD SEES the deeper evil that they try to hide underneath the FRONTS of that certain POLITICAL PARTY). Those massive (FREE GIVE-AWAY PROGRAMS) are more so crooked political moves that the Democrats use to pad their vote books with (registered numbers). Then they use those (REGISTERED NUMBERS) to PAD their voting numbers in hope to steal the elections with bought votes. Its also evil and crooked and involves criminals BECAUSE people or THE TAKERS of the (FREE MONEY PROGRAMS) often lie and lie and lie some more on the forms to get (the free money). This theft, this corruption must be stopped or the nation will get even sicker financially. This correction pill to some will be hard to swallow at first for some, but in the end the weight of their dishonesty that has haunted and possessed and marked and troubled their soul and character for years will finally be lifted off of them and they can go free before God and start anew the right and honest way.
        It used to be, COME TO AMERICA for there is plenty of work, (plenty of opportunity) and dream as big as you like, or as big as you want your personal empire to be. Work hard and lawfully and the nation will applaud the gains from your hard work both great and small. But now the Left (THE DEMOCRATS), the crooked side of America says, Come to America and (register to vote) and we will give you plenty of (free unearned money) and a (free ride without working for any of it. They have loaded up their voting books with this kind of corruption. THIS MUST STOP....BUILD THE WALL TRUMP...BUILD THE WALL AMERICA....Take Back the CONTROL OF YOUR DESTINY...For when THE TAKERS OUTWEIGH THE WORKERS AND THE TAXPAYERS SOMEONE IS DESTROYING THIS NATION with its OWN MONEY....HELLO.
       The Democratic Communist Party of America is the Party all behind the GIVE AMERICA AWAY PROGRAMS....They have an ultimate goal and it is sure not AMERICA FIRST MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. It is to change all this nations freedoms and rewrite our Constitution and redefine our nation. The more we let the Democrats stay in power the more frustrated the productive and the fruitful America Loving Patriots will get...Lets vote them out and forever keep them out...Never again elect a deceiving Obama politician ever again. And Hillary says she will continue down Obama's same ol tyrannic policies....We must as a nation BLOCK THE CROOKED to save us from the corrupt.
        BUT SUCH TAKING or SUCH TAKERS (THE FREE LOADERS) CANNOT BUILD A NATION, plant a seed, grow a tree, till a garden, nor harvest a crop, or MAKE A NATION STRONG. Such will eventually leave only dirt to kick up in the fields and no food to harvest FOR ANYONE. It will indebt a nation tremendously and that will eventually remove all the corn off the stalks until there is no more corn to give away to anyone, not even to the TAX PAYERS AND THE WORKERS.... THEN WHAT???? 
         Folks the crooked and corrupt political system itself made the nation grieve in sickness and caused the great need of an American government healing physician to rise up from outside of the crooked system. The system is so full of sweet smiling crooks on the take in government and on the streets and in the cities and fields of America that its stench itself reached the heavens and the heavens like responded and rained down upon us grace for American Recovery. 
         Nothing is pretty about this infection that is in our nation and government and the overcoming of this corruption want be a flower garden scene either. The corruption infection is as gross as of the worst infection and to remove that infection things will get and look ugly as the corruption is faced head on and removed BY THE VOICE AND FORCE OF THE PEOPLE...THE TRUMP PARTY. 
         But Friends the fight to overcome it and to remove our countries corruptions and infections is worth it all. We have a serious disease in this nations government and political system and its roots have grown deep, but it still can be uprooted. By our faith, by our Patriotism, by our strong United Determination, by our United Common Save America, Put America First, Make America Great Again Goal and Cause we can As One Nation Under God restore our nation. 
       The time is now for this restoration and not one for the tomorrows. If we elect Hillary we elect the same o same o. We elect then the same old diseased system already infested with the political infection that is destroying our country from within. The True Americans, the true WORKING TAX PAYING American Loving Patriots have been feeling our nations sickness and disease for along time now and we are fed up with it. It is time for Americans to love being Americans again.
        Do you know the heart of the democratic party really does not like for any American to feel patriotic about being an traditional American. The only time they show much patriotism is around election times for election purposes. Otherwise take that American RED WHITE AND BLUE Hat off your head young man. Take that IN GOD WE TRUST shirt off at school, for in New America its offensive. Take that American flag off your house sir. Take One Nation Under God out of the pledge of Allegiance. Take that American flag off your truck at school. But they will split the heavens on people's (immigrants and the haters of America) right to BURN OUR FLAG as a freedom of expression.
        To them (the heart of the democratic party) such patriotism is not the way they want us now to identify ourselves as being the people in this nation. Such traditional identification and patriotism they call and tag as political incorrectness by those who are trying to rewrite and redefine America, our traditions, our heritage, what marriage is, and what an American now is by their change to America.
        What I am about to write is VERY IMPORTANT. God open our eyes.
        Natural born citizens of America is NEVER EXALTED ANYMORE AS A PRIVILEGED POSITION OF AMERICAN HONOR (Have you not noticed this????).
        The American Born Citizen, YOU'R THE ONE THAT THE American Haters and the IMMIGRANT EXALTERS PLATFORMS HATE AND DESPISE. YOU ARE THEIR ENEMIES. You are the adversaries of their diverse manifold take over of the nation and of what they are wanting to do to our nation in their redefining of our most sacred traditional traditions and our American Traditional Identifications. Their goal is to take this nation over from the AMERICAN BORN PATRIOTIC CITIZENS and our traditions so they use against us weaponry words like PREJUDICE, HATERS, BIGOTS. If you oppose them in any way THEY SCREAM THOSE WORDS AGAINST YOU in hope to try to shame you, make you feel ashamed of YOUR AMERICA or embarrassed at being an American in hope to back you down. That is why things have not been going OUR WAY FOR A LONG TIME...We have felt this inside tyranny for TO LONG NOW...We Are Enraged at this tyranny and WE ARE UNITED AND ARE STOPPING IT. The Trump Train is going to run all this tyranny over for good. We Are Taking Our Country Back.
         Notice what we hear all the time now in the media and on the political scene these days. Its all about the present immigration, the new immigrants, illegal or not and how we must bend to them in all our elections for it is THEIR VOICE THAT DECIDES THE ELECTIONS OUTCOMES. IT'S ABOUT THE EXALTATION OF THE FREE-MONEY TAKERS and about the enslavement of the Workers and the Taxpayers, the American Born Citizens.
          For years in STEALTH STYLE OPERATIONS the Democratic Communist Party has been at work to take the power of this nation away from the BORN CITIZENS OF AMERICA. and put that power into their own Socialist Hands thru ever increasing immigration. THAT THE TRUTH....They are and have been trying to turn the nation upside down this way. The hell with that is now and must be our American Right and Retaliation fury. We now fight for our survival. We now fight even our own nation's Democrat Government Party to save the birth rights of the American Born Citizens.
        Trump has been given to us as a gift. Seems that even the Statue of Liberty herself, after the tyranny of the last 7 plus years of the Democratic Party against our Freedoms gave birth to this special All American Loving Man of Means to take over the reigns of our nation to help us recover from all this political corruption and tyrannies against our Constitution and Liberties and AMERICAN TRADITIONS, and all this political tyranny and war to take from the American Citizens the Power of our Nation.
        AMERICA we must not fall for the same ol same ol or that is what we will get. Hillary brings nothing new to the plate but the same old polished political lies and false promises of the establishments spin and delusions that they use to maintain their power, control, and corruption over our nation. Its just the same old lies spun with new lines but it is still the same old system.
        LET US STICK WITH TRUMP IN A MASSIVE UNITED FORCE and TAKE OUR NATION BACK....Let us keep our sleeves rolled up and political muscles still working and MASSIVELY MAKE IT CLEAR WE ARE NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS DOWNSIZING AND DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA AND OF THE AMERICAN DREAM and TRADITIONS ANYMORE. Remember why we are angry with our government and let us not let go of that anger until we as Americans Are Truly Proud To Be Americans Again and are Stronger than ever before as a nation...America First and Make American Make Great Again....Trump Wins We Win....share freely.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Donald Trump will win the Election 2016.......deno.....share freely.

.......(Thru-out the many generations God has set before People His Blessing or A Cursing. He told them how to receive His Favor and Blessing, but He also told them that THE CHOICE WAS THEIR'S TO MAKE, NOT HIS. HE WAS ALREADY SET TO BLESS THEM BEYOND MEASURE, and He already had everything lined up to make it happen if they would only believe and choose the right path that He set before them for their nation to lay holt of it...It was up to them to lay holt of it.
.......So speaking of God's blessing let us read..... And God put HIS BLESSING UPON A MAN NAMED ABRAHAM AND SAID...I the Lord will place My Favor and My Blessing upon Abraham and I will bless those that bless Abraham and I will curse those that curse Abraham.
........Before these words of the divine blessing came into Abraham's life, Abraham was an idol worshiper that did not even know the One True God. Nonetheless Abraham was lavished richly with divine favor that he himself at the first did not even understand nor naturally deserved. When he got the call to the blessing of the Lord that would bless many others, even many nations, he laid holt on to the blessing by faith and thru many test and trials he endured and still yet it is written that God blessed Abraham and made Abraham rich and in time God's blessing upon Abraham made Abraham even a blessing to many nations thru the mission of the Christ.
........ It is amazing what the blessing of the Lord can do if people connect to its timing, favor, and power.
.........Now let us go into the further given light.
.........We do not approach this given light in any form of self goodness or self righteousness to bank on or to brag about. This is God intervening and doing the goodness from HIS RESERVOIR OF GOODNESS and not from any goodness of any man or of any of us. If America got what she deserved she would be 6 feet under as a nation, for great are the sins of this people and of us all. On the left or on the right, we all have greatly sinned and we have all done so many wrongs. Lets stop all the stone throwing. Its a waste of time.
........WE WILL WIN THIS ELECTION and within two years jobs will be crazy abundant all over America and American loving patriotism will be at a mighty astounding resurrected high all over the nation. Huge Prosperity business and industry booms will be happening all over our country. New and old businesses and industries will be resurrected and popping up everywhere in the United States, because the plundering and the dismantling of our nations wealth, power, and strength will have ceased. The America First Agenda will be enacted and will prevail to the tremendous blessing of this nation that has for decades sacrificed so much of its blood and wealth itself to bless the world.
......We will be putting our billions and billions and billions unto the trillions of dollars back into our American pockets and not the pockets of our competitors who have dealt America all kinds of bad hands in the card game of trade competition and goodwill relations because of the incompetence of our leaders and because of political sell outs. 
.........We will be producing and buying and selling our own coal, oil, solar, and gas energies. The world has been allowed to take advantage of our nation's generosity for 50 years thru the abundance of American charity and compassion and goodness, but those days are numbered. Our nation's deficit now requires and even demands that from now on America and her citizens must come first.
.........Strength and strong Pro America Leadership will finally be back in Washington to replace those who put everyone else before our Vets needs and before the true American citizens needs. It is good to be charitable Jesus taught us, but he also taught us the importance of taking care of our own first. He said and we quote, It is not right nor is it proper to take the (citizens) bread and to cast it to the outsiders. He said that it is just not right to do that. Even Paul wrote, If a man does not first take care of his own household, he is a betrayer of his own.
........To our allies we will be that friend that sticks closer than a brother, but to our enemies that have taken advantage of our generosity and tolerance they will feel the squeeze of American retribution and regained power under President Donald Trumps 8 years administration of the America First Make America Great Again Revolution Agenda....And our IN GOD WE TRUST MOTTO WILL BE REAFFIRMED.
.......Soon something really good is going to happen in America and for America thru the Donald Trump Presidential legacy.....So hang on America, God's grace and goodness unto you has not ended yet. He has heard our cry, the cry of His people and His favor comes down from heaven once again upon our nation to bless and to empower us once again, a thing which so many of our enemies within and without strove in stealth to cease.
........These many good things do not come upon us because of American exceptionalism or because of any man's own goodness for none of us, no not even one can boast right now how good or how sinless we have been, nor because Americans have the right to boast about anything. It comes from a promise of God being fulfilled and of works before us remembered that have come up for a memorial before God working the power thru the avenue of great intercession that has stood in the gap from those who ran the race before us.
.......Let us all remember that God's greatest blessing and goodness and His salvation came upon the world when the world was totally UNWORTHY, so evil and so ungodly and so undeserving. Still yet for God so loved the world that He blessed us with His greatest blessing above them all, Jesus Christ His Son and all that His Son did for us.
........We learn from the scriptures that God knows how to bless and rain his blessing on the deserving and upon the undeserving. HE IS GOD.. Its called grace and mercy and the goodness of God and not of men. Therefore no man can boast but to God he gives the glory and that must not be forgotten.
.........We are not to let go of this abounding grace and mercy that rains upon our nation in these God ordained fruitful upcoming years..We have endured the satanic scheme sent to us for the last 7 plus years to divide us apart and to oppress with dread. We survived the storm against our nations freedom course and against our faith traditions and heritage, and now comes the blessings and the riches that the 7 year storm tried to hide and sought to keep from happening to our nation.
......... In those days to come under the Donald Trump presidential reign over this nation (AND IT IS TO BE NOTED THAT THIS BLESSING and FAVOR IS UPON DONALD TRUMP and upon no other) it shall be heard in the heart and in the streets and across this land that God has blessed America again and Happy Days of rejoicing and thanksgiving shall be heard as it was and in surpassing measures exceeding all former years. And the more they press against Donald Trump the more God will increase His lift of favor with the people as He has been doing. A thing which baffles all of us, even his enemies.
.......Also there will be also something else taking place that is so heavenly delicious in those years, a thing of which I will not speak of at this time but those who are sensitive to the Spirit will know what is about to occur in the light of abounding favor and grace. He that has ears to hear let him hear..God is a merciful God and God is Rich and Rich in Mercy.
........P.S. And it comes with persecutions but so do persecutions company many of the GOOD THINGS GOD DOES ON EARTH FOR HIS PEOPLE...This is not written to be a downer to the blessing but to preach the fulness truth..Even the happiest of souls and the wealthiest of families and friends on earth laugh a lot and cry a lot. That is just part of the present life...share freely.....deno....May 11, 2016.
P.S. #2...Satan and those under his unseen control will speak, move and shout against what God is doing. But the Blessing will still prevail thru the promise that is backed in the power of God.

America A Divided Nation.....Let's be honest here......deno.

.........And at this time in our history America is a divided country and for so many reason. Here is one.
........ America is a land of the workers and of the achievers who are the givers and taxpayers on one side of the ile, and America is a land full of takers and freeby gatherers piling up on the other side of the ile.
..........The takers and the freeby lovers worry about them and theirs mostly and how they personally will eat and survive and their concern does not reach much beyond themselves and their personal little world. Their patriotism to the nation and to national cause is often times found the least as many of them even burn the American flag. Some of that is understandable, having been spoiled by the strategic political based freeby system enforced by a certain political party for their political advantage. When their freebies are threatened they threaten back with Anti American Antics in hope to keep enslaved the rest of the nation to work for their free ride.
.........But the workers and the givers and the taxpayers of America on the other side of the ile, they concern themselves not only with their own needs and American dreams, but they also are greatly concerned now how the whole Nation itself is going to survive and afford all the free giveaways that has skyrocketed, and do so in such a manner as to not crash into national financial debt, depression and destruction from within). There exist many ways to weaken and to bring down a nation. Massive Gigantic Debt is one of them. Is someone or some party plotting this Financial Crash of America?
...........If We ALL AS AMERICANS, do not find a common realistic affordable ground in this indebting us free giveaway system issue and overspending soon, the America that we know today and have enjoyed for centuries will become a BYWORD of the world's many historical powers. We will be a has been in the sight of the world and a use to be. Do we really want that?
...........All of us are going to have make personal sacrifices on both sides of the ils in order to mend our nation that is seriously financially sick. I pray to God that it's not terminal. Those that overspend and those that keep offering and promoting the free giveaway system are spreading the very cancer that can destroy the America that we know today. They are the very problem and not any part of the solution......deno.....share freely.

Whatever Happened to America ?.......deno.....share freely.

Whatever happened to America.....deno.
.........(And at this time in our history America is a divided country. America is a land of the workers and of the achievers who are the givers and taxpayers on one side of the ile, and America is a land full of takers and freeby gatherers on the other side of the ile. The takers and the freeby lovers worry about them and theirs mostly and how they personally will eat and survive and their concern does not reach much beyond themselves and their personal little world. But that's understandable, having been spoiled by the strategic political based freeby system enforced by a certain political party for their political advantage. While the workers and the givers and the taxpayers of America concern themselves not only with their needs and American dreams, but they also are greatly concerned now how the Nation is going to survive and afford all the free giveaways that has skyrocketed and not crash into national financial debt, depression and ruin). There exist many ways to weaken and to bring down a nation. Massive Gigantic Debt is one of them.
.......For many generations in America the present generations have been blessed with the works, the sacrifices and the achievements of the former generations. Their hard work and blessings achieved, the next generation after them inherited. This went on for many generations, and generation unto generation the blessing continued. But after awhile something really terrible happened. Let's talk about it.
........As the nation grew and progressed, eventually the nation became so great and so beautiful that some really spoiled and bratty people came to power who lost sight of the sacrifices of those who ran the race in America before them. The generations before them ran their race to make it better for the next generation being taught that it was our nation's responsibility and love duty to do so as the heart of Christianity was the nation's dominance and light, but suddenly a generation was born who somehow grew to have different views from the bible path and a selfish indulging DO WHAT YOU WILL spirit began to be introduced into the nation. It was channeled into the nation thru the means of new music being introduced to America, even from afar.
........A wild and partying undisciplined generation of gluttonous covetous people that decided to over indulge in all forms of undisciplined sensual pleasure filled behaviors and to overspend the goodies of our nation on themselves and not put away for the next generation's financial health and prosperity and well being took holt to the reigns of the nation. National self serving indulging people became a massive part of America as the hippies roamed the land seeking new pleasures, new highs, new sensations to explore. A very radical self serving people were multiplying in America that one day would enter into the politics of America and they would shake the nation even to its traditional foundational settings. A change to old America was being born and the anti traditional American agenda was being set in slow motion. The John Wayne type of spirit and rugged heartfelt patriotism and love of God and country was soon to become almost extinct and would be replaced by the form of a spirit that I will call the sugar and spice of sweet evil. Evil and wrong would now be presented and would be made to taste so sweet, so spicy, and look so good yet after taking its full course in the people it still would destroy is prey in the end.
........Those gluttonous greedy self serving people became a spiteful, spoiled generation that began to take for granted the former generations sacrifices, labors, and great wealth achievements and they began to govern over those former generations achievements recklessly having no longer in them the richer spiritual depths that the former generations possessed to care for themselves and for the future generations of America. 
.........And because they did not have to really work for the national greatness that they were born into, they, looking at the great wealth that was in the nation's treasury, they thought to themselves that this could never end. The wealth is just to enormous. So they began to wheel and deal foolishly and wastefully. They forgot to be real grateful and truly thankful because they did not push that spirit anymore as America's former generations cleaved to. They even began to war with God and pushed an anti God agenda little by little and SERIOUS CORRUPTION SET IN to the course of our nation.The betraying spirit of Judas had entered and was rampant in the American government and Courts of America that began to attack Americans former Christian traditions and beliefs and from there America began to slip and slide itself away from the former generations blessings that had sustained them for several generations. The betrayal of God and of America's christian faith and traditions was now on and it is still taking its course in the American society to this day.
..........In this corruption something happened to their minds reasoning and thinking and those spoiled, unthankful, anti God anti Christian people began to handle the nation's wealth in manners that were soon to become even dangerous to the nation's security, the nation that was once the richest nation in the history of the world. The plundering of America's wealth began as the nation became governed by people that seemed to not be able to find the off button to their spending. They began to feed the world with all kinds of political giveaways and by backyard deals for America's interest and advantages and this was being done so recklessly that in time they hit a wall and a crack was put in the hull of the Great American Ship. A crack that even to this hour no one knows how to fix it without first sinking the ship and transporting the people to another boat and SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT. Something very important was just simply said there.
........They began to dish out grants, fatly fund all kinds of programs. They began to cast their pearls before the swine and the pork all of the sudden was everywhere. They became addicted (for political gain) to give out free money to people to help them, but at the same time they perverted and polluted that helping hand by buying votes thru that welfare system to grow their political parties numbers (more corruption)
......... Seeing they could buy votes that way they began to call out for more and more immigrants to enter the land even illegally, put them also on the take, buying their votes with the unearned giveaways also, to keep their political numbers increasing for their corruptive control of the nation. The citizens kept seeing the massive increase of immigrants into America and saw its problems and they thought, how so strange it is, that our American government ignores this problem. (It was to their political advantage to look the other way because they were increasing their vote power to take power away from the real tax paying citizens of this nation.
......... A subtle and yet different kind of takeover of the democratic socialist communist party of America was underway). Money was flying out of that treasury year after years as if there was no way the nation could ever run out of money, They took the hard working tax paying people's wealth and funded wars and started buying off both immigrants, people, and nations, not to mention the under the table side bar deals that made politicians rich together as they packed bills with political pork for stealth politician feast. As the bible says of covetous leaders, those covetous people feast themselves on the people's givings.
.........America was full of citizens of great giving hearts but unfortunately greedy wolves in sheep's clothing crept into the power seats of their government singing God Bless America in order to get in and they were positioned by a people deceived on the power seat of the receiving end of the nation's givings and charities (The fiscal budget of America). They are corrupt politicians. Gangsters in fancy three piece suits with red, white and blue ties that sing publicly God Bless America only to hide their evil hearts of greed and the secret plundering of the American People's Taxes and Wealth. Giveaways Giveaways Giveaways to help others they pound and preach, but they preach that only to appear and to COME ACROSS as being charitable themselves ( a charitable party), but this has been going on for decades of the corrupt politicians to divert the attention of THE PEOPLE off of them and their own person political plundering of America's Tax Wealth and to BUY and to SECURE MORE VOTES so that they can continue to increase the size of the crack in the American Ships Hull. What's that old saying about that old con man, He deceives them, killing them by their love. 
.........These same spoiled people kept and keep on with all that reckless GIVEAWAY spending until one day they looked into the nation's treasury and bank account and said uh oh, we are out of money and we have all these checks to honor. Welfare checks, Military and government retirement checks, social security checks and all these other checks. What are we going to do? The nation's wealth we have plundered.
........They came up with an idea. They went to the printing machines and began to fabricate the government's wealth status with the printing of paper money backed by no gold. They call it borrowing money out of thin air, out of the THE FUTURE GENERATIONS in order to pay for their present reckless generations bills. That generations reckless mishandling of the nation's wealth had to reach for the first time into the FUTURE GENERATIONS WEALTH status for the first time in American history to cover its own greedy consumptions
.........These evil careless and covetous politicians have plundered America's former wealth, present wealth and now even America's FUTURE WEALTH to cover the debts of their plundering of America. GIVEAWAYS GIVEAWAYS GIVEAWAY is the main campaign strategy, even though they know that America can no longer afford that...... (20 Trillion dollars in debt-Unbelievable Financial Nightmare). Talk about an irresponsible greedy gluttonous politically corrupt people.
...........They tell us our children and their children's children shall have to pay it back. How so unfair that is. We even give so many other nations all kinds of money (Billions and Billions and even trillions) while we curse our own American children's future generations with what could be an irreparable sinking ship. These evil people should be tracked and then TRUMPED for getting us into this BIG MESS. Donald Trump and his witty mind of finance and wealth gaining blessing AMERICA NEEDS DESPERATELY. We cannot afford the professional politicians any more. THEY ARE UNTRUSTABLE AND THEY ARE THE PROBLEM AND HAVE BEEN FOR DECADES as is seen in the words of this simple writing and as clearly seen in America's Gigantic Debt. We as a nation should literally THANK GOD that a man like TRUMP is even willing to take the wheel of the nation to help us with his financial wits and experience to increase America's wealth ratio.
..........The reckless spending and borrowing money out from the future generations is today still going on, even more than ever and it is 45 plus years later. For almost 45 plus years now our government's own reckless irresponsible spending of the nation's wealth has bankrupted what was once the richest nation on earth and if it were not for all those printing machines printing huge amounts of fabricated wealth and calling it money and borrowing it out of the future, the American Empire would fall and that like a mighty financial crashing of biblical proportions. 20 Trillion dollars in debt and climbing. UNBELIEVABLE,
..........Hillary Clinton and many other professional politicians for the last forty years had the ability to attack this problem but did not. They created this problem. Out of control they themselves kept adding to this reckless spending behavior. They all kept spending more than the year before until operating in a bigger and bigger deficit became like a horrible drug addiction that our government could not kick. Now we are 20 trillion dollars in debt and that debt is in itself the worse national security threat to present America.
..........Right Now, we as a nation MUST CHOOSE the right candidate for President this time at this stage in our nation's financial crisis, that can create jobs and real wealth and control cost at the same time or at least set in motion a real feasible means to pay the debt down, we could lose America soon if we don't.
..........Donald Trump is the man for America for what our nation is facing now. We have to, we must now put America First and Make America Great Again or the America we love and know could be gone forever...In Washington it can longer be government business as usual. We must excel in achievements and prosperity and financial disciplines far above our known yesterday's. Donald Trump is the most qualified person to help the nation do all this. Let us not let go of this gifted man given to our generation for such an hour as this in America......deno.....share freely.