Tuesday, June 14, 2016

To Islam I Write These Words In Gods Love.....Lord Open Their Eyes.......deno.....share freely..

Today I posted some words about Islam from the Koran that got a huge response in the group that I posted it in...Muslims, Christians all began to reply their replies... With all that attention to that post given I felt led to write these words and post them as a reply to all the post down line. These are those words.
...........To the beautiful people of Islam, the seekers of divine truth, and to the world I pen these words.
...........In the revelations given us in the Bible we find that there was hatred and enmity against and between God and man before Christ came into our world to bear his incredible divine witness to THE TRUTH.. Adams far reaching in consequence sin and transgression had brought great friction between God and man upon us all and his sin consequence covered every race of Adams seed. None of us were left unmarred. We all, yes all of us were in the same boat of Adams curse and separation from God.
............In that friction and in that separated state between God and man, men of all the races of man, in their spiritual blindness fought against God in their behavior because of their own personal thoughts, fantasies, and ideas about what or who was the true God, and also men fought against men because THE REAL TRUTH OF GOD was about to be re-established in the earth thru men, men such as Abraham unto Moses unto the coming of Jesus the Christ the Son of God who was himself the Lord from heaven.
............All the world had been cleverly deceived by Satan about divine things and about who God really was until God in his divine mercy began to re-intervene into the affairs of men thru the avenue of the covenants. The friction on earth between what was divine truth and what was not was fierce and was reaching a boiling point upon the earth much like it is today.
.........After many years that the Abrahamic covenant had been established on the earth to re-introduce the One True God in the midst of hundreds of made up gods and idols and beliefs, it was revealed by God himself more clearly the enmity, the separation, and the friction between God and man. God told Moses and the prophets that no soul could enter behind the Veil of the holy of holies where He resided in that temple in Jerusalem except one man, a certain selected by God priest who only once a year was allowed to enter behind the veil into Gods presence. But we also learned that that selected priest could not enter into the presence of God thru the confidence of his own goodness, nor thru confidence in his own righteousness. God said that selected man MUST ENTER WITH THE BLOOD OF AN ANIMAL. HE COULD BY NO MEANS ENTER without the atoning blood of a lamb or he would perish as he entered. Atoning Blood was that important. As it is written, Only by blood is sin removed. Not all blood atones. Only atoning blood and that blood has always been selected and ordained only by Gods choice and not by sinful man.
.......This strict demand of entering only with atoning blood revealed that the way of Peace with God for all men was not or had not yet been achieved. But Christ, (the mystery Lamb of God that all those hundreds of thousands of other atoning sacrifices represented in a mystery), Christ that they represented, his sacrifice was soon to come and he would come in a body prepared for him of sinless blood to be poured out on a cross to atone FOREVER for the sin of even all the world..After His Great Sacrifice no other sacrifice would ever have to be made. The Son of God tasting death for every man was that exceedingly powerful in atoning redeeming power and glory. It was already written in the sacred holy promises of THE BOOK of the true Prophets of God...THE BIBLE...Isaiah 52, 53, 54, 55
............But in the proper time Jesus the promised Christ of the love and faithfulness of God did come, and the prophets and the angels declared that Jesus was sent to establish PEACE between God and man with the giving of his own precious pure sinless blood.. As those selected priest could by no means enter into the holiest of all behind that thick veil without the atoning blood of a lamb, even so no man can enter into heaven itself without the atoning blood of Gods Son Jesus Christ his covering. Without Christ atoning blood we are all naked and our sins and our shame is all exposed....That is the true wisdom of God in Christ and the power of His Atoning blood and sacrifice.
.........Jesus with all power, with all kinds of signs and miracles of healings and many other miracles, Jesus proved perfectly to Israel and to all the nations on earth that the Mighty True Hand of God was with him and upon him and he was declared to be the Son of God with the Divine Power by raising many from the dead including himself after those three days that followed his Cross.
.......... No man ever spoke like this man (Jesus) the many multitudes said. And others said of Jesus, His word is with Power, everything he says happens.
........ Jesus revealed to all the world that the true heart of God is love and peace..His doctrine, his wisdom, his words astounded the most intellectual people in Israel and on earth. He was the Son of God in the Spirit inside that flesh man body talking to men face to face looking thru eyes of human flesh. It was awesome what was really going on.
..........Then after three years of preaching His Good News to Israel for all the world in and by the Power of God, Christ in his love for His Father laid down his sinless life to bear in his body the punishment for all our sins and for our peace with God to be established. You and I, we all deserved to be punished for our crimes and sins even unto hell itself, but Jesus said to the Father, Father let them be laid on me instead so that they be spared, and so the love of Christ was done as planned and as he asked. The scriptures says that the Lord laid on Jesus the iniquity of us all. His punishment for our sins was far more than enough for us all to be saved, if we will only believe and cleave to Jesus with all our hearts love and faith.
...........When God did as Jesus asked and as love planned, that love of God peace offering by Christ blood, COVENANT PEACE with GOD was indeed achieved and that curtain, that veil that before represented separation, friction, and enmity between God and man was torn ascunder signifying to us all that now all men can come to God in Peace by Christ atoning Peace Offering of His Love filled Sacrifice.
.......... Now by faith in His Son Jesus Christ and His blood, by faith in his reconciling death, and thru faith in his justifying resurrection that speaks volumes of achieved good things to all, esp to all of us who are washed in the blood of Christ and His Peace Offering, we are saved from the wrath of God to come upon this world.
........ By the first mans sin wrath and enmity was placed between God and mankind and a separation was established, but then came Jesus the Christ, GODS SON OF GODS LOVE and with love in his heart and healing in his atoning blood and by the willingness of the second Adam Jesus Christ (who was an Adam type) God upended that wrath and enmity that was between God and mankind and God removed it all out of the way nailing it to cross of His Son Jesus Christ SO THAT ALL MEN COULD COME TO GOD IN PEACE UNTO SALVATION THRU FAITH IN HIS SON WHO LOVED US AND LAID DOWN HIS LIFE FOR US.
.........We are only saved by the laying down of life of the Body of Jesus Christ, no other self sacrifice of any other, not of ones self, or to themselves or to others has any saving or redeeming value. To think or to believe it does is a spit of the devil into the eyes of the Son of God and such is the devils delight..IT IS MURDER BY DECEPTION not a ticket to paradise.
.......ISLAM PEOPLE AS BEAUTIFUL AS YOU ARE AND AS GREATLY AS YOU ARE LOVED BY GOD, I PRAY THAT YOUR EYES WILL BE OPENED TO THE LOVE OF THE TRUTH THAT ARE IN THESE WORDS THAT YOU NOW HAVE READ...Peace be upon you I pray by Jesus Christ and thru the love light of all Gods true prophets........Amen....written by deno in Gods Love to Islam and to all the world.

Monday, June 13, 2016

The Need of the Enforcement of Moral Law to be reestablished in society......deno.....share freely.

.......A person, people, or nation without the strong enforcement of moral law is like a ship stripped of its sails being drawn and blown away by the wind and will of evil into an abyss called hell on earth. America and the world is headed head first in that direction. Seems we've lost our backbone against evil and wrong.
...... We need to put the sails, the enforcement of moral Law back on this ship before its to late. We need the ministry of moral SALT back in our country because all this pepper is giving our nation national constipation. We substituted pepper for salt way back in the 60's and now we are really reaping the high cost of that Anti Bible legislation. When the the moral salt of the Ten Commandments was thrown out by the liberals in America, the pepper was put in its place. Do what you feel and do as you will became the American children's new guiding light...And now look at America's children today....Sad.
.......We were fun bad in the 70s but today these kids will cuss you, spit on you, stab you, pull each others hair out, and shoot you just for embarrassing them or giving them an awkward look or for being a different color. A real evil vain pride has lodged itself deep into the heart of our children and it is dividing our kids like never before. And then also we have the crazies who have been deeply deceived to believe that killing certain people is doing Gods present service which is the devils lie. 
........This is where we are at in our society. Its not the beautiful roses that are standing out in America as the beautiful rose used to, now its the thorns that we see more than the flowers. Sad days in our nation and world. And we caused it thru our Anti God, Anti Jesus push and legislation decades ago. In America for centuries, we used to grab our bibles and quote the path of righteousness. Now we grab our crotches and sing the way of demons and of evil right into the heart. Once the abundance of evil is planted into the heart, soon afterwards the harvest of it is seen in society. We are there right now.
..........We removed the salt in exchange for the pepper. And now even with this evil religion that is the present most threatening thing on earth to life and peace, we still refuse to apply the real salt, we just throw some pepper at it. This will only cause the cancer, this infection to spread even more. Trump is the only politician that makes true sense. To tolerate evil such as this is the massive use of pepper and no salt. It is time that true real American Salt that preserves and saves a people and a nation from evil be revived and again the legislation that is back in Washington and in all the states.
.......Our founding fathers understood that evil is in the heart of man (EVEN ALL MEN, theirs included) and it takes biblical SALT and the strong enforcement of moral law or you will have abounding sin, corruption, abounding wrong, anarchy, riot, violent protest, and liberals and their delusional wisdom running crazy in the streets and in Washington. They were so wise and so right.(Biblical SALT and the strong enforcement of moral law is the only real defense against an immoral lawless heart and mind. Become soft on crime and you will reap the whirlwind of abounding evil and civil disobedience as we are seeing in our society today. You feed evil and evil multiplies, increases and becomes stronger. Pour real SALT on evil and against evil and it decreases and weakens.) Whatever happened to the ABCs of basic common sense? Liberals, that is what happened.
.......The enemies of SALT and the adversaries of a moral society based on biblical principals removed the SALT and the moral law of the bible out of the teaching ground of our schools generations ago thinking such was good for America and they thought that they were wise in doing so and the devil with the wisdom of his deluded liberals moved happily right on in. These deluded people say things like, "what was before wrong in our society we now call proper and the right thing to do". They say things like, "guns are living breathing machines with a heart beat and mind all their own, therefore we must imprison all the guns". They say things like, "Its not what your anatomy shows you that makes you a male or a female but what you feel is the true truth????" They are a demonized and confused people. They must be stopped for the sake of the nation.
....... By these antiGod antiBible people, the wisdom they live by that replaced the bibles moral light has made the new law that says and imposes that Men with men trying to make babies together is now made by their corrupt legislation against Gods Word, they say it is the new family unit of America and we are glad. NO were are not glad. 98% of America says, We Are Sad. But its not the majority that rules anymore but the smallest minority are given the power and they are bullies. Immoral money is huge in America buying up all kinds of politicians and votes against SALT and God in society. For heavy amounts of mammon they have forfeited their souls. A saltless and defenseless disarmed nation is the devils delight..
......WE NEED TRUMP and his strong determination to save our nation. No he is by no means a preacher, nor a bible thumper and we all know that. That is not his gift. That is where we can help him and pray for him. But at least he has the sense and courage to see the wrong, the danger and say enough is enough of all this pepper. We need some real SALT back in our society. This Tolerance Card is endangering and ruining our country. In this I believe we can all agree....deno.....share freely.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Its Come Time For Truth and Honesty To Have Its Own Day In Court In Washington...The powers that be are subject to the Authority of the Throne of God.....deno......share freely.

Trump Family, Party and All of You who bleed Red, White, and Blue For America Please Read and Share. I pray this light will brighten your day....deno.
.......Trump Party and Fans, remember this. In any battle going on inside an arena, when two opponents are mixing blows, one for awhile seems to be getting the other better, then the next thing you know the tide hast turned and the other boxer seems to have the upper hand. Back and forth it goes. So it is in political battles. So it is in RIGGED PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING MATCHES AND RIGGED ELECTIONS. There has to be the show, THE PUT ON to make the people buy in.
........But folks right now in this present political match we have on one side she that is 100 % all part of the rigged system wrestling against he that is coming from the heart, from real love of country, from real American Patriotism and is All RAW AND REAL.
........Trump is not of the rigged system. He is like you and I coming from the midst of WE THE PEOPLE who has seen the evil and the tyranny and the corruption of our government who has been selling us out, and he has dared to INTRUDE OR TO ENTER INTO THE POLITICAL RIGGED SYSTEM. A move like that takes guts and real American Bravery of the which we have not seen from the heart in many decades in our nations political pretenders.
......... All politicians of the last several decades have all come from within the rigged system to put on the SHOW, the put on of good cop verses bad cop style political competition of Left vs Right to deceive and to manipulate the American people to think real democracy still runs America. Either side takes the throne, they get voted in but nothing really changes for the better of America and the American people, but for the American Worse. 
..........We elect those or these pretenders and every time America BY THEIR POLITICS AND LEGISLATION gets more and more Un-American, Less Free, more Communistic, and Less Patriotic and our religious rights and freedoms more compromised and threatened....HELLO. 
.......... But now THEY HAVE A MAJOR
PROBLEM....TRUMP AN ALL AMERICA WHO BLEEDS RED, WHITE, AND BLUE SHOWS UP ALREADY RICH AND WEALTHY WHO CANNOT BE TURNED BY BRIBERY. TRUMP CAME FROM THE OUTSIDE IN. He is our ALL AMERICAN ROCKY COME TO ENTER THE RING TO FIGHT TO SAVE AND TO BLESS OUR COUNTRY. He entered the arena not as a politician but as AN AUTHENTIC PATRIOT WHO REALLY LOVES AMERICA and REALLY WANTS TO DO OUR NATION REAL PRO AMERICAN GOOD.. This great honor is due him only of them all. This is why, those lying misleading manipulating political pretenders who are like wolves in sheeps clothing from both sides of the isle are fighting against him. He has invaded their corrupt system and threatens the dishonesty and bribery and corruption by which they protect each others Left or Right political power, control and turf. It is evil, very evil what is going on in Washington on both sides of the isle.
........ Right now, for a brief moment, thru media and other attacks against Trump it seems he is taking his licks. Well he is. That is normal. No one is ever 100 % loved in elections and politics. NO ONE...But soon the tide is going to turn massively again into Trumps Favor and Trump will be overpowering them all once again. 
........For in American it has come the time for truth and honor and honesty to have its own day in court for its own justice in the American political arena in Washington who has sold God and this nation out thru multi faced betrayals. ........God has opened up the eyes of the American People and His AX is laid at the foot of the corrupt evil trees in power in Washington and in power all over this nation. Their corruption to God is worse than Sodom in the days of old. God will curse those who uphold and still try to protect the corruption and He will bless those who repent and uphold what is honorable, honest, upright, truth and right.
..........All these people who are in the game who are weighing the issues of corruption to either again turn their head away from the evil and political corruption as to let lies, bribery, and deceit, and blood money prevail, God shall take on each one of them, He shall take them on personally in this life for the rest of their life on earth and their judgement shall be extended into all their eternity. They have really angered Jehovah for their wicked politics and demonic ways. You should see things from His high above all point of view going on by these corrupt people. Nothing has been hidden or escaped His Eyes. Judas He names them all and let them all remember the place Judas ended up. But if they will repent and let honor and honesty and truth have its own day in the courts of its own deserved justice and prevailing victory, God can spare them. But if not, then they shall spend an eternity in a many of hells regrets. It has come to that level of seriousness for corrupt politicians and judges who hide the truth in cover-ups and in unrighteousness and each of them know their part in the corruption and in the corrupt system. What does it profit any person, male or female to gain the whole world but lose their soul to damnation..
.......Don't let the delusion of voodoo politics from the corrupt politicians and system fool you or get you down. We THE TRUMP FAMILY AND PARTY all are still here. He has lost nothing of his record breaking base. They will use their media voodoo to make us think the nation is turning against Trump. Its all a flash and show magic trick of delusion, but it will not last long. Trump will be beating their political brains in soon with truth verses Hillary's true record of dishonesty, doublemindness, lies, coverups, scandals, and with her back and forth on the issues. For great is the Lord who commands truth and honesty to now prevail over all the corruption, blood money and lies and coverups of those who are evil and corrupt. Who always politically smile at us all, but they do so already having 30 pieces of silver in their pockets..
......So for right now, the evil political corrupt trees in power they are pounding on Trump hard, knowing a storm, a major pouncing on Hillary and them is just ahead. Yes it comes by men, but sent from God who demands righteousness over the corruption or else He sends upon each of them His own personal judgments for them in this life and into their eternity for their love of wrong over what is right....The knock out punch comes from Trump to Hillary and from TRUTH finally winning over lies and coverups and not the other way around....Blood from the past is screaming to He that is Above.....share.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

America's #1 Political Voodoo Queen.....The True Story Must Be Told....Why? Because We Love America....WATCH THE VIDEOS.

Americas #1 Political Voodoo Queen.....The nation must not be allowed to be Bewitched by her voodoo and spin of what is the truth....Her great speeches are voodoo filled to get people to believe lies and to forget the real truth.....With political voodoo she strives to hide and cover up her real record, her real words, her real scandals, her real agenda, and her real story....If you cannot see what is the truth, your under the spell of Americas #1 Political Voodoo Queen....Are You Under Her Political Voodoo Spell????..Have you been Bewitched?..Sorry but this is the truth.....This is just a small portion of Hillary's Political Voodoo Witchcraft....They draw their voodoo political powers from the power of their lies.....This is why I cannot support her this time....We are sick of Washington and all their lies. spin of the truth and voodoo.

Americas #1 Political Voodoo Queen.....The nation must not be allowed to be Bewitched by her voodoo and spin of what is the truth....Her great speeches are voodoo filled to get people to believe lies....With political voodoo she strives to hide and cover up her real record, her real words, her real scandals, her real story....If you cannot see what is the truth your under the spell of Americas #1 Political Voodoo Queen....Are You Under Her Political Voodoo Spell????..Have you been Bewitched?..Sorry but this is the truth.....This is just a portion of Hillary's Political Voodoo Witch Craft....They draw their voodoo powers from the power of their lies.....This is why I cannot support her this time....We are sick of Washington and all their lies.


Monday, June 6, 2016

Jesus Himself On Border Control.....From His Own Words......deno......share freely

.......JESUS HIMSELF ON BORDER CONTROL...FROM HIS OWN WORDS....Matthew 22:1-14 & Revelations 21:10-27.
.......Heaven is a city. It has borders protected by walls and it has specific ENTRY POINTS...Those Entry Points are guarded and protected. No one enters into heaven illegally. You have to enter into that country above thru the provided door....Jesus believes in Border Control....Jesus is a Patriot For Heaven Who Loves His Paradise Society and Country..We should pattern our country after His Image.
.......In the given text that you will find in those scriptures given above, an invitation from heaven goes out to many people all over the world. People respond from all over the earth. Then after awhile the King which is Jesus, comes in to see the invited guest who have entered into his paradise place. He sees people with the wedding garments on all over the place. He himself provided those wedding garments and he had them located at the legal ENTRY POINT to put on those who were invited to show they came in legally thru the provided entry doors and legal points.
........ But as Jesus is looking around at all those people with those wedding garments on, he sees a man in the great assembly place with no wedding garment on or you could say without a green card. Jesus goes up to the man with his servants and says to him. Sir how did you GET IN HERE?....The man knew that he sneaked in thru an illegal way and replied nothing...Jesus told his servants. Take this man into custody and cast him out. He entered in ILLEGALLY.

.......This is a bible lesson, it is a lesson of biblical truth about legal entry into heaven and it also reveals to us that Jesus is Pro Heaven, Pro Country Above, and Pro Border Control with Legal Entry Points and those entry points are guarded and the Law of Entry ENFORCED. Jesus himself shows us HIS OWN REACTION TO THOSE WHO DO NOT RESPECT HIS LAWS OF ENTRY and how He does not tolerate ILLEGAL ENTRY....That my friends is proper governing and Strong Leadership taught us BY THE KING OF KINGS HIMSELF from the Word of God itself.
........Only one, just one running for the presidency is acting anf thinking like Jesus on this matter. (Trump). The others are deceived into lawless behavior approval on this most important national safety issue. They have this delusion of a utopia society of WE ARE THE WORLD so lets remove all borders and lets all come together in a One Word Order  and just love one another and get along.
.......That all sounds good on the surface, but given a more deeper realistic view, its only utopia dwells in the human imagination of delusional thought because the present man and this present world IS EVIL, full of hate and religious exaltation's of the one over the other that will never change and there are people and there is a religion in this world that is of Cain and of Ishmael who bitterly despise and hate the seed of Abel and of Issac and of Christ. These will not get along until all the enemies of Jesus Christ are place under his feet (Hebrews 1:13). To try to be ONE WORLD  WHEN THE HEART OF THE WORLD is a heart full of hate, enormous prejudices, and evil inward formations is the path of a fool deceived in thought. Just look at what the Islamic immigration is doing in England and in Europe. Cain hates Abel still....Read Matthew 22:1-14 and Rev 21:10-27..
.......Borderless Societies in this present evil world is crazy and satanic. It gives place to the unlawful who do not respect our laws and it gives place to the unruly ones and enemies. Those who do not believe borders are right and necessary in this present high tech chemical and nuclear weaponry evil age are deceived by wolves hungry for sheep....Heaven is Gods paradise and God guards His place with defending WISDOM and with walls and guarded entry points and those Laws Established for legal Entry are ENFORCED without compromise. And yet men think themselves to be wiser than their Maker.
.......Enemies to our Constitution in Washington will be enemies (our enemies) at our borders to let in anybody...If they really do not defend and uphold our Constitution, they will be lawless at defending and upholding our laws of entry into our nation and they will stand against border control thinking such has no danger with it. They are deceived, and enemies by them REJOICE AT THE OPPORTUNITY STUPIDITY HAS GIVEN THEM.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Being Wise As Serpents Can Keep You Harmless As Doves. But lose that wiseness and you will have to fight to save your own country and for your life.....deno....share freely.

More Europe Troubles * America..
.......Only being WISE AS SERPENTS CAN WE REMAIN HARMLESS AS DOVES....But if you become deceived blind fools of heart and see not the danger of letting the wolf in and you become so unwise that you open your own door to the wolf, you are just asking for trouble and your peace will be taken from you and you will not be able to remain harmless as doves. YOU WILL BE FORCED TO FIGHT FOR YOUR LIFE AND YOUR OWN SURVIVAL....I write these simple words of wisdom in hope America and Europe will regain the WISE AS SERPENTS PART AND CALLING.......deno......Trump is the only one that i can see that IS WISE AS SERPENTS against our enemies. 
.......Folks Cain and his descendants have an evil heart that makes him and them unable to live at peace with Abel. 
......Wolves cannot live with sheep, nor can Lions live with bulls. The bible and the animal kingdom teach us all plainly that certain things have a heart that cannot blend, nor live in peace with each other. Men are men much the same outwardly but not all hearts are the same, nor do they hold dear and sacred the same things and thats where the friction and the wars spawn from. There is no same page for everyone in this world. That is an evil we must live with and be ALERT TO IN THIS LIFE.
.......The sword of Christ and the lies of the devil cannot sit at the same table as true friends without their being conflict and friction eventually. One wants to do good and to save, while the other is looking to draw blood with hammer and nails.
.......In this light Jesus said, "Think not that I have come to bring peace on the earth but a sword that divides and will cause people to become enraged and mad at you, EVEN KILL YOU. This Sword, THIS WORD OF MINE will make best of friends become each others enemies and will make family members to become divided and enemies. Knowing this light we say to all presidents and leaders of the nations, since the Words of Christ can divide best friends and closest family members, and cause one to rise up against the other like Judas did to Jesus and cause people to even kill like Cain did Abel for his different sacrifice, how do you figure yourself to be wiser than Jesus Christ the Lord of heaven and the Creator of the creation? What Christ Sword divides apart you cannot expect to live as friends at the same table. You are just asking for trouble. THAT sword that Jesus said will cause the world to hate his sheep is His Gospel and Word of truth)....He said this sword (My Gospel) will cause the world to hate you, even rise up against you and even kill you because you believe and belong to Me). He said if they hated Me they will hate you. What they do to me they will want to do to you.
........Because of what Jesus himself said, Certain immigration is like opening your house doors to a rattle snake invasion. Many do not believe as others do, and they do not cherish nor believe in the right for others to believe what they believe. In their heart they have ZERO TOLERANCE..I mean it was one thing to argue your differences, but the Koran commands Muslims to tolerate no difference. It tells them to cheat, to lie, to deceive to advance the cause of Allah and to torment and kill those who will not convert, even behead them..This spirit of the one who gave that doctrine, who wrote those words is deep inside the heart of Islam. Get your head out of fantasy land AND LOOK AT THEIR FRUIT IN THEIR OWN NATION AGAINST CHRISTIANS THERE.
........A so called holy looking religion of so called peace made from human deceptions and prejudices THAT REFUSES TO SUBMIT TO JESUS CHRIST and that rejects Jesus as Lord and Christ is Satans most clever creation. The religion of peace part is the ploy, the strategy they use to get in the door and to get to sit at your table, Then in time comes the hidden agenda, and the scripture of what happened to Christ by Judas is fulfilled in and thru them also. That scripture is this one, He That Broke My Bread With Me Lifted Up His Heel Against Me."... For what was INSIDE Judas who hung around Jesus' table for three years then turned against him, then betrayed Christ and led Jesus to those hammer and nails, IS INSIDE THE HEART OF ISLAM waiting (like Judas) to in time and at the right moment, rise up and betray Christians and others. They are already doing this in their own homeland and they are using stealth style strategy to bring that fire to the rest of the world.
.........It is time for our leaders to be wise as serpents AGAIN so that you can remain harmless as doves. But the only way you can be and remain harmless as dove is to keep the rattle snake out of your house by being wise as serpents and not dumb as the man who tries to pet a rattle snake expecting for something sweet to come from it...If you do not act and handle your business wise as serpents but blind to evil and harm and open the door to a rattle snake, eventually your being harmless as doves will (by threatening circumstance) be taken from you and you will have to rise up yourself and kill that snake in your house or he is going to get the best of you and cause ill will to you. Then you will say, Why in the world was I so stupid and so unwise as to let those snakes get in my house and cause me to lose my harmlessness??? It is BECAUSE you laid down the calling to be wise as serpents part. 
..........Jesus said, behold I send you as sheep in the midst of wolves..Meaning you have wolf like enemies in this world who will want your blood and life for lunch. Be wise and give no place to the devil (THE NUMBER ONE WOLF)....America used to be filled with men whose hearts were filled with the wisdom of Christ in these words. But now they have laid down the power of Christ alerting wisdom and have let evil of all sorts enter into what used to be a Christian nation. Now the western world is trying to blend sheep with wolves and im telling you by the Word of the Lord they are not being wise as serpents in doing this
....... You have to outsmart the enemy that wishes ill will on you. You have to be wise VERY WISE in order to live in peace and in order to REMAIN HARMLESS AS DOVES...If you lay down the wiseness part and calling, you will not be able to remain live in peace nor harmless as doves. The fight will be brought into your house and land and nation and you will have to rise and defend yourself. Best thing is to keep the sheep away from the wolves and the wolves as far away from the sheep as possible....FAR FAR AWAY....scroll down.
........ Any person that is not functioning according to the alerting wisdom of Christ and thinks wolves and sheep can live together in peace and harmony GODS OWN WORD SAYS IS A FOOL....And friend watch THE MAN THAT PUSHES an AGENDA TO MIX THE SHEEP WITH WOLVES...His heart is either the heart of a fool, or his heart is deceived, or he is flat out working for the devil himself to cause trouble for the nations of Christ sheep.......deno.......share freely.

Muhammad Ali -"This is your Life"...I pray Peace be upon him by the Prince of Peace Jesus Christ.

       He was a fighter, Americas Favorite Boxer. Ali was funny, cocky, super confident, loud, strong, brave, determined, with a smile, and with words and sayings and poems big as his punches. One of our greatest Champions that America gave its love. What a man. What a beautiful heart.
       At times in his younger years Ali had his protest and they had their rightful place. But in all his justified protest, Ali never stopped loving his fellow Americans nor America, neither did he wish or bring any harm on anyone in his stand against what he believed with all of his heart was a wrong and an injustice. He was a Muslim American that America and the world loved and was never afraid of unless you got unto his boxing ring....Peace be upon him I pray by the Prince of Peace Jesus Christ.......deno