Saturday, November 17, 2018

Our In Christ Jesus New Identity....EYES OPEN...deno

Our In Christ Jesus New Identity....EYES OPEN.
......When you are the flesh and bone of Christ, your redemption identity changes. Your covenant position & relationship to the Father changes. It is THE BEST it could ever be even FAR GREATER than the position Israel had with God in the old agreement/covenant. Christ is now our All In All, even our New Covenant Identification.
.......The people of Israel were HIS PEOPLE, we are His Flesh and Bone. They were His servants we are His sons and daughters by spiritual birthright born of His Spirits Seed which is Christ.
.......In Christ you are now a part of and belong to SOMEONE FAR GREATER than your own natural normal individual identity. You are Christ flesh and Christ bones. You are a part of Him. You belong to Him. See yourself IN CHRIST. See yourself His Flesh and bone. See yourself a part of him just as your flesh and bone is also a part of you. You are just as much a part of Christ as he is of himself. Being his flesh and bone makes you that. This is in part part of the mystery concerning Christ and the Church spoken of In Ephesians 5:23-33.
......Think of how powerful our prayers can be when we pray REALLY KNOWING WHO WE ARE in Christ..Your New Covenant position empowers you in prayer..Jesus said...In My Name, in My Identification Pray because you too are the sons of God..You are My Flesh and My Bones.....deno.
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Friday, November 16, 2018

Prayer Opposition...

Prayer opposition....

.......When we make our minds up to become houses of prayer instead of houses filled with idols of worldly interest get ready for strategic satanic attacks. For a spiritual house built on prayer is a powerhouse God flows thru. This Satan will try to stop. He is coming hard against us at the first steps of our powerhouse prayer life building. His hope to move us away from the Throne and get us to use our time doing other things, even religious type things but he must try to stop us from getting Christ like serious about praying always with all manner of prayer.. But by all means he must try to stop the Asking powerhouse lest like Christ the receiving side shows up on earth in reality.

.......Pray without ceasing. Men should always pray and not give up. Jesus said that because he knew prayer is for results, for needs to be met. He knew God walks and moves on earth thru the prayers of people. He knew prayer can change things and those situations that press on us hard as to nearly faint, he knew prayer could get us the victory over those situations and circumstances.

.......You see, Satan at the very start of Christ ministry in the anointing, he came against Christ not just because he was the Son of God but also he knew Jesus was going to be ON EARTH an anointed powerhouse of prayer that moved heaven and would release on earth the power of God. He knew Christ would pray often and that Christ knew the covenant power of prayer to the Father. Jesus knew perfectly how to pray and how to get prayer results from the Father.

........Christ life was all prayer results. His ministry began with prayer and fasting and fighting off Satanic attacks putting Satan behind him. THATS IMPORTANT.. Christ every word and step came from asking and receiving, from prayer communion with his Father in the Spirit. Christ had no other interest but to please the Father and do His desires and will. This attitude and heart covenant position kept the Fathers ears open unto His Sons prayers.

.......Christ prayer life and prayer results shocked the world. It is written of him, For the power of the Lord was with him to heal them. And in another place, I know that even now whatsoever you ask of God he will do it...And it is also written, And Christ left temptation mountain and he returned to the people in the Power of the Spirit..Jude wrote, Let us build up ourselves to our most effective faith praying in the holy Ghost..

.....Friends if there was ever a time we need to take our prayer life on earth serious it is the time we are living in now.. ..deno....share freely.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Dead to Self & Alive Unto God....deno.

When you have indulged yourself into everything, every self gratifying pleasure and had your name shinning in lights and your homes sparkling with glistening gold and yet deep within in your secret place you are still so empty and miserable as if dying on the vine, this vibe is for you.
........When your life is not about you, its then you will find the life & joy God has for you...Few there be that find it. Self serving is of the greatest strongholds. Self worship is a deceiving thief that keeps the souls freedom to be no longer than a vapor and robs the soul from ever experiencing God and the true life God had in store for us to live...God resisteth the self worshipper for his vanity consumes him. The KINGS Spirit needs an empty cup..Self must decrease. Self must die that the life and the increases shall come from a kingdom that only those dead to self and alive unto serving God and others inherit.
.....Jesus said, I came not to be served but to serve and to lay down my all for the good and ransom of others. His Reward? God gave Jesus HIS SPIRIT without Jesus is highly exalted and honored being seated at the right hand of God in the Throne of the Almighty with a given him reward of tremendous joy called the oil of gladness far more than everyone else.
......As long as we look in the mirror each day and say, How can i serve and please you today and all our agenda is set on that, we do not know it but we are so missing out of the greater things God wanted for us. There exist eternal rewards and daily blessings that God offers and so desires to bestow on us but our self vanity and self serving spirit is like grace terrorism that destroys and robs us of the good things that each day God has in store..
......Jesus said weeping over the people of Israel, O Jerusalem Jerusalem.....each day I desired upon you My Good, My Blessings, My Protection and Shelter as a hen protects its chicks BUT YOU SERVING YOUR SELF WOULD NOT ALLOW IT...Isaiah said that in the time of Christ on earth, EVERYONE IN THE LAND OF THE GREAT VISITATION WAS DOING THEIR OWN THING.
.....Friends there is a beauty of life and a joy that only those dead to self find. God wanted to bestow upon Israel HIS PRESENCE, HIS GOOD, HIS BEST OF EVERYTHING but they chose to serve self more than to serve God from the heart and they were robbed and the thief was their own heart. Jesus did not say that Satan robbed them, but they themselves. Their own self serving hearts did not allow God to do all THE GOOD that HE wanted for them.
......Friends when our day is all about serving self and self gratification we are our own robbers to the good life God has in store..Time for an overhaul to our thinking and way of life. The course of this world and its thinking is set to deceive, destroy and to rob us of the presence and joy God wants for us. Today is not all about me or you but for the lift and blessing of others....deno.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Dr Billy Graham: Who is Jesus?

In honor of Billy Graham..I can hear his voice preaching these words......deno....share freely.

In honor of Billy Graham who cried out for America to repent and to see both the love and the warnings that the Cross of Christ preaches.

       The Angels watch all the world to see who lives to give & who steals to live. Welfare Fraud fits Thou Shalt Not Steal.
       A separation is coming soon between the giver and the thief. Our nation has become infested with such corruption the angels rise. We must all stop this madness. Whatever our part is in this massive mountain of sin, thievery, corruption, bribes, and wrongs we must do our part in this call from heaven to National Repentance.
        I know the wrongs in me and in my life. No perfection here but Christ alone. I have things i have to get right with God and others about. Do you recognize the things your are in the wrong about?
        These sins and the spirits that accompany them fill the land. The sin of Adam (he disobeyed God putting his wife before Him), the sin of Cain (jealousy and murder), the sin of Noah (drunken debauchery), this sin of Abraham ( lied and misled others to nearly sin with his wife Sarah in the bedroom), the sin of David (Adultery and cover up unto blood), the sin of Solomon (Multiple bed partners, idolatry and double mindness). the sin of Jezebel and of Delilah who lusted against the true God and against His prophets is everywhere in the nation. Children mock and spit at their parents.
       The youth mock authority being taught by rebellious teachers to do so. Washington is filled with the error of Judas who for 30 pieces of silver tried to kick God and His Son and Prayer out of Israel and their schools by treason and betrayal. A mans word is now his snare and trap and integrity is a by word no longer present. Men young and old are now walking before God cocky with crotch in hand in the arrogance of their pride having forgotten the Judgements to come. Our women and young women strut to draw man again away from God with their flatteries. Humbleness is our stranger and self worship our exaltation.
        Divorce has defiled the land. The swapping of wives a root of a national curse. The stats proved it thru this massive swapping of wives thru the demonic divorce we are now a nation of swingers and are blind to it. We go to church hoping our attendance will right our wrongs but God wants the fruit of repentance and not simply our attendance.
       Only a mighty work of God Spirit in our hearts and nation thru His Son can change the destiny that is set before us. Judgement is pending but first He waits our response to His Mercy thru the gospel of the Cross. Every soul in the valley of decision. The Angels are watching.....In honor of Billy Graham....deno.Image may contain: 1 person, text

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Pull Your Pants Up. Judgement is Pending...Those I Love I Rebuke & Chasten saith the Lord.....deno.

       Jesus put Satan underfoot and he put storms to rest thru the Word of His Power....What does your man do? Wear his pants down to his knees, grab his crotch and put you to work? This is not hate. This is a call to real self reflection of ourselves before a mighty God ready to judge the world with unquenchable fire for all its pride....REPENT Christ told us all, or be in the PRISON GOD MADE for the devil and his thirsting lions.
      Somebodies got to love enough to say it. Those who refuse to rebuke us for our wrongs the bible says they HATE US. Such is satanic love not Gods love. Satan's love permits anything. It is immoral love. Satanic love permits us to have sex with whoever we want, whenever we want or with whatever we want. Satan's love permits us even to lie, to cheat, to be unfaithful, murder and steal and to serve our lust no matter what acts that lust drives us to. Gods love has moral standards that never wrongs a neighbor in anything.
       Our father rebuked me often. His love for me drove him in that soul saving direction for his son. I did not wear my pants down to my knees in defiance but other similar things i did. Wrong is wrong little or great he would say.
     Thank God i had a father who loved me enough to tell me the truth whether i wanted to hear it or not and never did he ask me my opinion about it. My wrong was plain to see. Are your wrongs plainly seen to you?
      Jesus said, IT IS WRITTEN and the IT IS WRITTEN is always right, non negotiable. Christ does not ask our opinions about the IT IS WRITTEN. He commands our conformity to its souls saving course. So quit grabbing your crotch, pull your pants up, and start acting like a man and give your heart to Christ. Hell is to big a price to pay for your pride. So do not let Satan ensnare your soul forever because of your ego. Put aside the trap. God help us all to conform.

The Joy of the Lord Awaits You.....deno.....share.

       Filled with the fiery pains of the Cross Christ prayed for others even for those who nailed him to the cross. He prayed for their peace with God and for their well being. Even in the most severest affliction Gods love puts others before self. Jesus Christ 100% Unselfish.
       Few of us have tasted the life and the sweet liberty of being free from the bondage of over self mindness. There is a treasure of joy only found by those whose hearts are more about others than about self. Jesus said, it is only when you lose your life you find the life i speak of while you yet live.. So deny yourself, serve not yourself and take up the cross daily as i do and serve God and man as you see I do. I came not to be served but to serve and to give my life for others peace with God and well being.. THE JOY OF THE LORD AWAITS YOU.....deno...share.
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Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Choices-Billy Graham

How To Be Healed By Jesus | Kenneth Copeland Victorious Living | Exclusive

Something to know. Something for all of us to think about....deno.

Something to know. Something for us all to think about.
......Jesus never ever asked anyone, How are you today or how is your day going? Have you ever wondered Why?..He knew most of the world was fully blinded to their spiritual connection to hell.Whether they were having a great life or life was a struggle, most had no idea how bad things are far them without Christ in their eternity...Think about this answer..
...... Jesus being the Lord from glory, he knew that some people thought their life in the here and in the right now was great as is and they felt that they were in need of nothing. He knew some would say back to him, "My Life is GREAT. But Jesus knew the full extended truth that effected all mankind that most were blind to. He knew they all were lost souls, blinded by Satan and deceived. He knew all mankind was hell bound and had been ensnared and kidnapped by Satan thru the law of sin and death. Their so called Great day or Great life answer to that question was only a wonderful or powerful lie; a lying wonder that hid from them their souls terrible true eternal state.
...... Jesus came down from heaven knowing the full reality of these truths that the world being deceived was blind to.. He knew that all without faith in Him and in what he was soon to do for them thru his atoning sacrifice would be lost forever. To Jesus there is none on earth without him doing well. And even their so called "doing well" is only a deception hiding from them an horrible eternity UNLESS THEY ARE SHELTERED IN THE SAVING ARK OF CHRIST....How could Jesus ask a man, How Are You or How is life treating you when He knew the souls full truth and condition.?

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

We have to fight the good fight.....deno.

.......God promised Abraham the land of Israel with all its vast resources. Israel had to fight and cast out the opposition to lay holt of the promise.
........Some things we FREELY RECEIVE but somethings we have to fight the good fight of faith to obtain, to cast out  the opposition in order for us to possess the promise and to walk set free.
....... Some promises of God we have no choice but to wage spiritual warfare in order to possess them. Obeying God. Praying and standing in faith is the victory key.
........The struggle is real. The wrestling is real. But the victory awaits those of willing heart to fight the good fight of faith to lay holt of the promises.

Words, Words, Words.....deno.

            Some words effect the moment. Some words effect the day. Some words effect a life time. Some words effects last for eternity.
        What are the majority of our words? What words are we built by? Where are our words taking us? Where do our words come from? What words baptize us? What words shower us each day? What words define us?
Words hurt. Words heal.
Words save. Words destroy.
Words lift up. Words cast down.
Words create. Words dissipate.
Words make situations. Words change situations.
Words cause laughter. Words cause tears.
Words can clear up. Words can confuse.
Words take us forwards. Words take us backwards.
Words do lie & Words reveal truth.
Words give faith. Words can cause doubt.
There are words of life. There are words of death.
Words can bless. Words can curse.
There are words of light & there are words of darkness.
Words can cool us off & words can heat us up.
Words turn us on & words turn us off.
Words excite & words depress.
Words inspire & words can bore.
There are words of Kings and there are words of clowns
The words of the gossiper will only tear down.
If we prayed for others the way we gossip about them, America would be a much more delightful city on a hill. So would we.
Gossip is the spirit of evil talking.
Interceding words the spirit of Christ.

Christ, the Staff of Moses.....deno

.......Struggles and challenges are real, but we have the Staff of Moses which is Christ. Sometimes it seems like we are at the Red Sea right?....But God.
.......Have Faith In God. Gods glory, blessings, authority, tender-mercies, Christ intercessions and power are all in HIS SONS far above all NAME. His hand is not to short to save. Nothing is to hard for the Maker of heaven and earth.


Saturday, February 10, 2018

More Revelations of our Peace with God.....deno.

.......The dividing curtain that was in the holy of holies that showed the division between us and God and the man Christ Jesus on the Cross together reveals the enmity that was between God and man. He went to the cross to tear apart that dividing curtain to establish PEACE for us with God, a peace that exceeds natural understanding.
.......The man Christ Jesus SEATED with God on the Throne reveals THE PEACE that Jesus thru the Cross obtained FOR US (Mankind). We measure all things from and to the face and positions of Jesus Christ. He is our life Colossians 3:1-4, He is our wisdom, our  righteousness, goodness, sanctification and eternal life and redemption (1 Cor 1:29-31)...Jesus is our Peace and the measuring stick of our Peace with God. He is our redemption covenant acceptance and the full measure of our completion.
........Awe you say, we could never be so close to the Spirit of God as to be or to sit next to Him in His Throne. Well when your eyes are opened to the exceeding Love of the Father it makes perfect sense. But if your image of God is still old covenant based and is more wrath based than the love of God base that God truly is, you then will wrestle with the love sight and seated position. You still see God behind the curtain mad at the world instead of seeing THE PEACE it took for the Same God to come out from behind that dividing curtain and come an ENTER HIMSELF into the very heart and core of  believing people who first trusted in Christ.
........Folks on the day of Pentecost inside these temples, we two became One Spirit with the Almighty. God IN US and US IN GOD is the closest that two spirits can ever be in Spirit in spirit closeness and mixing togetherness. Our spirits are gleaming with light and a mighty presence that our eyes nor natural mind understands or can naturally see...Christ IN YOU the hope of glory.....deno...share...

Friday, February 9, 2018

Melania Trump moved to tears during worship song!

The Redemption Seed that we are born of In Christ..First fruits in our spirits ....Second fruits in our bodies at the final resurrection.....deno

Peter said, Being BORN AGAIN, not by corruptible seed (perishable seed), but by INCORRUPTIBLE SEED....By the Word of the Gospel that lives or that is an eternal life giving word.

.....Every creature in the creation came from a seed. All plant life comes from seeds. All the creations seeds came from the mouth of God. Each seed has its own glory of God in it level. Where there is a seed that seed got its first order, start, design, purpose and functions from God. Each seed is a word of God becometh.

.....All planets, stars, galaxies, even wind, rain and light and all their functions, formations, shapes, arrangements, course and order are the products of seeds or Words of Gods power. Gods Word is the Root of every seed, the origin of all that He made.

......Jesus told us that heaven and earth shall pass away, but the word of the gospel shall never pass away. When Jesus preached on this He knew by the word of the Lord were the heavens made and the earth was also formed and framed by the same. But in telling us that one day heaven and earth will pass away, he revealed to us that the Word of Gods power used in the great physical creation came from Words subject to being erased, REVERSED, cursed, or from PERISHABLE WORDS subject to change or corruption, even able to be dissolved.....But Jesus ALSO REVEALS to us in this quoted scripture above that there does EXIST a WORD of GOD that is IMPERISHABLE, INCORRUPTIBLE, UNFAILING, NEVER CAN FAIL and that WORD comes from God and it is His HIGHEST of all seeds. It is Seed that is the HIGHEST SEED that God has ever released from the depths of His Own Eternal Life, Might, Power and Swearing's.

........Whosoever and whatsoever is fully BORN of this seed which is Gods Highest of all seeds is born of a class of seed like no other ever released from God the Creator. It is incorruptible seed, IMPERISHABLE SEED, FAR ABOVE ALL SEED. What this far above all SEED CREATES and "REMAKES NEW" SHALL NEVER PERISH. It is a REDEMPTION SEED having to raise up from the dead WHAT IT IS SENT FORTH FROM GOD TO RESURRECT and change the nature of what it raised up and empower it or inject into it even the Spirit of the Lords ETERNAL  EVERLASTING LIFE NATURE & POWER so to ensure that NO CURSE, nor death or separation from God and life everlasting could never happen to it again.

.......When the present word of God which is the root of the present  physical creation is recalled by God or reversed or erased causing the elements to melt away from fervent erasing heat, all those Born of the precious seed, the unique seed, the far above all seed, the imperishable seed of the gospel, all those Born Again and Born of that Incomparable Glorious Redemption Seed which is Christ shall remain in tact, full of Gods glorious eternal life power and might totally untouchable by any form of death or decay.

.......That which is Born of God truly in more ways than one OVERCOMES THE WORLD and lives in the full image of Jesus in all things even beyond the death and dissipation of the present Universe.....deno.....share.