Wednesday, April 3, 2013


    When the  prodigal son came home, he returned with alot of guilt and shame on his life and mind to the point that he did not feel worthy to be called a son by his father anymore. He had played into the hands of the harlots and of the deceitfulness of the pleasure of sin and he had indulged his physical body into all kinds of sensual activities and partying. But as the scriptures say plainly to the people of God that do such things, such loose living and ways come with a price. 
       The prodigal son was brought up in a godly prosperous home and he had wealth coming to him. As he grew older he got an itch to taste the worlds pleasures and so he took his inheritance early and headed for the party life style in those days.
      As has always been, he came in contact with wine, girls and women that were living wild and in the party land of sinful sensual indulgences. But by the time foolishness and the deceitfulness of sin got thru with the young man, all the pretty women were gone, and he was stuck in the mud with pigs and their slop for food.. WHAT A FALL.
        Proverbs 6:26 KJV reveals a scripture that Satan loves. He uses this truth against young men like the prodigal son as well as entire nations. It reads...By the ways and conduct of a whorish woman a man is brought down to a piece of dust.
       If you were Satan the enemy of God and the enemy of man and all that is good and decent, and it was your desire to make men fall, destroy them and their lives and nations, you would read this scripture and turn it into a tactical weapon to attack men and nations to make them lose focus on the right things, to distract them and to bring them down. 
        Well America how art thou fallen? Folks this is not the only reason why America is struggling these days to stay afloat, but it is one of the TOP reasons that her previous glory is now so tarnished and dim. So many American women have said the hell with morals and heaven I'm going out to get my kicks and they have truly gone sinfully wild. They are flaunting like never before in this nation and live to turn and catch mens eyes instead of living to the honor and glory of God as the women of old did. Eve is now at the tree of pornography and she is not ashamed. And as it was then even so it is now, according to the morals of the nations women, so goes the men and so goes the nations moral standard REMEMBER ADAM & EVE). For since by the word of truth that by the means of a straying from God whorish woman a man is brought down to a piece of dust. What would millions of those same type of women eventually do to their nation? THE SAME THING. If it was not but for the printing of fake money, America could have already crumbled to crumbs.....
........Please do not get mad at me. I just right what I'm told.....These are not deno's words but HIS MAJESTIES COUNSEL...I'm under the conviction to.......Like the prodigal son, before I came back home, so was I.  But now that I'm back home, for some reason the Lord wants to teach me, talk with me, walk with me, open my eyes, commune with me, sup with me almost as if I had never went astray; and I'm in awe about it and so thankful that he does. He is no respecter of persons. He loves us all the same. He is waiting for you to come home as well .......Jesus Loves You My Friend.......deno


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