Friday, March 8, 2013


When the bible tells us in John 5:24 and Ephesians 2:1-10 that we have passed from death unto life everlasting with Christ, then such a passage we have gone thru. When the bible tells us that we have been delivered from the power of darkness and translated into the kingdom of Gods dear Son then truly we have been delivered and translated- Colossians 1:13. When the scriptures tell us that we have been risen with Christ, then a resurrection in us has most definitely occurred Colossians 3:1-4)

If you look at these above words from the view point of the carnal mind after your own flesh you will not understand these words correctly. But if you will look at the flesh body of Jesus from the cross to the Throne, and join yourself to his passion, passage and resurrection as the apostle Paul was taught by Jesus to do, then you are on your way to personal revelation and accurate understanding of your redemption passover, deliverance, passage and translation from Spiritual Egypt thru the Res Sea on to the other side into heaven itself RISEN WITH CHRIST.

You see brothers and sisters these words above have everything to do with your inner man, not the outer man. YOU HAVE AN INNER MAN (A SPIRIT) and in John 3 Jesus called our inner spirit  (A MAN). He said in John 3 that Unless a MAN be born again he cannot see, nor enter,  nor understand the kingdom of God. He also preached that the kingdom of God was within us on the inside, and that in the spirit of our being. He also preached that in our being there is a spirit man on the inside as well as a physical man on the out side. Today heaven and hell are filled with the spirits of people while their physical bodies have returned to dust in the grave....Remember this?...And Jesus cried out with a loud voice and he gave up the ghost (HIS SPIRIT). Also he cried, Father into you hands I commit/entrust my Spirit.  Also recall with me what he said to the man dying next to him that asked Jesus to REMEMBER ME LORD. Jesus knowing the mans physical body was dying next to him and was going to be buried and Jesus knowing the reality of heavenly things and of that mans SPIRIT MAN, he said to him. This day YOU will be with ME in paradise. Both the You and the Me that day that Jesus was referring to was their Spirit Being that was on the INSIDE of their bodies. This was not a parable of some sort BUT THE TRUTH FULLY REVEALED UNCOMPROMISED.

You have an inner man. You have a spirit. He is real. He does exist.

Jesus the author of life, the designer and the creator of man and all the creation revealed to us that God is a Spirit and as revealed in Hebrews 11 that all that come to God must first believe that He is a Spirit and that he does Exist, even so we must come to these truths above that we are studying about and believe that we have a spirit inside us and that he (our spirit MAN) does exist. To compromise this truth. To lose sight of this truth puts you way in the dark about a lot of things that Jesus taught us about and that the bible reveals and teaches us concerning spiritual realities and heavenly things.

So as you go back and re read our first paragraph above, I want you to now approach those scriptures with your heavenly eyes. Know that Jesus' words are spirit and they are life and  that he is talking about the Spirit of God and the spirit of Man. Both are real. Both exist. Both can live, walk, talk to each other, communicate with each other, fellowship with each other. Rise up together and enter into paradise TOGETHER. just as Jesus said he and that man would who was being crucified with Christ, HE WOULD BE RISEN WITH CHRIST INTO THE HEAVENLY PLACE CALLED PARADISE.

They that are born again in their spirit. They whose spirit is passed with Christ from death unto life everlasting, they are risen with Christ also to Christ heavenly places, Ephesians 2:1-10). Even though they (Their spirits) remains right now in the mortal flesh, their spirit, born of God, are risen with Christ unto heavenly places. That place is the kingdom of Heaven, the kingdom of God IN YOU. The same YOU shall be with ME in Paradise that Jesus told that  man next to him when he rose in his spirit  with Christ, has occurred in us on the inside in the new birth as taught in John 5:24 and Ephesians 2:1-10 (Colossians 1:13-14, if we say yes to verse 14 here, we must also say yes to verse 13 here).

And soon all this heavenly glory and wisdom and truth glory within us, we shall know longer be deaf, dumb, numb to, or blind to, but shall be revealed and understood more by us. Our eyes shall be opened to the glory of CHRIST AND THE FATHERS SPIRIT AND KINGDOM THAT IS *EVEN NOW* ON THE INSIDE OF US.  God and His kingdom and His Spiritual Paradise came on the day of Pentecost and entered into man and connected to us in the spirit realm of life and of being.. He that sits upon the Great Throne far above all heavens lives also in our heart now at the same time on earth. Can you see also how we who are RISEN WITH CHRIST in our spirit are with Jesus there even though we are here with him on earth. The Father and Jesus live in our hearts now on earth. The have made our hearts there home and a new Throne for their Lordship. THEY TWO SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH. EVEN SO THEY TWO SHALL BECOME ONE SPIRIT.(1st Corinthians 6:16-17)....

Christians this day I preach that a greet inner passage has already occurred on the inside of you. In your spirits life he has passed from death unto life everlasting with Jesus. You both together have become one Spirit and you have a spiritual location together that is NOT OF THIS WORLD BUT OF GOD WHERE HIS THRONE OF GRACE AND GLORY IS. Begin to ask God to open your eyes, the eyes of your spiritual understanding to these truths and to teach you more about heavenly things of God.(John 3:12....1 Corinthians 2:9-16....John 14:26.......John 16:13.....Luke 24:44-46....HE WILL DO IT.

God will give us understanding in all things BY HIS SPIRIT....BE BELIEVING...THAT IS SO IMPORTANT AS REVEALED IN......James 1:5-8.

God Bless All Of Our Eyes With Christ Spiritual Sight, Seeing, And Understanding Forevermore, In Jesus Name....Amen........DENO.....AMERICA FOUNDED BY BELIEVERS FOR BELIEVERS....share freely

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