Now we do hear our chosen leaders these days over and over again use the words, exercise patience, tolerance, political correctness. We hear them use the words investigate, division, scandals, mislead, misled, and talk about so called hate crimes when people stand up for God and the morals he set for us all in the bible.
We hear them use the words bigotry, acts of violence, and terrorism. We hear them use the words to describe themselves like deceit, deceitful, cover ups, abuse of power, spying, spyware, national crisis. We hear them us the words illegal aliens, lie trafficking, irresponsible government, non balanced budget, out of control spending and incompetence. We hear them use the words oath breaker, welfare fraud and abuse and abuser, and lying under oath.
We see and hear them fight for the right to be wrong. To make lite of the womb and disgrace and shame us and God with their humanist redefining of what marriage is and what religion means. Even Atheism has been now voted to be a religion by the Supreme Courts and two men lying together in perversion is now called by enforced legislation to be NORMAL.
And then there's those DRONES. You know, those evil flying winged machines with funny little ears and beety little eyes always buzzing around us trying to zoom their ears and eyes in on our conversations to see if we are saying or doing something wrong. You've got to be kidding me. Dear God with all the lies, deceit, fraud, oath breaking, cover ups of our government and elected officials, WHO ARE THEY TO JUDGE OF US WHAT IS RIGHT AND WHAT IS WRONG. They haven't a clue anymore. Seems to me they've got the drones pointed in the wrong direction. hmmmm.
To love thy neighbor as thyself is offensive words these days in America. Unbelievable. And the scriptures that preach, "Our Kings are to rule in righteous." Well those words are not to be tolerated either because their from the awful bible and that's just disgraceful to the nation today and they are not politically correct. What you really mean is that they are not politically correct FOR CORRUPTION STYLE IMMORAL GOVERNMENT & BEHAVIOR.
America, once God shed His grace on thee and crowned thy good with brotherhood. But today darkness is covering the land. The darkness of evil and tyranny and sinister activity and immoral rot. The darkness of lies, deceit and cover ups. The darkness of wit illusions where Words are being redefined by corrupted minds that cannot discern the head from the tail, or a man from a woman. This is an evil and unfaithful to God and to one another delusional generation. A period of the powers of darkness against this nation that has been so effective that in almost every branch of life and service in America the people now call evil good, and good evil. They love and live for the rewards and pleasures of iniquity, instead to honor and please God only. Shall these words be penned by the prophets again about America, " O Lucifer, How art thou fallen from heaven?.......
When the nation is falling by the way side because of the crushing weight of it's iniquities, it's lies, it's cover ups and immoral behavior, and God's watchman from their pulpits limit their tongues to only preach How Sweet It Is Sermons and Get Rich Quick Messages, America is in Double Trouble. That means deceit or corruption, one of the two is every where in the land like it was in Israel, even in many shepherds, when God had to bring them to their knees and that on foreign soil pressured by foreigners wills because even the elders of Israel stood for evil going on in the land. It was profitable to look the other way and just say, All is well. All is well. We need a morals revival in America mixed with a lot of mercy and the power of God that restores proper righteous insight. Maybe even all of us......deno....please share freely.