Friday, March 10, 2017

Good News Today.....deno.

 Good News Today.....Words of truth to hope in everyday.....deno.
........Christ blood was given to us all to keep Gods mind more focused on our good and most blind to our bad. Thru Christ blood God promised to be abundantly merciful to us, forgive us when we ask, to purify us and our record of all our sin, to cleanse us from all unrighteousness, to separate our past and our present sins from us as far as east is to west and to remember them NO MORE..All these promises God swore to us in HIS LOVE in the NEW COVENANT that is established upon BETTER PROMISES OF GOD TO US thru Christ...Christ blood is the ONLY THING on earth that can do all this...God gave us HIS WORD.
........God is rich in mercy and HIS MERCY is renewed every morning. Every morning that brand new mercy is filled with all these promises..God said, Though your sins be as scarlet I will make them WHITE AS SNOW...THAT IS THE PROMISE OF GOD... When we go to bed washed in Christ blood we go to sleep made WHITE AS SNOW. When we wake up washed in Christ blood we wake up purified WHITE AS GLISTENING SNOW.
.......So do you see yourself WHITE AS SNOW? A good confession after every wash in the blood of Christ...Thank you Father for forgiving me and cleansing me of all my sins. Now I Am White As Shiny Glistening Snow as only Christ blood can make me and as You Promised.You alone have THE POWER to do this and in YOUR POWER i do trust....
......Sin conscious or cleansed and made White As Snow Conscious? Its all in the minds warfare....Whom the Son has set free is free indeed..And what God has cleansed let no one call unclean, not even the cleansed one himself/herself... ..deno.

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Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Dead or Alive..The Spirit Speaks.....deno.

.......The angels speaking forth the foundational purpose of the coming of Christ, how beautifully they said it....Glory to God in the highest they said, and on earth Gods peace and GOODWILL to men. Then the grown up Jesus said these words in conjunction with those of the Angels praise to him. He said, I have entered into this world and have come so that you might have life and have it MORE ABUNDANTLY...That is Gods peace and goodwill to man words in updated fashion.
.......This worlds highs are the highs of the living dead. Think about that. Think about what Jesus said. I have come that you might HAVE LIFE..He was talking of the spirits of men who are dead unto God and that needed to be born again. When he said I have come that you might have life, he knew His words were spirit and his words were about mans spirit, whose spirit was dead and dead unto the Spirit of God (Separated)...I have come that you might HAVE LIFE.
.......In this world you can be alive to the world but dead unto God (LOST). Jesus unveiled this truth. DEAD MAN WALKING is a real spiritual truth..Many there be Jesus said, that are walking and living and that have their being in that path, the path of the living dead. Broad and wide is that way and many are in it..They are alive and living, eating and drinking, marrying and are being given in marriage, but they are dead unto the life and Spirit of God.
....These mentioned dead in spirit people can even make great profits of this world and its goods but lose their soul because they died severed from the Life and Spirit of God. Sadly this is the strong delusion of this world. Riches and the joy and laughter in the darkness of this world cannot define the true state of the soul. Many that Jesus spoke and speaks his words to laugh alot and had or have a lot.They lived high on the earth but in their eternity live in the lowest of the low (Luke 16:19-31)
......Friend, Christ is your way unto life and life more abundantly, Thru him be now reconciled to God so that your joy and laughter is approved unto God by him...Don't let the course of this world deceive you. All its highs and joys are one day going to come crashing down as everything that does not have CHRIST as its foundation God dissolves and takes away forever.. Only in Christ is their real life and that more abundantly in this world and in eternity that awaits us...Jesus Christ came into our world so that you could have life and the riches of HIS SALVATION and life to its greatest joy in this world and in the worlds of our eternity to come as we live in our faith in step with HIM.....
1 John 5:9-13...(NIV)
9 We accept human testimony, but God’s testimony is greater because it is the testimony of God, which he has given about his Son. 10 Whoever believes in the Son of God accepts this testimony. Whoever does not believe, God has made him out to be a liar, because they have not believed the testimony that God has given about his Son. 11 And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. 12 Whoever has the Son has the life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life.
Concluding Affirmations
13 I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God (Jesus Christ) so that you may know that you have eternal life.
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A Revelation in Righteousness......deno....share freely.

1 Corinthians 1:26-31....King James Version (KJV)
26 For you see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called:
27 But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise ones of the world; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;
28 And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are:
29 That no flesh (No Person) should glory in his presence (about anything of himself).
30 But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who by God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption:
31 That, according as it is written, He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord.. (Let him gory in the things Jesus has done for him (Thru the Cross and in what God has made Jesus to be for him in the form of grace and FREE GIFTS)..
Deno' notes:
.......In our above text we read THESE wonderful words. Words of revealed things, of doctrinal truths that Jesus personally REVEALED to Paul about HIS GOOD NEWS (Gospel)...No normal person and no institution made by man taught these things, these truths to Paul..Paul said, of the things I write, Jesus Christ HIMSELF REVEALED THEM and TAUGHT THEM TO ME...Friends just that statement alone TURNS ME ON and makes my spirit reach heavenward.
.......Paul wrote in vs 30 that it is GOD HIMSELF, yes God the HIGHEST AUTHORITY FAR ABOVE ALL, that has MADE Jesus to be FOR US our RIGHTEOUSNESS. Think about that; God, our loving God, loved us SO MUCH that seeing our personal righteousness was as filthy rags and completely unacceptable and filled with spots, wrinkles, and blemishes, He loved us ANYWAY and chose to bless us with this incredible GIFT. The gift of making Jesus to be for us OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS. IT IS THE GIFT OF GOD.
......Now get this glorious truth with me. Lets grasp the glory of its redemption meaning....Christ RIGHTEOUSNESS is now our RIGHTEOUSNESS and God made Jesus to be FOR US our RIGHTEOUSNESS as a GIFT. It is a provision from God.
......Christ RIGHTEOUSNESS is a PERFECT RIGHTEOUSNESS and always TOTALLY ACCEPTABLE to the Father (ALWAYS) and His Righteousness if now OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS as Gods free GIFT unto us. This is the power of God and His Sons RIGHTEOUSNESS unto us and working FOR US (Always PERFECT and Always ACCEPTABLE..You need to repeat what was just said until its glory DAWNS ON YOU.
.......Lord Jesus, I hide all myself in YOU, inside all of YOU....I lay all my foolish pride aside. I lay all dependency on my own self goodness or self righteousness aside and now I LEAN TOTALLY ON YOU YOURSELF BEING (As God said for me) MY RIGHTEOUSNESS .
......As Noah was HID inside the ARK and was saved, I AM NOW HIDING THE ALL OF MYSELF IN YOU JESUS TO BE SAVED with you yourself the PERFECT ONE being my life, my salvation, and the Lord My RIGHTEOUSNESS...IT IS THE GIFT OF GOD.....AMEN...(Colossians 3:1-4)...deno.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

The revelations that set Paul Free from the Law..Freedom from the Law is such a beautiful GRACE PLACE.....deno.....share freely.

 Deno's Notes....Galations 3:1-6
......Paul called the Law, BONDAGE...Believe me, it took Paul a while to accept that revelation from Jesus, the revelation that the Law was bondage and the revelation of being justified by faith in Jesus without the deeds of the Law involved in it someway.
......Paul had always loved and cherished the Law of his upbringing. His mind was affixed to the way of the Law and by the way of the Law he lived dogmatically. He even had Christians killed on behalf of his love for the Law and his hate for Christ.
......Paul for years and years was the greatest LAW and WORKS OF THE LAW PROMOTER and EXALTER in all of Israel.....If he can get over it...SO CAN YOU....deno.
P.S. Faith in Jesus Christ blood, death, and resurrection THE NEW and LIVING WAY unto God, unto repentance, unto salvation, unto change of heart and life, unto empowerment, unto the infilling of the Holy Ghost, and all miracles.

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Justified By Faith Without The Deeds of the Law.....deno.....share freely.

Galatians 3:1-6... (NKJV)
Justification by Faith.....deno.

3) vs 1... O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you that you should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed among you as crucified?
2 This only I want to learn from you: Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?
3 Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are you now being made perfect by the flesh?
4 Have you suffered so many things in vain—if indeed it was in vain?
5 Therefore He who supplies the Spirit to you and works miracles among you, does He do it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?— 6 just as Abraham “believed God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.
Deno's notes:
.......Since by believing in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ the Son of God we receive the Sinless Spirit of God miracle (and believe me that is the highest MIRACLE of all miracles when you really understand it, when you SEE the pure sinless, cannot sin, Holy Spirit lives INSIDE US THE SINFUL), we can be assured that salvation we receive by the same faith also. You could not have received the miracle of the receiving INSIDE YOU the Sinless Holy Spirit had you not FIRST been saved and justified by faith for the infilling.

Deno's notes:
.......Those in this scripture were not healed by their good deeds of the holy law but by their faith in Jesus Christ. All the miracles being performed in their midst and in their lives were received by the hearing of faith and faiths action and not by the commandments of the works of the laws commands and demands..
.......Salvation is received the same way. As Paul wrote. Therefore by the deeds of the Law shall no soul be justified..and in another place he wrote..for the law worketh wrath seeing that no man can keep it to its required standard.....and in another scripture we read. Therefore being justified (Made Righteous) BY FAITH we have peace with God.
......When you lose sight of the JUSTIFICATION BY FAITH REVELATION and TRUTH that Jesus gave Paul, you will start to lose your peace, your personal peace and your peace with God.. Your doubts and your misled mind that is taking you away from being JUSTIFIED BY FAITH will also TAKE AWAY your souls rest in Christ and peace..You may even end up becoming a slave to the Law of works AND TO CIRCUMCISION again as you think in your misled mind that by your works/self goodness only you are saved which is not in line with the revelations JESUS GAVE PAUL.
.......Paul called the Law, BONDAGE...Believe me, it took Paul a while to accept that revelation from Jesus, the revelation of being justified by faith in Jesus without the deeds of the Law involved in it someway. Paul had always loved and cherished the Law of his upbringing. His mind was affixed to the way of the Law and by the way of the Law he lived dogmatically. Paul for years and years was the greatest LAW AND WORKS OF THE LAW EXALTER in all of Israel.....If he can get over it...SO CAN YOU....deno..
P.S. Faith in Jesus Christ blood, death, and resurrection is THE NEW and LIVING WAY unto God, unto repentance, unto salvation, unto change of heart and life, unto the infilling of the Holy Ghost, and all miracles.

Monday, February 13, 2017

Rejoice and Be Exceedingly Glad....deno.....share freely.

.....To Christians, the end times course of this world as told by Jesus in the scriptures was not told to be a downer but an upper. For after saying all the terrible things that are going to come to pass on the earth because of the mystery of iniquity, Jesus said....When you see these things happening LOOK UP and REJOICE EXCEEDINGLY for your great deliverance is at hand...Isn't it good to know that when things are at their worst in this world GREAT DELIVERANCE is at hand and in the darkest hour God sends His Most Marvellous Light.
......Christ came to be the light of a world that had gone dark, and to be preserving Salt to a decaying world that sin was destroying. He Came TO BE A GREAT AND LIVING HOPE when things seemed hopeless and a RESURRECTION TO THAT WHICH IS DEAD. He came to be freedom to the bound and recovery of sight to the blind. To set free the chained and to show love where there was hate. He came to merciful to the sinner, and to fill with living water the dry. Where there was broken hearts Jesus came to mend and where there is boredom he came so that by believing and obeying HIS WORD his joy could be fulfilled in us and our joy made full. Meaning FULFILLMENT and EXCITEMENT thru HIS PRESENCE...
......So what is the sum of the matter. We find it in John 10:10...No matter how awful and ugly goes this world we still have the world overcoming over riding words of John 10:10..Jesus said, Satan the liar and the thief only comes but for to deceive, to steal, kill, and to destroy, to make life seem hopeless and miserable....but I have come to all of you for this purpose, so that you might have life and that you could have it more abundantly. Jesus said this truth when knowing how terrible this world was and was going to get.
.......Friends, thru Christ light and words, beautiful things can still come forth and happen even from the most driest parched land. So there is no reason for any to be filled with dread or hopelessness. We serve a Master, a mighty God who is for us not against us, and wants us to each day have and enjoy his life and presence and that more abundantly EVEN IN THIS WORLD...So when the world goes mad Jesus gave us the right and the calling to GO HIS GLAD...TRUMP NATION we are the Light of the world in Christ.....deno.

Jesus Christ Far Above All Names & Ranks.....deno.....share freely.

.......After God raised Jesus His Son from the dead, with His power and glory God raised Jesus all the way back up into the paradise of God and SAT JESUS DOWN WITH HIM IN THE THRONE OF GOD. God did that for different reasons, and one of those reasons is this. He was saying to us on earth, There is no higher WORD or no higher MESSAGE from God to the world above the AUTHORITY and WORDS OF JESUS CHRIST....As it is written in Hebrews 1) God used to do His speaking unto us thru the prophets, but God has spoken unto us in these last days by HIS SON thru whom HE CREATED THE WORLDS.. (BIG DIFFERENCE)....Not Moses, nor John the baptist, not Elijah, nor Mohammed can fit those BIG SHOES, the SHOES OF THE FAR ABOVE ALL JESUS CHRIST Creator of all of heaven and earth.
.......Jesus sits with the Father at His right hand in the glory of the throne of God THE HIGHEST POWER and AUTHORITY of all...Hear Ye Him....Jesus is Lord....If you are listening you can hear the Spirit of the Lord saying to every Christian. It is time to STAND UP STAND UP FOR JESUS....deno.