Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The Candle Cannot Endure the Heat of the Fire.......deno......share freely.

......It is not fitting for any of us to proclaim a message of self perfection or to shout how holy we are. For who are we but dust to dust to utter the holiness cry to ourselves. Only One deserves the Holy Praise and that is the Living God, the Mighty God who thru Jesus Christ made the worlds; who thru Jesus Christ redeemed us unto God by blood, HIS OWN BLOOD that speaks thunderously loud against men boasting of themselves in any form other than in the Cross of Christ and Gods grace bestowed..
       What is this arrogance that men speak of self righteousness, there is no one good but God and Holy is His Name. Who are these voices that speak in the valleys that we are without sin and echo from the mountains I see no God. And who are these in the congregation of the redeemed that itch each others ears and click themselves together as like vultures who feed off the dreams and weakness of others but say in their hearts, sit way over there with that other bunch, this seats taken, but before you go from here to there, empty your pockets?
       God is sending his fire. God is sending his test. Yes He tries the hearts of his servants and all His people. Angels men are serving unawares. The heart of his people shall be tried and refined as with fire. The true of every heart shall be as the midday Sun that shines without a cloud to hide the true thing that it is. There is no cloak that can hide the truth and no front that can hide the back.The way things really are is that which shall be exposed and clearly defined. Nothing can be hid and nothing by God can be misinterpreted. Everything shall be found as it truly is, and in the judgement's of the church and then the world, the heart shall be the person for to God the person is the heart. What can be hid from men no man can hide from God. Let us all repent for the baptism of fire comes upon the church and let us enjoy the blessing of being washed in the blood of the Lamb for only By His Blood shall our shame be hid and our sin removed from sight and memory.
      Let no man therefore henceforth boast of himself about anything of himself. The candle cannot endure the heat of the fire, nor can the proud endure the day that God brings down every high mountain, and raises up every low valley until all is evened out and all the useless chaff gone in the wind....Jesus Is Lord.......deno.....share freely.

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