Friday, March 14, 2014

My 2nd Message of Hope For You & America.......deno....please share freely

      My 2nd simple message of hope for our Nation.......In Matthew 9: 20-22 we read about a woman who had an ISSUE,  her issue, her need was this. She had an issue of blood flowing from her body for twelve long years and was nothing bettered. Imagine how hopeless her situation seemed? She went to doctors, tried all kinds of remedies and nothing worked. For twelve long long years she was tormented by the blood flow from that infirmity that just refused to go away and tormented her daily. Men failed her. Docs failed her. Family and friends were helpless to help her. But she found out some GOOD NEWS. Light had sprung up in the land. A mighty ANOINTING was in the land upon a preacher of the gospel. His name was Jesus Christ the Son of God. The answer for her and for all the world. For thru Him we all have access unto God and all the glory and power of His Love and Name for our needs.
        She found out that Faith in Jesus Christ, the anointed of God could and would be the remedy for her issue, for her need, for her situation and for all needs. God's power in His Son made all the difference in her world. In just one real faith moment her world was changed by God and she was completely healed by faith in the Son of God.
       Now I wrote that to say this. In America we have an ISSUE. We have been tormented and bleeding from a disease within, from inside infirmities of political anti God kinds, and from the cancer cells of the Left and from the sores of the atheist, and the unbelieving, and from those who love darkness more than light,  and from those of the Communist agenda that love not the FAITH OF OUR FOUNDING FATHERS AND OUR CHRISTIAN HISTORY AND OUR FREEDOMS. This cancer and bleeding in our Nation has been going on for quite some time now and sometimes we think all hope and goodness is lost in America.
       Right now we may think all is lost, and that all hope is gone for our Nation. That everyone is more out for self and chasing the world, and not the things which be of Jesus Christ. Even many ministries are more and more becoming more about them and LESS OF HIM.  Seems the offense of the Cross is being replaced more and more with the glitter of the world. And people say that God and America have parted ways and that the powers that be want to keep it that way and there is nothing now that anyone can do about the divorce. That the issue of Separation of church and state, of God and America is settled and the liberals and the devil won the bout. But that is not  right. THE BIBLE REVEALS TO US THAT THIS DOES NOT HAVE TO BE. This scripture above tells us otherwise. This scripture tells us that FAITH in God  will turn God around toward us as it did for this woman in our text, and can heal and mend and restore our Nations situation, our bleeding nation just as it did her. Small issues to the great issues, the Anointing on Jesus Christ for us can heal and mend and fix our problems.
       If My People who are called by My Name......When darkness was so thick and so dense in Israel that the people were sitting in it blind, it was in that dark hour that SUDDENLY LIGHT SPRANG UP. Even the greatest light of all.
        When men have not the answers and political doctors see only doom and gloom like the docs preached to the woman with the issue of blood,  Jesus the Lord of the resurrection and the designer and the Creator of the Universe HAS ALL THE ANSWERS we need and IS THE ANSWER even as He was for her. He is THE MIGHTY GOD and with Him all things are possible...ALL THINGS...and surely Jesus in Covenant keeping honor is with us just as He covenantly swore that he would be
       So America and American Believers Here is My Message....Hope Thou In God. Believe and Stand On His Promises. Jesus said, if we will fear not and believe only, We Would See The Glory Of God. We Will See God In Action. We Will See The Glory Of God Working For Us and In Our Situation IN THIS NATION. That is what He said to us when He raised Lazarus from the dead, and to Jairus when his daughter had died, when that situation to the normal senses was dead and hopeless.  Jesus said Jairus  even after his daughter was dead He said, Fear Not and Believe Only....And you will See Gods Miracle. Why? For we serve a MIGHTY GOD and all things are possible with Him by all those THAT BELIEVE .....Wherefore Sirs, Paul said in the midst of that storm, I Believe God and he and all those on that ship, their lives were saved......
       America can be saved BY GOD AND BY HIS CHILDREN THE BELIEVING.... American Believers Let Us Believe God For Our Nation To Be Mended and Healed Of all That is Hurting Us and Trying to Destroy us and for this madness of loving the pleasures of sin and of darkness to cease. There is even National Healing Virtue & Power that flows from Jesus Christ, from the Mighty Throne of God. All things are possible to those who Believe. Together lets agree and believe and we will see the glory of the Lord do this........DENO.....AMERICA FOUND BY BELIEVERS FOR BELIEVERS......please share freely.

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