Monday, February 13, 2017

The Narrow Gate......deno.....share freely.

......The NARROW GATE is not the works of the Law and it is not the works of men. It is the works of Jesus Christ and him crucified and risen from the dead. Few there be that find it Jesus said. The narrow gate is a FOUND GATE. A discovered TRUTH. An ENTRANCE. An Entry Point...A Location. A Finding.
......Jesus said, I am the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE, No person comes to the Father except they go THREW ME. Jesus also said. I am the True Door. By Me men enter. The sheep enter.They go in and out and find pasture.
......Today the masses are disputing this NARROW GATE truth. The disputers are on a slippery slope and in paths that leads to destruction. Even Oprah came out and said. Jesus cannot be the only way to God. The NARROW GATE offends her ideas.
......After three years preaching and demonstrating the glory of God to Israel, we find that only few of the masses that saw and heard Jesus, only a few had really found the NARROW GATE and entered. The majority in their blindness said, Crucify Him Crucify Him.
......What does our heart say to do with Jesus the true NARROW GATE ?.
......If your NARROW GATE idea points you away from Jesus Christ and Him Crucified and Risen from the dead, your walking around in the broad gate that leads to deception and destruction. Jesus Christ and him crucified for our sins punishment and risen from the dead is every believers EVERLASTING HEART BEAT POWER SOURCE. Take this truth out of your heart and replace it with another idea or way and you will suffer a spiritual heart attack.
......Paul said even after being in ministry many decades and years, he said. We preach Jesus Christ and him crucified. This is the power of God and this is the wisdom of God. The world of the blinded call it foolish.....deno.
P.S....The Holy Spirit comes to us and only flows threw the NARROW GATE OPENING, Jesus Christ.

Image result for pics of the Narrow Gate....Jesus

Friday, February 10, 2017

The Blood of Christ Speaks.....deno.....share freely.

......Without the shedding of blood, the wisdom of God said there is no sin removed. (THAT'S IMPORTANT). In the light of that truth we write this. There exist no blood as sinless and perfect and as redeeming powerful as Christ the Lamb of God that God provided to remove the sin of the world and to reconcile us back to God.. In righteousness Jesus was established, and in saying no to that which defiles he was an immovable Rock. He did not even entertain the thought of sin. Christ was pure as Gods living water, sinless and without spot, wrinkle, or blemish. He was the perfect Lamb for the perfect sacrifice to take away sins forever and leave no need for another sacrifice to ever be made again.
........By the time Jesus came on the scene in the flesh in the land of Israel millions and millions of atoning sacrifices had been made. Day unto day the blood of animals was being being offered up unto God as points of intercessions and atonement's. The accumulated number of those sacrifices over the centuries is astounding. Christ would put an end to all of that forever. By the Sacrifice of Himself, Christ (Immanuel-God with us) was taking the burden of the Law of sacrifices off the back of Israel setting them free. From that great day on Israel unto all the world, we were all to put our hope in Jesus Christ and him crucified and raised from the dead. This new faith would be our righteousness. This new faith would be our justification. The faith of the Son of God crucified and risen from the dead would be the salvation of all them that believed.
.......Sin is always atoned for and dealt with in the bible with a blood sacrifice. ALWAYS...Our good works do not belong in the department of sin cleansing and removal. Our self righteousness does not belong on that sacred Altar, only Christ and him crucified.
........Take your shoes off God said to Moses. You are now on Holy Ground. Take your shoes off, your socks off, and anything else of your self off the altar of Christ Sacrifice Mr., for this ground is even more hallow and more sacred. The blood of the Son, the blood of Immanuel is there and that blood is crying out to the Father.
........To the trusting the voice of HIS BLOOD cries out, "have mercy and pass over them". To the other people called the scornful, the mockers, the unbelievers his blood cries against them saying, "in time avenge Me against my enemies". The power of God follows where the intercession points. For the saving of life or for the destruction of the soul, so the power falls....IN CHRIST WE PLEAD WITH YOU, CHOOSE LIFE that both you and your household may live......deno

The AntiChrist False Love......deno....share freely.

.......An act of love or compassion not wrought in the name or faith of Jesus Christ is AntiChrist territory. That is how subtle the beast that is coming is going to be. All the right stuff it seems he will be about, except he exalts his own name and rejects the gospel of Jesus Christ as the word of the Lord...He claims he himself is that word and that One and that love.
......The AntiChrist, His love will allow most everything as to be accepted in human behavior. His repentance is not Gods repentance. His spirit and repentance says, you should be ashamed of yourself for making that person feel guilty for their life styles and behaviors with what you preach. All in the name of tolerance and love. Let them do as they feel so to do. Your bible is wrong.
.......The world will not see thru the subtilty of the cleverness of the deception..They will marvel at the beast and love all he allows, even unto the abominations. He is the spirit that is behind gays saying the love me don't judge me delusion.
.......Because what seems to be good and compassionate is going to be going on in the days of the AntiChrist all in his name, this in part is why Paul said to the church, whatsoever good you do in word or in deed DO ALL OF IT IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST....
.......To the world in the days of the AntiChrist it will seem that pure evil is sweet and loaded up with good. They just cannot see that it is Lucifer conning them and taking them to the abomination of desolation hour.....deno.

That Higher Place of Grace.....deno.....share freely.

.......Lord I lay aside this, and I give this up to spend time with You and to do what is pleasing in Your sight...That is a spiritual road to His presence in you success and intensified....I found this out in England. For so long over there i cut the TV off, did not go to movies or listen to anything but THE WORD of God in preaching, tapes, and music and I would not talk about anything other than the things of Christ as much as possible. This type of devotion and fasting caused me to taste and experience a Joy of His Presence that I did not even know was possible in this life... It was joy unspeakable and full of glory. I was on a high not of this world for years and years over there.
........King David wrote from his own experience that in Gods presence is fulness of Joy and spending time with Him close at His right hand are pleasures this world knows not of...When you taste it, its taste is delicious and divine. Unforgettable.
........It is time to go back and return to that special place of intimate fellowship with the Lord at the right hand of God in the Spirit...Paul said, Set your hearts affections on things above, where Jesus is seated at the Fathers right hand (Colossians 3:1-4)..
........Paul knew for himself of that grace place. Paul knew that when your heart really reaches that higher place of grace, it is fulness of joy and pleasures of the soul incredible.
.........Jesus is a REWARDER of those that DILIGENTLY SEEK HIM...JOY UNSPEAKABLE AND FULL OF GLORY....Sure beat those acid partied and wild shroom trips that i used to mix physical pleasure that we have ever tasted can compare to the taste of the Spirit of the Lord when your heart and soul is really tasting His presence....Just Saying..This light could be the very thing your heart and soul is thirsting for......deno.

The Altar of the Cross of Christ, Earths Most Hallow Ground.....deno......share freely.

......Lord I have nothing self great to offer you upon this altar, but I see this Lamb that you have provided. I will take Him now and offer him up to you. God replied. Yes go and do so, for this Lamb is My beloved Son in whom I am always well pleased. He will pay the price for your sins. He alone will I accept.
.......God said. World I give you Jesus. We say to God, We give you Jesus. Anything else said is sin.
.......Christ the atonement. Christ the propitiation. Christ the price paid in full. Christ the perfect unblemished Sacrifice.
.......Without the shedding of blood, the wisdom of God said there is no sin removed. Well there exist no blood as sinless and perfect as Christ the Lamb of God that God provided to remove the sin of the world.
.......Sin is always atoned for and dealt with in the bible with a blood sacrifice. ALWAYS...Our good works do not belong in that department. Our self righteousness does not belong on that sacred Altar. 
........Remember Lots wife the bible says...Well also remember Cain. Cain put the the fruits of his own labors upon the altar and God refused to accept Cains offering and his sin remained. God said his sin remained even at the door. Ones good works cannot remove sin filth and stains.
.......Folks that altar, the altar of God for the atoning of sin is the most sacred hallow ground on earth. It is the sacred ground from which the voice of the blood of Gods own flesh cries out on behalf of us all. We must not defile it as to place our names or self goodness or our good works upon it. Christ and His Blood alone belongs there......deno.

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Don't Step Out of the Power of God.....deno....share freely.

.......After God became a man and sacrificed HIMSELF for the punishment of the sins of all the world, do you think He would belittle His own sacrifice, His own meaningful death in any way and would now tell us to go offer goats, and sheep, and rams, and our own sweat and blood for salvation from our sins? Just work your self to the bone in good works and maybe, just maybe I might redeem and save you? That is a shallow understanding of the GREATNESS OF GODS LOVE. No God would not tell us to depend on those things. He always tells us (even commands us) to lean on Him, on HIS POWER. On His Strength and On His Big Shoulders..
.........God cannot deny himself. God cannot deny the blood of His own Cross and its redeeming, saving, heart changing power. His Spirit would never belittle or demean the power of His Cross and of His own precious blood. PREACH CHRIST and him crucified, the wisdom of God and the POWER OF GOD...
.......Listening to some precious people I find they seem to have blinders on and they see little or understand little and put little value in the power of the Cross of Christ. The Cross of Christ IS THE POWER OF GOD....Your sweat and self righteousness is the POWER OF YOU...So what part of the universe do you hold up with the word of your works magnificent power? None. Your own good works and sweat cannot even generate enough power to hold a bb up in the air. But you do have by your works power, power enough to fall six feet into the ground. So is it you that you want to lean on and depend on to raise you up out of the grave and into heaven unto God? Our own power is grave power and that is a sure thing. Gods power in Christ is resurrection and ascension Power and His Power will take us all the way up to the Throne of God and paradise and that is UNBREAKABLE TRUTH.
....... God by HIS POWER, the Word of His Power upholds ALL THE WEIGHT OF THE UNIVERSE and that Word Became Flesh and dwelt amongst us and went to the Cross as A Sinless Man/Lamb to UPHOLD US...Therein is THE POWER OF GOD..The sacrifice of GOD HIMSELF ON THE CROSS is His power to uphold us. To save us....It will UPHOLD ALL OF US who believe unto salvation..Stay In The Power of God, not in the power of you..
......When I read or listen to people and the major point of their emphasis is self, on us us us and not on Christ, is on our deeds and works for our justification and not on the Cross of Immanuel (GOD WITH US) THE POWER OF GOD, I realize they have not the full revelation of the EXCEEDING GREATNESS OF THE POWER OF HIS CROSS TO SAVE, TO SEAL, TO INFILL, TO REDEEM, TO SECURE, TO MAKE COMPLETE and TO CHANGE HEARTS. Christ is the answer. He is the answer for all our peace and joy and blessed assurance. Christ is EVERYTHING, Paul said.
.....When we keep the Power of God Rule and that Christ is Everything redemption rule in the forefront of the lineup of our thinking, then the rest will fall into proper place. Don't put the cart before the horse when you preach the gospel. Start with Jesus Christ and end with Jesus Christ. He is Alpha and Omega the Beginning and the END....The Way, the Truth and the Life.
........Don't Step Out of The Power of God When You Pray, Preach, Think, Write or Teach....You now know where that POWER is. The Cross of Christ is yesterday, today, and forever the Power of God and the Wisdom of God.
.........P.S...Only by THE CROSS came the RESURRECTION OF CHRIST...Only BY THE SAME CROSS SHALL a soul and body rise with HIM......deno.

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Thursday, February 9, 2017

Revelations concerning the Body Of Christ on earth. Ephesians 5:23-33.

.......When you are the flesh and bone of the Son of God, when you are His Body, the Body of Christ. When you are the Son of Gods flesh and bones bodily member and you know that's who you are, you will INCREASE MORE IN PRAYER CONFIDENCE that in Jesus Name God hears you. After all you know, you SEE who you are, you know who you are a part of.  You are not a stranger. You are not a foreigner. You know the One that you belong to, and that you are not far from him in location. You are attached to Him and He is to you in the congregation of HIS BODY. You are a part of Him, the flesh and bone of the Son of God. Every member of the flesh of Christ has Son of God rights and privileges. EVERY MEMBER.
.......The flesh and bone bodily members of Christ have all an equal right to be heard, nourished, cherished by Jesus as His Body and HEARD by the Father as His Son....You even have the perfect right to call God YOUR DAD, YOUR HEAVENLY FATHER as much as Jesus has that right. After all you are Jesus' flesh and Jesus' bones and Jesus does not know you otherwise. So we should not know or see ourselves otherwise.
......Often I say now to get my mind renewed to this light these words. I say Jesus your are MY HEAD and I am your flesh and bone. There is something about saying that over and over that causes me to be SO CLOSE TO HIM as to be a part of Him, a part of His heart, a part of His life and a part of His living and Being.
.......Jesus does not even take a step without HIS BODY THE CHURCH. His flesh and bones. How could he? Christ and His Body, Jesus and His Flesh and Bones are risen with Christ together and they are inseparable at the right hand of God....Jesus does not take a step on earth outside of us His Body and we do not take a step unto the Father outside of Jesus our Head & Way.....Lord open our eyes.....deno.