Thursday, November 14, 2013

To Rise Above In The Power Of God......deno & Sia

    Forgetting those things that are behind us, let us press forward in this day of new beginnings of Gods mercies and seek and serve the One who loved us and gave himself for us....There exist no greater life or joy on earth this side of heaven above an obedient, fully surrendered, fully committed, fully devoted to Jesus life.....This life i must lay holt of. My heart yearns to be faithful and true and my soul thirsteth to taste the fruits and the manifold blessings of an obedient life and yet i find another law in my body that when my spirit is willing the flesh is weak......And also i find a whole present world screaming against the drive of my heart saying to me, forget Him who reigned in this Nation in her former years. This is the hour of pleasures upon the earth above all yesterdays. This is the hour we must break the rule of Christ off of this Nation. Lord I cry unto you in my weakness depending only on your gifts which are my strengths. Lord help us to rise above the flesh, to rise above the carnal, to rise above the present darkness and in Your great Name and Power to tread upon the lies and the deceptions and the movements of the powers of darkness that seek to bring into bondage and into confusions and strong delusion our God Blessed Nation. This we ask in Jesus Name who is the glory of our liberty....Amen.....deno & Sia.

Psalms 2:1-12...please read
Photo: Forgetting those things that are behind us, let us press forward in this day of new beginnings of Gods mercies and seek and serve the One who loved us and gave himself for us....There exist no greater life or joy on earth this side of heaven above an obedient, fully surrendered, fully committed, fully devoted to Jesus life.....This life i must lay holt of. My heart yearns to be faithful and true and my soul thirsteth to taste the fruits and the manifold blessings of an obedient life and yet i find another law in my body that when my spirit is willing the flesh is weak......And also i find a whole present world screaming against the drive of my heart saying to me, forget Him who reigned in this Nation in her yesterdays. This is the hour of pleasures upon the earth above all yesterdays. This is the hour we must break the rule of Christ off of this Nation. Lord I cry unto you in my weakness depending only on your gifts which are my strengths. Lord help us to rise above the flesh, to rise above the carnal, to rise above the present darkness and to tread upon the lies and the deceptions and the movements of the powers of darkness that seek to bring into strong delusion our God Blessed Nation. This we ask in Jesus Name....Amen.....deno & Sia

In The Face Of Eternity Kiss The Son of God......deno & Sia

The only king we are called to kiss is Jesus. The worlds kings are all beneath His feet and eternal power and might. It is so past time for all the world to wake up to their real human frailty and humble themselves before the face of eternity and it's great King.......deno & Sia

Psalms 2:12) Kiss the Son (of God) lest He be angry and you perish from the way, when His wrath is kindled but a little. BLESSED are all they that put their trust in Him (Jesus Gods Son).

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

When I Think About God I Stand Amazed.......deno & Sia

     When I look and think about the fact that God sculpted all the differences in the faces of each of us, knowing now that each individual face and all our traits come from the genetic DNA structure which is how God sculpt the physical looks & shapes of each and every one of us as He in His eternal might fore saw and fore knew us before we were even conceived and born by means of the incredibly vast and great information data base of His creating information that He released from Himself and from His creations dream into Man and his seed....I cannot help but stand amazed at the brilliance of the Living Designing God who formed each of us in love, with His love, for His love and life's good pleasure. He in His original plan fore saw the trillions of us that were to eventually come forth, with all, on the most part, different in their looks/shape to make the creation of His dreams more colorful and more beautiful as men and women, the sons and daughters of God loved one another as heaven does and honored one another in covenant fashion and brotherhood where peace and good will to each and all abounded by the love of God ruling in every heart and mind, with the children safely kept from harm and far from oppression...
      One day soon by what Jesus Christ did on the cross God shall restore all the good of His original plan for us all that He had from the beginning before He was so greatly betrayed by those (Adam & Eve) He loved and entrusted so much safekeeping unto who failed Him. Whose sin caused God Himself to become flesh and by the sacrifice of himself He put their sin and put away our sin and brought to the world His so great salvation by Jesus Christ our Risen Lord.....deno & Sia.

Another Good Confession/Profession for the day.....deno & Sia

My heart trusteth in the Lord. 
His goodness and mercy fills up my life.
The cups of my being and life are filled with God's lovingkindness.
The Lords Joy gives me strength.
His goodness I taste and partake of each day for the Lord is the beauty and the glory of my days, nights and life and being forever.
His redeeming blood intercedes for me.
God has given me the VICTORY forever thru the Sacrifice of Himself.
Jesus loved me and gave himself for me.
My hope is secure in Christ and by the love of God I shall not be ashamed before Him for God raised Jesus my hope, my life and my so great salvation from the dead giving me everlasting comfort and consolation by Christ resurrection  thru grace. 
God's grace, love and favor abounds in my life by Jesus Christ whose flesh and bone I be both on earth and in heaven, the Paradise of God.
I shall abound the more in the hope we have in Christ thru the power of the Holy Spirit that daily helps me and strengthens me. 
The Lords rod and staff they comfort me.
Gods love has so greatly pardoned me.
His love hides the multitude of sins.
His love has forgiven and saved me of all my sins and shortcomings. 
I am redeemed by the blood of my Creator, my Maker and Redeemer.
God has redeemed me unto Himself thru the blood of His own Cross.
Lord I praise you. I worship you. I thank you in Jesus Name......Jesus be glorified in me and we your redeemed in You forever more...Amen

Light on the Glory of being Christ Flesh & Bone......deno....share freely.

........This may get a little deep for some so pray for God to open your eyes to see the love of the truth that is in this writing. It is love light and when understood by its love it fits perfectly.

        Do you know God knows your name, the number of the hairs on your head, and God knows that you are also Christ His Sons flesh and bone? He knows you are a part of His Sons Body, you are his flesh and bone, and that makes you a part of His Sons life, his awesome everlasting life glory. Matter of fact the scriptures tell us in the book of Ephesians that the church, Christ body, together is even the fulness of Jesus that fills all in all. He (God Himself) is the author of this great love connection, this great oneness that we are with Jesus His Son.
      This oneness that we are with Jesus and we being HIS FLESH AND BONE BODY  MAKES US (The Church) JUST AS MUCH A PART OF JESUS AS HE IS OF HIMSELF. Those words that I just wrote are the words that the Lord gave me to convey the oneness glory and love and the Mind of Christ himself thoughts of us. Think of your hands, your feet, your ears, Who do they belong to? YOU.... Who are they a part of? YOU and YOUR LIFE even YOUR NAME even so it is with Christ. It also makes us to be loved even as the Father loves the Son....See John 17:23.
      So now seeing that we are Christ flesh and bone, HIS BODY, let us together right now trace and follow Christ body from the Cross to the Throne...It is in this redemption glory and light that Paul the apostle wrote, WE WERE CRUCIFIED with Christ and WE ARE RISEN with Christ. Amen. Amen. All of us agree with that. But lets keep on in this same grace light and see even greater love light.
      Ok let's take this a step further in this grace light and oneness with Christ glory and  lets go together and see what the body of Christ did next after we were risen WITH JESUS from the dead. Gods word of truth says to us all that Jesus with HIS BODY  ASCENDED UNTO THE FATHER AND "SAT DOWN" at His right hand.....hmmm...and where did Jesus and His Body (The Church), which is you and I, sit down together?  We find the answer in this scripture.....Hebrews 1.....And the Father said unto His Son who went to heaven with HIS BODY, The Body of Christ,  God said. "Come now and sit with Me at MY RIGHT HAND until I make all your enemies your footstool".God himself raised us up together and made us all sit together with Jesus as One body made up of many members in the Throne of His Endless Love for us in glory. Christ and His Body are One in all things here, up there, and everywhere. The eternal Spirit of Jesus can never ever be separated from HIS BODY ever again. They two have become one, ONE FLESH forever.
     Being members of Christ body,  being Christ own arms,  legs, shoulders, feet, his flesh and bone gives us GREAT BELONGING by the great engrafting that God himself accomplished of us into His Sons life thru the body of Christ love connection revelation. God fit us so well In Christ, in His Sons Body  of  flesh and bone that he engrafted us without visible seams of the engrafting. He made is fit perfectly in the body of HIS SON. That is Amazing grace and amazing love of God. Gods own workmanship. In this oneness connection with Christ, this is Gods own doings, His own workmanship...Ephesians 2:1-10)....deno......Jesus loves you as himself literally. Every time he sees his own body he sees you, a part of himself and a part of his life forever...REMAIN THEREFORE IN CHRIST JESUS......share freely.

Those Stubborn Wrinkles......deno....share freely.

.......In my nearly 6 years living in England back in the 80's I was blessed to live right next door to a lady who in her younger days used to go around England and minister the gospel and grace of God with a man by the name of Smith Wigglesworth. She told me how Brother Wigglesworth had strong bold faith that glorified God with multiple miracles and healings. Even many, I think over twenty people, God raised from the dead in his calling to bear witness to the truth that is only In Jesus. 
     This precious elderly women (Mrs Sargent) one day invited me over to talk and to listen. I did. She told me so many things but this one I want to share. She said, Deno, if you will get what I'm about to tell you , you will then better understand the grace of God. She said, "It is much easier for God to save us with His salvation than it is for Him to remove from us the wrinkles in our lives and devotion and commitment to Him. She said salvation is the gift of God thru the power of the Cross, thru the blood, the death and resurrection of Jesus His Son received by the mix of faith. He saved us by His will and His performance. But to get us who believe that He gave us His Son, to submit and obey him daily is a work in which our own personal will is involved. That is where the BIG PROBLEM is. That is why it is much harder for Him to remove our commitment, devotion, consecration wrinkles than it is to save and regenerate the spirit of the believer.  For as soon as the believer receives Christ, right then and there God in the speed of the twinkling of an eye quickens, rebirths and makes alive the spirit, but to get us to walk in the new holy created spirit as to not fulfill the lust and will of the present sinful flesh is a clashing of wills. For in this we all do war.
        We can be stubborn some times. We do our will and not His. But being BORN OF GOD or BORN AGAIN no man can do to himself, just as no man can of his own will or of his own power raise his body from the dead. We all need God to do this for us. When we RECEIVE His Son  HE DOES......John 1:12-13) But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become THE SONS OF GOD, even to them that believe on His Name. 13) WHICH WERE BORN (Born Again in their spirit (John 3:6-8), which were BORN AGAIN not of blood (meaning John is not talking about the flesh of man but of mans heavenly part, MANS SPIRIT), nor of the will of the flesh, nor was it wrought by the will of man BUT OF GODS WILL and doings only. Only God can save us and not we ourselves and only God can reach into the heavenly man within each of us and make him alive (Born Again). We all must call upon HIS NAME (Jesus Christ) to be saved, to be BORN AGAIN. Let us all call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ unto so great a salvation. And.....
     Let us (THE SAVED, THE REDEEMED, THE BORN AGAIN ONES, THE RISEN WITH CHRIST ONES, THOSE OF US WHO BY GODS POWER GIVEN US IN CHRIST JESUS ARE NOT OF THIS WORLD EVEN AS JESUS IS NOT OF THIS WORLD (John 17:14-17) let us keep growing in the Lord and more and more turn to the Lord each morning and say, Lord this day is yours. I'm yours. Your Will Be Done, Not Mine....This is one of God's greatest prayers that He ask His children to say, mean and really do with all of our hearts..Let us freshly remember that whatever we do in word or in deed to do all to Jesus' glory and honor in His Name......deno.....share freely.

One Can Put A Thousand To Flight......deno

       One can put a thousand to flight. Two can put Ten thousand to flight thru the Grace & Spirit of the Lord. Just two hearts on earth in agreement in prayer before the Throne of God in Jesus Name, can change the world and bring revival to the Nation's thru a great outpouring of Gods Grace And Spirit....If My People Who Are Called By My Name Will Humble Themselves And Pray...Be Believing.. Let us seek the Lord with all our hearts. For then shall we find Him who in covenant is already with us. He awaits our hearts full presence in love. Seek and you shall find Me saith the Lord, when you seek me with all your heart.....deno & Sia.