Sunday, May 4, 2014

Some of Todays Sermon Hightlights, 5 May 2014......deno.....Be Blessed.

 Heard some great sermons today. Here are some of the highlighted points.

1) Preacher in Lake Charles said, Every human being does two things on earth. Either human achievements or Divine Accomplishments. Only one rewards forever.....

2) Charles Stanley said, When we stand before the Lord, we will not receive rewards for the things on earth that we got, but for what WE GAVE. What we gave of self and of things in the Name of the Lord.....

3) The Cross divides heaven from hell for men, but man still must choose....things to think about......deno.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

The First Living Sacrifice of Jesus Happened Before The Cross....Seek and You Shall Find......deno......please share freely

      These people God himself made rich. Yes God did it..... Adam & Eve (He gave them all the world and the fulness thereof. Now that is super rich & wealthy).  Also included on the list of people God Himself Blessed and Made Rich are,  Noah. Abraham, Sarah. Issac. Jacob. Joseph. Moses, Joshua, Saul. King David. Solomon, All these men's wives and all the BODY OF CHRIST. YES YOU.
      2 Corinthians 8:9) For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though He was rich, yet for OUR SAKES He became poor (This was part of His Sacrifice Church. (A Living One, A Living Sacrifice with Power to redeem and to bless much like the Cross is with Gods Power to Deliver, Save, Redeem and Bless (He did it for OUR SAKES the word of truth says). 
      Our Redeemer laid down both of these to Bless and to Save, (#1)His Riches and (#2) His Precious Blood.  It was All a part of and in the GIVING OF HIMSELF FOR OUR SALVATION AND FOR OUR NEW COVENANT BETTER  BENEFITS AND BLESSINGS in this life and in the world to come)....But we must as in everything,  BELIEVE in order to receive and  partake. That is Gods Rule.
      Why did Jesus sacrifice His riches and wealth like He did His life and Blood???.....The scriptures, that CANNOT BE BROKEN tell us. So that, (Now He tells us THE BLESSING of why He laid down HIS RICHES)....Amazing.....SO THAT we through His Poverty (Thru This Living Sacrifice of Himself Before The Father on earth) would be MADE RICH.  Jesus died not in vain, nor did He lay down His Riches in vain..All had incredible LIFE CHANGING purpose and value according to the gospel that Paul boldly preached .....Amazing Grace. I used to like run from the thought of this kind of light like it was a type of  forbidden fruit, but now the Holy Spirit is helping me to see it, understand it and to believe and embrace this Better Covenant established upon Better Promises Truth.
       In Christ, Your rich and wealthy beyond your wildest dreams and did not even know it. For to some deceived minds, to say such a thing is like unholy. Well go and read THE BLESSING for yourself.....Let the weak say I am _ _ _ _ _ _ and let the poor say I am _ _ _ _.

       Father in Jesus Name I ask that the power, and the purpose, and the blessings of Jesus' living sacrifice that we clearly read in 2 Corinthians 8:9 be more and more manifested in all our lives as believers in Christ Jesus, now on earth and in heaven forever more so the Jesus will be more and more glorified in the Church. For as the power of the blood of Christ and His death and resurrection prospers and prevails for us now day unto day and for all eternity by faith in His Blood, even so I pray that the power and the blessing of 2 Corinthians 8:9 come upon us more abundantly and forevermore henceforth forever in Jesus Name. Amen....All things are possible to them THAT BELIEVE.....deno......please share freely.

Jesus, The Rock in Davids Sling.....Keep Him The Rock That Is Forever In Yours......deno......please share freely.

       Colossians 2:9-10 kjv)..... For In Him (In Jesus) dwells all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. 10) And you are complete in Him ( In Jesus) which is the Head (Highest Ranking Power & Authority that exist in heaven and on earth (Matthew 28:18) above all principalities and powers.....No one above Jesus but the Father. No One.
       Brethren He (Jesus) is on THE THRONE OF GOD with the Father (that's important). There exist no higher power, authority, or ranking above the Throne of God). He (Jesus) is the Head (The Highest, The Top) of all authorities and rankings and powers.....God has put ALL THINGS under His Sons Feet. That means the rest of those self proclaiming, self exalting people and spirits with their ideas, theories, lofty imaginations, and those philosophers and all their philosophies, religions and all those so called self proclaiming prophets, and the other high minded Jesus Christ opposers, do not even come close to the Son.....Many of these that oppose Christ are under the power of demonic wit and illusions mimicking the truth to deceive people away from God and His Son. They do so with counterfeit religions and by the deceitfulness of sin and by the lying alluring pleasures of darkness in so called magic cards,potions and chants that promise results from the prince of the damned.
       Remember friends, demons are fallen angels. They were once in heaven in the paradise of God. They know heaven. They know what the REAL DEAL looks like and is like. They know how to somewhat imitate the true with counterfeits, or just flat out lie about God and things pertaining to God in order to mislead and deceive the human heart and mind.  These demonic spirits are far far more advanced in cleverness, and wit, and in knowledge than men and they know exactly how to use knowledge, space and time to deceive. And  they know also that men, now, under the present blinding curse and under the dreary weight of this life in the sweat of their brow, live now in doubt and unbelief about God and things pertaining to God as they suffer the manifold aches and pains in this present life, in the land of the great curse called Earth. With their religious wits and with their knowledge of space and time they cleverly manipulate, organize, deceive, under mind, and trick the thinking man. That is why Paul called Satan and demons and their subtle deceiving words and works, LYING WONDERS. He said they were Crafty, and so clever. They were Subtle and they cleverly ruled the darkness and blindness that is in men. These wicked deceiving spirits can appear so AWING and their word so believable, but in the end they destroy the body and the soul of those they deceived.
        Paul was called and ordained by Jesus himself personally for the defense and confirmation of the gospel-which is THE TRUTH. When Paul said that in Jesus dwells all the fulness of the Godhead bodily, various truths are revealed and said. One is, he was testifying that all the works and all the movements of the Throne, all of God and the Godhead's wisdom and powers for our deliverance, salvation, forgiveness, pardon, redemption, blessing, fellowship with God and real HOPE, even the blessing calling of Abraham was, EVEN BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD, about Jesus Christ coming into the world FROM THE THRONE, dying for our sins and rising again for our everlasting hope and new justification by faith and continued trust in the blood of his Cross & Resurrection. All the Law and all the true prophets and their foundational purpose, they were ordained for this truth, and to PREPARE THE WAY OF THE LORD AND HIS ENTRANCE. MAKE HIS PATHS STRAIGHT. The Godhead has not and will not ever change this truth and this plan. It is accomplished. It is finished. Jesus the Son of God came to us in the flesh, as was the plan, and Christ is Risen Indeed. We need not jump ship over into Mohammed, or Buddha, or Hinduism, or Batman for that matter, or any other lying wonder. They need to all ENTER into Christ, Gods mighty FAR ABOVE ALL and outstanding SAVING TRUTH, the Gospel.
      In Christ Jesus we believe on and trust in the Head of all Power. We are in the head of all authorities and powers and not the tail, nor in any of those in between..(That is So Important) We are in the head, the very TOP, and highest of all  rankings and words. Jesus is THE WORD.  He is the WORD OF GOD. The Word given directly from THE THRONE OF GOD....We follow Jesus Christ the Son of God by whom ALL THINGS WERE CREATED BY, who is risen from the dead and ON THE THRONE.  He is more than just a man. More than just a prophet. More than just a scribe. He is the Lord from heaven. All others that men worship are in the dust and beneath the feet of the Son of God, the Lord from heaven, and they are fully in need and are in full subjection to the POWER OF HIS RESURRECTION. 
        Brethren you are complete IN HIM. Remain In Jesus. He is the Rock of David's sling that shall put all others under His Feet soon in the great showdown ahead..You need to know this, for your faith is soon to be challenged like never before for Satan knows he has but a short time left....deno......please share this light freely with all your friends and with all the world....Jesus Is Lord..... Amen.
Colossians 2:9-10) For In Him (In Jesus) dwells all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. 10) And you are complete in Him (Jesus) which is the Head (Highest Ranking Power & Authority-Brethren He is on THE THRONE OF GOD with the Father. There exist no higher power, authority, or ranking above the Throne of God). He is the Head of all authorities and rankings and powers.....Paul was called and ordained by Jesus himself personally for the defense and confirmation of the gospel. When Paul said that in Jesus dwells all the fulness of the Godhead bodily various truths are revealed and said. One is, he was testifying that all the works and all the movements of the Throne, all Gods and the Godheads  wisdom for our deliverance, salvation, forgiveness, pardon, redemption, blessing was, EVEN BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD, about Jesus Christ coming into the world FROM THE THRONE, dying for our sins and rising again for our everlasting hope and new justification by faith and continued trust in the blood of his Cross & Resurrection. The Godhead has not and will not ever change this truth and this plan. It is accomplished. It is finished. We need not jump ship over into Mohammed, or Buddha, or Hinduism, or Batman or any other lying wonder. They need to all ENTER  into Christ. In Christ Jesus we believe on and trust in  the Head of all Power. We are in the head of all authorities.  We are in the head and  highest of all of all rankings. We follow Jesus Christ the Son of God by whom all things were created by, who is risen from the dead and ON THE THRONE. He is more than just a man. More than just a prophet. More than just a scribe. He is the Lord from heaven. All others that men worship are in the dust and beneath the feet of the Son of God, the Lord from heaven. Brethren you are complete IN HIM. Remain In Jesus. He is the Rock of David that shall put all others under His Feet soon in the great showdown ahead......deno......please share freely.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Jesus, More Than Wonderful......deno......please share freely

     I'm still amazed of the love He has for us, giving HIMSELF for us in the awing way that he did, The Cross.....To redeem and to save us, he let go of His life and took holt of death, even the death of the Cross. No one took His life from him. He had to yield and surrender His eternal everlasting life powers to death in order to die, and in order to taste death for every man. And not just that, He knew also that the scripture of Isaiah 52:14 had to be fulfilled in and by the Christ. That scripture says that they beat and ripped Him (the Christ) so badly that the Messiah became disfigured, So disfigured to where he did not even look human anymore. This my friends is amazing and amazing love. Only real love, love not of this world would endure such a blow to save people he knew not, who mocked and spit at him, and who were his enemies. He turned right around on the Cross and prayed for those who beat and ripped him beyond the realms of human recognition and said, Father forgive them, for they are blind.....Jesus, our Creator, our Redeemer, our Savior is truly MORE THAN WONDERFUL......deno.......please share freely.

God Flashes Lightnings and Rolling Thunders from His Mighty Throne.......deno......please share freely.

     Hebrews 1:3 KJV) Jesus is the brightness of Gods glory and the Express Image of His Person (His Heart) (Now that is important).......In the book of Revelations 4:5 ESV) John saw that out of the Throne of God (The Father), out of Himself and from His Throne proceeded mighty things. He said, " and out of the Throne of God proceeded flashes of lightnings and rumblings (loud sounds/voices) and rolling thunders"......
     Friends, God our Father in His glory is Mighty, Exceeding with Power, and is very very rumbling loud. This He cannot help. He is God. Almighty God. Yet Jesus, the second Person of the Godhead, who the scriptures says proceeded out from the bosom of the Father unto us, He is the brightness of Gods glory and the express image of His person (That is So Important)....Within all those exceeding great flashes of great lightnings and tremendous rolling rumbling thunders of God in His glory upon His splendorous Throne, His heart is perfectly shown to us In Christ Jesus His Son. Jesus is the heart of God shining ever so lovingly bright for all to see. 
      God Himself showed us His heart perfectly in Christ and God Himself spoke to us in these last days thru His Son. Jesus said, I speak nothing of myself. My Father tells me and gives me His Words to speak and to say and only those Words given me from my Father I do speak.........
       With that just said in mind, so note this.....And thru His Son, the God who is the cause of all those great lightnings and rumbling thunders from the mighty Throne, said of HIMSELF, "Come unto Me all of you who are weary, worn out, and weighed down with burden and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon yourselves and learn of Me, for I AM gentle and lowly (nonabrasive) and you will find rest unto your souls"......
       In heaven and on earth, we Gods children, by the rest that can only come thru the full assurance of faith, we can sleep and rest at the very feet and  presence of the Father with all those flashing's of His lightnings and with all that rolling rumblings of His mighty thunders going on, and yet we can and will sleep, and rest, and work before Him in love and in perfect peace better than ever, being far from all worry, fret, fear and frustrations. Far from all oppressions for all eternity. Far from all fears and doubts. We will be every day filled full of perfect peace and non ending perfect assurance, though we are always hearing God and the mighty sounds that come form His Eternal Power and Glory flashing from the Throne.
      If we fear and fret at Gods flashes of lightnings and run in fright from the rollings of His thunders, it is because we do not  know His heart as His heart can be known and is perfectly revealed  and expressed in Christ in his every word and gentle loving expressions.. YOU SEE, in heaven, the citizens of heaven, people, angels and all creatures hear God and His mighty rolling thunders and see the flashing of His great lightnings constantly,  and yet THEY FEAR NOT AND FRET NOT, but live in perfect peace and joy that comes from being in the presence of the Lord. In Gods Presence is fulness of _ _ _and at His right hand are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ forevermore. Amen. (Psalms 16:11)
        Come unto Me, God said, all of you who are weary and worn out and weighed down in burdens and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon yourselves and learn how I really am and you will find rest unto your souls.........proclaiming peace thru the blood of His Cross.......deno.......please share freely.

Jesus Absorbed into Himself the Justifying Punishment (THE CUP).....deno......please share freely.

     Galations 5:1-2) Stand fast, do not compromise your stand in the glorious liberty wherewith Christ (by his own blood) has made you free, and do not let yourself be entangled again with the yoke of  bondage (Referring to the Law and it's condemning weight)...2) Behold, I Paul say to you, that if you think you need to be circumcised and to keep the Law to be saved, CHRIST SHALL PROFIT YOU NOTHING..3) For I testify again to every man that is circumcised thinking you need that in order to be saved, then you must also keep the WHOLE LAW without breaking one commandment ever...4) Christ is become of no effect to you whosoever you are whose hope is in being justified by the Law YOU ARE FALLEN FROM GRACE.....

      Friends Jesus did not die in vain....If eternal life could have come by the Law then Christ would have been spared.....God spared Him not.....Romans 8:32) He that spared not His own Son, but personally delivered Him up for us all.....Jesus prayed that He might be spared. Jesus prayed that the cup  might be taken from him, but the Father himself put that cup to His Sons mouth and said, Drink....Peter, Jesus said, put up your sword. The cup which My Father has given Me to DRINK, shall I not DRINK IT?.....
      Jesus drank that cup when He absorbed into HIMSELF the wrath and JUSTIFYING PUNISHMENT that was needful and necessary for us to have an endless covenant of everlasting peace and life with God (Isaiah 53:5-11 & Isaiah 54:5-10).......It is called in the scriptures, THE CUP OF BLESSING (1st Corinthians 10:16)....It is the Cup of the blood of Emanuel. We drink of His Blood by the absorption of receiving faith with thanksgiving in Jesus Name, always doing so in remembrance of Jesus Christ and him crucified. It is His Blood that has saved us, and sanctified us, and redeemed us unto God........deno......please share freely.

Holy Unto The Lord.......deno.....please share freely.

     The Blood of Christ, the Blood of the Lamb is Holy and those washed in His blood and those who are in the blood of the everlasting covenant are holy even by that covenant membership thru the connection of faith in Christ sanctifying Blood, the blood of the new covenant (Hebrews 10:10).
     You were purchased with a great price (Emmanuels Own Blood. There exist no higher price above Christ blood). You are a purchased possession (Paid for in full. Nothing else owed. God paid for you IN FULL with His Own Life by the purchasing transaction at the Cross). You now belong to God. Any creature or any item that belongs to God, that belonging itself makes them holy and precious unto the Lord. In Christ your are precious unto the Lord. You are not of this world even as Jesus is not of this world. You are of God little children the scriptures says. You belong to God in Christ......deno.......please share freely.