Thursday, February 9, 2017

King Davids Arising All Over America...TRUMP NATION.....deno...share freely.

........King David was a man of courage. A fighter. A determined king. He was a man who loved his country and its God heritage. He was not a perfect man, nonetheless king David stood and fought for the glory and honor of the Name of the Lord and his nations in God We Trust Heritage. With all this fight for Gods glory and honor in him and his love for his country, God still said of David, this man David is a man chasing after my own heart...I feel similar things about MY PRESIDENT TRUMP>>>.TRUMP NATION, a nation on the rise with king Davids....deno.
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Love Your Neighbor As Yourself.....deno....share freely.

......When Adam and Eve were created they saw life and the world thru different eyes. For a while they saw the world thru sinless eyes. They were so non body minded that they were not even conscious of their nakedness or shape. So the outer physical looks and shape of peoples bodies were not the esteemed thing. My how things have changed.
.......Sin caused the way they viewed life and the world to change and become as we see each other and the world today. Men and women were not meant to be so body minded or divided by external things like looks and physical bodily shapes.
.......Gods love and heavens love is different than our present human evil divisive love. A persons external looks and shape has nothing to do with the way God feels about us or the way God loves us. What man esteems high is low to God and what people call beautiful God calls idolatry.
.......No one is beautiful in Gods eyes unless their heart is pure. Our present common problem is we are all presently connected to the curse of sin in the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life or vanity that Adam and Eve's sin gave us. This in part is part of the creations groaning as it groans in a misery crying out for its liberty from this curse and for the return and manifestation of sinless sons of God. Things were just not meant to be on earth as it is today. Only in Christ have we hope and in him soon WE SHALL BE CHANGED.
......Those of us who believe and belong to Christ, in our hearts CHRIST LOVE has been shed abroad even now and we are to learn to walk in the love of God in Christ so that we do not fulfill the divisive selfishness of the sinful self worshipping flesh.
......Have we become the idols of our worship that is getting in the way between us and God in these temples that belong to God? If we are still on our minds more than Christ and others and more than doing Gods will, we are still walking in the flesh and we are still just babes in Christ and babes in walking in the love of God. We are still on the milk of Christ.....deno.

P.S....ME ME ME...MINE MINE MINE is not the way of Gods love divine.

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Wednesday, February 8, 2017

The Fanatic From Hell.....share freely.....deno.

........The billions of souls in hell wished they could everyday be upon the earth, read Gods Words often like an addiction, pray without ceasing, preach the gospel in season and out of season, do Gods will, forgive everyone, wash the saints feet, give to the work of the Lord and to the poor. Go to church, be a good and faithful servant to Jesus. Visit the sick and the imprison often and be about Gods business more fanatical than anyone the world or the church has ever known. Paul the apostle would probably look like he is in slow motion in serving the Lord compared to them. What they know of hell fuels their zeal.They would much more prefer being on super hot fanatical fire for God than in those flames and torments in hell....

Light from the spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Christ. The eyes of our understanding BEING ENLIGHTENED....deno..

Light from the spirit of wisdom and of revelation in the knowledge of Christ. The eyes of our understanding BEING ENLIGHTENED....deno..
.......From Genesis 3:15 on (the verse of Gods mystery of Christ our Savior to come), the Law, the covenants, the sacrifices, the sin offerings, the guilt offerings, the peace offerings, the fellowship offerings, the ceremonies, all its types and shadows were Christ in a mystery marching to the Cross of our redemption to fulfill Genesis 3:15....Jesus said, Think not that I have come to destroy the Law but to FULFILL IT.
......Jesus certainly knew why He gave the Law to Israel. It was something to someday BE FULFILLED. One day thru the Law the Lawgiver Himself was going to become flesh and be called the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world. The apostle Paul Jesus would call to unveil this mystery, the mystery of Christ in the Law to all the world and how that mystery effects all both the Jew and the Gentile (See Ephesians 3:1-12 NKJV).
......Paul preached that the Lawgiver with His own blood was coming to us thru the Law and thru His Fulfilling the Laws purpose, he was going to take away the Law that he gave as the former way erasing its condemning powers over us with His own blood nailing its legal dissolve to the Cross.. This he did IN CHRIST and from Christ resurrection on, HIS SPIRIT, the true Spirit of the Lord would then always preach and magnify Christ and Him Crucified and risen from the dead as the NEW and LIVING WAY unto God where Christ the first born from the dead ascended before them. From the risen point of view the Spirit of Christ would preach saying Christ died for our sins and rose again for our justification unto a real and living hope by his resurrection from the dead and by his triumph over death, hell and the grave we have HOPE and OUR DELIGHT.
.......The Law would now take its back seat as now we in Christ would sit at the table of God Himself, the table of THE KING HIMSELF eating of the bread of the fellowship of His Sufferings and do so as men reconciled unto God calling God Abba, our Father, Daddy.. No more strangers. No more foreigners. But born of God sons and daughters in Christ.
.......Thru the Sacrifice of the Law giver himself the days of separation from God were over for all them that would believe. From enemies of God and from being strangers, Christ would gather us all at the foot of His Cross and by faith make us who trust in Him his very own family members, even the brothers and sisters of Christ in the very household of God (See John 20:17). This reconciliation and adoption begins on the earth with its covenant markings now in our spirits and no longer in our flesh, and grows into completion when the Church is raptured into THE PARADISE OF THE GLORY OF GOD when Christ returns to take HIS CHURCH HOME BY THE POWER OF THE ALMIGHTY....In this Gods promise to Abraham that thru HIS SEED would all the nations of the world be reached by God and blessed fulfilled...(See Revelations 5:9-14)..
......The Law was the foreshadow of the blood of his Cross and the things that would accompany the salvation that Christ Sacrifice and resurrection life would bring into the world..A greater immersion into the Life and fellowship with God Christ sacrifice would bring. Thru faith in Jesus Christ we would find ourselves even in the Spirit of the Lord on the Lords day and the Spirit of the Lord in us everyday that only kings and prophets in Israel tasted in a shadow form under the Laws dispensation...
.....The Law was Genesis 3:15 being more and more unveiled. The Law was to make it clear to all of us our great need of Christ for greatly all of us have sinned. The Law was given to lead and guide us to understand our need of Jesus Christ and him crucified for the sin of us all. The Law was not given to make us perfect for the Law could make no man perfect but showed us clearly our sins and our guilt and how we all needed so great a PARDON.. The Law was given to lead us unto the fountains of forgiveness and the springs of the tendermercies of God in Christ that we all could be washed in the blood of Christ and cleansed with his living waters of His Eternal Spirits everlasting life being REDEEMED by the blood of the Son of God, Gods very own chosen Lamb for the most perfect and GREATEST SACRIFICE OF ALL that would be for all and last forever for all eternity.......deno.....share freely.

Let Us Come Back TO Gods Senses......deno.....share freely.

.....When you think your the one, only to find out your one of many. Each temple was meant to know just one.
.....God told Israel they were to be unto Him as a chaste faithful virgin but after awhile they rose up in defiance and went off playing the harlot and God found them with many other lovers behind every tree and upon every mountain.... Idol Worship...Spiritual adultery and unfaithfulness.
......We can all talk about pureness of heart but only few remain with such purity. We have seen so much. Mixed with so many. Heard what human ears things God never intended for our ears to hear. As a nation we are a defiled land in need of being washed clean in Christ blood and revived with living water.
......Thank God Christ is RICH IN MERCY and His Word believed and obeyed and change everything.
......Let us all come back to Christ the Word of God. Let us all come back to Gods senses. Our senses are making a mess of things. The fruits of the American society proves it....deno.

Spirit Man & Flesh Man, both are Men....deno....share freely.

 ......Paul said that as Christians who are born of God, the spirit lusteth against the flesh and the flesh lusteth against the spirit. James said, the body without the spirit in it is dead. There is therefore our physical man and there also exist our spirit man. When the body man dies the spirit man lives on...As believers we need to recognize and know the difference between the TWO MEN..
.......When Jesus said unless A MAN be born again he cannot enter into the kingdom of heaven he was referring to our spirit man not our physical man. Jesus also said, My words are about the spirit, the flesh does not profit from them.
.......When a persons spirit is BORN AGAIN that persons spirit truly is a NEW CREATURE.. Nothing in our spirit man that is born again is old, IT IS ALL NEW. Old things are passed away. Behold ALL THINGS are become NEW. You cannot say those things about your flesh man, they only fit your New Spirit Man born of God by faith in Jesus Christ.
........We need to know that in Christ Jesus our inward man, the one that lives on and leaves the body when the body dies, that man is a NEW MAN and our NEW MAN does not mix well with the sinful nature of our flesh man. Their desires oppose each other. They are now two different natures of two different men. Flesh man vs spirit man. They are contrary to each other even as light is from darkness and good is from evil. Even as Gods Holy Spirit is contrary to Satan's evil spirit. They do not mix and mingle and they sure are not best friends, nor do they walk hand in hand.
.......The spirit that is born of God is holy after the IMAGE of its new Father. The Holy Spirit begets holy spirits, not evil spirits (THAT'S IMPORTANT...SO IMPORTANT).
.......So if any man be in Christ Jesus he is a NEW CREATURE..A HOLY CREATURE. HE IS A NEW SPIRIT and that spirit is holy in nature for no man born of God and born of His Seed which is Christ can be born an evil spirit from that HOLY SEED. That thing which is born in you is born holy. He is created in Christ Jesus in righteousness and true holiness after the image of HIM THAT CREATED HIM...Ephesians 4:23-24)..
......The problem and yes there is this common problem for all of us. The problem has been and is, he THIS NEW MAN, THIS NEW HOLY SPIRIT born of God is surrounded by a wall of sinful flesh full of selfish sinful cravings. A flesh that of itself has no good thing dwelling in its members. Plus his upstairs mind has been trained to think evil upon evil and sin upon sin...Therefore our minds must be renewed and our sinful flesh disciplined by the will of the holiness of the NEW SPIRIT that is holy. As born again holy spirits with the help of the Holy Ghost who is our spirits HEAVENLY FATHER, with His help we must discipline our sinful flesh as like dealing with an unruly child..We thru the spirit must learn to put to death or to not give into the deeds the sinful body wants...
.......Like Paul said, Learn to walk in the spirit so that you do not fulfill the lust of the flesh...If the spirit was unholy Paul would never have told us to WALK IN IT or BY IT...OUR HEAVENLY FATHER is holy and our heavenly man born of God is holy...Your new born again spirit is holy by nature in the Lord.....deno.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

That your prayers be not hindered.....deno.....share freely.

Make Straight the Way of the Lord.....deno.
1 Peter 3:7.....New King James Version.

......Even if you go your separate ways, the love of God in you will pray for that person. But the flesh part of you most of the time will walk in vanity, pride, and promote forms of evil in ill will words and actions. The save face actions and sins.
......You have to be wise and not fall or slide into the snares set for you by the enemy. Sinful relationship snares Satan is a master at and a master at setting them before us. We walk into them or we resist. Unfortunately many of us have strained at a gnat in this area of life and swallowed the camels. We all live and learn and sometimes the hard way.
.......The snares and schemes of Satan against us all are many. He is always trying to set against us a trap or a snare or a scheme for us to fall into so that he can get an advantage over us and HINDER OUR PRAYERS. He is after our power. He is after our effectiveness. He is at work against us trying to get the Spirit of God in us in a quenched condition and the ears of God as closed to our prayers.
......Satan knows Strife hinders prayers.. Anger hinders prayers. Slander hinders prayers. Gossip hinders prayers. Not walking in the love of God hinders prayers and many other things hinder prayers and all those things he is trying to promote and get us attached to. He wants those things in us..Jesus said, Satan comes but he finds nothing in me. Our problem has been that Satan comes to us and he finds our gardens full of all kinds of sins like anger, malice, gossip, idol talk, strife, vanity, pride etc.which are his weeds planted that choke the word and our prayers..
.......If Satan cannot get us with a left, as soon as he can he will be swinging a right. Remember Jesus on the mount of temptation resisted the devil and the bible says the devil left him to come again later with plan B. The first temptations Satan formed against Jesus he brought to Jesus and his mind himself. From then on the rest of them came mostly thru Satan using flesh people whose hearts affections were not set on things above..
.......The true strength, health and condition of our walk with God is revealed most often in prayer results. We all learn this from the words of Jesus himself and Jesus always gives it to us straight as it is. Jesus said, those that abide in Me and My Words abide in them (If they do so in the manner that really is pleasing the Father) they ask what they will and God does it (John 15:17)..Those are Christ our mighty Counselor's very own Words...
.......Our prayer results reveal the real truth of our real fruit.. Are we giving God copper and tin style devotion each day when He expects no less than pure gold?....God help us all....Lord baptize us with the refining fire of the Holy Spirit......deno.