Thursday, January 5, 2017

I'm so tired Dad, I just want to COME BACK HOME.....deno.....share freely.

More revival light..
......This time revival does not come to our hearts and to our nation by the holier than thou hearts, but by men and women who like the prodigal son when he came back home from a life of many many repeated great sins and of great foolishness was amazed how GREAT GOD STILL LOVED THEM despite how terrible their pleasure seeking sins were against God, against heaven, and against the heritage of their Christian upbringings.
......In the prodigals sons loss of everything, of all his money and inheritance, in great pain and tears he came back home to find the greatest truth about God that stands out above all truths and that truth was Gods Great Love for us all still, despite us..
......What a message the prodigal son in the bible could so preach of the revelation he found out for himself of the Fathers great love...Sin, even the most embarrassing sins of our generation committed by both male and females, and even the most foolish acts we have committed are no match for the power of Gods reconciling love giving us in Jesus.
......Friends let us all come back home to God. Let us all find out for ourselves the Prodigal Sons great finding about God and the greatness of His love that passes our natural human measure and exceeds this worlds understanding...God loved him the same despite all the son or daughter had done..Note..It is only when that son came home that he really found out about his fathers great love for him......Luke 15:11-32....deno.

I'm hearing you Lord...He that has ears to hear let him hear........deno....share freely

......Words written are also the Mouth of His Spirit speaking and Understanding is the real hearing in Christ Jesus and not the vibrations of the physical ear..He that hath ears to hear let him hear.
......When Jesus spoke these words in the pic to the congregation, their ears vibrated but they failed to understand. They took Jesus to the side of the hill to cast him over head first. Yet the bible says Jesus stopped, looked at them and walked away walking right thru their midst.....
......Are we hearing the Lord with our hearts understanding or is just our ears next to our head vibrating???...If it is just our heads ears we may get agitated at Jesus' words and we may want to throw him off a cliff, cast him out of our days, out of our lives, and out of our present event...Maybe even out of our country.....deno.

Jesus, Blessed Savior.....deno.....share freely.

......The law of Moses was given as a crime stopper and not as a life giver nor as a life Savior....Jesus said to us all... I Am The Way, The Truth and THE LIFE, no one comes unto the Father but by Me. Jesus alone saves us from our crimes and sins. The Law was given to reveal to all of us our great need for Christ and him crucified. Jesus is Risen indeed. As it is written of Jesus, Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the World. And in another place...He shall put away our sins by the Sacrifice of himself......deno.

Jesus knew me yet he still loved me.....deno....share freely.

P.S...He that knows us most still loved us and gave himself for us anyway...He that reads and knows every heart which is the real us, he saw how ugly and awful all our hearts were and yet he still died to save us anyway, even from ourselves..Now that is real love. Love that passes all this worlds natural understanding.
........I was startled to find out that he who reads and understood every persons heart, he still looked at them and smiled and told them for God so loves all of you that...John 3:16...
.......This love truth helps my faith soar and my heart to abound more in the hope we all have in Jesus...He that knew us most loved us anyway and loves us best...Jesus Christ the same, yesterday, today, and forever....scroll down.
.......Take the light of this love truth out of your doctrine and your under joy crushing law and not under the life giving grace....deno.....share freely.

The Heart Check Up..God is reading our mail.....share freely......deno.

........What we see in the mirror each day is not the real person that we are to God. God is a spirit and He sees and knows spirits and the mind of spirits like we know and understand flesh and the mind and desires of flesh. Peter said that we all have a HIDDEN MAN. He called that man the HIDDEN MAN OF THE HEART (our spirit man). To God our heart, the HIDDEN MAN OF THE HEART is the real person that we are. Our bodies are but clothes or our REAL MANS COVERING.
.......When we stand before God to give our own personal account to the Almighty, it will not be our knees nor our our elbows thoughts and intents being judged. God will be seeing the real us, OUR HEARTS.
Paul said in that day, all the hearts thoughts and secrets and hidden intents will God see and judge. 
.......Friends our bodies may look great here, there, or at church. We may even look and sound great singing a solo before the congregation. All may look beautiful and sound divine, but if our hearts true self and affections are elsewhere as to be singing for peoples praise and not to Gods glory, God sees the real reason why we sing and our vanity will be the only reward we get.
.......We must all remember the Lords revealing piercing words that he spoke to a whole lot of outwardly appearing religious people. Their visual appearance looked as holy as was in those days, yet THE HEART JUDGE said to them, You look all clean and fair without, but within (In your heart, the real you) you are full of dead men's bones and all corruption. In other words they were like devils with religious clothes on. He made that point about them quite clear several times. Could he say the same point about us when he sees our hearts?
........I sure do not want to be found that way when I stand before the Lord to have my heart fully examined and judged by the heart Master, do you? Each day our bodies are seen here and there in this world, but God always sees where our hearts are and the motive behind every gesture and thing we say and do.. He said, these people honor me with their lips, but I can see and tell that their hearts are FAR FROM ME. Our hearts to God are always telling on us whether the telling is good or bad. Our heart is second to second revealing the real us to God. As in the closet God sees us praying when others can't, even so in the heart God sees the real us walking when the rest of the world is honoring only our shell. 
.......It is certainly time for a HEART CHECK UP in the spirit, in the HIDDEN MAN of the HEART. Where is your heart today and where so is mine?
.......Blessings friends and lets pray for one another about this most important light..Check yourself the bible says, and see where you are at in the faith......deno.....share freely.

P.S...He that knows us most still loved us and gave himself for us anyway...He saw how ugly and awful all our hearts were and yet he died to save us anyway, even from ourselves..Now that is real love. Love that passes all this worlds natural understanding. I was startled to find out that he who reads and understood every persons heart, he still looked at them and smiled and told them for God so loves you that......

Sunday, December 25, 2016

The Word of God Was Born Into Our World....deno....share freely.

 ......What at year...Soon to say goodbye to 2016...What a ride that was. It was almost like riding a bull but we survived....Believing for 2017 to be the year of many restorations and blessings of Christ light, love, and joy.
.......Even in the midst of all that is going on in this world I read this from Jesus....All these things have I spoken unto you so that MY JOY would be in you and so that YOUR JOY could reach its fulness because of Me (THE WORD). Remember the scripture? And the Word of God became flesh and dwelt amongst us.
......Jesus said, I (The Word of God) have come that you might have life in Me and enjoy your living more abundantly in fellowship with Me and My Father....Friends, that is the heart and soul reason for the WORD OF GOD coming down from heaven, being born into our world thru the virgin Mary, and entering into our hearts and lives. The Word of God said in John 10:10..I have come that you might have life and have it MORE ABUNDANTLY...That is what the Word of God is for. To save us. To make us alive from spiritual death (Ephesians 2:1-10)...And to give us life to its fullest joy with Christ (John 17:13 & John 15:11 & 1st John 1:1-4).
......Jesus even said, When you see the world becoming loaded up with tribulating troubles, REJOICE AND BE EXCEEDINGLY GLAD, for your salvation is nigh at hand..God is a DELIVERING US GOD. The most severe troubles in our nation, or world, or in our personal lives, none of them are to big or to great that God cannot DELIVER US.
......God can make us happy no matter what is going on in this world if we will BELIEVE, RECEIVE, TRUST AND OBEY...Going to get that obedience part in better shape...How about you? Can we ever over obey God? No.
......No greater joy can be found in the soul, than to please the living God who heals and makes us whole.
......Lets all trust God for a joyous and greater 2017 no matter what is going on in this world. For it was in this world that the WORD OF GOD that gives us life, fulness of joy, and life more abundantly came..We all so need Christ (THE WORD OF GOD) and all His Joy Giving Sayings to trust and obey...Jesus Christ is THE WORD OF GOD....Jesus Christ Is Lord......deno.

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Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Everyones Most High Calling In Christ.....deno....share freely.

Image result for pics of jesus washing feet

The Most High Calling In Christ.....deno....share freely.
......The greatest and the most high calling, and the love of God, makes servants out of the most successful, and it makes feet washers out of the most productive.
......Jesus who is the wealthiest of all and the maker of the heavens and the earth even said, "I have come into this world not to be served, BUT TO SERVE, to live for the good of others, and to lay down my life as a ransom of many."
......The Master (Even the Creator) humbled himself before his followers and washed their feet....He said to them, When you get to heaven I will also gird myself and SERVE YOU.
......Friends this attitude and this kind of mind and heart does not come from the spirit of this present me me me, its all about me evil world. It comes from heaven, from Gods own unselfish love thru Jesus Christ the Son of His Love. I would to God we all would again adopt this attitude and lifestyle of Christ serving heart thru the baptism of the love of God in Christ. This baptism makes servants of all. It even makes a SERVANT out of the Lord from heaven.

The Faithful Servants..Luke 12;35-38.

35 “Let your waist be girded and your lamps burning; 36 and you yourselves be like men who wait for their master, WATCHING AND WAITING FOR HIS return from the wedding, that when he comes and knocks they may open to him immediately. 37 Blessed are those SERVANTS whom the master, when he comes, will find watching. Assuredly, I say to you that he will gird himself and have them sit down to eat, and will come and SERVE THEM. 38 And if he should come in the second watch, or come in the third watch, and find them so, blessed are those servants.