Monday, June 3, 2013

Jesus, You Are Everything To Me....deno.......Song by Avalon......WHAT A BEAUTIFUL SONG

       Lord Jesus, We worship you. We lift up our hearts in praise and adoration to You our Savior, Our Hope, Our Life, Our Resurrection, and our God. In our lives and in our land in these latter days be exalted and magnified far above all other names.  For Lord, no one is like YOU. No one so True, so Loving and so Kind. No one else so merciful and rich in compassion. Who else is like unto You Lord. You had all and gave up Your all to die for our sins and to be raised back up and found dwelling in the hearts of men. Oh Lord, Our Lord in one voice we sing Your Songs. In united hearts we sing Your Praise. Be honored and glorified forevermore  in us the Redeemed Your children and brethren....Amen......deno.....please share freely.

Let Us Praise Him......

Let us praise Him, who has called us unto His heavenly glory by Jesus Christ........deno

Protect and Defend The Constitution.....

Whenever and where ever we as Americans find men and women who attack and try to dismantle the infrastructure of our Freedoms and Constitution, it is then that we must rise up in our strength and bring them to naught or remove them from their platforms and positions high or low. It is our duty....An attack against our Constitutional liberties is an attack on WE THE PEOPLE. It is not on the land, but upon its citizens who were born to be free by the Declaration of Independence and by the One who came to set men free......Deno
Whenever and where ever we as Americans find men and women who attack and try to dismantle the infrastructure of our Freedoms and Constitution, it is then that we must rise in our strength and bring them to naught or remove them from their platforms and positions high or low. It is our duty....An attack against our Constitutional liberties is an attack on WE THE PEOPLE. It is not on the land, but upon its citizens who were born to be free by the Declaration of Independence......Deno

More Evidence of Intelligent Design......From A Patriot Who Loves His Country America....God Bless The USA

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Prayer & Fasting Power....Matthew 17:14-21

       In a confrontation with an evil spirit that had taken over a persons life and situation in the bible, the root of the problem was so deep that Jesus told the disciples that it will take the combination of prayer and fasting for this stronghold to be broken, this grip to be loosed, this evil spirit and its works to be overcome and cast out of that person and his situation.
      We see a lot of evil in America today and much of its cause is the presence of evil spirits at work in our Nation in this younger generation. The bible reveals to us that the eyes and the ears are the gateway to ones soul. This generation eyes are constantly being fed darkness and evil. This generation is seeing and hearing evil upon evil, sin upon sin, darkness upon darkness , R upon R, X upon X, causing a behavioral rebellion against God beyond all this nations yesterdays. Their souls are formed now to love and to daily look forward to the pleasure of human pride, embrace the pleasures and deceitfulness of sin, and their eyes are fixed on the now, fearing no future judgements.
      Observing some of their actions recently, what would have caused my Mom to literally blush and run from, others do now without any remorse or sense of shame. This kind Jesus said, these situations can only be reversed/overcome/undone/remedied by the combination of prayer and fasting.......The more of us who engraft this winning combination into our lives for ourselves, for others and for our nation, the more GODS LIGHT will cast out and overcome the darkness that is now so deeply planted and woven into the insides of this present generation......Something to think about. Something to do.......deno....please share freely

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Denos Testimonies # 13 ) JESUS SAID In My Name Cast Him Out.


    Jesus said, We testify of the things which we have seen and have heard.  When He said those words He was speaking about spiritual things, (HEAVENLY WISDOM & SPIRITUAL TRUTHS).

       Well I have seen and heard things to testify about concerning the Lord and His realities and manifestations in my life. Though I have done my share of wrongs in my life, still yet thru the gift of Christ as my righteousness and way, I have seen and I have heard the Lord do and say things from the depths of His great love, compassion, and mercy. What I'm about to share with you is simple, but yet one of the most POWERFUL TRUTHS you could ever hear and know, learn of and apply in your life in Christ Jesus.
        It is this truth. This truth I have seen work its power and glory in my personal life by the mix of the faith in my heart with the words of God and Jesus Name in my mouth. IT IS THIS....

       "The Lord hath destroyed the desire and the works of my enemies that they schemed and formed against me and He did so THRU THE WEAPON of HIS CHOICE which was MY TONGUE."

        Your mouth speaking what your heart is believing is one of the New Weapons of our Spiritual Warfare in the New Covenant. Matter of fact this faith speaking truth is what forms all of our lives from day unto day. What we really believe we are, and what we really believe we become, and what we believe we receive in life.
       Jesus always was in positive faith. He always (ALWAYS) in the faith that speaks, with his speaking faith he combated and defeated Satan and his schemes and works that were plotted against him. Thru the words of His mouth speaking faith Jesus defeated Satan every time. Go study this truth. Go and read every confrontation Jesus had with Satan. He always cast him out, or controlled him, or ran him off thru the POWER AND AUTHORITY OF HIS SPIRITS WORDS OF FAITH IN GODS WORD and by that speaking faith Jesus went from victory to victory over the devil for himself and others. Come out he would say to the devil for someone, or he would say for himself GET THEE BEHIND ME SATAN. Satan every time obeyed Jesus speaking faith.
       Learning this spiritual mystery and truth 
in England in the early 80s, and applying it into my life delivered me from satanic induced depression which is one of the most severest types of oppression and depression that exist. 
       In England I began to listen and to learn from Brother Kenneth & Gloria  Copeland, Kenneth Hagin, and Jerry Savelles spiritual wisdom and insights about what the bible tells us of the power of the tongue and of the power of the believing heart and how faith comes. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the Word Of God.
      As I continued to listen and learn from these men of faith, my heart in time became filled fuller and fuller with their teachings from the word of God. My hearts faith began to grow and increase. I began to write Gods words of life and peace promises down and began to say them in Jesus Name over and over and over again. SPEAKING THEM, SOWING THEM INTO THE SPIRITUAL GARDEN OF MY BEING AND LIFE. After continuing these confessions  of life and peace for a month or so, one day I woke up and realized all my depression and that heavy oppression was gone and my belly was filled with the Spirit of hope and of joy. Yahoolahoo was my days from that time on over there.
       I fell in love with Jesus who strangely led me to England to connect me with this TRUTH and the light of His grace that he had for me, that He wanted me connected to. I learned of the POWER OF THE TONGUE and of the power of hearing the Word of God in faith continuously.
      But I also am to share with you something else that happened to me over there months after I was totally set free from all that dark depression and oppression. What you are about to read really happened.
        One day I was having a good delicious joy filled day in Gods presence at work. I mean God had blessed my soul with the joy of His presence over there richly. I was learning His word and doing my best to believe and obey His word and good things were happening. Oh taste and see that the Lord is good the bible says. I was tasting of His goodness over there in this healing that I had been enjoying immensely. His taste was and is so DELICIOUS.
        Well that day was so filled with His presence in my inner man by the witness of joy, that when lunch time came I thought, the heck with food, I'm going to go to my room. Get my bible out. Read it. Feast on its words and pray and give thanks to God and so I did. We had a special time of supping together that day during my lunch break in the spirit, me and the Lord our Life and peace who in England in those days had become my first love.
        It came time to start walking back to work. I worked at the chapel with Chaplains in those days in RAF Lakenheath, England. On my way back I'm thinking of how good life on the inside had become for me over there and how delicious Gods taste is and can be and of the good that has happened to my heart and soul since I began TO PUT JESUS FIRST PLACE IN MY LIFE AND DAY and serve him and listen to His teachings thru those ministers that I mentioned earlier and in WATCHING MY TONGUE. 
        I left my room and was walking back to work. I was walking on the side walk at the end of the high schools football field when it happened. Do you remember what Jesus said Satan and his evil spirits do when they are cast out or lose their grip on their prey. They leave going about dry places seeking rest but often times find no rest. (The rest a demon seeks is not sleep but to satisfy the craving of what he is. If he is an oppressing, depressed spirit, he is not satisfied until he is fulfilling his spiritual kind and mission and that means to make some one deppressingly miserable. That's what he is and that's what he craves to inflict. If he is not able to inflict his desire in another he is not finding rest to his evil craving. We have to remember all demons are cursed spirits. If he, the evil spirit is a deaf and dumb spirit he has no demonic rest until he is making someone deaf, dumb or blind and on it goes. There is more truth to what I just wrote than most know and realize.) 
      So that evil spirit not finding the demonic rest that he is and that he craves and that is his mission, says let me trace back to where I was cast out, to where my grip was broken off and see what is going on there. He goes and in some cases he finds a welcome sign on the place. If there is no DO NOT TRESPASS SIGN ON THE HOUSE OR THE PLACE. He says well, well looky here. He misses me. But being a demon he is a wicked spirit. In nothing they do, do they really mean their prey any good. What good Satan does promise his sheep, is only temporary glory. In the end it cost them the pains and sorrows of their soul lost forever in hell, in the wrath of God. They say before they re-enter the place, let me go and get 7 other evil spirits more wicked than myself. Jesus said, the last state of that man that this happens to, is way more worse than the first.
       Well un-beknowing to me that day that I'm testifying about, that opposing spirit that had held me for those 3 plus years in the bondage of severe depression was going to come at me again  re attacking me just as Jesus taught.
        I was walking along that side walk when all of the sudden I felt the lightest touch of something connect to me. Like as if someone just slightly blew air on me ever so lightly. It was just enough for me to notice it. Then immediately after noticing that, EVERY ugly heavy symptom of that severe depression that I had been set free of and had been walking free from for several months now was in a second ALL BACK ON ME. My new delicious inner sweet was instantly turned into all that evil oppressing bitter taste of the past and for a brief moment there, I admit, my minds thought ascended unto a panic.
       I did not understand how this was happening to me again. What had I done wrong? Where did I miss it? These type of questions in panic style was trying to haunt my minds thinking. It was in that dreary wonderment and sudden gloom that the Lord turned the light on on the inside of me. Some how I heard the Lord. Some how in the midst of all that attack and confusion going on in my head, I heard, I knew and I understood this time what the Lord was saying to me. He said this in my spirit sanctuary of inner hearing  and I picked it up. I knew then what to do. He said, Son now take what I brought you over here to learn and have taught you and USE IT AGAINST"HIM".
      Folks, after I got that word of instruction from the Lord I rared back and let her rip. My heart was now so full of Gods Word that I gave the devil another lesson in the IT IS WRITTEN weapon of our warfare. I told him things like, In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazereth you foul spirit, you take your hands off of me and my life. You don't belong here. I'm a child of Almighty God. He bought this temple with His own precious blood thru the cross and I command you to get off me and you get away from me In Jesus Name along with many other similar truths from Gods good news I stoned him with. 
     Well God as my witness, The power of God and His Word of truth in my tongue in Jesus Name hit that scene with fury in me and upon me and sent the devil running. He left and God as my witness I have never had that depression ever again. I frolicked back to work in a greater intensity of Christ joy than I had  before thanking Jesus and praising him for the victory. Jesus was pleased with me and how I handled that bullying evil spirit that day who used to whip my tail so to speak every day for 3 plus years before. Not by possession, but by pressing agitation. A severe wrestling match of a spirit against spirit confrontation that for years I did not know such a thing could happen, nor did I understand what to do about it.

    So I close this testimony reminding you of the words I wrote earlier in this testifying of Gods grace in my life......THAT THE LORD HATH DESTROYED THE DESIRES AND THE WORKS THAT MY ENEMIES HAD FORMED AND SCHEMED AGAINST ME THRU THE WEAPON OF HIS CHOICE (WHICH WAS MY TONGUE).  .You may copy, quote this or just speak any of my words or writings as freely as you desire. Just that people be helped, strengthened, edified, and blessed......The Word of God in the mouth of a believing heart is sons of God powerful and power of God effective.

      That incident I just shared with you was the place those WORDS  were born into my life from. The Lord himself gave them to me so that I would never forget that day and what I learned there, there on that side walk at the end of the high school football field in RAF LAKENHEATH, ENGLAND.......deno.....please share freely.

P.S.....As David used his stones and a sling shot to kill the giant that was troubling Israel, today in the spiritual warfare we use Gods Word and Promises Mixed with the believing of out hearts prayed and spoken out of our mouths to overcome the devils attacks and schemes. The power that gives you victory over the spirits that are wrestling against you is in your heart and in your mouth. It is the Word of Faith which we preach. It is believing on Jesus and His Far Above All Name. We take Gods Word and Promises which are our rock solid stones. We put them in the containment of our hearts richly until they are what we believe and our hearts are full of them. Then with the mouth we sling shot them at our enemies and  at our mountains. Then we stand tall and strong, agreeing with nothing else, not even sight itself, until the mountain is conformed to our believing, to Gods promise that we are believing and standing upon.....Amen




Matthew 25:31-46) vs 31)....When the Son of man shall return in HIS GLORY (John 17:5)(2 Thessalonians 1:5-10), and all the holy Angels with Him, then shall He sit upon the throne of His Glory. 32) And before Him shall be gathered all nations (EVERY SOUL); and He shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides the sheep from the goats. 33) He shall set the SHEEP ON HIS RIGHT, but the Goats on HIS LEFT. entire text Matthew:31-46).

       Those on THE LEFT end up having upon their heads the fulfillment of the scripture of Matthew 25:46).....they shall be punished with an everlasting un-ending punishment......This just said is reason number ONE in sharing why I stand with THE RIGHT....
        The issues and things that got those people, (THE GOATS ON THE LEFT)  in that situation according to Gods Word were:


*Did not believe in the sin doctrine.

*Loved their sins and promoted their right to do them instead of agreeing with God that those deeds were evil, sin and wrong.

 *Did not believe that Jesus Christ was the Son of God, nor the Messiah.

*They did not believe that Jesus was the way or the only way and they lived by that rule and testified even publicly that there are many paths to God, dishonoring the Cross of Christ and His incredible Sacrifice and Blood shed for our redemption.

*They did not take up the Cross of Christ and follow Him.

*They were of the crowd that screams Crucify Him, Crucify Him. Let the guilt for his blood, for his death, be upon us and our children and so it shall.

*Would not listen to the Lord or accept His Lordship over their faith, their convictions, their deeds, or their lives.

*They did not call upon the Name of the Lord in sincerity and in truth.

*Loved darkness more than light.

*Loved iniquity more than righteousness. 

*Preferred the praises and attention of women and men and their adoration than the honor which comes from God in faith and in righteousness.

*Wanted earthly fame  and the pleasures of sin and of Egypt instead of heavenly fortune and Godliness' Eternal Rewards.

*Believed and confessed that this is my life and I will live and do with it as I please. I need no God or others rules to hold me back or to pin me down. I am my own god. I live only by my own rules.

*Actually warred against Jesus and His gospel in an anti Christ fashion, agenda, and combat.

*Stood for this worlds deceitful lust and its promotion and spreading.

*Walked in this worlds selfish love and not the love of God.

*Like the rich man that ignored the poor mans basic needs, they to looked the other way with their posh arrogance thinking in their hearts, better you down there than me.

*Forgave not those that sinned against them but demanded their downfall and ruin.

*Despised those who believed and belonged to Christ.

*Promoted lies, cover ups, and deceptions.

*Stood for the Wrong instead of the Right.

*Served sin and Satan.

*Persecuted the saints.

*Despised and hated Christians.

*Counted and said that Jesus' blood was nothing and of no redeeming value and did not believe that God raised Jesus from the dead.

*Called Jesus and the Gospel a fairy tale.

*Wanted God and Jesus Christ out of their lives and out of all their affairs passionately.

*They believed lies about divine things instead of mixing their faith with THE TRUTH THAT IS IN CHRIST JESUS.

*Having no fear of God, nor proper understanding, they chose political correctness to undo Gods ways in their lives and society.

*Promoted false doctrines and FALSE RELIGIONS and false humilities.

*Loved Lying Wonders and Strong Delusions but did not know this because they were bewitched and deceived by theories, wrong presumptions, over reading into so called findings to promote dark agendas. Their minds were taken captive by Satan because he saw in their heart unbelief, refusal, and anti God spiritual legislation of the most blinded kind.

*They were deceived.(Revelations 12:9) Even the wittiest of them Satan blinded with his deceiving craft and lying cleverness.
AND MUCH MORE.........deno......please share freely