Jesus said in John 14:7) If you had known me, you should have known my Father also.....Hebrews 1:1-3) For I am the brightness of His glory and the Express image of His person. From the Throne of God and from the power of the Eternal Spirit of God therein rumbles loud thunders and from Him proceeds forth flashes of His Spirits internal lightnings. This is God. John saw the Father in His Power and Glory on the Great Throne of God. John said, And I saw the Throne and He that sat thereon, and I saw from Him proceeded lightnings and thunders and loud sounds of His Power.(Rev 4:5). God is loud and God is Almighty. He cannot help it. He Is The Lord, the Lord Almighty, mighty in Strength and glorious in power. Yet behind all His Eternal Spirits mighty thunders that are of the natural flow of His Spirits Power and behind all the lightnings that flash from His Energy glory, resides a heart of PERFECT LOVE. God is love John said. Let us thank God that behind all that power expressed in great and loud thunders and flashing lightnings is a heart of perfect peace, joy, and love that is Gods true eternal character. Jesus said, If you have seen me you have seen the Father. He was not saying you have seen His thunder and His lightnings that come from the Eternal Power of His Spirit as He is on the mighty Throne, but you have Seen and heard in me HIS HEART. None of us can never really know or really see a person until we know and see THEIR HEART. The outer or the external only gives us a small glimpse of that person, a wonderment as we wonder what they are REALLY LIKE. It makes us want to get to really KNOW THEM (See. 1 Corinthians 2:10-12 & Philippians 3:7-14) With our eyes we see the house only, but not the real inside person-the heart. Why at first glance when you see all that you see flowing from God in heaven as He sits upon the Throne, all that loud thunder and all those lightning flashings of His Eternal Spirits Power could fill you with great fear and tremendous fright. But when you with your heart really get to know Him and see GODS HEART, that perfect love that you see and come to know will cast out the fear. When Jesus became flesh, the heart of God was captured to the full and perfect expression to men and women (Hebrews 1:1-4). Behind all those thunders and lightnings of the Eternal Power of God is the heart of every thing we saw of the Father in Jesus. Jesus is the heart of the Almighty perfectly revealed. God in His heart is so loving, so wonderful, so beautiful, divine and delicious...Oh taste and See that the Lord is Love and that the Lord is so Good....deno.....share freely.
......And Jesus said to His opposers, You are in error because you do not understand the scriptures nor do you know THE POWER OF GOD. God is just to INCREDIBLE to be naturally measured or naturally understood and His Words have to be revealed. One has to have his or her eyes opened to see what the Spirit of God is saying in the scriptures. It is written, Then Jesus opened the disciples eyes so they could understand the scriptures. Even so there is the opening of ones ears to hear His Voice on a regular basis. But unless the vessel is a truly submitted vessel, it will be unhealthy for him/her to continuously with all or perfect clarity to HEAR the present voice of the Lord, lest being found stubborn and stiff necked as to resist the Holy Ghost, he be condemned/spanked for hardness of heart in disobedience. Jesus was FULLY SUBMITTED AND FULLY SURRENDERED to do ALL THE WILL OF THE FATHER no matter where obeying God took him (The Cross). Jesus could be TRUSTED with such PERFECT God to Son unhindered constant open communication. Most of us cannot, unto that perfect constant communication hearing measure. Our heart has to really be a special heart, a graced heart to be entrusted with the perfect constant hearing the present leading voice of Jesus in full hearing form. I mean how many times as children did we actually hear our parents voices and yet even they (because our hearts were not right or pure), we rebelled and disobeyed their heard voice? Did they not spank us? Yes they certainly did. So it is with God sometimes when we rebell or disobey the real heard right now present voice of the Lord. Moses only one time did that. He heard what God said for him to do with His own ears and he went out there and did just the opposite of what HE HEARD God say to him. God seriously spanked Moses for disobeying His right then present heard voice. * * * * * * * * * * * * God our heavenly Father is Eternal Light. Light never ends. Light forever is and Light is forever ongoing. Physical light is Gods Spirits Shadow. God has to put the brakes on Himself so to speak just for us to get a glimpse of Him in our time bound operations. He sent the Holy Ghost to enter into our realm in slow mode, slowed down communications. When Jesus SENT THE HOLY GHOST it meant in a certain measure that He was sent into SLOW MODE HOLY GHOST OPERATIONS. He was already hear Paul wrote, for in God we all live and move and have our being and have been so since the beginning, BUT SIN MADE US NUMB AND BLIND AND DEAD TO GODS SPIRIT AND PRESENCE. He had to become MANIFESTED/REVEALED. The torn curtain meant that it was MANIFESTATION TIME for the Spirit of the Lord to all the world, not just in Israel. It was carnal representations of spiritual conditions and spiritual realities. God is always in us who are filled with the Spirit, but sometimes THE SENT PART TAKES PLACE and we experience more tangibly His always in us presence. As it is written, And the Power of the Lord was present to heal them (Sent Mode). Behold, Jesus said, I FELT Gods Power flow from me (Sent Mode/SLOW MODE). I don't (at present) fully understand what the Spirit of the Lord is fully saying in these spiritual words but I know in time it will be revealed and I will more perfectly see it. In God we live, and move, and have our being yet so few really recognize His mighty presence that we live in, move in, and have our being in. Few really ENTER INTO THE SENT MODE OF GOD. So few are in tuned to His Spirit and Voice. Sometimes when He actually speaks, people have said, What was that? and People have answered, IT WAS THUNDER. But Jesus knew EXACTLY what God said inside of him and outside of him. He was in tune. He heard His Fathers Voice clearly. Only the hearts ears can hear the voice of the Lord in the Spirit, in the spirit of our fellowship with God. But if the hearts ears are plugged or in tune to other voices and interest, that soul will seldom really hear the voice of the Lord within. Life will be like a haze of wonderment and questions in things pertaining to God. We must walk in the light as He is in the light or we will be numb to His Spirit of Light and nearly deaf to His Voice and Presence. Jesus is that Light. But this we do have. Hebrews 1 tells us that God has Spoken unto us in these last days by His Son and those spoken Words have been written and have become Scriptures. God will never utter words that go contrary to what He has already spoken thru His Son. God thundered His voice thru His Son and the sound of His glory has gone out and has been heard in reach to the four corners of the earth thru even the IT IS WRITTEN. We have THE BIBLE. The voice of the Lord RECORDED in printed words. Are you listening? The BIBLE is the TRUE VOICE of the Lord PREVIOUSLY RECORDED for us to read, hear, incline to, believe and obey. Keep pressing says the Lord, I'm Here. You will find Me when you seek after Me with ALL YOUR HEART. Partial seeking like an occasional Sunday visit want get you there. Those that love Me want to be with Me ALWAYS.....deno.......share freely.
Sometimes We Must Believe Our Way To The Victory, To The Success, To The Overcoming. To The Desire and Goal........We All Must Believe Our Way Out Of The Darkness and Believe Our Way Into The Light. Believing Brings God And All His Divine Grace and Power To Your Scene. Believing God Is To Empty Your Hope In Yourself and Placing All In Gods Hands Like Abraham Did Based Upon Gods Words and Promises. Believing God Is By No Means Self Confidence. Self Confidence Has Its Place But Self Confidence Destroyed Satan. Believing God Works For The Strong and The Weak. It is not based on human power or status levels but is all based on ones heart believing the Word of God and believing in the love God has for us. The apostle John wrote, We know and we believe in the love God has for us. The woman with issue of blood that flowed from her body for 12 years was at the end of her human hopes. She had spent all she had. Did all humanly she knew to do and that she could do. After being emptied of all hope in herself and after being emptied of all hope in mans power and abilities and was now broke, she put all her hearts faith in Jesus and said, There is healing virtue flowing from Jesus and I have heard it so. All I need to do is to get a holt on to his garment and I will be made whole. She believed her way out of her storm and out of her troubles. She believed her way to her healing, to her victory. Then after her overcoming by faith in Jesus Christ and His Anointing, God entered her faith legacy into Gods book (THE BIBLE), the book of faiths hall of fame for her faith in His Son Jesus Christ....deno......share freely. P.S....The power and virtue that flowed in and from Jesus Christ is also in every spoken promise of God to achieve those promises in the lives of all those who Believe them. True believing always activates the power and virtue of God that is hidden within and upon His Words. It is called the Anointing. Jesus Was and Is The Word of God. The Word of God Spoke To Us Himself and The Word Of God Said, God Has Anointed Me......deno......share freely.
Please remember these words. ........The enemy of God works this way. He kills them with their trust in smiling political wolves in sheeps clothing and he defeats and overcomes them by their TOLERANCE. In the land of freedom, these two weapons mentioned are Satan and the AntiChrist main use to take over this nation and to war against and overcome the saints in the land that for generations was controlled by the Spirit of the Lord in the Christians of faith, bravery, and of courage. They loved not their lives even unto death having a great Christian hope for this nation and their hope and liberties for this they were willing to fight for and die for. They were a people whose hearts were filled with the Blessed Assurance and they knew to die for the faith of the Lord Jesus Christ was incredible great gain. They knew that beyond the fleshes veil was Jesus their Redeemer in Paradise awaiting them in the Fathers House of many mansions. This is the real deal and the real truth. All other hopes are lies and satanic deceptions.. Do not judge me the enemies cry. Tolerate Tolerate Tolerate they shout. By this the devil commands his STAND DOWN to the armies of God and THE CHURCH in America has done it. He has told us, If you are the children of God then do as I say. Turn these stones into bread and we have done it. In other words we have ignored Gods words and warnings and we have obeyed the devils words and will and let him take over this nations power seats and entertainments by false humility and Satan invoked Tolerance on this nations conscience.......So much so that look at what this has caused America to suffer and to endure by the hand of the enemies of Jesus Christ Gods Word and Gospel. Resist the devil and he will flee. Obey the devil and he will bless only to destroy your soul in eternity. What does it profit a man or a woman to gain all the world but lose your soul forever in the devils daily night mares. We must repent and come back to God. We must become as brave and as courages as our nations founding fathers. Tolerance is the force of the devil to give success to all his counter christian attacks. Resisting the devil is the force of God and Jesus Christ....Rise up and fight and speak back in the Name of Jesus Christ. Have no patience with the devil. Give him no place, not even an inch or he will spread like wild-out of control fire in the nation. When will this nation wake up and sober up and see what the devil is really doing to us all over the place? Even our spiritual borders like our physical borders have become wide open spaces by the negligence of the saints and their real unwillingness to fight and to resist the devil and their unwillingness to resist and withstand the enemies of freedom. For even the christians themselves chase the world with all its splendor and glory, with all sins sensual pleasures tempting them at the touch of a button that keeps them off their thrones of authority and keeps them off their knees in the interceding closets. Gods fire burns but Gods fire also heals......deno......please share freely.
A Major Short Sermon for this generation.....update....Information so needed to be known, believed, realized and acted upon. ......The devil is a lot more clever today. He travels thru Movies, TV shows, Magazines, and thru Music to prey upon and to Enter his prey, and his victims hardly notice his entrance.....but oh how they change and change and go from worse to worse and become sin cravers, darkness lovers, and depisers of light and haters of that which is good and righteous more than before. The more they listen, incline, and watch what Satan is traveling thru the worse they become because their constant excitement and fellowshipping with all these things that the spirit of the devil is traveling thru means they are in agreement. This is happening right before our eyes in America and has been going on now for several decades, esp since the 50s until now. ...... The Movies, TV shows, Magazines and the Music of this present and past decades and days are like wicked spirit delivering dump trucks used by the prince of darkness for filling up the heart and souls with more and more unclean wicked spirits who love darkness and worship iniquity in defiance of God and His light. .........And Jesus said.....then that unclean spirit seeing his human house still wanting him goes about and gets 7 other spirits more wicked than himself and they all enter into that man. Soon,that man becomes more wicked and more evil than he was before by those wicked spirit increasing in him.....He that hath ears to hear let him hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying. Scroll Down.
........Jesus said....Come out from among them and be separated from those things saith the Lord and have no agreement nor fellowship with the defiling things of darkness....This generation on the most part is all based on and has been and is becoming in life style the formation of sin delight and fantasy from the wicked spirits that hearts and souls are filled up with as Jesus said it would be in the last days. A new number one hit in the sensual secular music industries releases another new wicked spirit into the lovers thereof for the mind to be more defiled and to ascend to more sin and to sin fantasy and its eventual partaking. .......In those spiritual Dump Trucks as those sensual even violence and hate promoting songs and movies and magazines and shows, those dump trucks just did their demonic job in the heart and into the soul of those who delight in them, but who really knows this? Who really cares and understands these truths and dark sayings revealed by the light?
In your great mercy and lovingkindness Lord, smile and shine upon us Your Church again in America and in all the nations. Muzzle the wolf and the lions. Bind them hand and foot with chains wrought by the holy Angels. Sweep the earth with Your greatest grace and mercy given us in Jesus Christ Your risen Son. Pour out the Spirit of the Lord upon all flesh and save to the uttermost this generation of people who have been bewitched to believe lies and who condone and walk in the path of the deceitful lust. In Jesus Name Lord, do Your greatest soul saving eye opening work with signs and wonders that magnify and glorify the gospel of Jesus Christ Your Son and establish us all in all the love and will of God. That we love and honor God first in faith and love our neighbor as our-self. Scriptures.......He shall baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with Fire....And out of your inner most being shall flow Gods rivers of Living Water...This spake Jesus of the Holy Spirit....That you love one another.....Until we all come into the UNITY of the Faith....There is no true unity if it is not wrought by genuine love.... A move of any power and glory that does not call us to faith in Jesus Christ, increases repentance, holiness, joy, and love one for another in those the move is upon is not of the Spirit of the Lord. God always moves thru His Son with the foundational purpose to bring us all to salvation, to repentance, joy from the same, and to loving one another.. Jesus said, had Sodom and Gomorrah heard and seen all these healings, signs and wonders that you see THEY WOULD HAVE REPENTED and they would have been spared.........Amen. P.S. Yes it is written in a certain scripture that Jesus healed them all, and yes Jesus fed the multitudes with the miracles of the loaves and fishes, but many of those same people ended up shouting later crucify him, crucify him. The healings, the miracles, the blessings are of Gods love and goodness and their unspoken sermon includes REPENT AND BELIEVE THE GOSPEL and LOVE AND CLEAVE TO HIS SON WITH ALL YOUR FAITH....and love and honor His Son and love one another calling upon His Name.