Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Mercy Will Bring Us Mercy...So Always Be Merciful. God is Rich In Mercy. (Ephesians 2:4) So Also Should His Children Be Rich In Mercy. The More Gods Love Is ALive In You The More Merciful and Mercy Rich You Are....deno

     The more His love, Gods True Love, fills your heart and mind, the less condemning and judgemental you are of others. You will often say when another is caught in sin, in the very act. You will say, Which one of us here in this place is without sin. Let that person cast the first word of condemnation at this person. Instead you will throw away the stone and Cry in intercession, Have Mercy O God and Forgive this sin. Have mercy and restore this person.
     Yes our elders are to rebuke sin and them that sin. I rebuke myself often. But God can cast Satan out of a person and at the same rebuke save that person. God can also forgive and remove our destructive sin from us while at the same time he saves us from that sin leaving us fully healed and restored to Him. If we rebuke another who is in sin we must be pure ourselves in the sight of an all seeing God or we will bring to our selves a serious spanking from God and God knows how to chastise His own. 
      Judge not and you will not be judged. Condemn not and you will not be condemned. Be merciful to others and you will obtain mercy from God. For when we stand before the Lord and He finds that we were very merciful on earth, this mercy exercised will bless us with great pardon in that day of Judgements. 

Song? Mercy Rewrote My Stacey Lewis....

James 2:13) For God will not show mercy when He judges the person who has not been merciful; BUT BEING MERCIFUL WILL BRINGS US GREAT MERCY IN THE JUDGMENTS.....deno.....please share freely.

The Lord said, Son You Need The Whip.......deno......please share freely

I admit, most of the time I just want to hear comforting words, feel good messages that lift my spirit, that inspire me, and feed my faith and my hope and such words from heaven are pleasant and have their place on our plate. But sometimes the Lord feeds me what I need  instead of what I want to hear, and these Words that He feeds me, they taste like bitter herbs and spices and He says to me for you son of My Love, this will do you much more good than Comfort ye, Comfort ye messages that makes the flesh rise up and smile. You need to be disciplined with the Word of My Whip for you have places of hardness within your heart that resist me and needs to be shattered with face to face, Heart to heart  honest Word of God truth. Lord into YOUR HANDS I entrust my life and soul to YOUR WHIP AS MY LOVING FATHER, just please Father, in Jesus Name cause my end to be that I did learn and learned and did obey God and became a good, and wise,  faithful servant of God In Christ Jesus. Amen.......deno

Let Us All Take Heed Lest We Fall.....deno......please share freely

     Adam was perfect in the day he was created in Gods holy image, but Satan tempted him and he sinned. Moses saw and walked with God like face to face with open communication  and he saw God do great aand mighty signs and wonders and afterwards Moses struck the rock in disobedience to what God told him to do, being inflamed with anger and frustration by a stubborn people that he was put in charge to lead but were wild in heart.
       King David as a young man his heart was right with God and he killed the giant by faith in the Lord who was with him and such pleased the Lord, but later he killed another man to hide his sin of adultery and these sins displeased God. 
       Solomon God appeared to and he sinned against God way more than his dad King David, having after he built God His Beautiful Temple, turned around in lust for forbidden women who bowed their knee to Baal and he became so inflamed in his passions for all these forbidden gentile women, he took his wealth that God gave him and made for their gods, temples of worship for their lifeless idols. 
       So much more could be said of all these men and others that we so highly esteem in the scriptures,of their highs and of their lows, but I said all that to say this. Visions, dreams, visitations from the Lord and from the Angels does not exclude you from weakness, temptations, or sins passion. We have to get to the place of grace whereby we pray so that we enter not or fall in the temptations or give into the sinful flesh that is in itself wild at heart. Only by tapping into the power of Christ within can we prevail over sins, Satan and the world in temptation. Let everyone who thinks they stand TAKE HEED lest they fall in temptation. This generation has temples of worldly idols every where drawing all peoples heart interest into sin and away from God into vanities.....please share freely.....deno

Learning More From Solomons Sins.....deno.......please share freely

      Solomon in his younger years was appeared to by the Lord. In that visitation God asked Solomon, What would you have me do for you? Solomon asked the Lord to bless him with wisdom and understanding to lead Israel. The Lord was very pleased with what Solomon asked and God gifted Solomon with a gift of incomparable wisdom and understanding. Still yet possessing all that wisdom and all that understanding, Solomon, yes King Solomon sinned against God more than any other king in Israel. 
     What are some things we can learn from this. Wisdom and understanding in themselves cannot remove the sin nature or the wickedness and hardness that are in men's heart's, nor remove the powers of darkness that fill the world....... Adams one sin cursed us all with this cloak called the sinful flesh which is the inbuilt in us desire to sin, to do opposite of what holiness would do. Wisdom itself cannot remove the sin nature, neither can understanding do it alone. It takes the power of Jesus Christ and only by the bodies resurrection by Jesus Christ will be it's solution forever. 
     As Eve turned Adams heart from God, so it is written that the non covenant gentile women, that God forbid Israels men to mingle with, Solomon began to associate himself with them. At first he did so distantly, but we all know how that can go. Satan the tempter hissed and Solomon looked, and then he looked again and he began to hang around those forbidden fruit filled trees, and the bible says they eventually like Eve did, turned Solomon's heart from the Lord and the precious commandments. 
      But Solomon's sins did not stop there. Then He took the wealth that God blessed him with and that he built the GREAT TEMPLE FOR the Lord with, and he took those piles of wealth and riches and went from there to the land of these gentile women and made for their false gods and idols BEAUTIFUL TEMPLES FOR THEIR WORSHIP. This was abomination. In all we know and with all the understanding we attain to, we all, the smart and the simple, all of us  must learn to resist the tempter.....And we should all see by now how we all need the blood of our Savior from His Cross.....We need a Savior. His Name Is Jesus Christ.....deno.

Identifying Who We Are In Christ. This Identification The World Knows Not Of......deno

    Yes, what we are in the spirit, and what we are IN CHRIST is an identification that the natural mind is blind to and the world knows not, nor understands. John wrote, Beloved now (IN CHRIST) you are the sons of God. Israel did not know how to identify with that. That is why they crucified Jesus because he made that statement. He said He was the Son of God. In their spiritual blindness and because of the ignorance in their hearts, Israel having eyes still they could not see, and having ears yet they did not hear, THEY SAID TO JESUS, "how can you being a man claim to be the Son of God. You blaspheme". But He was. He was the Son of God in the Spirit of His Being inside that flesh and so are we who believe and belong to Christ....... 
     And here we find this truth in the word of truth of the gospel in 1st John 3 vs 1, John crying out with a joyous shout, saying, Beloved what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God..... And then he wrote, Beloved NOW WE ARE THE SONS OF GOD IN CHRIST.        
     Friend only Jesus was known before us as the One and only true Son of God that sat with the Father in His Throne. No angel or any other spirit ever had such high status and privilege as Jesus the Son of God by whom God created the angels by, as well as all the Worlds. And yet NOW because of Christ, God has many sons and daughters (Hebrews 2:9-10) called to come boldly to His Throne crying unto God in Jesus Name saying, Abba, Father, Daddy. In Christ we are one great big blessed family of many sons and daughter and Jesus is Our Lord and Big Brother and God is our Dad.....deno......please share freely.

The Lord HImself Is Our Righteousness......deno......please share freely

     He that is Perfect and is the same yesterday, today, and forever, God has made Him to be for us OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS (1 Corinthians 1:29-31).
    Who has the right to enter into the kingdom of God and into heaven but he to whom Jesus Christ himself has become by the gift of God, HIS RIGHT AND HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS....What a perfect gift. As it is written in Jeremiah  23:6......In His days Judah shall be saved and Israel redeemed in peace, and this is His Name whereby HIS PEOPLE SHALL CALL HIM, and this is that Name, The Lord Is Our Righteousness.

      Jesus said that unless our righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees we would not enter into the kingdom of heaven. On the surface of this, many thought, how could we possibly live holier than the holy, separated, committed to the Law of Moses Pharisees???? Well Jesus was not talking here about holiness but ones covenant connection and relationship to God.
      A mans ways may please God, but a son or daughter of God is more precious to God, and more greater than all men and all prophets and peoples of the Law of self righteousness. Even greater than John the baptist. Jesus said of all men born of women non was ever greater than John the baptist. But then He revealed that the least one BORN OF GOD, the least in the kingdom of God is greater than John (See Luke 7:27-28).
      John was still in the old covenant relationship with God as a prophet. But in Christ a greater one than Moses and John was there and a greater covenant relationship with God was on it's way. The Son of God had come to earth from heaven and in His Veins was the Blood of the New Covenant for a better  relationship with God, which would be by a better covenant ESTABLISHED UPON BETTER PROMISES. He would pour out His blood and suffer the death of the Cross in order to bring forth unto God many sons and daughters of God as He Was (John 1:12, 1st John 3:1-4, Hebrews 2:9-13)
     A son or daughter IN CHRIST born of God and in the kingdom of God in the spirit is greater than all the prophets in the old testament, in the old covenant and even their righteousness exceeds all the Pharisees, and exceeds all the prophets. Their righteousness exceeds Moses and John the Baptist. Christ is their Right, Christ is their Life. Christ is their light and Christ alone is their RIGHTEOUSNESS. The Pharisees never had this so great a precious perfect gift of righteousness.WE DO. They were used to the old wines way of righteousness which was the burden of the weight of a sin magnifying Law that turned them into very self magnifying, self righteous, judge mental people that even delighted themselves in finding fault with others, catching them in their sins and then humiliating them in public with stoning's.

      No man before Jesus Christ was ever Born Again or Born of God. But WE  who are IN CHRIST are Born of God. Christ in us is the seed of our New Birthing. Christ in us is how we cry unto God FATHER, ABBA, DADDY just as Jesus did and does. Jesus Christ in us is the Lord Our Righteousness. His same sonship we have with the Father. The Pharisees never had it this good. They tried and tried with all their works to become what we have In Christ freely given to us (See 1st Corinthians 2:12), Sonship and Righteousness (John 1:12, 1st Corinthians 1:29-31). Jesus is Our Righteousness  (See  John 17:23...See John 20:16-17....See Romans 8:  14-18......See Galations 4:4-7....See 1st John 3:1-3......See 1st John 5:1-5.....deno......plese share freely.

Yes Jesus Himself, The Lord From Heaven Himself Is Our Righteousness. Do you suppose He has a right to enter into heaven and to walk amongst the Angels? Do you suppose He has a right to call God His Father, Abba, Daddy? Do you suppose Jesus has the right to fellowship, pray and to talk with the Father? YES, YES, & YES.... Well IN CHRIST AND THRU CHRIST IN US AS OUR LIFE AND AS OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS SO DO WE.......


This Is Still SO TRUE...Christ died for the ungodly and for His Enemies.......deno......please share freely.

      It is still so true, that He that knows all about us, our beauty, our good, our bad and our uglies (yes even our most awful embarrassing ways and sins) still says to the world and to us who have received His Son, I love you and My love for you is an Everlasting Love. Believe in My Love (1 John 4:9-11,16)...... 

      Surely as the scriptures tell us, God's love makes no natural since (Ephesians 3:17-19)(1 Corinthians 1:17-18)..... The worlds love, natural human love, the love of evil beings (See Matthew 7:9-11), loves those we are attracted to and have things in common with. But God's love is different, (WAY DIFFERENT-HUGELY DIFFERENT). Of God's love the scriptures says in Romans 5:5-11) that when we were yet sinners and evil, unholy and were Gods enemies, spiritually ugly, the very opposite of God and of all He stands for, it was in that condition Christ loved us and gave himself for us. 

       Since therefore He loved us and gave himself for us to save us with His own blood when we were pure evil, unholy, and his enemies, we can now be confident that His Love has not changed and it will keep us as long as we cleave to Christ and Him crucified and risen from the dead by the mighty believing connection and by the walk of faith and trust in His Crosses Mighty Power (1 Corinthians 18,23-24 ans 1 Corinthians 2:1-5).....Taking up our Cross thru peace and thru tribulations. Following Christ in the path of righteousness for His Name Sake.    

      And now having received Jesus(John 1:9-13) and now having peace with God by faith in Christ blood and peace offering, the friction and the enmity is gone. (Romans 5:1)(Ephesians 2:13-17)and now having  righteousness imputed to us freely by faith in His Blood and not by the works of the Law; that NOW being made right in God's sight by the righteousness which is BY FAITH, we shall be saved BY HIS LIVING (Romans 10:1-13)...... As Jesus said, Because I live, you shall live also (John 11:19)(Colossians 3:4)........

       The gift of God speaks......Every time we believe with our heart and confess with our mouth that Jesus, Lord from heaven, You alone are my way and my truth, you are my hope and my resurrection, you are my Savior and my Salvation. You are my light and my life. You are my righteousness and my sanctification. Your are my holiness and my every good thing and you love me and have redeemed me unto God by Your Blood (1 Corinthians 1:29-31)(Revelations 4:9-10), we are speaking the truth in the light of His Love, and we are making a GOOD CONFESSION before God and we are communing with Jesus in the light of  His blood, death and resurrection power and Good News and we are Worshiping our Risen Lord and Savior in His blood covenant of peace and good will to men that was eternally established in the blood of His Cross for we are speaking in faith being risen with Christ (Colossians 3:1-4) from the view point of His Resurrection......deno.....please share freely.