Thursday, June 13, 2013

Jesus is Waiting.

He says He is waiting for a friend. 
Is It You or Shall He Look For Another?

This Is Barbaric.This is Serious Sin.

      Man is set to do all He can to  make for himself a better physical existence even though it means, to his mind, that he must upend his unborn to save face and space. This is barbaric. This is serious sin committed from the most wicked thoughts that have ever roamed inside the minds of men and women. Mark these words.
      When men and women fight for the right to do this evil, to uproot the unborn, God will eventually grant them the fruit of even GREATER mental reprobation and more DARKER delusion of the mind and heart whereby they commit the most ungodly of acts in labeled abominations with more blood spilling.
       In that reprobation and in that darker delusion, what will they fight for next? What will they hit the streets to march and justify tomorrow, the spilling of the blood of Christians? They despise the voice of pro life in the land as Satan despises the voice of the light of Life Jesus Christ in the land. Both of these evils, desire more blood from their targeted victims. Both want their opposition aborted from the womb and from the heart.
      Think not that this is beyond this worlds reach of transgressions. "Behold" the world REJECTED and CRUCIFIED the Son of God. For since the world sought riddance of the light of Life Himself Jesus Christ, the Son of God, they will think nothing about the spilling of the blood of the saints during the Anti Christ onslaught against God and Jesus Christ and the Christians. Look how even in America today the stage is being more set. The Christians and the Christian faith is being mocked, ridiculed, and insulted as never before. Christian doctrines and traditions are being over thrown by the works of the spirit of anti Christ all over America. And this is only the beginning of sorrows in the land.
       Soon, as the scriptures have said, there will be a global assault again upon the body of Christ. Some of us Christians shall bear in our bodies the marks of our Lord Jesus Christ. 
       If we in America, we being the Christians, sit back and do not again vigorously and victoriously fight for our faiths full expression as we have enjoyed since the beginning of our Constitution, this nation by the ruler of the course of this world, will plunge America into a forbidden darkness that will cloud the mind of this nations discernment and cause even demons to blush with excitement over a great rebellion as they mutter to one another in the dark, "Look, America that for so long loved Jesus, favored Jesus, exalted Jesus, Look, Look, Look, she now desires and welcomes the GREAT LIE and that which is WICKED. Come now, call the other demons. It's time for the long awaited delusion. And that STRONGER DELUSION shall come and its scriptures fulfilled.(Read 2 Thessalonians 2:1-17)......And Jesus said of this demonic spew and increase..The last state of that man or nation, by those more welcomed wickeder spirits, is worse in its end than that which was in the beginning of his/it's troubles. ......deno....please share freely and pray and fast for America in Jesus Name. Amen


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Mark These Words...Updated.....deno

      Its sad to say it and even worse to face it. This worlds wealthy and rich who are not Jesus loving, nor God fearing have their faces set on a one world global economy, with a one world banking system headed up and overseen by a one world government. They are so determined to accomplish this that they are working their works within our nation and others, to make us slowly care less and less about national pride, brotherly and neighborly love, family love and traditions, national patriotism, national identity, the American dream and all other religious and non religious traditional identities that make us who we are as patriots and national loving people.
      If you wonder why one nation under God has been attacked. It's those one world order dreamers. If you wonder why strong spirited patriotism is not highly promoted in America as it was in our historical past. It's those one world order dreamers. If you wonder why American Constitutional law is being ignored when it is obvious crimes against our Constitution are being constantly committed and upgraded by even the highest seats in the land. It's those one world order dreamers padding the pockets of those who sit in our thrones of law, justice and national constitutional righteousness in America. In Nixon's day they were not powerful enough to turn an election their way, or to make the nation numb to Nixon's Constitutional crimes. Today, it is amazing how right in our face these crimes are being constantly committed and the so called elected powers that be put on a show with no real determination to incarcerate the criminals involved in the lies, cover ups and constitutional law breaking. All is but Conversation. Watered down topics of discussion.
        We are all standing by and watching the Titanic sink and no one is doing any real serious business to stop it. Americans should be screaming right now in shock and in righteous anger over the blatant Constitutional Law Breaking going on within our country. But the nation is under patriotic sedation now with no real determined empowered Paul Reveres'....We were once a nation so spirited that we cried cries like, Give me liberty or give me death" Such was highly honored and highly esteemed in our national freedom loving patriotism. Now, Just give me a check and I'll look the other way....Just give me a check and I'll say things to just pacify the people until everything is ready for the take over and for the transition to the New World the wealthy and the rich have been dreaming of and planning for for years. They now have the know how, the technology, the United Nations and the needed betraying politicians in most every Nation deemed necessary to force their will on the world. They have us now so far in debt that our nations future mourns for what it sees ahead. We now  have the most un patriotic,  non freedom loving , non freedom cherishing government in our entire history. A slew of Constitutional betrayers dwell now in Washington. The governmental crime rate in Washington these days is awing as if thugs rule the roost. And THE PEOPLE that can really do something about it all are either on the take or are to busy singing to the choir......I cry seeing this once Jesus loving. Jesus embracing, God fearing nation being so dismantled of all her glory that made her once the greatest nation in the entire history of the world.....
      You may think these words are utterly foolish but I certify to you before the living God that these wicked evil people behind all this ON PURPOSE have and are warring with our most sacred American traditions to test our readiness for the leap and for the change coming to America. ON PURPOSE they have attacked our nations love of the sanctity of the womb; they have attacked our Christian values and history and tradition saying this we are no more, AND AND AND thirdly they have attacked the second most sacred union next to our nations relationship with God, MARRIAGE AND IT'S DEFINITION.  They knew if they could force this most perverse  and unholy union on America, the once Jesus loving nation who once loved righteousness, and get Laws passed to make Men marrying and intercoursing with men and Women marrying women acceptable,(Which in the sight of God is the highest of abominations next only to idolatry) even by enforcement without any real effective resistance, that America was then ripe and ready for the up and coming change they want of our American Traditional Constitutional Upholding....Friends the devil is much more clever than most think......Jesus knew when the harvest was ready for the plucking. Well so does the prince of darkness.....With immorality and the porn industries wicked powers, persuasions and influences upon the conscience, upon the spirit, soul and body of this nations thinking, Satan has prepared the greatest nation on earth for his immoral, lying, deceiving takeover and now this porn living, sin loving, perverse accepting generation is ripe for his plucking, even at their own inviting will being they love and now prefer darkness more than light, and wrong more than Gods right....... Mark these words....deno.......please share freely

It's A No Brainer...Intelligent Design Wins.....deno

All reasonable people when they look insightfully at the Cosmos-THE UNIVERSE- can plainly/clearly see that the Universe is a work that massively includes inventiveness, imagination, energy, LIFE, understanding, power, upholding strength, creativity, genius, incredible precise organization, direct order with pin point accuracy and planetary/star placement for life sustainment on earth.....WELL lets together see what and who best fits the equation of common sense intelligency and power for the Universe... God is intelligent. God is rich in Understanding. God is inventive. God is certainly Creative. God has a great imagination. God is full of light, Power and Eternal Life and energies. God upholds all things thru the Word of His Power.  God is a genius. God is precise in every thing. He is a God of order and perfect organization.....BUT thoughtless, deaf, dumb and blind mindless gases and energies, what do they have of all these qualities we clearly see in the Cosmos-The Universe? hmmm?..... Ready? Here we go.... Intelligence? None. Understanding? Zilch. Inventive? Zero? Creative? Notta. Imagination? Nope, no brains or mind there. Power and Energy? Has no idea what power and energy is, being totally mindless and thoughtless which also means that it has no idea what direction it is going or pointing to or how to make or organize anything. Genius? Does not even know its own name therefor that's a NO BRAINER.....Its time to come back to the truth. Its time to come back to God our Maker and Creator. Its time to come back to the Father...Jesus came down from heaven to bear witness to the Father and the truth. His miracles, healings, and His resurrection is GOD SPEAKING... Jesus is the Truth .....(Romans 1:19-32)....deno


Jesus and Evidence Being Uncovered Today Is Descrediting Evolution

It is not so much that the evidence is there of the earth being here billions & billions of years. Scientist and professors argue and differ on the earths age and the evidence presented.(Check for yourselves the arguments). But many that refuse to accept God in the creation equation NEED-MUST HAVE millions and millions and billions of years in their theories in order for their hypothesis to sound maybe believable at the table of opinions and options. You know, some scientist today say the dinosaurs of the yesterdays are the birds we see flying around today (deno says YEA RIGHT). To make that stretch of the scientific imagination believable, you need, you have to have zillions of years for those ever so small gradual tiny fragmented changes and genetic conformity  to occur. Also scientist have said for years now that there is a 250 million year gap between the dinosaurs age and mans appearing on the so called evolutionary scale. But today, THE EVIDENCE being found is showing this is not so. More and more evidence is being uncovered that show mans tracks and dinosaur tracks are found next to each other in the same exact sedimentary rock layers. Evidence itself is more and more destroying the lie of the evolutionist imagination  ....Personally...I believe Jesus and everything He said. God raised him from the dead JUST AS HE FORE TOLD. That kind of insight cannot be and must not be ignored. What about you?.......deno

The Muslims and the Cross of Christ.....deno

     This week offshore I had a visitor, a man working with me who seeing how I conducted myself and spoke, knew I was christian. He came up and said to me, Deno I'm a christian to. God bless you my friend I said, and work continued.
     As the week progressed and different conversations took place, I began to hear this same man refer to Allah a lot. He spoke in one conversation that Louis Farrakhan was his spokesmen. Soon I perceived in my spirit that something was not quite right here. My spirit returned to me so to speak.
      On free time I asked him some specific questions. The bible tells us to test the spirits to see if they are of God (1John 4:1-8). I said, so what do you believe about Jesus Christ being a christian as you say. He replied, we believe in Jesus Christ. He even quoted certain new testament scriptures. He said Jesus was a great man of God. A great prophet and we learn from his words. 
     Well that all sounded fine but on the inside I knew I had to take him to the Cross of Christ and his resurrection to get the full truth. I said, well friend do you believe in the power of the of the blood of Jesus Christ and His Cross and resurrection. He looked rather stunned that I went straight to the Cross of Christ. For this is where the rubber of truth meets the road to heaven or not. He answered hesitantly, well we believe he was a prophet and that he died for what he believed. I wouldn't let the conversation stop there. Something on the inside of me kept pressing me onward on the Cross of Christ matter. I asked, Friend do you believe that Jesus was the Christ, the Son of God and the Savior of the world. He looked like he did not want to answer that but it came out. He said , No we do not believe that. We know and believe he was a good man and a prophet.
    Well I knew then the truth. Even though some Muslims say they are Christians as this young man first did. When truth gave forth its pressure, the lie was eventually exposed. You cannot be a christian if you do not connect with the Cross of Christ, with his blood, death and resurrection.
     I asked him, friend so you say you and yaw believe Jesus was a prophet of God, but that his blood had no Saving, Redeeming value. Yes, he replied. We believe only that Jesus was a great prophet. I said, Sent from God? Yes he replied. Jesus was sent from Allah. Well then, I replied, Then why don't you believe all he said and not just selected quotes? The young man seemed stunned. Gods Spirit came on me and I preached Jesus Christ and him crucified and risen from the dead, maybe better that I had ever preached it before. It was like I was on the inside watching the Holy Spirit speak thru me. The young man was in a trance as the gospel kept flowing thru my lips.
       Though this young man spoke and quoted new testament scriptures fluently, even more than most Christians that I know, when God began to connect the dots of His prophecies to the Cross of Christ in the Muslims mind, I could tell light was rising up into his eyes. We talked and conversed but it soon got to where he did not know what to say. I said friend, The cross of Christ is about the great love God has for us. That he was willing to taste death itself to save us, than to go on living  for all His Eternity without us. If you will believe that Jesus Christ is His Son and that he died for your sins on the Cross and rose again from the dead three days later and confess this with your mouth in faith you will be saved......deno....please share freely

I told him, The Cross of Christ is about God who was in Christ Jesus laying down His life to save us. It is not about us laying ourselves down to destroy others. Love is the answer.