Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Shrouded In Mysteries (The President And His Agenda).....

     Every normal person knows that enemies and those with something to hide, operate by stealth and by deceit. Smokescreens and clouds every where keeping things in a spin and a blur to keep the preyed upon confused and distracted.. Question: Is there anything clear about this Presidency?  Honestly from it's beginning it has been shrouded in mysteries and wonderment's. Several Hundreds of millions plus in America and around the world are fully aware of this. It is no secret anymore.  Seems his and this administration, their every move is slippery and filled with question marks everywhere. How much more can this great ship called the USA take before her hull is cracked and then broken apart completely. No nation can survive that operates in lies, scams, spins and coverups. It's like trying to fix problems and plug holes with bubble gum.......God come and heal us and our Nation.......deno...... from the heart.

The Present Flesh....deno......please share freely.

    If we think that our present flesh and it's natural center core with all it's vile affections as Paul taught us, will of itself  submit to the will and ways of the Lord, then we are highly misinformed. Our spirits present cloak or covering known as the present flesh and it's carnal way of thinking is sinful and very vile in nature and that is why it is filled with all kinds of unruly and wild passions.  It's a big part of our problems in this life. It has it's own will. It's own independent desires which none are HOLY. It has no natural desire to live by faith, to be holy, to live holy, to fast and pray, or to naturally say no to temptations. If allowed it will dive into every sinful pleasure imaginable. It is by it that if allowed and goes untamed or uncontrolled, a person, a people, or a generation GOES WILD. (Hello).
     For this reason and explained truth, as we grow in Christ, we, just like the Apostle Paul must learn to say no to the present flesh with it's corrupt affections and lust if we really want to increase in obeying and pleasing the Lord. No way around this.
      Now knowing this, we need not to be weighed down with false guilt and feelings of shame when we as Christians notice that we still have sin cravings now and then, If you did not have these sinful cravings now and then, then you would not be normal, or you have given up the ghost and gone to glory already. Like the question I asked a local pasture in years gone by at our restaurant. I said, Pastor Wallace is there ever a time in ones Christians growth where sin and the flesh is less a problem? He answered. Deno until the day we die, even in old age, we have to by decision say no to the flesh and to sin." Now he was wise. He was also around 80 years.....

Some supporting scriptures for this light.

Galations 5:13-26. The flesh vs The spirit. THE BIG DIFFERENCE.
Romans 7:14-25. Paul said, in me, speaking of my flesh dwells no good thing.
1 Corinthians 9:27) Paul preached: But I keep control of my body, I keep it under (the spirits rule) and I bring it (Force it) into submission/subjection lest that by any means, after I have preached the gospel to others, I myself be a cast away.....Well if Paul from the Spirit had to force his flesh to submit to God, even so do we. Let us live and learn and grow in grace. PEACE.....deno.....please share freely.


(O-JESUS-CARE) PACKAGE.....deno......please share freely.

A reason for each of us to run our race with grace......When I read that the apostle Paul said of himself that he was the Chiefest of Sinners and yet he had sense enough to call upon the Name of the Lord, believe and give unto Him praise and thanksgiving, it thrilled and filled my personal heart with faith and hope. Jesus came to take care of our past with a mighty price paid and to give each and everyone of  us hope and a great future all at the same time from the same Cross......As it is written...these things accompany salvation.....It's all in the (O-JESUS-CARE) PACKAGE....deno.....from the heart.   Smile...You have hope and a great future in the LIVING HOPE that we all have in Christ.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Interceding For Others....Jesus' Way To Blessings......deno

      We all wake up each day with diverse expectations. What shall this day bring forth for us, our family and friends, for our nation and the world? No matter how great the day or how it brought tears, interceding for others around the world undergoing the same or similar tears will turn heaven to earth and bring forth a blessing. Do you desire a blessing? Then lets us give measures of our time in prayer for others, even for our enemies.....
       Note.....In Jesus' greatest trial and pains on the Cross, it was there in that painful and bitter condition that he took the time to pray and interceded for God to forgive us and to bless us with the riches of HIS MERCY whose sins put him there. Three days later God blessed His Son as the FIRST BORN from the dead in the power of his resurrection and then he blessed him even more sitting him with Him in His Great Throne as FOR ABOVE ALL FOREVER .   It is easy for us to pray and praise when we feel great and all is peaceful and well, but there is something powerful and special about praying for others when we are suffering afflictions, trials and persecutions, or a Cross. 
     Pray good and Gods blessings upon those who do you wrong Jesus Said. He did not say this just to sound sweet and humble and loving. But He knew the POWER of it and THE BLESSINGS that will come to those that do. It is Jesus' Way.....deno

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Satan Troubles Us Knowing Gods Blessing Is About To Be Manifested......deno....please share freely

When upon this world comes the end time events to fulfill end time scriptures, all the troubles and tribulations, all the sorrows and sore vexation are not just because the world took sides against God and Jesus Christ and hates repentance....But it also means that Satan is stirring a whole lot of confusion and deception on earth because the biggest blessing the world has yet to experience from Jesus Christ and the Father is about to be revealed and fully manifested. Jesus is returning to gather us unto himself and to live with us on earth a 1000 years with the Father restoring all things as he promised....something to think about.....some of the greatest victories and blessings come after the most severe trials and troubles.........deno

Monday, September 23, 2013

As The End Approaches......deno

As the end approaches closer, this in the pic, is kind of what it will feel and be like for the saints. In the end days the whole world turns against and hates the Christians and Satan as a roaring lion will be roaming to take us out (HELLO). This is the hour we must become strong in the Lord. Affections set on things above, not on things so much as of this world (Colossians 3:1-4). I once hoped that God gave us America and it's Constitution for the safe haven for Christians in the latter days. But now I'm in doubt of this seeing how this nation is more and more mocking him in their songs, movies, television shows, and media coverages and legislation and politics. Plus they chose a type of Barabbas instead of Romney in this last election which reveals cloudy judgement, and a deceived people, and a severe lack of discernment. But still yet, All things are possible with God so we can still ask as He said for us to. But none of us can pray away to none existence the end time scriptures that must be fulfilled and we must remember that. When it is that time it's that time and things then will happen rapidly on the earth...Let us not forget that...Jesus Loves You and He is Lord.....deno.....please share freely

Where Are The People Of The Religion Of Peace?....deno

   People in America, and others and the whole civilized world is wondering why the  supposedly rational Muslim communities in America and around the world are not condemning these murderous acts against Christians all over the world. Well it is like this. Secretly, quietly they are glad they are doing what they are doing and secretly in their hearts they condone this for Mohammed said do it. You see we as Christians have always admired and appreciated those men like Billy Graham and Others who over the years have been on the front lines of the Christian evangelist movement going into all the world as Jesus said do, to convert sinners to Christ thru the gospel. We have loved their courage and boldness and have prayed for them and supported them.... Well the Muslims secretly love what the so called extremist are doing. They are like their heroes. Their front line religious soldiers. Their way of evangelizing so to speak is thru terror because the message is unattractive and weak...So they revert to evil and fear tactics to force submission.....deno