Saturday, June 1, 2013


Matthew 25:31-46) vs 31)....When the Son of man shall return in HIS GLORY (John 17:5)(2 Thessalonians 1:5-10), and all the holy Angels with Him, then shall He sit upon the throne of His Glory. 32) And before Him shall be gathered all nations (EVERY SOUL); and He shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides the sheep from the goats. 33) He shall set the SHEEP ON HIS RIGHT, but the Goats on HIS LEFT. entire text Matthew:31-46).

       Those on THE LEFT end up having upon their heads the fulfillment of the scripture of Matthew 25:46).....they shall be punished with an everlasting un-ending punishment......This just said is reason number ONE in sharing why I stand with THE RIGHT....
        The issues and things that got those people, (THE GOATS ON THE LEFT)  in that situation according to Gods Word were:


*Did not believe in the sin doctrine.

*Loved their sins and promoted their right to do them instead of agreeing with God that those deeds were evil, sin and wrong.

 *Did not believe that Jesus Christ was the Son of God, nor the Messiah.

*They did not believe that Jesus was the way or the only way and they lived by that rule and testified even publicly that there are many paths to God, dishonoring the Cross of Christ and His incredible Sacrifice and Blood shed for our redemption.

*They did not take up the Cross of Christ and follow Him.

*They were of the crowd that screams Crucify Him, Crucify Him. Let the guilt for his blood, for his death, be upon us and our children and so it shall.

*Would not listen to the Lord or accept His Lordship over their faith, their convictions, their deeds, or their lives.

*They did not call upon the Name of the Lord in sincerity and in truth.

*Loved darkness more than light.

*Loved iniquity more than righteousness. 

*Preferred the praises and attention of women and men and their adoration than the honor which comes from God in faith and in righteousness.

*Wanted earthly fame  and the pleasures of sin and of Egypt instead of heavenly fortune and Godliness' Eternal Rewards.

*Believed and confessed that this is my life and I will live and do with it as I please. I need no God or others rules to hold me back or to pin me down. I am my own god. I live only by my own rules.

*Actually warred against Jesus and His gospel in an anti Christ fashion, agenda, and combat.

*Stood for this worlds deceitful lust and its promotion and spreading.

*Walked in this worlds selfish love and not the love of God.

*Like the rich man that ignored the poor mans basic needs, they to looked the other way with their posh arrogance thinking in their hearts, better you down there than me.

*Forgave not those that sinned against them but demanded their downfall and ruin.

*Despised those who believed and belonged to Christ.

*Promoted lies, cover ups, and deceptions.

*Stood for the Wrong instead of the Right.

*Served sin and Satan.

*Persecuted the saints.

*Despised and hated Christians.

*Counted and said that Jesus' blood was nothing and of no redeeming value and did not believe that God raised Jesus from the dead.

*Called Jesus and the Gospel a fairy tale.

*Wanted God and Jesus Christ out of their lives and out of all their affairs passionately.

*They believed lies about divine things instead of mixing their faith with THE TRUTH THAT IS IN CHRIST JESUS.

*Having no fear of God, nor proper understanding, they chose political correctness to undo Gods ways in their lives and society.

*Promoted false doctrines and FALSE RELIGIONS and false humilities.

*Loved Lying Wonders and Strong Delusions but did not know this because they were bewitched and deceived by theories, wrong presumptions, over reading into so called findings to promote dark agendas. Their minds were taken captive by Satan because he saw in their heart unbelief, refusal, and anti God spiritual legislation of the most blinded kind.

*They were deceived.(Revelations 12:9) Even the wittiest of them Satan blinded with his deceiving craft and lying cleverness.
AND MUCH MORE.........deno......please share freely

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