Acts 2:17-21) vs 17)....And it SHALL come to pass IN THE LAST DAYS says the Lord Our God, That I WILL Pour out of MY SPIRIT on all peoples (All Flesh). The results from this will be Your sons and your daughters shall prophecy and proclaim My Word like the prophets. Your young men SHALL HAVE & SHALL SEE VISIONS. Your elderly men SHALL DREAM DREAMS. 18) And on My men servants & on my maidservants I WILL pour out MY SPIRIT in those days and they shall preach MY TRUTH. (Jesus is the TRUTH). 19) And I WILL show signs and wonders in heaven above And signs in the earth beneath...........
No matter what people think, Gods Word Is Truth. This scripture is just as much true as John 3:16....Be Believing. The mouth of God cannot lie.....Titus 1:2) hope of eternal life, which God, WHO CANNOT LIE, promised before the world began.... Hebrews 6:18)...That by two unchangeable things, in which it is IMPOSSIBLE FOR GOD TO LIE, we would have a STRONG CONSOLATION, who have fled to HIM for shelter/refuge/safety to lay hold upon THE HOPE set before us.
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This particular vision was given to me years later after my rushing mighty wind grace that I had experienced in my car. This vision took place to reveal to me, to help answer some of the many questions and mysteries about these things that I had been experiencing thru out my life and had been experiencing them even in tears, tears i cried so often that made me often wonder what has happened to me. It is not in the chronicle order of the events but I felt led to inject it right here because of its light, its message. The vision showed me one of the reasons for the many of my tears since that day....
Before we adventure into this grace I want to say something plainly. Deno is a plain, simple, ordinary guy. These experiences I did not ask for them all though I was open unto them with my faith. I was not and to this day am not a religious man. I mean I do not walk around with my hands clasp together humming some strange sounding tone to my village or neighbors. I am a child of God. A member of his family. I have relationship not religion and there is a big difference.
Religion almost killed me. Relationship with Jesus saved my life. I used to think going to church was my religious duty. Go, get it over with and then go home and play, OR SIN. Now I go to the waters of Life that are in our heavenly Fathers Spirit and thru faith in Jesus Christ I drink of the waters of life freely. Jesus did not come all the way down to earth from his glory above and go to that Cross to make us religious. Far from it. He came to give us life and that more abundantly. That life is for us to have, and to live by faith. It is a constant inner communion with Jesus and the Father in the heart, in the Spirit. It is the redemption Mix. Jesus in us, us in Jesus. We together In the Father and the Father in us. JOHN 17) FAMILY AND KIN AND COVENANT FRIENDS ALL IN ONE FOREVER serving the Lord and one another with gladness and thankful hearts of praise to His Name. All are invited. All are welcomed. Jesus is your entrance. Be believing and call upon His Name. He was poured out on the Cross to be received. We all must receive him by faith.(ASK) * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
When we study the scriptures about visions and dreams people had in the bible one thing we will notice is that many of them occurred on their bed during rest or nap times. Not all of them, but many did.
One day as I was thinking on the Lord and on things of life I thought to go and lay down for a while to rest. I stretched out on my bed, closed my eyes and one of the strangest things happened. I could still see in the room. Do not ask me how to explain exactly how that was happening. I cant. It was just happening. In visions we see the things God wants us to see. He sees them in His All knowing, All seeing Spirit first. Then by His Spirit within us, He positions His sight into our eyes. Once the line up is made, He then opens our eyes to His sight and its then we have or see the Vision. Remember our text. He will pour out of His Spirit and they will have dreams and visions. Not by mans might, nor by mans strength, But by My Spirit saith the Lord. I could open my eyes and see in the room. I could close my eyes and see in the room. This is strange I thought. Hmmm. What is going on here?
It wasn't long after my initial wonderment of what was going on here, that I noticed another strange thing . I was looking down towards my feet area as I was stretched out on my bed and there to my amazement, hovering over my feet was a strange veil looking thing. I thought to myself, What a weird looking object this was. It was about the size of a handkerchief and about a fingers thickness. It was not a dead lifeless looking thing, but a living looking thing. It had movements to it. It was floating and flapping itself sort of like a sting rays wings do when it is swimming in water in slow motion. I thought what in the world is that thing?
I could not help but stare at this veil looking thing. It had definitely caught my attention. Wouldn't it you? The more I looked at it, it seemed to me that it was made of (For a lack of a better word) made of ghostly material. There was some transparency to it but still yet creamy and lightly cloudy on its insides.
Another strange thing I noticed as I was gazing at it I had zero fear of this thing. Felt no high or low about it at all. It was like my emotions were detached for awhile from the moment. I mean this ghostly looking, veil looking thing scared me not. Why? Only the Lord knows. But soon something was about to happen and you talk about getting emotional. Just wait till you hear it. God as my witness this actually happened to me. I may not tell it as perfect as it could be told but I will try.
I kept staring down at my feet area at this veil looking DEVICE and suddenly I noticed it was moving. It was moving ever ever so slowly upward my body. As it moved it was slowly flapping itself like the sting rays wings as I mentioned earlier. Still, I had absolutely no fear of this seeming to be alive VEIL THING (device).
As it inched its way up I kept it in my eyes. Over my knees, still no fear. Around my thighs, still no fear. Over my belly, still no fear. Then hmmm. Then it happened.
It got to my chest zone and hovered over my heart /chest area and then stopped. I'm laying there looking at that thing, which later I learned to call a device, when totally unexpectedly that thing attacked me and seized me with an attitude. That little weird but kinda cute looking, harmless looking handkerchief thing with a force of power and strength, which seemed to me to be even a physical force, power and strength, that thing hit my chest area hard as with strong determination like a ton of weight. Like a plan that had been anxiously waiting to finally being carried out, and now it was being launched.
I was suddenly in a fight I did not know a believer could or would have to fight. I was now in a battle of spiritual confrontation with entities who meant me absolutely no peace, nor any good will. I will say certain things over the years did ready me for this confrontation, like David was with Goliath, but I had absolutely no idea that in our spiritual warfare with the enemy, that he by his spirits spiritual powers could literally wrestle with us in this super contact match way. (Did you?) I didn't).
With that mighty grip of his on me, I can never forget this, that little handkerchief thing that I could no longer see, became empowered. I had never felt such physical like wrestling force in my life formed and activated against me. I had done some wrestling matches in my day. Won some. Lost some. But none of those opponents could even come close to the strength that this entity was exerting against me and to be honest with all of you and I don't mean to alarm you, I was no natural match for him/them at all. They moved me at their will.
Angels and demons can walk right thru an atomic bomb explosion un effected by the physical destructive power of those bombs, so how in the world can we resist the bad ones, or stand against them with physical weapons or carnal powers of the flesh. YOU CANT. THAT IS WHY WE CALL UPON THE GREAT NAME. THE NAME OF THE LORD.
In the power of that which had gripped me, he suddenly copped even a worse attitude. Now that they felt in control, this power, this entity pulled me up with a mighty force off my bed and slung me on my back on my bed room floor. When I hit that floor I felt the full impact of that collision. I thought such an impact would knock the breath out of me but some how it didn't. When I hit the floor, as if I was Judo like thrown by some one very angry with me and way bigger than me, I thought I would feel all kinds of pain, but felt none. I felt the full lift. I felt the full Judo like toss and I felt the full impact of my collision with the floor, but I felt no pain whatsoever and to me that was strange. It was like the Lord said, You can test him. You can toss him, but you cannot hurt him, or cause him pain, or take his life. Something like that. God knows.
When they got me on the floor and now you will learn why I say THEY. They forcefully pinned me on my back. There, pinned down on my back, I felt an incredible weight cover me from head to foot. It felt like a powerful G force. Like that feeling you get when yo go to the towns fair and they have this G force ride. Its round and they have you stand against the wall. Then they turn the ride on. It starts to spin with you pinned on the wall. The faster it spins the more the G Force is pressing against you pinning you even more to where you cant even lift or turn your head hardly. Well that is kind of like what it felt like for me on that floor.
I am pinned on that floor on my back and I had ZERO physical power to resist or cast off these powers. They were to great in G force like strength for me to counter or overcome them. What am I going to do I thought? Then as if what they were doing to me was not enough, suddenly folks I felt literally invisible hands griping my body. I felt what seemed to be two hands attack my mouth furiously and began to press down hard. Like they were trying to muzzle my mouth. They were so determined in this I quickly realized they were trying to keep me from being able to speak. I knew with all clearness of thought that they wanted my tongue silent. No speaking. Keep his mouth closed. Keep his mouth shut. Their pressing on my mouth was so strong.
Why has this happened to me? How could such a thing be? I never read any thing like this in those bible story books or in the Sunday school quarterly growing up. Had you? Not that I was without needful information, for by the time this happened, the Lord had taught me some valuable information, but I had to get away from religion and tradition to learn those things.(HELLO). Some of our traditions are good and valuable. But friends some of them are blinding and rob us of real needful faith and actually give place to the devil in our midst, even in our congregations (Ephesians 4:27 & Rev 2:24).
When it had come time for the day of Israel visitation from the Lord from heaven to earth in flesh to fulfill Messiah scriptures, most of Israel Satan had conquered their image and vision of Messiah and they expected something different and someone other than A SPEAKING LAMB destined by the scriptures to a Cross for the piercing of his hands and feet and for the shedding of His atoning precious blood. Their thoughts about Messiah were their thoughts of their own mind, not Gods thoughts from the mind of Christ. They were deceived and blind. But you sure couldn't tell them that. They were to stubborn and to religiously proudful to handle that sermon of truth and counsel. They would stone you and crucify you for it. Exactly.
God used their own stubborn hearts to execute His good plan to save and redeem them and us. Oh what a God we serve. Even in our stubborn evil rebellious ways He is so great, so powerful, so able, and so loving and merciful and compassionate that He can use even our evil ways, engraft them even into a good plan, to some how down the road bring about His goodwill in our lives. I'm tearing up here for this is my life's story. (Is it yous?) It can be.
Well as I,m down there on the floor with all this happening to me, wondering why? How come? Though my emotions were stirred up within me yet I still had no fear. I did have a slight slight touch of panic when I was being slung and tossed, but some way, some how I was being kept; I was being watched over so to speak even while I was going thru this unusual encounter. I thought to myself this is really happening to me. This is no joke deno. This is not a time to play church or to play christian games. This is confrontation. Man up. Scroll Down.