You say that you know the One true God and that your sword at the neck is of His Command. You say that the God you serve is God and hates the infidel and that He Himself in all His unblemished purity and holiness has Himself commanded you and even demanded you to lie, to cheat, to defraud, to mislead, to deceive, and to swear falsely and to make false promises to others by all means necessary to advance His Holy Sinless Cause to make converts of the nations and to take over governments by even trickery and clever deceit?????.
But Jesus Christ the Lord rebukes you for your blindness and says don't you remember? Don't you recall His Words that a kingdom divided against itself cannot stand???? If your god is the God of Truth and is the real HONEST TRUTH, then why would He go against all He is (THE TRUTH) and go against all he stands for and tell all of you to be liars, to be cheaters, to be deceivers and cold blooded killers and to act like heartless little devils. If your god is the god of Abraham and of Jacob and of Moses as is the Holy One, pure and whiter than the snow in light, if He was all that, why would he tell you to go and lie when He is holy and pure? Such in itself is GREAT CONTRADICTION....
Why would He go and tell you to deceive when He cannot lie? Why would he go and tell you to hate when He is Love as Jesus said? Why would he go and tell you to mislead, tell you to cheat and defraud all by all means necessary to make converts and to overtake nations and governments if He is himself all trustable and all honest and not a liar. EYES BE OPENED.
Listen. Listen. Listen all you stiff in the neck vessels of destruction and stubble for the real Gods wrath, you are so deceived and so blind that you cannot see your own double standards and double mindness. Gods word says it is absolutely impossible for the One true God to sin or to lie or to deceive and He will not tempt any man to sin and to lie, cheat, deceive, mislead, defraud. He leads in holiness and He guides in perfect unblemished righteousness.
When Jesus was on earth he preached, That Satan the enemy of the Throne of God comes only to lie, to cheat, to steal, to deceive, to defraud, to mislead, and to murder, and to destroy. But the Father who is GREATER THAN ALL has sent Me to love, to give my life as the atoning ransom and sacrifice to save the world from sin. He sent me into the world so that thru Me you might have life and have it more abundantly (John 8:44,45).
I ask all the Muslims that Jesus dearly loves and desires to be saved and have their eyes truly opened to listen to what you are about to hear. If your God is God and He demands of you to lie, to cheat, to deceive, to defraud, to mislead, to murder to make converts of people and of nations and of governments for that is his obliged way of doing things, then if that is his way THEN WHAT MAKES YOU THINK HE WILL NOT LIE TO YOU or DECEIVE AND MISLEAD YOU, or KILL YOU, or CHEAT AND ROB YOU, or MURDER AND DESTROY YOU. Children are imitators of their fathers. And fathers teach their children HIS WAYS. The good fathers teach their children virtues of love and of goodness and of moral behavior, of truth, honor and honesty. Evil fathers teach their children to lie, to be cold, to be dishonest, to be heartless and merciless, to be evil, to cheat, to deceive, to be deceitful and trick artist to take advantage of others, even to hurt and to destroy, and murder in cold blood.
If he delights in the evil you say he commands you to do to make converts, to lie, to cheat, to deceive and to destroy and murder in cold blood those who reject what you preach and proclaim by lies, (The Koran is filled with sayings commanding you to do all these evil deceitful things) then what makes you think your god is not lying to you, deceiving you, and misleading you if he demands you to lie and mislead others by trickeries and misleading deceptions?????????????????????????.
Jesus said it is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE FOR GOD TO LIE. He also said, that Satan is the deceiver, the murderer, the misleader, the thief and the robber. He said Satan is THE LIAR and the lying spirit and THE FATHER OF THE LIE AND ALL DECEPTIONS and all religious and non religious lies and deceptions, NOT THE ONE TRUE GOD.. Not the Loving Holy Mercy Filled Father.......SCROLL DOWN.