Thursday, April 10, 2014

As long as these truths remain real and alive in you, YOU WILL BE SAVED just like the thief on the cross was saved BY THEM. He had no self righteousness to boast about. He was totally helpless and without strength.... Romans 5:5-10)... He called in faith on the Lord to save him and Jesus did.....deno......please share freely......

As long as Jesus is your Lord. Romans 10:1-13
As long as Jesus is your Savior and your salvation. Matthew 1:21.
As long as Jesus is your life....Colossians 3:4)
As long as Jesus is your righteousness ...1st Corinthians 2:29-30.
As long as Jesus is your Redeemer and your redemption...1st Cor 2:29
As long as Jesus was wounded for your transgressions...Isaiah 53:5
As long as Jesus was bruised for your iniquities...Isaiah 53:5
As long as Jesus was punished to obtain for you your personal covenant of peace with God....Isaiah 53:5, Ephesians 2:13-17.
As long as Jesus died for your sons and rose again for your justification...Romans 4:24-25.
As long as you have receive Christ....John 1:9-13.
As long as John 3:16--18 and John 5:24 and Ephesians 2:1-10 are TRUE WORDS AND PROMISES OF GOD....

As long as being justified by faith we have peace with God....Romans 5:1
As long as God is satisfied with the tremendous sufferings of Christ...Isaiah 53:6,10-11.
As long as God shall not break the covenant of peace that He Himself established for us in Christ His Sons own precious blood  and swore that He would not break....Isaiah 54:7-10
Whosoever you are as long as these truths are and remain alive in you and are all together YOUR TRUTH and faith, and obedience .....YOU WILL BE SAVED....For it is with the heart man now BELIEVES UNTO RIGHTEOUSNESS, and not by the works of the Holy Law (Romans 3:20-31)AND WITH THE MOUTH CONFESSION IS MADE UNTO SALVATION...ROMANS 10;6-13.

These TRUTHS I Believe but Om not alone.  For so did the Apostle Paul.
I am swallowed into Christ and into all His overcommings and victories......deno......please share freely.

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