Friday, April 11, 2014

One Real Believing Heart Can Change The World.......deno......please share freely

        Mark 11:23-24 ...Jesus said...What things that you desire, When you pray for them, BELIEVE THAT YOU RECEIVE THEM and YOU SHALL HAVE THEM. This kind of faith has nothing to do with works of the Law, or of the flesh, or of the disciplining of the flesh. It is a matter of faith and real believing, verses doubt and unbelief in the heart. Faith is of the heart. Believing is spiritual muscle. As it is written of Abraham...And Abraham was STRONG IN FAITH which gave glory to God.
        When Thomas doubted the resurrection of Jesus. Jesus afterwards upbraided the disciples for THEIR DOUBTING THE LORDS RESURRECTION. Jesus said to Thomas, Stop your doubting Thomas and Believe. No amount of good works can replace real bible believing faith that GETS RESULTS. Both faith and good works have their gospel position, but here Jesus said that it is REAL BIBLE BELIEVING FAITH IN PRAYER THAT WILL GET YOU YOUR HEARTS DESIRE.....Jesus said, What things you desire, when you pray, BELIEVE THAT YOU RECEIVE THEM AND YOU SHALL HAVE THEM. One real believing heart can change the world. Jesus had that one believing heart. Be not doubting Thomas. Be Believing.......deno.

Put Your Spiritual Thinking Caps On......deno.....please share freely

Put your thinking caps on....

       Whether we are born of man or born of God, in both cases a seed conceived, made one,..... and a seed believed (the gospel of Christ death and resurrection), conceived the other. One seed is of man. The other seed is of God. One seed conceived produces sons of men. The other heavenly seed conceived produces sons of God.
        In both of these NEW CREATURES ones own labor is not involved. The parents seed and labors are involved and the labors of Jesus Christ and him crucified and risen from the dead are involved. One is a corruptible seed planted and conceived, while the other is called an incorruptible, imperishable seed planted then conceived the moment the faith mix is right. Like Phillip said to the man, "If you believe with all your heart you can be baptized. The FAITH MIX WAS RIGHT. The man said to Phillip the soul winner, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God (1st John 5:1-5). Phillip led by the Holy Spirit, baptized the Ethiopian on that simple confession of faith........     
        That which is born of man, perishes for it is perishable seed. That which is born of Gods incorruptible imperishable seed (The gospel of Jesus Christ and him crucified and risen from the dead) shall live forever as long as the sin unto death does not occur. 
.........And what is the sin unto death? To, with full purpose of heart abandon Christ willfully, freshly rejecting Him in unbelief and betrayal like Judas did. You hang your soul good bye if you do this. So don't do that. Instead every day Love Jesus. Praise Jesus. Give thanks to Jesus. Walk and Talk and Fellowship with Jesus. Learn more about Jesus. Please Jesus. Follow Jesus. Believe Jesus. Trust Jesus. Obey Jesus, Serve Jesus more and more and more. Just keep on believing and growing in the faith and the love of the Son of God who loved you and gave himself for you. So it is written for all our admonishing, Believe on the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ and Love one another fervently..Preaching peace by Jesus Christ and him crucified and risen from the dead.......deno.....God Bless You.
And the NEW BORN babe asked the question saying....What did I DO that caused me to be born ? What kind of Works did I do to be born of man ? How did I get here ? Did I create myself ?  And the New Born Spirit Babe in Christ asked the same questions.  John 1:12-13)....Jesus Jesus Jesus is the Seed that gave you life when you mixed your hearts faith and trust with the gospel of his death and resurrection. He re-created your spirit within you. You were right then, in the spirit man of your being BORN AGAIN OF GOD. Now let all of us that are In Christ old or just born, learn to walk more and more in this newness of our spirit and in newness of life.......Ephesians 4:23-24

If God Wanted To Condemn Us.......deno......please share freely

      If God wanted to condemn us and all the world, He had the perfect opportunity to do so after Adam sinned and betrayed the sacred trust, but He didn't do that. Jesus said of his coming into the world, I came not into the world to condemn nor to destroy the world, but to SAVE IT. He went to the Cross to save us and God raised Jesus from the dead to seal it done.
      If you have received Christ, whether male or female, then inside you, in the spirit of your being (the heavenly place) is a spiritual circumcision, a spiritual cut and mark that is as real to the eyes of God as natural circumcision was to the eyes of the covenant men of Israel.
        Now lets all together listen very attentively. We need to note that fact that with our good works of the Law or any other that WE DO, we cannot reach into the dimension of our spirit, the heavenly part of our being within us and make this life saving cut. It's IMPOSSIBLE FOR YOU & I.....ONLY CHRIST CAN. This is why HE CAME INTO THE WORLD. To enter into us and make the life saving cut in our spirit that severs and separates us from the spiritual Law of the sin and death that the whole world is born in bondage to thru Adams sin and betrayal. 
        The question we must ask now is HOW DID CHRIST ENTER INTO THE INSIDE OF YOU & Ito make that life saving cut? To perform this LIFE SAVING MIRACLE?  Did He enter into us by our works, our works of the Law of Moses? No. Romans 3:20) it is written, that by the Works of the Law shall no one be justified (Saved, made right in Gods sight). 
       Here is another scripture that answers that question of HOW DID CHRIST SPIRIT ENTER INTO OUR HEARTS?.....Galations 3:1-6) O foolish Galations, who has BEWITCHED YOU, that you should fall for a lie, when before your eyes Jesus Christ was preached crucified among you. 2) This only would I learn of you, Did you RECEIVE THE SPIRIT OF CHRIST by the works of the Law, or by believing what you were preached? 3) Are so foolish? having BEGUN IN THE SPIRIT do you think you are now MADE PERFECT BY THE FLESH 5) He that provides HIS SPIRIT to you, and works miracles among you, does He do all this by your works of the Law, or by you BELIEVING what you are preached. The right answer then is the RIGHT ANSWER NOW, BY FAITH. BY BELIEVING THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST THAT YOU ARE PREACHED  ... 
       This also plainly means you and I cannot save ourselves by our works though unto GOOD WORKS we all have been called unto, for that is the Way of Christ and His Love in us. We must all lean on, trust in Jesus steadfastly for OUR SALVATION, for our spirits circumcision and NEW BIRTH. He is the DIVINE SURGEON. He is the only One qualified. No one else including ourselves are worthy to make this heavenly cut within our SPIRIT MAN within. ONLY CHRIST.
       Spiritual Circumcision Scripture:.... Romans 2:28-29) For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; Nor is circumcision that which is outward in the flesh, 29) But he is a Jew who is one inwardly, and circumcision is that of the heart, IN THE SPIRIT, not in the letter, this circumcision is not by men, but FROM GOD to whom we give all the praise. 
       We are children of light not by works but by the fact that Christ is IN US. Lets let Christ who is our LIFE & LIGHT (Colossians 3:4) shine thru us daily by submitting ourselves all to Him more and more as we grow in grace. As Jesus our life and our light said, Without Me you can do nothing. Christ is All. To Him be all the glory forever.. 

Thank You Lord Jesus For Being Our Savior, Our Salvation, Our Life and Our Light. I will trust in your unfailing love FOREVER....deno.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

As long as these truths remain real and alive in you, YOU WILL BE SAVED just like the thief on the cross was saved BY THEM. He had no self righteousness to boast about. He was totally helpless and without strength.... Romans 5:5-10)... He called in faith on the Lord to save him and Jesus did.....deno......please share freely......

As long as Jesus is your Lord. Romans 10:1-13
As long as Jesus is your Savior and your salvation. Matthew 1:21.
As long as Jesus is your life....Colossians 3:4)
As long as Jesus is your righteousness ...1st Corinthians 2:29-30.
As long as Jesus is your Redeemer and your redemption...1st Cor 2:29
As long as Jesus was wounded for your transgressions...Isaiah 53:5
As long as Jesus was bruised for your iniquities...Isaiah 53:5
As long as Jesus was punished to obtain for you your personal covenant of peace with God....Isaiah 53:5, Ephesians 2:13-17.
As long as Jesus died for your sons and rose again for your justification...Romans 4:24-25.
As long as you have receive Christ....John 1:9-13.
As long as John 3:16--18 and John 5:24 and Ephesians 2:1-10 are TRUE WORDS AND PROMISES OF GOD....

As long as being justified by faith we have peace with God....Romans 5:1
As long as God is satisfied with the tremendous sufferings of Christ...Isaiah 53:6,10-11.
As long as God shall not break the covenant of peace that He Himself established for us in Christ His Sons own precious blood  and swore that He would not break....Isaiah 54:7-10
Whosoever you are as long as these truths are and remain alive in you and are all together YOUR TRUTH and faith, and obedience .....YOU WILL BE SAVED....For it is with the heart man now BELIEVES UNTO RIGHTEOUSNESS, and not by the works of the Holy Law (Romans 3:20-31)AND WITH THE MOUTH CONFESSION IS MADE UNTO SALVATION...ROMANS 10;6-13.

These TRUTHS I Believe but Om not alone.  For so did the Apostle Paul.
I am swallowed into Christ and into all His overcommings and victories......deno......please share freely.

We Are Aliens to this world.......deno......please share freely

         Colossians 1:13) Let us give thanks unto the Father. For He has delivered us from the power of darkness and has TRANSLATED US into the kingdom of His dear Son. Have you yet realized that God Himself thru Jesus Christ has TRANSLATED you in your spirit within you into His Sons Spiritual kingdom. In Christ, in the inner man, we are THE TRANSLATED WITH CHRIST. John 5:24 helps us see MORE of this truth. John 5:24 are words only true to those who believe and belong to Christ. Jesus said. The person that hears my words (Of course that person believes them and obeys them, THOSE WORDS. Jesus said it is not the hears of the Word that are justified, but only those who BELIEVE THEM AND DO THEM. We believe what He tells us to believe and we do what His Word tells us to do. That is REAL HEARING). Jesus said," THE PERSON THAT HEARS MY WORDS, and believes that I was sent from the Father, HAS EVERLASTING LIFE, and THAT PERSON shall not come into condemnation (at the judgement) but is passed from death unto life". . Ephesians 2:1-10) Reveals more information about THE TRANSLATED ONES AND THEIR TRANSLATION. 
       In John 17 Jesus said. that we are not of this world, EVEN AS HE is not of this world. That is our translation fully defined by JESUS HIMSELF. We are Aliens to this world. Visitors from another planet and world that is far above and greater than this one. Gods SPIRIT world. We are the sons and daughters of the Mighty God. Let us fulfill the Missions we were sent here for by Jesus Christ......deno

Monday, April 7, 2014

Caution: These Words Could Change Your Life.....Words That Need No Picture. These Words Speak For Themselves.....deno

       Would you let wild pigs and mean wolves run free in your house? Would you let the meanest untamed pit bulls and wild blood thirsty beast run free all over your city forever? Such would rob the peace and rest in your society. Now you can understand some of hells calling. 
       Evil spirits that never become regenerated only beget evil and wickedness unto more evil and wickedness. Spiritual law does not cease to operate just because you fell from heaven and became transformed into a demonic mean wicked spirit. You keep getting more wicked and more meaner. Deceivers, Jesus said, shall wax worse and worse REMEMBER? These wicked mean spirits have to be incarcerated.   Think about it. Look at what Satan and his wicked evil host have caused already in heaven and on earth. They would love to do even more evil in the world, and to man, and God. They must be imprisoned. 
         Now be wise. Do not go down there where those mean wicked spirits are. It is in no way a pretty picture. There are no angels there to get the mean and merciless off of you. There are no security guards there to enforce restraining Law or peace. God and NO MERCY  are not in any way or form in hell. Not even one single drop. It is the worse real living horror story with no end. 
          Wisdom cries. It is time for all who need to repent to repent and for all who need to believe to believe on Jesus Christ unto Salvation and start to love, live and obey the Lord. You and your household. The days are short. The time is far spent. I know, I tremble at these words also, but they must be told if you really love the Lord and lost people. 
          Good News. Thank God we do not have to go there. Jesus said to the thief on the Cross that called upon His Name in Faith. The thief said., Lord, will you remember me when you come into YOUR kingdom? Jesus said, This day shall you be with me IN PARADISE...Lets all join Jesus like that thief did and go to heaven, the Paradise of Jesus and the Father......MUCH MUCH BETTER.....deno......please share freely.

Lord Jesus, be merciful to me a sinner. I believe Lord Jesus you are the Christ, the Son of God. I believe that you died for my sins and rose again from the dead. Come now and live inside me. Change me. Fill me with your Holy Spirit and Love and teach me in the way that you want me to live and to go. Save me from all my sins and keep me in Your Name forever Lord Jesus . You are Lord. I repent Lord. Help me to bring forth the fruits of repentance and walk in newness of life in Christ Jesus forevermore.......Amen

Believe by deno......please share freely.

*Believe that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son so that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.
*Believe that Jesus is the Christ the Son of God. This is what is the power, and value, and importance of the Cross of Christ.
*Believe that Jesus Christ is more than just a prophet, for it is written in Hebrews 1 that by Jesus Christ the Son of God, God made all the worlds and without His Son nothing was made that was created. This certainly makes Jesus, the Lord from heaven, much much more than just a prophet. He's every TRUE PROPHETS BOSS and they know it. The false ones will deny this ranking.

*Believe that Jesus loves you and gave himself for you.
*Believe that God sent His Son into the world to be the Savior of the world.
*Believe that Jesus died for your sins punishment and rose again from the dead for your justification and to give you a real everlasting living hope by His resurrection from the dead.
*Believe that God is love and that God is Light in whom dwells no darkness at all.
*Believe that by the sacrifice of Himself, Jesus put away sin forever.
*Believe that Christ sacrifice was Gods Power for our salvation.
*Believe that Christ resurrection was Gods way of making alive all who believe.

*Believe that there is no greater than Jesus except the Father. The rest are under Jesus Christ authority and crown. If who you are listening to denies this. RUN RUN RUN. The Serpent that deceived Eve is in them.
*Believe that it is better to follow Jesus and obey God rather than men.
*Believe that God by Jesus Christ baptizes with the Holy Ghost and with fire for Jesus himself said he would. So receive this precious grace and gift freely given in Jesus Name.
*Believe in the Power and great Saving authority in Jesus Name.

*Believe that Jesus came to bless us, turning every one of us away from our sins to believing and obeying Him faithfully. That is the ticket to life more abundantly. Acts 3:26.
*Believe that these 3 are at Gods top of the list, Christ faith, hope and love, and that the greatest of these is Love. For if we have all the faith as to move all mountains, and the mind to understand all mysteries, but we have not Gods love, we then are nothing.
*Believe that we must all stand before the judgement seat of Christ to give account of our selves to him for all we said and did, so live and do all things in the light of that warning. For God has set forth a day to judge the church and the world in righteousness according to His standard set.

*Believe that living for the glory and honor of Jesus Christ is highly rewarding in this life and in the one to come.
*Believe that blessed are they who are persecuted for their faith in Jesus Christ for the Spirit of glory and of great reward is upon you.
*Believe when you pray.
*Believe the promises of God.
*Believe that all the things we suffer in this world and for Jesus Name are not worthy to be compared to the glory which shall be manifested and revealed in us.

*Believe that Gods Word is True. It is and has been tried, tested, and proven.
*Believe that it is blessed and better and that it is Gods way and love to prefer your brother before you. This was and is Christ beautiful Spirit and attitude. The Cross of Christ proves it.
*Believe that Taking up your Cross and following Jesus is the highest life and faith adventure.
*Believe that real joy and gladness accompanies real commitment and obedience to Christ.
*Believe that God is watching. He is.
*Believe that God exist and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently SEEK HIM. Seek Him AND You will find.

*Believe that you can trust in the Living God.
*Believe that you can trust Jesus Christ.
*Believe that Greater is Christ in You than he that is in the world.
*Believe in going to church and in serving the Lord, for with such sacrifice God is daily pleased, for  people need your light and love in the Lord.
*Believe that you are serving a Risen Savior and A Mighty God, even the designer and creator of heaven and earth.
*Believe that Jesus Christ is Lord.
*Believe that Jesus is Boss.
*Believe also that Jesus  is our most loving Big Brother, and he is not ashamed of this. Hebrews 2:11.
*Believe that in Christ Jesus God is your Dad even as He is Jesus' Dad. John 20:17.
*Believe that the Father loves you even as He loves Jesus. John 17:23.
*Believe that by believing and belonging to Jesus Christ that you are not of this world even as Jesus is not of this world. John 17:14-17.
*Believe that Jesus is praying and interceding for you right now at the Fathers right hand.

*Believe that it is well worth believing and serving Jesus Christ in this life and the one to come.
*Believe that there is a Heaven to gain and that there is a hell to shun.
*Believe in Holiness.
*Believe that In Christ Jesus we have salvation and redemption thru Christ blood, even the forgiveness of sins. Colossians 1:12-14.
*Believe that God Himself has blessed us making Jesus to be FOR US our Righteousness, our life, our wisdom, our sanctification, and our redemption. He has. 2 Corinthians 1:29-32.
*Believe that by the death of Jesus we were reconciled to God and by the resurrection of Jesus Christ we who believe are sealed unto salvation.
*Believe in the good news of the ministry of reconciliation that God Himself has committed unto us in Christ Jesus. Read 2 Corinthians 5:17-21). How that God Himself was in Christ Jesus reconciling the world back unto himself, NOT HOLDING AGAINST THEM THEIR TRESPASSES AND SINS....Amazing Love. Amazing Grace.

*Believe in the glorious liberty wherewith Christ has made you free but be wise and do not use your freedom as a right to give place to sin. This is deception. Jesus Spirit and way is in all things to take away sin and not add sin to sin. Obey the Lord for this is right and good and this is what His voice always says. *Believe and obey the Lord.
*Believe in loving your neighbor as yourself.
*Believe in taking up your cross daily as a living sacrifice and following Jesus.
Believe in believing.
Believe in God and believe in your believing......deno.....please share freely.