Monday, March 10, 2014

The Great Falling Away Is Here.....Take Heed To Yourselves.....deno......please share freely

        It is best to not expect the world to love you or admire you as a christian, a gospel preacher, or a proclaimer of the truth that the Cross of Christ speaks. It's fire causes great heated friction sometimes between people, and even nations, and will even more as Satan sees that his time left is short. But rather expect the world to really hate you, and despise you. Expect them to revile you, and want to persecute you, and discredit you. Even to kill you. Then the numbered days none of this happens you can praise God even more.........
        But please listen, we are entering more and more deeper into the repeat of the hour of the power of darkness on the earth. It will be a hateful time against the body of Christ on earth just as it was against Jesus' flesh body before and up to the cross unto the resurrection where God poured out His so great resurrection salvation on His Son and His Body and up from the grave He rose.........
        Yes truly, we in Christ, for us who believe and obey Christ, the future is bright and the best is yet to come. But those marvelous days will not come until the fulfillment of the scriptures of the GREAT FALLING AWAY FROM CHRIST- (2 Thessalonians 2:1-17) and that we as Christians will be hated and despised by all nations (Mark 13:5-13). Even friends and family members by feeling the friction the gospel can bring upon the unbelieving, and upon the undecided, and the lukewarm, and those whose lamps are not full of the oil (Matthew 25:1-13), they will turn against the committed ones who love and live for Christ with full heart devotion. ......
         Friend in love I ask you, not because I'm any better than you but by the grace of God in this simple  man and from His love in my heart; Where do you stand? Standing up for Jesus is a FAR BETTER life than running the roads. I've done both and can tell you that obeying Jesus has bettered my life than the years of disobedience..It's so much better that it is really worth being despised, talked about, hated and persecuted for..
       Friend living for Jesus is the highest blessed life. It has promise in this life and in the one to come. And when you sit down and think about the other alternative,  heaven looks even greater to gain. Please God, help us all come out of our delusions and blind spots to really see as we need to see and understand as we should understand. In Jesus Name thank you......deno.....please share freely.

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