Friday, May 2, 2014

God Flashes Lightnings and Rolling Thunders from His Mighty Throne.......deno......please share freely.

     Hebrews 1:3 KJV) Jesus is the brightness of Gods glory and the Express Image of His Person (His Heart) (Now that is important).......In the book of Revelations 4:5 ESV) John saw that out of the Throne of God (The Father), out of Himself and from His Throne proceeded mighty things. He said, " and out of the Throne of God proceeded flashes of lightnings and rumblings (loud sounds/voices) and rolling thunders"......
     Friends, God our Father in His glory is Mighty, Exceeding with Power, and is very very rumbling loud. This He cannot help. He is God. Almighty God. Yet Jesus, the second Person of the Godhead, who the scriptures says proceeded out from the bosom of the Father unto us, He is the brightness of Gods glory and the express image of His person (That is So Important)....Within all those exceeding great flashes of great lightnings and tremendous rolling rumbling thunders of God in His glory upon His splendorous Throne, His heart is perfectly shown to us In Christ Jesus His Son. Jesus is the heart of God shining ever so lovingly bright for all to see. 
      God Himself showed us His heart perfectly in Christ and God Himself spoke to us in these last days thru His Son. Jesus said, I speak nothing of myself. My Father tells me and gives me His Words to speak and to say and only those Words given me from my Father I do speak.........
       With that just said in mind, so note this.....And thru His Son, the God who is the cause of all those great lightnings and rumbling thunders from the mighty Throne, said of HIMSELF, "Come unto Me all of you who are weary, worn out, and weighed down with burden and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon yourselves and learn of Me, for I AM gentle and lowly (nonabrasive) and you will find rest unto your souls"......
       In heaven and on earth, we Gods children, by the rest that can only come thru the full assurance of faith, we can sleep and rest at the very feet and  presence of the Father with all those flashing's of His lightnings and with all that rolling rumblings of His mighty thunders going on, and yet we can and will sleep, and rest, and work before Him in love and in perfect peace better than ever, being far from all worry, fret, fear and frustrations. Far from all oppressions for all eternity. Far from all fears and doubts. We will be every day filled full of perfect peace and non ending perfect assurance, though we are always hearing God and the mighty sounds that come form His Eternal Power and Glory flashing from the Throne.
      If we fear and fret at Gods flashes of lightnings and run in fright from the rollings of His thunders, it is because we do not  know His heart as His heart can be known and is perfectly revealed  and expressed in Christ in his every word and gentle loving expressions.. YOU SEE, in heaven, the citizens of heaven, people, angels and all creatures hear God and His mighty rolling thunders and see the flashing of His great lightnings constantly,  and yet THEY FEAR NOT AND FRET NOT, but live in perfect peace and joy that comes from being in the presence of the Lord. In Gods Presence is fulness of _ _ _and at His right hand are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ forevermore. Amen. (Psalms 16:11)
        Come unto Me, God said, all of you who are weary and worn out and weighed down in burdens and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon yourselves and learn how I really am and you will find rest unto your souls.........proclaiming peace thru the blood of His Cross.......deno.......please share freely.

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