Tuesday, August 9, 2016

The QUALIFICATIONS to be a PASTOR or CHURCH ELDER......deno.....share freely.

1 Timothy 3:1-7....Easy-to-Read Version (ERV)

The QUALIFICATIONS to be a Pastor or Church Elder.

1) It is a true statement that anyone whose goal is to serve as an elder (Pastor or Overseer of the Flock of God) he has his heart set on a good work....But there are certain specific qualifications.
2 An elder must be such a good man that no one can rightly criticize him. He must be faithful to his wife.
[c] He must have self-control and be wise. He must be respected by others. He must be ready to help people by welcoming them into his home. He must be a good teacher.
3 He must not drink too much, and he must not be someone who likes to fight or argue. He must be gentle and peaceful. He must not be someone who loves money.
4 He must be a good leader of his own family. This means that his children obey him with full respect.
5 If a man does not know how to lead his own family, he will not be able to take care of God’s church.

6 An elder must not be a new believer. It might make him too proud of himself. Then he would be condemned for his pride the same as the devil was.
7 An elder must also have the respect of people who are not part of the church. Then he will not be criticized by others and be caught in the devil’s trap.

Lesson......We may not qualify to be Pastors or Overseers of Gods Church, but that does not mean that all God wants us to do is to sit on the Churches side lines and watch. No, God wants all of us in Christ involved doing something in the riches of His grace given us in Christ.
...........Here are SOME of those things that WE ALL CAN DO...Praying in the closet for the Pastors, the Church, the lost, etc. We can write and share insights and Word of God Lessons. We can help clean and maintenance the church buildings. We can cut the grass. Dust and straighten the pews. Clean the bathrooms. We can still give cups of cold water to people in our Lords love and name. We can still feed the hungry and help cloth the naked. We can visit prisoners and hand out gospel tracks. We can pay someones bill, fill their gas tank up, hand blessings to strangers. We can sing along in the great congregation of the Lord. We can assist the elders and teachers. We can march for Christ. We can evangelize and invite people to Church. We can minister unto the Lord himself in song and praises to His Name (He enjoys that).
..........Yes being a Pastor to God takes high and special disciplines and strong moral character beyond reproach as our text reads. (Many of us do not rightly qualify for such a holy positional calling and responsibility as to be a Pastor but we are still usable to God).
........God really tries the hearts of those who He calls to be our Pastors and Overseers. We should esteem them highly and pray and love and support them for the work they do. To God their work and duty is the most important on this earth. But you and I, we can give our testimonies and do good to all people.
........Love, the works of the love of God is everyone's never ending calling and ministry. Jesus says to all of us concerning the work of the Fathers love, he says...Know ye not that you should everyday be about My Fathers love business?....If you see your brother in need and you turn away from him, how does Gods love really dwell in you?....deno....share freely.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

OUR UNSELFISH GOD AND SAVIOR......deno.....share freely.

.......When the Lord said He would not share His Glory with another, that was not a negative against His People. Some quote that scripture and think God is somewhat pushing us away from Him but He is not. He was directly addressing IDOLATRY and AntiChrist exaltation's, not the beautiful charity of His love to His children who believe and belong to Christ. Let me explain.
.......We find in the word of God that God is sharing all things He has with the saints. In 1st Corinthians 3:22 we find that God in His great unselfish sharing love has giving the children of God all He has, all things that presently are and all things that are to come in the new heaven and earth. He said ALL THINGS OF GOD are now yours, things present and things to come, All are yours and you belong to Jesus and Jesus belongs to God..ALL THINGS ALL THINGS ALL THINGS.
........NOTE:......Since Jesus gave us His life, since Jesus gave us His blood, his very being even unto the pangs of death by way of the cross to save us and to bless us, would He withhold anything that He has made from us???? He HIMSELF is worth far far far more than the things which he has made...And Yet Jesus did not withhold from us Himself, His life, His blood from us. He gave us HIMSELF to THE FULL FREELY and joyfully. It is much easier to give us ALL THE THINGS HE HAS MADE...ALL THINGS ARE YOURS....CHURCH.
........And notice also in John 17:22 how Jesus in his unselfish SHARING love prayed these words for US the children of grace. He said, And Father, THE GLORY that YOU HAVE GIVEN ME, I HAVE GIVEN THEM...THINK ABOUT THAT...THINK ABOUT THOSE LOVE FILLED UNSELFISH WORDS OF THE ONE WHO LOVED US AND GAVE HIMSELF FOR US..He said, And THE GLORY that You have given Me I GIVE TO THEM (The Church)..that they may be One as We Are One.

.......Jesus' own Oneness and beautiful love life, relationship, and walk with the Father He has given us as children of the Father and as His brothers and sisters that He is not ashamed of (Hebrews 2:11-12). He prayed that with the Father and with one another we would be made perfect in Oneness of heart and life, sharing all Gods love and things forever in the beautiful ONENESS FELLOWSHIP that even Jesus and the Father has TOGETHER EVEN SO WOULD WE....THIS IS THE GLORY JESUS HAS GIVEN US.....IT SHALL BE AS JESUS PRAYED BY THAT GLORY IN GODS TIMING....What an UNSELFISH LOVING SAVIOR WE HAVE...Jesus is Wonderful.
.......We also find in the book of Revelations that Jesus shares with us even more of His Glory and Reign. In Revelations 3:21..Jesus says to the Church, the children of God In Christ he says these awing words...To those who overcome I WILL GRANT THEM TO SIT WITH ME IN MY THRONE (WOW WOW WOW---Share in My dominion and far above all Authority Throne) Even as I overcame and Am sitting TOGETHER WITH MY FATHER ON HIS THRONE....WOW WOW WOW. Friends, there is MUCH GLORY JESUS is going to share with us who have overcome in Christ. No we will never be The Eternal God Creator of Heaven and Earth but thanks be to God we are His Children, His Sons and Daughters in Christ and His love for us FAR EXCEEDS all the love of this world for its own.
........Folks God our Father and Jesus our Lord and Big Brother are far more loving and UNSELFISH to us (their redeemed family) than this world or the devil would ever let us know. We have a GREAT INHERITANCE. A GLORIOUS FUTURE.....ALL THINGS OF GOD ARE OURS, PRESENT THINGS AND PAST THINGS AND AND AND....Jesus is offering us to REIGN and to SIT WITH HIM in HIS THRONE for the GLORY that God has given Jesus, Jesus in His UNSELFISH SHARING LOVE has given us. Oh what manner of love the Father has bestowed upon us.......deno.....share freely.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Satan's Way Of Attacking A Society That He Has Targeted......deno...share freely.

.......Create a generation of unusually vain and proud people both male and female who crave to be admired. Conform their minds thinking to think that studly IMAGE is everything. Chisel at and form their society to crave massive attention and self idolizing. Create stages that these vanity possessed people can takeover and inhabit to feed their ego and vanity. Those stages are movies, television, and music in concert and others.You will find that these people who have that extra vanity to be admired and that craving for fame will do anything to make the stand out, the stage, and the screen.
.......This mentioned above is the same spirit, the same type of craving and vanity that was in Lucifer that cost him his fall from heaven to hell for eternity. These possessed by that heart and spirit of pride and of vanity that have an abnormal craving for fame and attention and for stand out, they want fame so much they are willing to betray all salt and light and all modesty and decency and Jesus Christ himself. This is what the movie footloose was all about. HELLO.
........ Unfortunately many if not most of these who crave to be idols of peoples worship are so vain that they are willing to go forth in their vanity strut to show friends, family and the whole world the heart and way of a non God fearing, non God minded person in society TO ASSIST EVIL IN CHANGING SOCIETY... The people that finance these vain peoples ungodly shows and anti God fearing life expressions use them to UNSALT SOCIETY....If not stopped, eventually Satan the murderer and the destroyer will invade heavily those societies and the last state of those people is worse than the former.
.......You cannot give place to the devil and things turn out for the better. Oh for awhile at the beginning things may seem gleamy and tantalizing like your first hit on a joint or some other amusing deceiving drug or sinful pleasure. But eventually the sweet of the beginning will be turned in time into the most unpleasant bitter, a thing the devil always hides from those he preys upon.
.......The apostle James wisely wrote....Resist the devil and he will flee from you..Let him in and he is not leaving without a vicious fight. Unfortunately today people are so unwise to not resist the devil, they let he and his wolves more and more into their lives and societies and countries and they are starting to reap more and more the dangers of doing so....God resisteth the vain and the proud. He gives His Grace to the humble.......deno....share freely.
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