Friday, August 21, 2015

Deno's Testimonies.....Pslams. Hymns, and Spiritual Songs.....A Poem Anointing......deno......share freely.

Deno's Testimonies.....And they overcame the devil thru the blood of Jesus Christ and thru the word of their testimony....

       A few years ago something new took place within me. I had been seeking God in my own way, reading His word, praying and then one day an anointing came upon me that I had not before experienced to that degree. I had written bible lessons on paper, made bible study personal recordings but I had never written Poems. Never had even a desire to write poems. Yet one day on the inside I had a sudden stirring going on. I could not deny the stirrings reality. I felt so compelled to get my pen and to start writing. It wasn't long until I realized God was at work doing something new in this Whosoever. Jesus said, Whosoever will let him come and drink.....Whosoever believeth shall be saved, healed, empowered, given wisdom, the list goes on for the works of Gods Anointing to the believing Whosoevers.....
       I began to write and all these simple poems came pouring out. They were mostly Psalms, hymns and spiritual songs in poems. Nothing monumental as to astound the Universe, but to me they were bread to my soul and faith. For three days I wrote and wrote and wrote these simple poem professions that I personally use to feed my faith. Here is one of those simple Psalms/Poems.

Father In Jesus Name Thank You.

Your love O Lord is in my heart,
Your love I absorb each day.
My soul within is singing your praise
For your goodness my soul partakes.

You fill me richly with joy afresh,
You revive my body and soul.
My spirits renewed by your presence within
My mind your grace keeps whole.

You fill my heart with light divine
My mouth your Spirit makes bold.
Your beauty Lord Jesus fills the vision of my eyes.
And my life your strong arms uphold.

So into my life Gods blessings do flow,
Thru Jesus my life and way.
Gods favor and mercies abound in my life
For Christ love is the light of my day....Amen.....deno.....speak and share freely.

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