Thursday, September 19, 2013

Why I Beleive In The Trinity # 3)...Father, Son & Holy Spirit.......deno

   In our previous segment of my trinity writing we talked about how on the mount of transfiguration Jesus began to shine from the inside out, from his eternal power, might, and life that was within that physical body. The Word had become flesh and dwelt amongst us and we beheld his glory John wrote. Well surely on that great mountain of grace he John, Peter and James beheld the inner heavenly glory of the Son of God as he began to glisten and shine brighter than any white or light that they had ever seen or knew of (Luke 9:28-35/Mark 9:2-9). Then also the Father in a great cloud of HIS OWN divine witness began to shine overshadowing them and Jesus on that mount and said, "Jesus is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased with, hear ye him."
     Now we said in the last writing that in the next spread of the ink we were going to find out just when did the Father start calling Jesus His Son or when was it that Jesus was known as the Son of God. Was it just on earth or was it in heaven as well before the foundation of the world or before all the creation. We said we were going to find out was Jesus ever know as or called the Son of God before he became flesh and dwelt bodily amongst us and that if we do find FROM THE SCRIPTURES THAT JESUS was known and called the Son of God before the foundation of the world, then we could in all honesty know him to be the ETERNAL SON OF GOD WITHOUT BEGINNING OF DAYS NEITHER ENDING OF DAYS. ONE WHO LIKE THE FATHER ALWAYS HAS BEEN AND EVER SHALL BE, AND HAS ALWAYS ENJOYED HIS ETERNAL PLACE IN THE GODHEAD OF THE THREE THAT THE SCRIPTURES DECLARE BEAR THEIR RECORD IN HEAVEN AS FATHER, SON & HOLY GHOST. That he has always been WITH THE FATHER sharing all the Fathers Alpha and Omega glory, attributes and status AS THE HEIR OF THE MIGHTY THRONE.
    Well let's look at some scriptures and see what is revealed. In John the 17th chapter Jesus is now in prayer action. He is soon to taste the cross to fulfill the written scriptures of the sufferings of the Christ. But in this particular prayer we find to our amazement that he is not pouting before the Father of the pains soon to become him, but rather he, in his faith eye, has endured the cross with victory and now he is asking the Father to once again glorify him and then he zeros the thrones attention on to  the church, on those who believe and belong to him which also includes you and I.
     In verse 4 Jesus says to his Father, Father I have glorified You on the earth. I have finished what you commanded of  me. Now Father I ask......this which Jesus is about to ask is not of flesh and blood origin. These words are not the words of Peter or James. They are not the words of Paul or Matthew or of Barnabas. They are not the words of the baptist denomination. They are not the words of the catholic denomination. They are not the words of any pentecostal denomination but they are the words of Jesus Christ himself. Do you suppose he knows more about heaven, heavenly things and things of the Godhead than you or I? Most certainly he does. He came down from heaven (John 6:37-40). He is Lord. Well lets see what he knows of himself and of the Father. 
     Verse 5 in Jesus' own words....And now O Father, (What Father? Our Father which art in heaven) glorify thou me with YOUR OWN SELF (Means Individual Self-Important word there. Important point there) with the glory which I HAD * WITH YOU*BEFORE THE WORLD WAS). A glory that Jesus is presently without as he prays he is asking the Father to replenish. He tells us that he (HIS OWN SELF, HIS OWN INDIVIDUAL SELF WAS WITH HIS FATHER BEFORE THE WORLD WAS). We know this was not the man/the bodies words because his body, the man part of Jesus by no means was with the Father before the world began. His body, the flesh that he became wrapped in in the womb of Mary, did not come into being until thousands of years AFTER the world was created. No, this was an Eternal Being and Eternal Son in the light of his greater than all heavenly knowings, reaching out to His Father that he loved and knew so well in prayer. This was a holy One of God that was WITH GOD before anything in heaven or earth was made (John 1:1-14). This was One who before Abraham was, existed.
This was a Son who existed before the Creation speaking of what he knew of perfectly and of what was now missing and of what was needing to be replenished into his Self by the Fathers Self....He prayed. And now O Father, glorify thou me with YOUR  OWN SELF  with the glory that I (MYSELF) had with You, with You, with You before the foundation of the world....
      Brethren we can most surely bank on these above words of Jesus the eternal Sons divine witness. That The Fathers Self is one self and the Sons Self is another Self. We could also pray his prayer using these words and be heavenly accurate.  And now O Father, You glorify MY SELF with Your OWN SELF with the glory that MY SELF had with YOUR SELF before the foundation of the world. This may startle some people, but it is heavenly ACCURATE. 
    Like water perfectly mixes with water so does Jesus' own heavenly mix and blend with His Fathers heavenly. Yet in this great Godhead Power Mixing they talk to one another  as Father and Son and always have saying things like LET US MAKE..... Then they can UNMIX and Jesus (Jesus' heavenly self) can be sent and come down from heaven to earth, be enwrapped in flesh and pay a tremendous price for the redemption of man and SO THE SON DID. The Father that sent him gave him that commandment and that great redeeming mission. I am so glad he did. I hope these words helped you and blessed you.....deno....please share freely...more to come...

Remember Who We Are by Krista Branch,,,Official Video....Patriotic Song...America Remember Your You Are And Do Not Compromise You Freedoms Nor Your God Given You Constitution & Independance.......deno

America Remember Who You Are..."The Uncompromising Free" KRISTA BRANCH DOES IT AGAIN! Her second release, "Remember Who We Are" is an inspiring patriot..

Ava Aston "We The People" Song & Video.....please share.....deno

Love This Song......deno

Available at iTunes: From the single release "We The People" - Learn more about Ava Aston at http://w...

Jesus Is Praying For You...He Ever Lives To Intercede For Us Who Believe And Belong To Him......

     In the heat of the moment, in the pressure cooker of trying situations, what we are really made of comes forth in flavor and aroma before man and God. Peter under the pressure of the Cross of Christ, when pressured by the people for the standing up for gospel light and for what he believed and knew was truth and right, he denied that he was affiliated with Jesus. The demonic set up and the pressure of the power of Satan who wanted to sift he and his faith as wheat was so great, he greatly lied and said I Know Not The Man....Well thank God Jesus prayed for Peter that his faith would not fail forever. By Jesus' intercession, in time, Peter was forgiven and fully restored. Isn't is good to know that He that prayed for Peter's faith not to fail and for him to be fully restored, is right now at the Father's side in the Throne interceding for you and me (Hebrews 7:25).....
      Have you ever failed the Lord? Have you ever denied knowing him or His ways? It is written, they honor Me with their lips but their life style and deeds deny Him...Well like Peter we all can repent. We all can be fully restored. I don't care how great the denial, the sin, or how great the lie, Jesus is willing to fully restore you back unto himself. That is His Great Calling, Redeemer, Restorer, Reconciler, ReUniter. Just to note. Jesus' prayer for Peter so restored him and his right standing with the Father, that God poured out on Peter His Spirits Power and Peter was and became the first mighty soul winning preacher of the gospel even after he denied before the world that he even knew Jesus....Truly God Is Merciful. As it is written. God's mercies are renewed every morning.....deno....please share freely

Elizabeth's Prayer For Courage.....A Prayer Good For Us All.....deno

Almighty God our Heavenly Wonderful Father, Who gives strength to the weak and upholds those who might fall. Give me courage to do what is right, for those that trust you have no need to fear. Make me brave to face any danger which may now threaten me. Give me the help that you have promised to those who ask it, that I may overcome my fears and go bravely forward. Fill me with courage, that nothing which is my duty to do, may be too hard for me. Fill me with grace that I may trust in your power and goodness and love without wavering. Thank you my LORD, In Jesus Name .....AMEN.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

HOW OFTEN........deno

Much to often many of us christian believers are way to involved fulfilling our own agendas than the Lords. For this reason evil spreads across the land like a raging fire little resisted and nations are weakened and even brought down by weaker hands.... Prayer is spiritual bullets and weapons in Jesus Name....How often are you firing your God given you gun called intercessory prayer? How often do you intercede for the nation? How often does the God of glory see us on our knees crying out for the healing of our people and nation? How often do you share the gospel and help the weak? How often do you visit and help the stranger in need? How often do you visit the imprisoned or cloth the poor and feed the hungry in Jesus Name? How often do you take the stand for His Truth? Is our nation being overcome and consumed because we are to busy to fight the good fight of faith for we prefer this worlds pleasures above the pains and comforts that come from carrying on the Cross of Christ?....let us pray for one another to become on fire for Jesus, full of faith and full of the Holy Spirit like Stephen and Phillip and Paul were in their hour of the great duty....deno....please share freely.

I Hear His Whisper.......deno

I hear His whisper...Be Strong. Be Courages. Be Fearless Against The Enemies Of The Cross Of Christ and Against Those Who Oppose His Resurrection. All They Have Is Fear And Terror For The Spread Of The Great Deception because of the emptiness of their cup. But the truth is God is Love and God's Love In Christ Jesus Is The Ever Enduring Everlasting Truth. As David was not intimidated by the size , or by the threats, or by the terror and growls of Goliath, nor was he afraid of that entire nation and all it's evil and false beliefs, neither are my people to be afraid. For as I was with Moses and David in battle I am even more with the Church, the Redeemed of the Lord. Only Be Believing And You Will See The Salvation Of The Lord.....Amen.