Friday, February 10, 2017

That Higher Place of Grace.....deno.....share freely.

.......Lord I lay aside this, and I give this up to spend time with You and to do what is pleasing in Your sight...That is a spiritual road to His presence in you success and intensified....I found this out in England. For so long over there i cut the TV off, did not go to movies or listen to anything but THE WORD of God in preaching, tapes, and music and I would not talk about anything other than the things of Christ as much as possible. This type of devotion and fasting caused me to taste and experience a Joy of His Presence that I did not even know was possible in this life... It was joy unspeakable and full of glory. I was on a high not of this world for years and years over there.
........King David wrote from his own experience that in Gods presence is fulness of Joy and spending time with Him close at His right hand are pleasures this world knows not of...When you taste it, its taste is delicious and divine. Unforgettable.
........It is time to go back and return to that special place of intimate fellowship with the Lord at the right hand of God in the Spirit...Paul said, Set your hearts affections on things above, where Jesus is seated at the Fathers right hand (Colossians 3:1-4)..
........Paul knew for himself of that grace place. Paul knew that when your heart really reaches that higher place of grace, it is fulness of joy and pleasures of the soul incredible.
.........Jesus is a REWARDER of those that DILIGENTLY SEEK HIM...JOY UNSPEAKABLE AND FULL OF GLORY....Sure beat those acid partied and wild shroom trips that i used to mix physical pleasure that we have ever tasted can compare to the taste of the Spirit of the Lord when your heart and soul is really tasting His presence....Just Saying..This light could be the very thing your heart and soul is thirsting for......deno.

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