Wednesday, April 2, 2014

The Lord HImself Is Our Righteousness......deno......please share freely

     He that is Perfect and is the same yesterday, today, and forever, God has made Him to be for us OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS (1 Corinthians 1:29-31).
    Who has the right to enter into the kingdom of God and into heaven but he to whom Jesus Christ himself has become by the gift of God, HIS RIGHT AND HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS....What a perfect gift. As it is written in Jeremiah  23:6......In His days Judah shall be saved and Israel redeemed in peace, and this is His Name whereby HIS PEOPLE SHALL CALL HIM, and this is that Name, The Lord Is Our Righteousness.

      Jesus said that unless our righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees we would not enter into the kingdom of heaven. On the surface of this, many thought, how could we possibly live holier than the holy, separated, committed to the Law of Moses Pharisees???? Well Jesus was not talking here about holiness but ones covenant connection and relationship to God.
      A mans ways may please God, but a son or daughter of God is more precious to God, and more greater than all men and all prophets and peoples of the Law of self righteousness. Even greater than John the baptist. Jesus said of all men born of women non was ever greater than John the baptist. But then He revealed that the least one BORN OF GOD, the least in the kingdom of God is greater than John (See Luke 7:27-28).
      John was still in the old covenant relationship with God as a prophet. But in Christ a greater one than Moses and John was there and a greater covenant relationship with God was on it's way. The Son of God had come to earth from heaven and in His Veins was the Blood of the New Covenant for a better  relationship with God, which would be by a better covenant ESTABLISHED UPON BETTER PROMISES. He would pour out His blood and suffer the death of the Cross in order to bring forth unto God many sons and daughters of God as He Was (John 1:12, 1st John 3:1-4, Hebrews 2:9-13)
     A son or daughter IN CHRIST born of God and in the kingdom of God in the spirit is greater than all the prophets in the old testament, in the old covenant and even their righteousness exceeds all the Pharisees, and exceeds all the prophets. Their righteousness exceeds Moses and John the Baptist. Christ is their Right, Christ is their Life. Christ is their light and Christ alone is their RIGHTEOUSNESS. The Pharisees never had this so great a precious perfect gift of righteousness.WE DO. They were used to the old wines way of righteousness which was the burden of the weight of a sin magnifying Law that turned them into very self magnifying, self righteous, judge mental people that even delighted themselves in finding fault with others, catching them in their sins and then humiliating them in public with stoning's.

      No man before Jesus Christ was ever Born Again or Born of God. But WE  who are IN CHRIST are Born of God. Christ in us is the seed of our New Birthing. Christ in us is how we cry unto God FATHER, ABBA, DADDY just as Jesus did and does. Jesus Christ in us is the Lord Our Righteousness. His same sonship we have with the Father. The Pharisees never had it this good. They tried and tried with all their works to become what we have In Christ freely given to us (See 1st Corinthians 2:12), Sonship and Righteousness (John 1:12, 1st Corinthians 1:29-31). Jesus is Our Righteousness  (See  John 17:23...See John 20:16-17....See Romans 8:  14-18......See Galations 4:4-7....See 1st John 3:1-3......See 1st John 5:1-5.....deno......plese share freely.

Yes Jesus Himself, The Lord From Heaven Himself Is Our Righteousness. Do you suppose He has a right to enter into heaven and to walk amongst the Angels? Do you suppose He has a right to call God His Father, Abba, Daddy? Do you suppose Jesus has the right to fellowship, pray and to talk with the Father? YES, YES, & YES.... Well IN CHRIST AND THRU CHRIST IN US AS OUR LIFE AND AS OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS SO DO WE.......


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