Saturday, May 10, 2014

Heaven Is Looking Sweeter All The Time.......deno......please share freely.

       In heaven, in the paradise of God, no one is remembered for their sins, but they are forever known for believing on and receiving Christ while on earth.They are forever known for all the cups of cold water that they gave to children of God and servants of Christ. They are forever remembered and known for visiting the sick and the imprisoned on earth. For feeding the hungry and clothing the poor. They are forever known for the way they loved God, served God, trusted God, obeyed God, submitted to God and for their love of the church. They are forever known for winning souls and for praying for others and praying for Gods will to be done on earth even as it is in heaven.  None of them are known or remembered in heaven for their failures, shortcomings, trespasses, or sins.....GREAT NEWS.

       But in hell and in the fire that can never be quenched IT'S ALL BAD NEWS.  They are forever known and remembered, not for one single good thing they did on earth, but they are forever known and remembered for rejecting Christ. For mocking the Son of God and His blood and light. For every sin and trespass they committed. For every evil proud look and for all their selfishness, vain pride, and for their hate for God, and for their love of sin and darkness.....Heaven is looking sweeter and sweeter all the time.......deno.....please share freely.

My Tribute To President Ronald Reagan & His Presidency.......deno.......please share freely.

All Americans should watch this video! Semper Fi Ron

Deno Smith shared click on   (((((( video.))))))
       Now this was our real America loving American President. A lover of our freedoms and of the Constitution. I served in the USAF under his Presidency. Never once did he shame us or our Nation, nor did he go around the globe making apologies for the spirit of our confidence, faith, and strength that we possess as a gift from the grace of God given for us and for the benefit of humanity, that by our strengths and by our gifts of His grace the world would find God again shining from and thru His Son in the face of Redemption and the American Dream......How we loved President Ronald Reagan........

       There was never any doubt of his love and allegiance to America, to her people, to her freedoms, to her strengths, to her independence & way of life, and to HER CONSTITUTION UPHOLDING as he swore to do..... deno.

And Jesus Returned (To America) in the Power of the Spirit.......deno......please share freely

     Luke 4:13-14) And when the devil had ended all the temptation, he departed from Him for a season. 14) and Jesus returned in the Power of the Spirit into Galilee, and there went out a fame of Jesus through all the region round about. 15) And He taught in their synagogues, being glorified by all....Notice Jesus returned in the POWER OF THE SPIRIT.....Then notice with me that it was BY THAT POWER, HIS FAME WENT THROUGHOUT ALL THE REGION.....

      Join and Agree with me in this prayer. Father in Jesus Name, By the Power of Your Holy Spirit poured out and working mightily in America amongst and amidst We The People of the United States in our hearts, in our minds, in our bodies, in our lives, in our lands. streets, cities, towns, states, and homes,  cause the fame of Jesus to return to all of America and into the American heart more than ever before and more than all Americas yesterdays and history, and turn our hearts from darkness unto light, and deliver us from the power of Satan unto God and forgive our sins, make us New Creatures in Christ , born again and sealed with the Holy Spirit unto eternal salvation and make us One Nation Under God in the faith and in the bonding lovr of Jesus Christ your Son more than ever before and keep us in HIS NAME, full of faith and full of the Holy Spirit and the love of God in our hearts fervent for one another and heal our Nation of all it's spiritual, and mental, and emotional, and social, and financial, and political wounds..In Jesus Name . So Be It....Please print, pray and share...And pray a prayer like this one for your own countries around the world......deno.

They said, "Behold, The Whole World Has Gone After Him (Jesus)".....deno.....please share freely.

       John 12:19) seeing the peoples massive positive response to Jesus because of the healing's and the miracles Jesus did; and after so many attempts to make Jesus look bad, and to cause the nation to discount and discredit our Lord, the Pharisees said......See (all this withstanding Jesus) is getting us nowhere. Look the whole world has gone after Him......

        American Believers, let us all now take our UNITED STAND for JESUS and let us not give this Nation away to His Enemies by their intimidation, or fear tactics, nor by the medias deceiving portrayal of faith in America. All this attack against Jesus Christ and the Christian Faith in America, it is a well thought out, organized, seducing spirit backed hokes on the American minds perception of the Nations Faith and against what we hold to be truth and self evident...... 

       All we need do is to raise our voice in private and in public AS ONE HEART & MIND on this, (for Jesus was also a very public Savior), in unity and in prayer agreement that our Nation is, has always been, and ever shall be a Christian Nation full of and overflowing with Jesus and believers, to the dominating power & measure, who love the Lord Jesus Christ; saying, believing, and professing these truths, as we see ourselves sitting and reigning with Jesus on His Throne of All Power and Authority both in heaven and on earth as we as ONE HEART & VOICE as Kings do, make these declarations of our united Voice and Prayer in Faith before God and Man on earth....(Read Matthew 18:18-20)

       This gathering together of believers in the prayer of Agreement, God will honor and back.....Jesus said, if only two or three shall agree on earth as touching ANYTHING in prayer in Jesus Name, God will see to it that it is done. This unity miracle faith proclamation and prayer of agreement is by the Word of the Lord Himself MOST POWERFUL. It brings all the Power & Integrity of the THRONE OF GOD to earth. All the world cannot overcome it, nor can the gates of hell prevail against it being formed again in America. 

      This prayer of agreement, along with fighting the good fight of uncompromising faith and standing up for Jesus in this land in faith and in what is right and pleasing in Gods sight will effect our nation drastically for the glory of God and Jesus Christ.....NO MATTER HOW THICK THE DARKNESS. NO MATTER HOW BIG THE STONES THAT TRY TO USE TO KEEP DEAD OR DOWN THE SON OF GOD, all of hell cannot prevail  against the Word of God or against the PRAYER OF AGREEMENT OF BELIEVING BELIEVERS IN CHRIST......

      Then the enemies of our faith in America, and the enemies of our professions in Christ will drop their  faces like the Pharisees did in our text and say, All this anti Jesus agenda that we have toiled and sweat over, and all this media and money that we have spent all these past decades to lie against Jesus, to deceive the children of this nation, and to turn this nations heart away from God to monkey's and humanist ungodliness, has utterly failed and our faces are in shame before God and man.. Behold, THE WHOLE NATION HAS GONE BACK AFTER HIM.......deno.....please share freely.

Rick Renner, Prevailing Faith #3) This Word Is Heaven Sent To Revive faith & Hope In Us ALL.....Delicious Bread of Heaven and Sweet Holy Ghost WIne to the Soul.......deno

Here is #3 of this Faith Prevailing Series by Rick Renner...We will never be the same. Hope Lives Friends. Hope Lives......deno

Rick Renner, Prevailing Faith #2) This Delicious Bread Ignites Faith & Hope. It will change your life and get the Joy juices flowing again......deno

After watching & listening to part one, here is part 2. OMG this is SO SO SO GOOD.....WE ALL NEED THIS BREAD, THIS TRUTH, THIS HOPE. THIS ENCOURAGING WORD AND LIGHT...Don't miss this blessing. When you watch it you will know for your self WHY....Rick Renner is A BLESSING TO US ALL...Remember part #1 first then #2, then #3........deno
Rick Renner Prevailing Faith 2
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Rick Renner, Prevailing Faith #1...This Delicious Bread & Light Will Change Your Life......deno

I love to listen to God Anointed Insightful Men of God who can really teach us....This is SO GOOD.... God Bless Rick Renner even more in Jesus Name.....
Rick Renner Prevailing Faith 1
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