Friday, August 22, 2014

The Glory Of the Word of God.....deno......please share freely

      Jesus is the Word of God. Wherever the Word of God is Jesus Is. He cannot be separated from Himself. The Word of God created all creation. By Jesus Christ the heavens were made and by the Word of His mouth they were all born. 
      Think about that. Think about the glory of God that is in HIS WORD. IT CREATES. That same Word. That same Almighty Word is the bible and all the PROMISES GOD EVER SPOKE. Jesus said if we will BELIEVE we will surely see the GLORY OF THE WORD OF GOD AND ITS ALMIGHTY GOD POWER & BLESSING on earth.
    * Faith unlocks it's sealed glory. Faith is the worthiness that opens the seal to the glory of God that is in HIS WORD*.

      All the miracles, healings, resurrections, and all the awing blessings we see wrought by Jesus was the glory of the WORD OF GOD IN MANIFESTATION. The Word became flesh. The Word became the healings of the people. The Word became that money in that fishes mouth when Peter went fishing as Jesus told him to do. The glory of the Word of God casted out Satan, destroyed His works and terror, and calmed the raging storms. If we mix faith with HIS WORD, Jesus THE WORD SAID we will see the glory of Gods Word given man to believe, to obey, and to LIVE BY in our lives on earth. It is written, And they Beheld His Glory. Whose glory? What glory? The glory of the Lord Jesus Christ who is Himself THE WORD OF GOD. This means that there is GLORY in THE WORD of God for us to BEHOLD,  TO EXPERIENCE,  TO SEE, AND TO BE ENJOYED BY THE BELIEVING of PEOPLE.

    God Your Glorious Word Be Done On Earth Even As It Is In Heaven In Jesus Name. Jesus the Word of God, said, If you believe (The Word of God) you  will see the glory of God. God has put and placed His Glory into His Words, Into His Promises and has SENT THEM to us. Amen....deno....please share freely.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Will Freedom As We Know It Breathe Its Last Breath In America????....deno.....please share freely

     Freedom has never been so threatened since the war for our independence. Strange how all our personal wars for our freedoms perfecting and for our independence has been fought on our own soil. And now again in these last days we fight and war the Leftist government of the democratic party of the communist alliance to maintain our freedoms. It is us against them. Freedom lovers against Communist government control of the left. We must unite and beat them down and put a tomb stone on the Communist/Socialist movement in America once and for all. We must trace the BIG MONEY behind the anti Freedom schemes and expose their Constitutional lawlessness, tyranny, and treason....Our founding fathers would have already done this along time ago......We The People Of The Precious Liberties of The United States of America. Amen.

There Is Coming An Hour.....deno......please share freely.

     There is coming an hour when the gospel and our writings from the gospel of Jesus Christ will be craved by a people tired of sins DECEIVING STINGS and consequences, and tired of all those diverse lies and political delusions, and become starving and desperate for the Truth that is only in Jesus Christ....So keep writing and sharing no matter what....When the things to come bring forth the hunger and the thirst for righteousness, and for heavenly truth and understanding and for the things of God and Jesus Christ in the people on earth, it is then the fruit of our labors will be the bread of the people. For it is when the people hearts HUNGER AND THIRST FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS AND FOR THE THINGS OF JESUS CHRIST that Jesus said they would be FILLED / FED and SATISFIED. So remember, YOUR labor is not in vain in the Lord.....ONWARD......deno.....please share freely.

Does God Exist by Albert Einstein....deno....please share

Watch This......Words from Albert Einstein....Share this with all the world....Pass it on.
"A true story..."
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Communism and Satanism...The AntiChrist Dream...Totally un American......please share freely.....deno

     Communism sounds great on paper but in real life on earth it has proven to be a slaughter house for millions and millions of people by it's inner circle of power craving people. 
     Sharing our goods with one another is honorable and even biblical. But this communion/sharing of the common goods and the wealth of society is only good when the central government in power has heavens love really in their hearts as well as the whole of it's citizens (John 5:42). When they do not have Gods love in their hearts, (which history has proven over and over again how THEY DO NOT but are control mongers and power seekers), history has proven over and over again they mercilessly have shed the blood of several millions of their own citizens all in the name of this great idea called Communism and sharing the wealth of society. READ IT'S HISTORY. They abort the unborn as we do in America but they have even murdered the grown citizens for the good of the land of socialism. READ IT'S HISTORY. 
     Communism is the perfect pitch for Satanism. It all sounds like a wonderful paradise at the start of its sensational sounding temptation. Even a thing to be desired. Something that appears good and pleasant on the surface and to the senses. A world of many made One. But once the antiChrist has come on the stage of this global wealth sharing idea and has received the highest praises of both the wealthy and the poor in the nations, once they have bitten that apple, a major blood bath follows and hell follows them all (Know the truth. Know the scriptures). Scroll down for the conclusion.

    Love not of God is counterfeit and delusion. Wisdom not of Jesus Christ is AntiChrist no matter the name it falls under and no matter the sweetness of its first bite (2 Thessalonians 2:1-13)......deno.....please share freely.

Let Anna of Luke 2:36-38 teach us something so needed......deno......please share freely.

     Without the Spirit of the Lord people will literally become faith burn outs....In that condition they often times change the carpets in sanctuaries hoping that will spark something, or they will change the color of the paint on the sanctuary walls, or even build brand new awing church buildings hoping that will revive the spirit of faith. All those things are so to often done, not for a real need, but to the appease of the fleshes senses. 
     But let us consider Anna in the scriptures (Luke 2:36-38), a widow for 84 years. She was so full of faith and the blessing of the Spirit of the Lord that she for all those years never left the temple complex, and all those many years she day and night served the Lord with fastings and prayers. 84 years she did this service unto God and she stayed full of faith and spiritual vitality, serving God in the glory and in the blessing of the Lord that comes from a life of GREAT SUBMISSION to His will. Truly she was daily a living sacrifice. 
     Annas way is one of the keys to ever enduring faith WITH JOY in serving the Lord. Only the fully surrendered and fully devoted as Anna was, taste such precious and sweet life in God. Another thing to note about Anna. She knew the move of the Spirit of the Lord. She recognized that the baby child Jesus was the Holy One promised. Now that is being in tune to the Lord and His movements and steps on earth. Truly God rewards those who seek Him with all their hearts and serve Him with all their being. The scriptures says Anna served the Lord DAY & NIGHT with prayer and fastings....deno....please share freely.

P.S. A life empty of self and that is like Anna was (fully surrendered and devoted to serving the Lord, ends up with a belly full of living water. This spake Jesus of the Holy Spirit.....In other words God manifest Himself to them as He did to Anna...So lets all together keep pressing onward and growing in the faith of Jesus Christ the Saving Truth.....Amen

Video that will change your life. I have no words left.....America we were this before. We can be this again....LOVE ONE ANOTHER.....deno....please share