Monday, October 21, 2013

Abraham Believed...Abraham Blessed..... What Will Be Our Faith Legacy?.......deno

....When it cam time for Abraham to believe and trust God as his sole source, to be his God, the God of all his life and needs, he left all his family and traditions, religious ones and non religious ones, and he left all other sources of provisions to walk before God in full trust that God would make the way. That God would provide every need. That God would bless all the works of his hands. He left all the established systems of his human hope and provision and walked out holding on to firmly, so firmly in his heart, the PROMISES that God swore unto him....He had no McDonalds, No Walmart. No Holiday Inn.... He only had the word and the mightiness of God and the Power of God in His Promises. Nonetheless his life was changed for the better forever by God and believed promises.
      How would God pay all his bills? Meet he and his families every need? All he had was all he needed. GOD, HIS  PROMISES, commitment and a trusting heart strong in faith that gave glory to God..... and it is written...Abraham believed and trusted God and God counted his faith and trusting him daily as his righteousness and by Abraham's faith God was glorified on the earth....
      The results....His flock of animals multiplied exceedingly. His cloths were preserved. Silver and gold made it into his possession increasingly. Plenty of all good things in those days became his everyday companion. More than enough became his constant friend. God so smiled on him. God was good to Abraham for his trusting him and leaving all things for God's better plan for his life on earth.
      Gods plan for us is always better and sweeter. His blessings are there. His lovingkindness is there. Abounding grace is there. The favor of the Lord is there. Laughter is there. Joy is there. Love and family blessings are there. Gods Strength and might is there. Your Faith legacy is there.We seek it. We found the path..It is the obedience of faith...
      Abraham's blessings...the miracle child Issac, the presence of God in his life manifestly. He heard the voice and word of God directly from the Lord..his wife was unusually beautiful even in her and his old age. Visions, heavenly visitations and dreams from the Spirit of the Lord. All the works of his hands were God blessed and God prospered. God made him rich. God made him strong. Miracles of grace...pleasure in old years.....had a beautiful real covenant relationship with the Lord of the Creation. God named Him the father of those that believe. The father of many nations...the friend of God. and so much  more...
       Real faith and real heart trust is the way to the blessings of the promise land of God for our lives. From  his seed all the nations of the earth would be blessed (Jesus Christ was that seed and will forever be the high light of Abraham's legacy). God Himself became Abraham's exceeding great reward. God himself became the beauty and the glory of Abraham's life and name on earth and in heaven forever......Be said our Lord to us all the children of Abraham's faith. We too are a part of Abraham's faith and trusting heart legacy. We too are a part of Abraham's Faith, Name, Calling and Faith Legacy. Faith, Faith, Faith...deno.....please share freely.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

How Can We Be Silent In A Time Like This In America ?......deno

       How can we be silent in a time like this in America. Diverse voices are shouting against one another to top the other voices in order to be heard and to gain say over, to capture the minds, the votes, and attention of this nation for it's swaying to their agenda. From religion, to politics, to world views, and moral defining, VOICES are being heard every where as each pushes their own agenda in the land of freedom of expression and of speech.
       And though this is true and is going on like never before, I want to bring to your remembrance brothers and sisters in Christ that we, (The Redeemed) are the empowered of God. Jesus said, All authority both in heaven and on earth has been given to Me, In My Name this authority is invested. Use It. Use My Name And Rule And Cast Out Satan and the darkness with My light. The only advantage that we have over this worlds powers is God In Christ Jesus in the heart and on the lips of the believers in authority execution and intercessory prayer, in standing dogmatically on Gods Word, Truth, and Promises and nothing else. Fighting in our own natural wits and natural strengths only has some value, but gives us no advantage or power over the ruler of the darkness of this world the shapes and forms the evil and darkness of this world and it's thrones (Revelations 13:2). Darkness must be fought against with Christ Words of Light and Lucifer must be put underfoot with the Spirit and Name of Jesus Christ.
       In closing this script I feel it is good that we be reminded together what Jesus said is AVAILABLE to us as Believers....Luke 21:15) Jesus said...For I will give you a mouth of such My wit and wisdom that none of your adversaries will be able to gainsay over or resist. This let us ask God to do now in this hour of it's great need in America and around the world.....deno......please share freely

Margaret Thatcher.....A Hero to the Right of Freedom......deno

Wish we had leaders who thought like this.

God Is Involved in Politics & Government.....Proof....deno

      When God said by His prophets which were His messengers that A KING SHALL RULE IN RIGHTEOUSNESS, and when God said in 2 Samuel 7:8 to David,.....I took you from the sheep field and from shepherding the sheep, I put My Spirit upon you and anointed you to be Ruler over My people Israel, God shows us in this that our God was involved and gets involved in politics and the government of His People. Are you involved in the politics and the governing of this nation? It is a manifold calling that we as Christians have in Christ Jesus. Are we not called to evangelize the world? YES. Also isn't it also written that we are to pray for our nations leaders? YES...
      Other scriptures that proves God is not a silent side line God when it comes to politics and the government of His people....Isaiah 9:7...Speaking of Jesus Christ His Son.....and the Government shall be on his shoulders.....We know when Jesus returns and puts down all authority beneath His Name and Rule that all the worlds governments shall be upon His Shoulders....Jesus is the only one fully qualified to rule and govern over all the nations, even the Universe. 
      Friends we must be involved in the rule, the legislation and the governing of this nation more than ever before lest the throne of our authority in America is given over fully into Satan's hands. HE WANTS IT....Notice this scripture concerning the Anti Christ rule and governing power in the last days, Revelations 13:2..and the Devil gave the beast (The Anti Christ) his power and THRONE OF AUTHORITY on the earth...If we Christians stand on the side lines, resist him not, and give him place...the devil will take this nation over, it's government and it's society, or have you not noticed this truth yet. .....
       Satan will start with the smallest square inch of territory that we as a person, a people, or a nation will give him thru allowance by willful offering or by lack of resisting him. America in it's conception was given to God and the faith of Jesus Christ. This was upheld by the wise and the STRONGLY DETERMINED  to keep it that way for years and decades and generations and America enjoyed the blessings of that Strength and the Favor of  God on this nation. They stayed active in the political arena and government of this nation because they knew the GREAT IMPORTANCE thereof and understood from the scriptures what would happen if they let the mantle of this nations leadership down. They knew Evil would rise and darkness would follow and the morals of this nation would be promoted by Satan instead of God, by darkness instead of light.....HELLO........deno.......PLEASE SHARE FREELY.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Occupy Until I Return.......deno

      A young boy one day asked his loving father," Dad can i come home now"? Home was such a paradise, a wonderful place full of family and friends.  Full of love, joy, happiness, fun, excitement and plenty. The father replied, "Not yet son, there is still some work to do"......and Jesus said to us all,  "Occupy until I return to take you to our Fathers house"....So today again let us Inspire someone. Help someone. Hug someone. Encourage someone. Give to someone. Preach to someone. Visit someone. Feed someone. In whatsoever you do in word or deed, Paul preached, do all in the Name of Jesus Christ....and remember, Even a cup of cold water given to the least of Jesus brethren is noticed by God and worthy of great reward.....deno......please share freely.....

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Those People That Cross Our Paths......Lay Holt Of Gods Plan And Gods Blessing By The Grip Of Faith......deno

Sometimes people cross our paths that God is winking at us thru. Sometimes people cross our paths that God is trying to get our attention thru.
Sometimes people cross our paths thru whom God is trying to heal our broken hearts by and to wipe away the tears from our eyes and bring us into the good plan of His life and grace that He has for us..
And sometimes people cross our paths thru whom God is saying in them and thru them..... I Love You.......deno...thinking of you....KCM Photo that inspires us....

Hold Fast During the Storms. The Victory Is Ours. God Hath Sworn......deno

      At first glance, no one knew the beautiful plan God had for the life of us all in the visitation of His Son to the world. At the first, all their eyes were dim to it and their ears and perception were deaf to it. Some mocked him. No one saw the value of His presence on earth. Satan caused all kinds of trouble to occur and to rise up to distance and to keep blind the people and to disconnect the people from the path of Jesus and the incredible life and blessing he had in himself to give to each and every one of them/us. But those who stuck with Jesus, and who cleave to Jesus despite all the persecution and discouragements, to them gave God the power to become forever the sons and daughters of God. That is the highest honor and life God gives to any created creature. It equals them with Jesus as heirs of God and joint heirs with Jesus(Amazing Truth)(John 17:23).........
      Lessons we can learn from this truth....
      Don't let this world or Satan or people rob you of Gods good plans and good will for your days and life in this world and in the world to come...Surely troubles will come to separate us from the love of God and His plan and blessings for us. They will come to discourage us so that we lose all hope and faith, even to tears of gloom...It is in those dark like moments that we must weather the storms by faith looking unto Jesus , trusting and believing in the love he has for us. He will give us the victory and manifest the life and the blessing He has for us if we will not throw in the towel of faith during the persecution and discouraging process. Faith turned into doubt is like the iceberg to the titanic, it can ruin and destroy all hope and life. Hold on to the promise of God thru the storm and the Promise, being of God and as big as God and being fully backed by God, it will sustain you and bring you unto the fullest measure of victory. 
      Gods peace and good will promises are all Sworn by God in His Great Love for us , for our hope, blessings and joy...All He requires is that we really believe. That we mix our hearts trust to them believing in His integrity and great love for us as fully clearly revealed in the awesome giving of HIS SON....He that spared not His own Son, you can be fully assured that He also is fully willing and has given us His ever other good thing also, knowing they are of less value than the blood and life if His Most Precious Son that He gave and did not withhold from us. He did this also to show us How willing He is to save us and to share and to give and bless us all with His all His Goodness and GOOD THINGS.....deno....please share freely.