Wednesday, March 19, 2014

To The United States Government. Have You Forgotten God?. For fame, fortunes, and for power men are cursed sometimes with the GREATEST OF CURSES reaching present and everlasting scales........deno

       To the Government of the United States of America in whom in God We Trust. When are you going to AGAIN push God's Agenda and not the agenda of the wrong who with their riches influence you to sin against God, against His ways, and His Sons Agenda of life, liberty and freedom in Him? Have you forgotten that you are but men and are all together subject to dust and to places of fire where worms never die as Jesus warned? Why not return to His Integrity and save your soul from the corruption that has corrupted you? Your hands are dipped in millions of children's blood by your consent and vote of approval. You are guilty before God for consenting to the deceitful lust of perverse living that confuses the children coming up of what is right verses what is wrong. You vote as if you will not stand before the Lord who in wrath is a consuming fire. Nearly every day for thirty pieces of silver you sell your souls as chaff and wood for the burning and you gloat as if you do not remember the message of judgement. Turn back to God in repentance and with hands now made clean or you to shall perish in the way of the fool who for money lost everything even his own soul for all eternity. Say No to wrong and yes to what is right in God's sight. Vote as if your souls eternal place and destiny counts on it. IT DOES. It is better to be the enemy of mortal men than to be enemies of the Everlasting God... As it is written of the fool who for money kept making the wrong decisions, God told him, Thou fool, this night your soul shall be required of you. Fear God and Repent that you may live in the land of glory and honor of those who lived for the glory of God and not for mans applause when on the earth.......please share freely

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