Thursday, February 2, 2017

First the Crosses.....deno.....share freely.

     Christ taught us all that serving him leads us to paradise and leads us to crosses. First the Crosses....Yes in that order. In today's world and events we must not forget that truth.
     To the Church Christ said, I give you the keys to the kingdom. This is a great honor. And to Peter Jesus said, When you were young you went where you desired. But when you are old someone is going to take you to a place you desire not. This Jesus said revealing that Peter would pay a bodily price for serving him. This Jesus spoke by what death Peter would glorify Christ.
       If Jesus told us to our face as he did to Peter at the beginning of our ministry that our following him would bring us much joy, much pain, much persecution and that we would literally die one day by the hands of Christ haters, would we follow him openly or would we hide our faith under a bushel or forget following Jesus all together?
      Recently I learned from the Lord that to really follow him has a price and a gospel that contains no thorns but roses only is false misleading information.....deno.

Friday, January 13, 2017

David confesses his sin 2 Samuel 12:1-13

The John the Baptist Anointing.....deno....share freely.

.......John the baptist was filled with the Holy Ghost from the womb. He was in spiritual language Elijah, which means in part WITH POWER, THE FORERUNNER of Christ to prepare the people for the coming of the Lord or the day of their visitation.
.......Though John was filled with the Holy Ghost from the womb, Johns power anointing was not demonstrated in miracles of healing, or signs and wonders. The bible says that John did no miracle. His anointing power produced a personal sanctification, a setting apart of ones self for the Masters use that is seldom seen in this life in such a measure. Johns mind was being talked to by the Lord from the womb. He was being conformed by God for a strict separation from the world. A separation wherein he would hear the voice of God and cry out what he heard to Israel to make clear the way of the Lord..
........The power anointing that causes repentance and causes the bringing forth of the fruits of repentance and that changes the heart and lives unto godliness is a far greater anointing than the one that heals and performs miracles. Many people were healed by Jesus and they had bodily changes that were good and comforting but many of those same ones he healed had no lasting change of heart and some of them were known to even join the movement and the shout of the Crucify him, Crucify him crowd.
.......In this evil and wicked generation we so desperately need the John the baptist sanctifying anointing effect that sanctifies and sets us apart for the Masters use. We need this because,of our generations massive immorality.
.......John in the power of his anointing did no miracle, but he did BY THAT POWER listen to God and preached powerfully and he lived a separated sanctified life unto God and that life CAUSED MANY TO REALLY REPENT and to come to Christ..Billy Graham i believe has the John the baptist anointing.
.......Jesus said, many will come to me in that day and say, Lord did we not cast out devils in your name ? Foretell future events in your name. Did we not do miracles and healing's and many mighty works in your name?. Then Jesus said I will profess to them. I never knew you, Depart from me, you who lived immorally, you that practiced iniquity. So in this light let us take to the heart this important truth. Miracles and healing's are great and have their place in the New Covenant and they are surely a part of the gospel of Jesus Christ and His Anointing. But if we are not being changed and transformed, if we are not living a life of the fruits of repentance unto godliness, we are being misled by the miraculous.
......God alone heals, but the choice to live a repentant life and holy unto God is in our own power. It is our choice. In the judgement it is holiness and righteousness that is being judged in main degree. Even the thoughts and intents of the heart and its secrets shall be brought to light if not under Christ blood Thank God for Christ blood...God help all of us to change and to bring forth the fruits of Johns sanctified life unto God.....deno...share freely.
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The peace giving pleasant aromas of the sacrifice of Christ.....deno....share freely..

.......WE all know that when Israel was in the wilderness God lost his patience with their delusional hearts and rebellion against His Name when they gave his glory to a golden calf....But did you know that In Christ God has sworn to us IN HIS LOVE. All his promises given us in Christ are Gods swearing's in HIS LOVE...For God so loved...
.......In Christ we are not appointed to wrath but unto salvation. We do not grow in the fruit of peace by dwelling on wrath. We grow in the fruit of peace dwelling on the things that IN CHRIST we are appointed to. Paul said In Christ we are not appointed to wrath but unto peace by Jesus Christ and I like keeping that appointment. We keep that appointment and stay in that APPOINTED POSITION by feasting off of the bread of Gods great love for us that passes normal understanding range and by the fix of faith whereby we are justified by Christ and his sacrifice..(Ephesians 3:14-21 & Romans 5:1). As it is written,,,Therefore being justified by faith WE HAVE PEACE WITH GOD thru our Lord Jesus Christ.
.......Acts 10:36 tells us God sent His Son to his people, PREACHING PEACE by Jesus Christ, not wrath.Why? For God so loves. We do not find anywhere in the scriptures this word,, For God so loved His people that He sent His Son to beat the hell out of them and give them all ulcers by invoking fear upon fear and dread upon dread. ITS NOT IN THERE. So why is that in your head? Somebody else put that in your head, NOT GOD. God to His own preaches peace by Jesus Christ. Even if God does have our pastors and preachers preach us a warning message of the wrath of God, I assure you it is FOR PEACE and not for his children to have tossing and turning nightmares..There should never be a wrath message that does not end with, but thank God thru Christ we have peace with God.
.......Have you ever known a person who is always angry and quick to become angry. We consider those people miserable people and disturbed souls that we prefer to less be around. We avoid them most of the time. The bible tells us to be slow to wrath, would God do less? Some think God does not keep His own commandment that he gave to us about being slow to anger. They think God is Quick to get angry. He is not. The bible says God is slow to get angry. God would not demand something of us that he does not keep himself. God is love not wrath, and God is the God of peace and order, He is not the spirit of fear nor the spirit of the ulcers and nightmares.
......Friends the sacrifice of Christ Paul said was a sweet smelling aroma to God, a soothing and mighty PEACE OFFERING sacrifice. It has soothed the Lord to peace with his own people forever. Stay in the knowledge of that eternal PEACE OFFERING and walk in the light of all its sweet and pleasant peace giving aromas. With that sacrifice God is well pleased and fully soothed. With Christ sacrifice God is FULLY SATISFIED. It was the EVERLASTING PEACE OFFERING. So great is its accomplished peace that no other sacrifice shall ever be required by the children of God who are the heirs of salvation.
.......Since the sacrifice of Christ is a sweet smelling fragrance to God giving him great peace, we should daily keep the knowledge of that PEACE OFFERING ever before us and ever before God lest we stray away unto the bondage of self justifications by Law. A Law that Paul said ignites wrath and not peace. We are to freshly fan Jesus Christ and him crucified and his sacrifices sweet aromas and fragrances for with such fanning God is well pleased. When we ask God to forgive us for our sins each day, we are not only being cleansed by the blood of Christ, but we are also fanning the sweet aroma of Christ sacrifice afresh to the nostrils of God.
......So in all things, in all sermons, let us conclude the message with this that to us who believe and belong to Christ we are not appointed unto wrath but unto peace and unto a SO GREAT A SALVATION by Jesus Christ our sweet smelling sacrifice and PEACE OFFERING and our PEACE WITH GOD yesterday, today, and forever to usward who believe....Amen....deno.
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Thursday, January 12, 2017

The woman at the well......deno......share freely.

......After being married to 5 men and shacking up with another, the Samaritan woman's interaction with Jesus at the well speaks volumes of the love, grace, and mercy of God. Even with all that sleeping around history, and multiple marriages, and that shacking up that was going on and in progress while she was speaking to Jesus, Jesus knowing all, still offers her life and eternal salvation.
.....Jesus knowing in himself all she ever did, (and it was all sin compilations described in the Law of Moses), Jesus, being God with us, KNOWING BEFOREHAND ALL HER GUILT and SHAME, he still says to her,...

John 4:10...New Living Translation (NLT)
10... “If you only knew THE GIFT God has for you and who you are speaking to, you would ask me, and I would give you living water.” (Meaning eternal life and the Spirit of God).

......Jesus was not breaking any grace rule here. He knows and understands himself and his grace and truth more than any of us. Eternal Life (which includes Salvation) is the gift of God . It is given when the heart ask. Faith is that hearts justification to receive and to drink from the wells of salvation and from the waters of life freely. Jesus said, it was A GIFT. 
.......The Samaritan woman, she was guilty of much but all that guilt, sin, and shame, all that adultery and everything else that goes with it, was no match for the true love and mercy of God unto salvation. Ask he said to her and It shall be given.
.......So to our adulteress, unfaithful, and Porn generation that has defiled itself greatly with these things, there is still hope. Let us all turn our eyes upon Jesus and look full in his wonderful face. He is RICH IN MERCY. 
.......This woman at the well with Jesus, her history, her past and present guilt and shame could not stop the flow of the love of Christ and of the Throne of Gods grace unto her. Nor can it stop that same great love today from flowing to you. But we all must admit our sins with a believing repentant heart and then ask...She did ask...Will You.?
.......Love is calling you today and Grace and Mercy is Knocking...IT IS THE GIFT OF GOD...ASK JESUS... HE IS THE ONE ORDAINED TO GIVE THE GIFT......deno.....share freely.
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Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Never To Old...Moses was 80 when into his life a New Thing from God came....deno.....share freely.

Sometimes the Lord will retire you from your retirement and give you a New Thing He wants you to do....Moses was 80 when he saw that bush burning with a mighty voice behind it saying, I Am that I AM...Go and say to Pharaoh, Let My People Go.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

The Precious word called WHOSOEVER..It was chosen by the Master as his word for the invite.......deno....share freely.

.......Jesus said...WHOSOEVER WILL...WHOSOEVER WILLS TO...LET HIM COME and DRINK FROM THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD which is the Waters of Life and do so freely, without charge and without cost. WITHOUT GUILT and WITHOUT SHAME, that is what Jesus meant when he used the word FREELY. Some people do not want to be around certain people because they owe them money or this or that, or they owe them a favor so they avoid them. But Christ said to us all COME FREELY WHOSOEVER YOU ARE, your debt is paid in full. CHRIST PAID IT ALL OFF with the price of His own precious blood. Because of this truth God invites WHOSOEVER to come freely to him thru Christ.
.......People all over the church wrestle with that word WHOSOEVER and some try to carve away at it as to lesson its reaching lengths. But personally speaking I love that word. Every day and in every way that I toss or turn that word, or pull or press against that word, when I'm done it still means the same today as it did yesterday, even as it did 2000 years ago.
.......WHOSOEVER is a word masterfully chosen by the Master with the soul purpose to try to get the juices of faith stirred up in every heart to Come to Christ NO MATTER WHERE THAT HEART IS OR HAS BEEN. It is a word from grace so that it might be by faith.It is a word that says come BOLDLY to the throne of grace because God so loves the world..
.......WHOSOEVER qualifies all, invites all, comforts all.
.......How I thank God Jesus said, WHOSOEVER and not just the perfect ones only....Everyday I grip that Whosoever Word with my faith and I press on in to gain more of this incredible God and Savior that our dad preached to us about thru all the years, and to see more into his marvellous light and love for us, and to find more of his peace and goodwill to man. For I know that the word WHOSOEVER came from love so great it surpasses natural human realms of understanding.
.......One day years ago I saw from the light in the scriptures something about Jesus that i had not seen before. Everyone that he talked to was a WHOSOEVER. In the piling list of those WHOSOEVER'S we find them ranging from liars to prostitutes, from thieves to cons, from murderers to the demon possessed, to the Satan oppressed and afflicted and none did he ever refuse who humbled themselves and knew they were sinners in need of mercy, who exercised their faith in the Lords love and mercy.. It was the holier than thou ones that was his often friction and that brought forth his rebukes and fire. But all that had the be merciful to me a sinner attitude Jesus embraced. How so many preach messages opposing this love and mercy gospel truth today. Its good news was never meant to be upended or removed from the hopes of the hearts of men, who see themselves in so great need of Christ..
.......My eyes opened and i began to see how this perfect, pure, un-defiled, sinless and i do mean sinless Son of God who was filled with the Holy Spirit of God without measure, I saw him hugging, embracing, and laying His pure hands on us sinful folks in the bible, even washing our soiled feet, and such close contact with God and such a holy touch from Him did not defile him or cause him unrest or grief, nor any disturbance as to be sick of our un-cleanness and sinfulness that he knew was in us all. It is when people lose sight of His love and of their need of His mercy and think to say that we are full and have no need of nothing that get themselves in stirred up hot water with Christ and the mercies of God. The Cross of Christ removes men's pointing of the finger, self righteousness exaltation, the holier than thou mindset, and the I am self sufficient for all things attitude and I have no need of nothing craziness. WE ALL...EVEN EVERYONE OF US EVERYDAY NEED JESUS CHRIST AND HIM CRUCIFIED AND RISEN FROM THE DEAD BEATING IN OUR HEART..That is the heartbeat of every souls eternal life.
......That sight of His heart hugging sinful people in the bible, caused me to see something so dear and so special about the Lord and about the Love that God is and has for people like us who are in righteousness as filthy rags compared to Gods holy, sinless, without spot wrinkle or blemish sinless purity. So when I saw the word WHOSOEVER and that was the word He used to invite us, my heart leaped with a joy from excitement that WHOSOEVER EVEN MEANS A MAN LIKE ME...I wept and still do thanking God that he selected the word Whosoever in the great invitation He gave all and that invitation is renewed and the same day unto day........deno....share freely.

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