Thursday, April 3, 2014

Equalized In Christ....Christ Is All and in You All.......deno.....please share freely.

    1 Corinthians 12:25) that there would be NO SCHISM in the body of Christ, the Church of the Living God,
   When God made Jesus to be every believers way, every believers peace with God, every believers justification, every believers salvation, life and righteousness, He equalized us all In Him. God sure is wise and brilliant.....No one above or below another, but all the same AND CHRIST IS ALL. ...Colossians 3:11.....Christ is our everything and Christ is in us all in Him.....
     I am so glad that the God who loves us all even as He loves Jesus, did all this equalizing (John 17:23).... This is the way of God. This is heavens way and harmony. Go against this way and you will get what Satan got. He fell from heaven like lightning trying to exalt himself above God and above the other angels and above all the heavenly host (Luke 10:18 & 1 Timothy 3:6 & Isaiah 14:12-15)...... 
     Friends and family let us all walk humble before our God and thank Him for making us all One and Equal and the Same in Christ and for making Jesus our ALL IN ALL...deno.....please share freely.

P.S. Anytime we break the ranking of this equalizing rule that God established, WE CAUSE SCHISMS in the family of the redeemed of the Lord. Let the elders wash the saints feet and let the saints wash the elders feet and one another's. Jesus, God in the flesh, bowed down and washed our feet.  This is the sweet aroma of heaven where God's sweet love fills all of glory with loves finest aromas in perfect peace between God and His Creatures. 
      God is not  lifted up with evil pride. Yes He is God and always will be God and yet Jesus expressed the Fathers heart perfectly. He showed us Gods heart in the washing of our feet and in the Cross and in all he said and did.. 
      God is a mighty God for sure, but He is so loving and gentle and kind, full of compassion and long-sufferring. To bless us and to serve us is His Joy. He created a creation not from ego or vain pride, but to make a place that He could give to creatures that He would create so that He could  share His life and love with forever. God is a loving, giving God. God Is Love. Jesus said, Fear not little flock, for it gives your heavenly Father good pleasure to give you the kingdom..(Luke 12:32).....deno

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