Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Blood Of God. It's Incomparable Power......deno.....please share freely

    Christ taught us that His blood was the blood of the New Covenant between God and Man.  His blood, the blood of the Son of God,was shed for many, for the remission of their sins and for their salvation from sin. As it is written...His Name shall be called Jesus for He shall save His people from their sins. It is also written, "that without the shedding of blood there is no removal or remission of sin". Therefore we can see in these scriptures that TO GOD BLOOD HAS TO BE SHED TO SAVE US FROM OUR SINS.  Knowing this God prepared for us His best and greatest sacrifice for our sins. A body God prepared for himself and it is written, "that by the sacrifice of Himself God put away sin."
     Can you imagine that with me? I mean just think about it. God became a man and by the Sacrifice of Himself he put away sin. No court of justice in their right mind on earth or in heaven could ever rightly argue against the power of the blood sacrifice of God. The blood of His own Cross is the power of God unto salvation. The only ones that do spit and wag their heads at the power of Gods own blood and of His own sacrifice are those whose hearts and minds eyes are blind to it's incredible awing saving  power. 
     The power God unleashed thru the blood of His own Cross is more powerful than all the energy and power God released when He created the Creation. We can trust and believe in the redeeming and saving power of the blood of our Makers own Cross.....It is written Have faith in God....We also write and say, Trust in and have faith in Gods Blood, the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ......
      Nothing of any of us on earth or in heaven can even compare to the saving grace and redeeming power that is the the Cross of Christ where God himself shed His own blood and tasted death by the way of the Cross to save His own people  from their sins......
       In redemption covenant wisdom, blood is far far more powerful and far far more redeeming than any good works of men...... The works of men on His altar compared to the blood of God on Gods altar are incomparable in power.....One is as blazing fire. The other is but stubble and straw......Thru all our good works that were are to do in Christ in obedience to His Lordship over us, let us keep our hearts trust, faith, and confidence in the power of the blood of God and His own blood and Cross.......deno. 

No Other Name Under Heaven Or In All Creation Above The Name Of Jesus......deno.....please share freely

    When Jesus gave us His Name to do all things in, he gave us the mightiest of gifts ever given by God to His creatures. So much can be said and written about this and so much has been taught us and written to us by the elders of the church. 
    One thing I want us to be reminded of in God giving us His Sons Name is that God knew why He gave us the greatest Name in Heaven and in all the creation. It was because He wanted to give us HIS BEST. He wanted to give us HIS BEST access to Him.  He wanted to give us HIS BEST entrance to Him. He wanted to give us HIS BEST WAY unto God's heart and ear. He wanted to give us HIS BEST power and HIS BEST reaching God authority. No One gets to God like Jesus does and it was Jesus and His Name God gave us THE REDEEMED for our salvation, safe keeping and accessing the Father to get our orders and to receive all the good He has for us each and every day on earth and in heaven. Yes this may surprise you but in heaven also, we to shall live in, pray and praise in the Mighty Name Of Jesus.......deno.....please share freely.

P.S.   When we ask in the Name of Jesus we are asking God in the name of the one who is sinless and perfect in righteousness. This gives us great asking grace and power in which we are to believe in and  believe on. It exceeds all our self righteousness and all the power of our very limited flawed filled records and names. We are to believe that God in His great love for us has honored us the imperfect and the weaker vessels by giving us His Sons perfect record, his sinlessness, and his perfect righteousness and relationship with the Father which all together given freely to us, is the mightiest asking and receiving from God power on earth and in heaven. 
    Jesus alone is the Name and the God given us gift of righteousness to Ask and Receive from the Father. Believe on that name and in his perfect record and righteousness and his perfect relationship with the Father and love one another. This is the Two New Commandments of the greatest power of God to man on earth.

Pray Down The Rain.....deno....please share freely

We are not responsible for the change in people. Our part is to plant the seeds of Christ and His gospel and then pray down the rain. Jesus did exactly that. He first sowed himself THE WORD thru the Cross to be planted and received in the ground of the hearts of all men. Then He went to the Father and prayed down the rain. Father He said. Send now to them that believe Your Living Water, The Holy Spirit...... We need no longer the word or the spirits of men in our nation that needs to be healed. We need the Voice of Christ and the Spirit of the Living God. As is is written of king Saul, The Lord said to him. Saul, when My Spirit comes upon you, you will be a different person. You will even prophesy like the prophets. Can you see here in this verse how Gods Spirit can really change and heal us and make in us and in our nation the BIG DIFFERENCE. LETS NOW PRAY DOWN THE RAIN OF GODS LIVING WATER THE HOLY SPIRIT UPON THIS GENERATION IN JESUS NAME....deno

Neither Give Place To The Devil......please share freely.....deno

Heaven never gives place to Satan nor to Atheist.They know to do so is Curse Full and Demonic Filled. The Americans before us clearly knew and understood this truth......But now The One Nation Under God is seriously regretting more and more That DAY she relaxed her stand and compromised her glory & honor and did. Her streets now are a blazed with hate, anger, and violence. Her children are confused and have gone wild in sin & they are bringing forth the evil fruits of darkness and unbelief.......deno

Let us return unto the Lord and He will pardon us. Let us repent and He will heal our land. God I pray for America. That by Your Gospel and Spirit we as as Nation wise up and repent and return unto the Lord and bring forth the glorious fruit of repentance and forgiveness. AMEN.

Reminding America......deno

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.
This verse of scripture is the foundation of the words, One Nation Under God....deno

Reminding America: Together We Stand, Divided We Fall. Blessed Are The People Whose God Is The Lord. 

God Bless The United States Of America.

Whats In Your Heaven? Lay Up For Yourselves Treasure In Heaven.......deno.....please share freely

     The scriptures teach us that Christ went to the Cross and tasted death for us all to bring many people unto glory, unto the heavens of God. It is written, Jesus by his death reconciled us unto God.... Now that we who have received Christ are the children of God who have received the great reconciliation that Christ death accomplished for us; and now that we as His children are RISEN WITH CHRIST (Colossians 3:1-4) in the spirit unto his heavenly places of position and honor (Ephesians 2;1-10), it is totally up to us and our decision only of how much treasure we will have laid up for ourselves in heaven where Christ is seated at the right hand of God....The world will ask you, Whats in your wallet? Angels of exceeding great power and glory will ask you, What's your treasure amount in heaven?....

     Today start being about your Saviors business and lay up for yourselves more and more treasure in your heaven in Christ.....Reminder #1, In all that you do acknowledge the Lord and he will guide your path. Reminder #2, And whatever it is that you do, do all in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.....
      In glory right now, Angels are treasure hunting. They are looking for the treasure that you laid up for yourself this day in heaven for your enjoyment in your eternity with Jesus and God the Father. He left all this part fully up to you and me......deno

Jesus said, If you give a cup of water to even the least of these my brethren, you shall by no means lose your reward. Imagine what a full course meal given to one will provide for you in your heaven.

Jesus said, Did you not know that I must be about my Fathers works and business? 

Monday, January 20, 2014

God Swore The Peace......deno.....please share freely

  1.        I have been down many different roads in this life thru both good and bad decision making. I admit that. Sometimes I will admit this to that there are times in my life that I did not listen to my earthly father, nor to my Heavenly Father, so that i took a small bite out of that apple to start with, but by the deceitfulness of sins lying pleasures THAT ROSE UP IN MY MIND, I ended up eating the whole thing and my rear end and life ended up feeling the whip of both a loving earthly father and a mighty Heavenly Father. Both were professionals in the area of chastising the children they love........
          Did you know God who loves us and gave His Son for us knew perfectly the full precise measure of chastisement that was needful and necessary for you and I and all believers who hearken and obey His voice to have established for us the forgiveness of sins, eternal redemption and an everlasting covenant of peace? He fully pre-calculated the full measure of that chastisement and punishment that was needful and necessary to bring forth eternal salvation and a SWORN WORD OF ALMIGHTY GOD of everlasting peace between God and men on earth and God put that chastisement, THAT MEASURED CUP, before His Son and commanded him to drink that cup and leave nothing remaining in it. He left nothing friend, not even a smudge on the cups sides or edge. All of it Jesus fully drank, he fully absorbed into himself all that was in that bitter cup...Then once the drinking of that was finished, once it was accomplished Jesus cried out, It is done.
           It was RIGHT THEN by those words and what they meant that all that was necessary to tear the veil in twain in the holy of holies in the temple so that ALL men by faith in Christ could enter unto Gods Holy place/presence/dwelling/throne in an upheld by God himself covenant of endless peace and His Holy Spirit into them. This was and is everyday the Power of the Blood & Cross of Christ. It is always pointing up and pointing US towards heaven to the Father and His throne. NOW NOTE THIS WITH ME. A GOOD WORD IS ABOUT TO BE PREACHED AND REVEALED HERE FOR US ALL AND FOR OUR REJOICING......

           Around that magnificent Throne is the GREAT RAINBOW which was place and positioned there TO everyday remind God what He Swore, that He would never destroy the whole earth by water again Isaiah chapters 52, 53, 54, 55 a must read....With that rainbow there in mind and its purpose to remind God what HE SWORE.....ABOVE THE IMPORTANCE OF ALL THAT, LET US TOGETHER NOTE THIS... the Father HIMSELF sat Jesus down right next to Him in the GREAT THRONE and Jesus there CONSTANTLY AND DAILY REMINDS God of the Sworn Words THAT HE SWORE of eternal salvation, of eternal redemption, of endless peace and the forgiveness of sins He Swore between God and all who believe and obey His Sons Gospel and voice. Jesus there is constantly reminding God of the scriptures of the prophet Isaiah, saying REMEMBER FATHER, I was wounded for their transgressions, I was bruised for their iniquities. REMEMBER FATHER, that the punishment and the measured chastisement that was needful and necessary for the covenant of endless peace between God and the believing and eternal redemption to BE SWORN BY GOD TO MAKE IT UNBREAKABLE SCRIPTURE AND AN EVERLASTING UNBREAKABLE GOOD REPORT and GOSPEL I DRANK FATHER FOR THEM.... AND FATHER AS YOU COMMANDED OF ME I DRANK THAT CUP TO THE FULLEST MEASURE LEAVING NO REMAINS FOR ENMITY BETWEEN GOD AND THOSE WHO HEARKEN UNTO MY GOSPEL, WHO REPENT AND BELIEVE AND OBEY MY WORDS.....As it is written. the chastisement that was needful and necessary for our PEACE WITH GOD AND HIS PEACE WITH US JESUS MET....Yes my dad preached these words to me and my family for years. In honor of him and in honor of Jesus and in their love for you I have written them to REMINDS US ALL. Hope you did not mind ....please share His Love. Your friend in Christ.....deno

Thursday, January 16, 2014

If My People Who Are Called By My Name....If We Will Resist The Devil He Will Flee From Us.....If We Welcome Him He Will Not Leave.....deno....please share freely

If your the antiChrist and your father the devil knows it is soon time for you to come upon the worlds stage, you will scope the world scene to see what nations are in power and what nations are filled with believing Christians who are the light of the world and who are the enemies that war against the powers of darkness. Those nations of power filled with Christians you will place your attention upon to either take them down or take them over so that they cannot hinder your hours works on the earth. America is his target because of her past & even present christian heritage and her present power in the world....This is why we are under going such anti Christian anti Jesus attacks and changes is this nation. So that the anti Christ spirit, his demonic power and force is less grieved and less agitated and less disturbed. He is looking for free course of his demonic will over the world.....deno

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Let Gods Promises Grip Your Storm Or Need And Bring Peace & Salvation ......deno.....please share freely.

The Lord is His love and mercy can take the roughest of hearts and make them His smoothed by His Spirit, Gospel, Grace and Goodness. The Lord can take the most darkened mind and the most hate filled heart and turn that mind and that heart into a fountain of His sweet LIGHT and love. The Lord can take the storm of all storms and grip that storm with the mighty grip of His Word and Promise of PEACE BE STILL and calm it to the peace of his perfect rest. Of stones he can turn them into children of God and of Abraham.. Of the dead He can raise them up unto LIFE EVERLASTING. The empty basket he can fill to overflowing. With the Lord there is hope. All things are possible to those who really believe and please Him....And the Lord said to the blind man, "WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO.?". This to is included in the Word Of Gods Good News To Man In Christ Jesus.. God answers prayer. God will perform the desires of the believing. He will bring to pass the desires of those who delight and obey His voice......deno.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Come Down Off The Cross??? No Way....updated with a revelation from the Lord.....deno.....please share freely.

     They said, If you be the Christ, Come down now from the Cross.
       And the blind said to Jesus when he was upon the Cross....If you be the Christ, the Son of God, save yourself. Come now down off the Cross.
        Had Jesus come down off that Cross and failed to fulfill the Words of God (The Scriptures) concerning the passions of the Christ, all hell would have erupted and broke loose on earth and into all the regions of heaven itself FOR THE FATHER AND JESUS WOULD HAVE BEEN FOUND TO BE LIARS and Satan in the great war would have been given even further incredible place. (Note this the first Adam sin gave Satan the world and the souls of men..See Luke 4:5-6, 2 Corinthians 4:4, Revelations 13:1-2. Jesus Christ the Son of God, the  2nd Adam, had he lied or sinned or fell in temptation, he would have given Lucifer the Spirit and Soul of God, even the Throne, for that sin would have been God Committed and on that Highest level so would be the consequence).
       Believe it or not it is still true. All things of God are upheld from creation to the throne of God by the word of Gods Power and His Words perfect unfailing integrity upholding strength . For man, men, or God Himself to transgress Gods words and commandments IT IS SIN and it has      grave/separation/robbing/self destructive consequences. 
One jot or one tittle failing to come to pass would bring the whole house of God down from the throne down, for the Throne had committed transgression against itself. That is a mystery of truth revealed.
       If God ever lied, then follows the cryptonite effect. That's why we see the fright, the fear, and the soulish pressure in the garden of Christ despair as his mind and soul were under temptation being pressured to side step the Cross scriptures of the Word of God. Satan in his desperate fight for self survival was using all his darkness mind manipulation power to take Jesus captive in his thoughts to use fear and anxiety by the horrors of the Cross to pressure Jesus from drinking its cup.
        If there ever was a chance for God to transgress His own Word this was it, the pressure of the Cross event. This was the hour of the power of darkness against the Son of God and also it was Lucifers greatest opportunity in the warfare to possibly cause a lie in the Godhead. All Satan needed was one lie, one transgression and the Kings guilt would be as guilty of all. A liar is a liar and the lie Satan is the father of and the ruler over.          Had Jesus side stepped the scriptures concerning the Cross that would have been the greatest sin and Word of God Transgression far above all others and it would have given unto Lucifer the greater place of authority and dominion over the Son, even to the throne of His Authority and Dominion which he had been after for a long time. Satan took Adams kingdom and keys and dominion of authority away from him by ONE transgression, and he was after the keys to the kingdom of God and Jesus Christ, tempting Jesus the second Adam to sin thru the sight of his own blood and the pains of the mercy filled merciless Cross. The scripture says, for you have not yet resisted sin unto blood.  This scripture was written all about Jesus as he sweated as it were drops of blood mixed with sweat as he was being TEMPTED to not drink the Cup of the Cross.
      When Jesus was in the garden sweating like drops of blood under extreme pressure from the weighty pressures pressing against him hoping to keep His tasting the death of the Cross FAR FROM HIM, all the Powers of darkness were united together against him in the heavenly realms of the mind, soul, spirit and body. United in the warfare against the Son of God they were doing all they could to scare our Lord, our Hope, away from the cross of Christ Word of God scriptures, in hope that a jot and tittle of the Word of God would fail to come to pass. Then by that transgression Satan would have gotten the Second Adams keys to his kingdom also. But Christ kingdom has no limit in measure as Adams did. Christ kingdom as Creator of all of heaven and earth encompasses the whole creation, even the throne of the Creator. 
      As Satan came against Eve and Adam to transgress a Word of God, even so he came against Jesus in hope to cause him to sin against a commandment given him as well. The Cross of Christ was a commandment given Jesus by God and avoiding the cross would have been sin, it would have been transgression against a commandment. Gods command of His Son to taste the fullness of death by the way of the Cross was Satan's best opportunity for his temptation to possible work to cause 2nd Adam transgression whereby he would lay holt of the keys.
      Had Jesus backed away from the Cross and failed to fulfill its scriptures, this would have meant the delicate balance of Gods Word that upholds all things would have been upended and the root that upholds all things in creation would have fallen by the power of GOD HIMSELF LYING. GOD LYING would be the end of God as we know him and the creation as we know it. Well thank God Jesus went to the Cross and stayed on the Cross even when all the evil spirits that use men and live in their hearts and in their thinking kept taunting Jesus to come down off the Cross. Thank God Jesus resisted sin even when suffering incomparable anxiety, pain and suffering in blood for the sin of all the world. 
    We to my friends must not let anyone, friend, family or foe talk us into coming off of, or coming down from, or going around the gospel of the Cross of Christ for salvation. If Jesus came down off the Cross even the Father and Jesus himself would have suffered severe condemnation and tremendous FALL from perfect light for lying. If you or I come off the Cross truth and power, or come down off the way of the Cross of Christ, being deceived by the serpent by other ways to follow other means of salvation, we to then would be found to be liars and we would suffer the severity of the condemnation of those who cleave not to the Cross of Christ. Such would be FALLING FROM GRACE and that fall has no end for it is a bottomless pit.
        And the Serpent will say to us, If you are saved, If you are a child of God come now down off the Cross and go to other means to save yourself....To do so, to do that would be spiritual suicide.....Stay Crucified with Christ and Risen with Christ......All of redemption and the so great salvation happened thru Christ drinking the Cup of the Cross...We must remain in the faith eating His Bread and Drinking the blood of His Cup in remembrance of His Great Sacrifice and Overcoming or there is no eternal life in us....deno.....please share freely.


I Will Cling To The Old Rugged Cross and Exchange It Some Day For A Crown....Keeping the faith Paul told us to keep is to cleave and cling to unwaveringly to AND with all yours hearts faith and trust to Jesus Christ and Him crucified and Risen from the dead AS THE WAY OF GODS ESTABLISHED FOR US SALVATION. No other road leds us unto glory but the Cross Of Christ. It is exactly how Jesus made it back safely to the Father,( NO WAY AROUND IT) and it is our way as well......deno.....please share freely

     What God has done from eternity we will live an eternity learning and finding out. His works are that in depth with His wisdom, knowledge and understanding. What Christ has done for us thru the cross is by no means naturally known or understood. It is revealed. Flesh and blood cannot make us know or understand it, but only by the Spirit of our Father opening our eyes can we know the glory, the benefits, the blessings, and the exceeding great saving power that is in and of the Cross of Christ. It was upon the Cross God Himself in the flesh tasted death for every man in order to save His own and all the world of believers from their sins and to bring many people unto His glory so that where Jesus is we can be also.....Only thru the Cross and the continuous mixing of our hearts faith and full unwavering trust in and with Christ precious blood and His exceeding great sacrifice and glorious resurrection shall will rise up unto God in His heavenly places that are far above.......
     Paul preached the saving power of the Cross of Christ from his beginning with Christ unto his dying in the Lord....For I am not ashamed of the Cross and Its Good news he preached, for it is the power of God, the power of God, the power of God unto eternal salvation saving all who believe from their sin. 
     The Cross of Christ is the ARK that we all are to enter into by faith and remain therein for assurance and safekeeping. It is the Ark built and provided by Gods own design and Gods own hands that will get us home safely. REMAIN IN THE ARK OF THE CROSS OF CHRIST....deno....
      OBEY THE CROSS....AGREE WITH THE CROSS OF CHRIST....CLEAVE TO THE CROSS OF CHRIST with all your love, devotion and faith for it is THE POWER OF GOD THAT SAVES US WHO BELIEVE FROM OUR SINS. Repentance is powerful but repentance without abiding faith in the Cross of Christ and His resurrection is a dead deed that cannot save. If all it took was repentance God would have spared His Son the agonies of the cup of the Cross. It is because of and from the Cross of Christ eternal redemption was obtained for us and it is also to be noted that all resurrections take place and occur only from the Cross, even the Lords. 

    So we repent yes, but we cleave to with all our hearts faith, hope, love and trust to The Power Of The Cross of Christ and His precious blood and resurrection to SAVE US. Without the blood of the passover Lamb, the repentant would have perished if they did not believe in, hope in , trust in the saving and keeping power of the blood of the PASSOVER LAMB on that wrath of God night. If the repentant Moses himself would have removed his trust off and away from the blood of the PASSOVER LAMB and put his confidence elsewhere, in himself, or in his repentance, or in anything of his name or doings, to save him from Gods wrath that night, and then step outside the great importance of the Lambs Blood, MOSES HIMSELF TO WOULD HAVE PERISHED THAT NIGHT.....Stay in the Ark of the Cross Of Christ, its that IMPORTANT...deno....please share freely.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Law of Moses Verses The Power Of Faith and The Mighty Works Of God.....deno cities and towns where Jesus came to  minister the Gospel and the Anointing upon him, (He had the Spirit of God without measure); in one village he ran into a wall, a wall of unbelief flowing from and erected  from people full of the Torah but who were also full of robbing unbelief. The scriptures reveal to us that in that village of people Jesus could do no mighty works there because of TH PEOPLES UNBELIEF. 
     Now many of these same people, being Jews, the children of Abraham, were very very familiar with the Torah, the Law, and the importance of circumcision and keeping the holy commandments. They new the commandments and many of them strove in honest effort to keep them. But did you know all that Law Keeping & Law Observing had in itself no power, nor did it give them any right or authority to be exempt, or to get around, or side step the NEED OF FAITH, THE NEED TO BELIEVE GOD to received from the Most Powerful Anointing That Flowed From Within Jesus Christ in the day of their visitation.  All that strict LAW KEEPING  of the scribes and the Pharisees profited them no special place in the arena of faith that was demanded by the Son of God who was himself inside that flesh body, the Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and of Jacob..It takes faith to please God and the scripture plainly tells us that the Law was not of faith (Galations 3:3-14). Important  point there.....

     So what can we learn from this light. You can be one of the most strictest of Law Keepers as a Pharisee, but when it comes to believing God for a miracle, or a need, you must be justified by faith in the sight of God to receive your miracle or need met....It is a law in itself.....As it is written in Romans 14:23...for whatsoever is not from faith IS SIN.

     It is written, He that works His miracles amongst you and performs your prayers, does He do it from the works of the Law or by the hearing of faith and from the believing of the heart? From the believing heart is how they are wrought......deno.....please share freely.

   We all need to read these words penned above till it's light and revelation and importance fully dawns on us......

FAITH BIGGER THAN OUR FEARS.......deno.....please share freely

       David said, When I'm afraid I will trust in the Lord.....Faith can work in the midst of fear....We can trust God in the most challenging situations and circumstances. David exercised his faith and trust in God on the battle fields of much blood shed where swords and arrows were flying everywhere.  Remember Goliath. Remember Davids war victories....Peter was told by Jesus face to face that one day in his future he would be killed for following Christ. Everyday with that hanging over his head Peter found a way from the grace of God given  to still rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory. He believed in the hope and the fellowship with God that Christ  blood, death and resurrection and ascension back unto the FATHER  gave us. He believed to love and serve Christ is Joy and of great gladness reward, and to die in Christ is far better..Peter rejoiced when he was found worthy to be persecuted for the Lords cause......deno

Satans Most Favorite 5 Words. A Must & Most Important Read.........deno.....please share freely

.......then Jesus said to the disciples the word of His upcoming passion. He said, "We go to Jerusalem and there I will be betrayed and handed over to the Gentiles. I will be crucified unto death. Then three days later I will rise again". The saving gospel, the so great a salvation that our dad preached for over 50 years, Jesus just preached to the first church members of the body of Christ. They heard for themselves the simplicity of the way of the gospel-THE CROSS OF CHRIST. They heard in their hearing the incomparable words from a mighty God that God was soon to, as a man, taste death for every man in order to, by His death and resurrection, reconcile and bring many sons and daughters unto God, unto glory. 
    Jesus in the above paragraph, told the first members of His Church, Words, even the Words of the gospel whereby they and their household would be saved by.......And just how did they, the first elders of the great congregation, react and respond to his sermon about the Cross of Christ? Peter, the Moses of the pack said, Get this, are you listening?????.....He responded to the Cross of Christ and to the death and resurrection of the Son Of God this way. He said,
 "Be It Far From You Lord." (Matthew 16:21-23)
.......Now lets notice how Jesus answered Peter, the Moses of the pack back. Jesus said, "GET THEE BEHIND ME SATAN........Do you know that these 5 words "BE IT FAR FROM YOU," that they are Satans counter words for almost every thing God is trying to talk us into believing and into doing? THEY ARE SURELY THAT.  FOR INSTANCE.... it far from you.
PRAY WITHOUT it far from you.
FORGIVE it far from you.
TURN THE it far from you.
LOVE ONE it far from you.
BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS it far from you.
HAVE FAITH IN it far from you.
MEDITATE IN GODS it far from you.
TAKE UP THE CROSS OF it far from you.
DAILY DENY it far from you.
SERVE GOD it far from you.
OBEY GODS it far from you.
GO TO it far from you.
SHARE THE it far from you.
TESTIFY YOUR it far from you.
BLESSED it far from you.
JUSTIFIED BY it far from you.
WALK IN NEWNESS OF it far from you.
WALK IN NEWNESS OF it far from you.
VISIT THE it far from you.
VISIT THOSE IN it far from you.
FEED THE if far from you. 
CLOTH THE it far from you.
HELP THE it far from you.
BE HONEST & it far from you.
BE it far from you.
TITHE & GIVE TO THE it far from you.
BELIEVE YOU RECEIVE it far from you.

    Well by now you should get the point. BE IT FAR FROM YOU IS SATAN'S EVERY DAY CONSTANT SERMON THAT HE PREACHES THAT ROAMS IN THE MINDS OF PEOPLE ALL OVER AMERICA AND THE WORLD. He persuades us and preaches that to our minds and to peoples minds to ROB GOD OF OUR LIFE, SOULS, MINUTES, HOURS, AND DAYS. His main and  highest purpose for this 5 word demonic inspired persuasion and sermon is to keep people far far away from obeying & serving God and far far away from the Cross of Christ which is the Power Of God Unto Salvation. All of us must start to respond and answer back and mean it just as Jesus did....GET THEE BEHIND ME SATAN........deno....please share freely.

P.S......Isn't it rather strange that the first person that we know of to say or to preach Satans 5 word sermon against the Cross of Christ , "BE IT FAR FROM YOU," was preached by the first great up and coming  New Testament preacher/prophet/evangelist Peter the Rock. Satan will try to use any of us to keep the Cross of Christ away from others or others away from the for thought....

So you took them every weekend to the skating ring and the city swimming pool. Did you ever take them to the Cross of Christ?

So you took them to the ball games every friday night. Did you ever take them to the Cross of Christ?

So you took them to church every Sunday. But in that church did you ever take them to the Cross of Christ???????? Jesus died on the Cross to save us from our sins and He rose again to justify all who believe....and Paul wrote in Romans 5:1 in the light of the glorious power of the death God Himself Tasted on the Cross, he wrote....Romans 4:23-25, then Romans 5:1) therefore we being now justified by faith, WE HAVE PEACE WITH GOD thru our Lord Jesus Christ....Jesus on the Cross was our PEACE OFFERING.....Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world...IT IS WRITTEN...God, by the sacrifice of Himself Put Away Sin.....Hebrews 9:26.....By The Cross of Christ.....AMEN


Friday, January 10, 2014

Jesus Told Us His Answer That Will Solve All Our Problems and Meet All Our Needs and much more......deno.....please share freely

All of God's Mighty Power & Attention and All of the Heavenly Host Back The Full Measure Of This Word, This Truth, This Covenant Promise Jesus Gave Us.......According to Gods Word and the scriptures cannot be broken, Jesus by whom God made the worlds, whose tongue cannot lie, and whose words cannot fail, He told us the answer and the way to fix all our problems in our personal lives, in our church associations, fellowship and works, and in America and in the whole world. He told us the exact problem fixer, problem solver....... He said..... If any two of you on earth shall agree about anything in My Name as Gods kings and priest on the earth, it shall be done for them by My Father which is in Heaven.
      Just think about that. Jesus the mighty God who knew how to and who had the power to form and create the Universe and all of Heaven,  told us of some great power and might that is in our hands, more so in our heart . Any issue, any need, any situation and circumstance that we have or encounter on earth can be healed, changed, remedied,  turned around by the spirit of unity in the prayer of agreement. 
       This truth is why Satan is fighting over time now to bring about strife and division between friends, family members, church members, between husband and wives, brothers and sisters, and between the nations like never before. He knows hearts and kingdoms divided against each other cannot stand against his onslaughts and attacks, and that divided hearts cannot agree. He is attacking those of the closest of hearts to keep them off base and off balance so that they do not wake up and come together in strong agreeing unity in Jesus Name, and exercise the promise of God in the prayer of agreement. For in so doing such agreement of the hearts of even just two believers can change their situations, circumstances , to even effecting the whole world. Jesus said, all we have to do is to agree on earth about anything in His Name and we will see God do great and mighty things on earth for us and for the church, and for the world....Real bible faith is ones heart really agreeing with God,  and His Promises, and believing that pleasing God and obeying  Him brings great reward......deno

That Blinding Veil That I saw In The Vision God Gave Me......deno......please share freely

    I've often wondered this. If scientist are really that smart, and we know many of them are, why is it many of them refuse to know or believe in the God of the beginning of the creation? When I saw that veil that covers the hearts eyes in the vision God gave me, eventually I understood much of their and the worlds problem. That veil was a weapon of the powers of darkness. As we have bullets and other weapons, they have spiritual weapons for blinding, confusing., deceiving,destructive purposes. That veil was a weapon of the rulers of the blindness of this world. That same veil was on the hearts eyes of those who turned against Jesus and screamed Crucify him. That veil is a living veil and not only is it a living thing with power to cover and blind, but strangely it is crafty and extremely witty and pours forth deceiving wit and speech to the minds of the deceived and all those it ensnares. That veil can obstruct the thought processing of men who right before their eyes see undeniable miracles of healings in abundance and while that bread of grace is still fresh and hot on the human scene, they can turn right around being deceived in their minds by that speaking powerful witty veil and say that is just a figure of my imagination. The Lord said, the problem is not in the measure of the education of a man for many uneducated people that cannot read or write, they to mock the existence of God or they scorn and hiss at the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is Satan's veil that blinds the learned and the unlearned from the truth about God and of His Son Jesus Christ. That living, speaking veil is more powerful, more crafty, more witty than all  human intellect, human wisdom, and natural reasoning.. That veil has to be combated with the Word of the Gospel that itself is also Living & Powerful  and sharper than any other  two edged Sword of the enemies weaponry, piercing thru all the powers of the veil to the awakening of the soul, to the making alive the spirit in man by the mix of faith in Jesus Christ......deno

If you are unlearned or you care not about wisdom, the speaking deceiving veil uses your ignorance and folly against you. If you are highly educated and sophisticated, Satan uses your pride and vainess to keep you from seeing the reality of God and the simplicity of the gospel unto your salvation. Yes against the both of you the veil wrestles with his might and speaking witty deceiving manipulating magic. By a bone in  the floor of God's eternal steps and works he keeps you in the dark away from the light of life that shines forth from the glory of God in the Cross of Christ His Risen Son......deno.


Let's Together Brag About Jesus....He Alone Is Worthy........deno......please share freely

       Because we can be stubborn sometimes and even sin sometimes, we cannot boast or brag about anything we do for God and our risen Lord....but this one thing we all can always do and that is to boast and brag on Jesus. He always pleased God and always even now pleases the Father. There exist no place in the Word for any of us to boast about what we have done or do for God, but it does say let everything and everyone boast about and brag about and praise the Lord our Savior and our Salvation. For He alone is worthy. Only He alone is worthy. For He alone is worthy...Christ the Lord....
      In the day to come after all of us who believed and trusted in Christ blood have received our crowns, we all place our crowns at Jesus' feet in the awe of where we are that day in heavens bliss and glory in the presence of Almighty God our Father, and because we all together fully realize that only by Christ, by His precious blood, and only by His great sacrifice on the Cross of our Redemption we made it there.......deno

Revelations 4:10-11) The twenty four elders fall down before Him that sat upon the Throne and worship him that liveth for ever and ever and CAST THEIR CROWNS before the Throne, saying,  vs 11) You are worthy O Lord, to receive glory, and honor, and power, for you have created all things, and for Your pleasure they are and were created......See also Revelations 5:1-14_

What Abraham Believed....What Abraham Learned About Jehovah The One True God....deno.....please share freely

.......It is written, Abraham believed God and HIS  FAITH, God  accounted as Abraham's righteousness.

Romans 5:1) Therefore (We) being justified (made righteous) by faith (as Abraham was) WE HAVE PEACE WITH GOD. Yahoolahoo.

......And what did Abraham believe? He believed God. He believed what God preached and promised to him.

*He believed that what God promised him God would fulfill and do.

*He believed God performed miracles and exceeding great and precious promises no matter how BIG & GREAT those promises seem. As he/Abraham walked more with God, Abraham learned that nothing was to hard for the Lord to perform.

*He believed that one day by HIS SEED (Which was Christ) all the nations of the earth would be blessed.

*He believed that God was a God of perfect integrity and would not nor could not lie to him or anyone, nor alter His Words. The more we really know God the more we know and believe that Jesus and the Father cannot lie, nor would they ever lie period. Those religions that preach Allah said to them they can lie or alter Gods word or deceive to advance Gods cause are DECEIVED BY SATAN. On their throne is the darkness of the night. The deceiving Serpent who transformed himself to them as a messenger of light only to deceive them religiously. It is absolutely impossible for God to lie, cheat, tempt one with sin, or mislead. He is the God that swears to His own hurt and changes not His word no matter if His words, to keep them, nails Him to a Cross.

*Abraham believed that though his body was like lifeless in his reproductive parts and Sarai's womb many years dead, that God could and would turn that situation around and that God  would perform a mighty miracle in both his body and Sarai's womb for the miracle child Issac to be conceived and born. Abraham and Sarai were above 90 years old.

*He believed that God was God and that God was worth loving and serving and worth forsaken even family ties, family comforts, false doctrines, and religious lifeless, powerless, traditional lies such as idolatry to walk with God in covenant fashion and friendship.

*He believed that God could fully be trusted and that he could cast on God all his cares and entrust to God all he and his wife and upcoming families life's needs, that God would come thru for him.. He believed that God would supply all his needs according to Gods riches in glory. 
     The bible says that GOD MADE ABRAHAM RICH & WEALTHY AND ABRAHAM KNEW THAT THE ONE TRUE GOD JEHOVAH MADE HIM AND MAKES MEN WHO SERVE HIM IN REAL BIBLE FAITH AND FAITHFULNESS RICH AND WEALTHY. You could not preach to Abraham a message that contradicts what God did for him and in his life.
   The bible clearly tells us all that this man Abraham, the man who walked by real faith before God, really trusting God, believing God, obeying God, did all God said  for him to do, that God made Abraham rich and wealthy. You could not preach a sermon to Abraham that God was against extreme prosperity....think about is written, and Abraham said of the Lord God Jehovah that introduced Himself to Abraham in the glory of His light, "God has made me rich and wealthy". The first man that God reintroduced Himself to on earth since Noah was Abraham, and Abraham learned by covenant connection and covenant faithfulness and by pleasing God by faith that God could and would and was a Mighty God that loves to BLESS and is willing to BLESS HIS COVENANT PEOPLE who pleased God by the obedience that accompanies real bible faith with riches in their house, with glory in their house and life, and with honor. So for any of us to say God is against the prosperity of His servants, or that He is against the prosperity message, they do not rightly know and understand the God Abraham learned of, loved and served in faith and in faithfulness. God open our eyes in Jesus Name.

Abraham learned that God rewarded faith, that faith is what really pleases God and that a life dedicated to serving God, obeying God, believing God was worth leaving all things for whether those things were people, places, things, or whether they were worldly comforts, traditions, false religions etc. He learned God believed IN THE BLESSING AND IN BLESSING THOSE WHO FAITHFULLY SERVE HIM BELIEVING GOD  ALL ALONE THE WAY.......deno......more to come.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Gods Launching Platform...The Cross of Christ.......deno......please share freely

       Friend you cannot even jump 15 feet high. Even if you try with all your own good might you cannot jump that high. So then, how do you expect to ascend unto the third heaven which is the Paradise of God in your own strength and might. Isn't it strange how we can sink into bottomless pits forever by the force of sin and by the physical force of gravity weight and go down down down in our own strength, but none of us in our own strength and might can keep rising higher and higher and higher. The Throne of God is FAR FAR ABOVE. Heaven resides in the highest of heights in the creation. Only by the resurrection power and ascending power of Jesus Christ can you reach heavens gates and enter. He paved the way. You will not get there at all in or by your own goodness, strength or power no matter how good or self promoting you think you are. It takes incredible lifting power that we do not naturally have to get us that high up into the heaven of heavens but God released all the lifting power we need when Christ was lifted up for us all on the Cross.....Jesus said, If I be lifted up I will draw all men unto God.....Jesus is your answer.....
      The Cross of Christ is God's launching pad for all mankind......It will take us all to the Throne of God safely and precisely and accurately.....It has already been tested and proving by Christ....He went to the Cross then afterward God connected Jesus to the resurrection. Then after those first two connections God poured out upon Jesus His ascending power to catch him back up into heaven into the Throne where He belonged......deno

God does not work alone......deno....please share freely

.......Our heavenly Father is the Almighty God. All things are possible with Him. There is nothing to hard for the Lord except one thing and that is getting some of us, His people to really believe and obey Him....

       This one thing I have learned from the things I see of God's many movements in the pages of the scriptures and that is this, God does not work alone and He has never done anything on earth without a man or a woman involved and co laboring with His steps/works of His grace in that affairs of men. (And Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord).
       Even when He moved to rain down His fiery judgement upon the city of Sodom and Gomorrah He said, I cannot keep this from My covenant man Abraham. Even when it came time for Him to fulfill the promise He made of the New Covenant to come; for that covenant to become a living reality connecting God to man in the core of mans being, He knew it was going to take a far greater sacrifice for such an entrance and penetration, even far more precious blood to establish it.
       He knew that for His pure sinless  Holy Spirit of perfect light to penetrate, go thru, enter into the sinful flesh of mans being and become mixed in, mixed with, and become One spirit with mans inner man, mans spirit in the hidden man of the heart, God knew  tremendous penetrating BREAKTHROUGH POWER beyond all human logic, human wisdom, and understanding had to be ignited and accomplished for this Holy mix of Spirit in spirit communion of Gods Holy perfect Spirit to become one spirit with the spirits of men..... Even to accomplish this He had to have a man working with Him in the most unselfish, fully surrendered, fully devoted and committed calling ever placed on a man. On earth there was nobody worthy or strong enough, nor so rich in love as to fulfill this most highest calling as to love and live totally sin free, like unto a Lamb without spot, wrinkle, or blemish.  Then after living perfect before God, lay his life and body down, lay it all down as a blood atoning sacrifice to take away the sin of the world and bring forth the way unto salvation. To get this most highest of the callings of man done in co laboring with God, God had to have a man.
      So God the Father had to have a most intense serious heart to heart talk with His Son in the Throne in heavens glory and tell him, You must become flesh. You must become a man. You must be both the Son of God and the son of man at the same time henceforth and forever on earth and then forever in heaven to reconcile men unto God by the Cross.  You must taste death for every man to bring many sons and daughters unto God. No other man on earth is worthy or fit for this blood sacrifice and calling..... For this very reason THE WORD BECAME FLESH AND DWELT AMONGST US.....
     God always needs a man, a woman, a people to co-labor with Him on earth. Even Jesus said, You lay hands on them and I will heal them...You pray for them and then I will move....
       God never ever does anything on earth without people. God never ever does anything on earth without people helping Him and He helping them. In Christ we are all called by Him to the work and ministry of co laboring with the Lord. He does not work or walk alone......Nor should we.....
     We as believers. We as Christians all need God and each other in so many grace filled ways to get the job done.....Let us unite and do all things together in more oneness and love of God harmony more than ever before. For what we are facing now on earth and for what we are going to face in the near future as believers, we will need God and one another more than ever before. Only by the love of God and faith shall we be sustained by heaven and sustain one another by love in action beyond just the saying in Jesus Name......deno

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Overcoming the Blind Spots In Our Theology........deno

......the Apostle Paul who formerly was known as Saul of Tarsus, in his beginning days of Christ ASSOCIATIONS did not even believe that Jesus was neither Christ or the Son of God. He thought in his mind Jesus was a false prophet and a blasphemer because he being a man claimed to have come down from heaven and was sent by God for He was His Son. These words drove Saul to mad acts and madness against the saints who believed and had already put their trust in Christ. For many months and years he strove his violence and hate against Jesus and against those who called on Jesus as Lord and Christ. Then one day on another road of his madness to destroy believers,  Jesus in His grace and glorious mercy manifested Himself in undeniable power in the glory of His resurrection to Saul. Saul at the brightness of Jesus' appearance fell to the ground and heard Jesus say, Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me? Friends then said Saul back unto the Lord. He said, Who are you?
      I said all that to say this. Saul who later was renamed Paul by Christ did not know nor believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God nor Messiah. He was way in the dark about that truth. He had blind spots all in his so called Torah theology about the things that were written of the one called Christ that all of Israel prayed for years after years in their manifold afflictions. His image and carnal fantasy idea about what Christ was to be was far off the proper mark. So much so he caused and consented to the persecution and the death of many Christians.
     But on that one monumental day of amazing grace Jesus appeared to Saul in His mercy. Saul was headed to bring into pain many believers of THE WAY, when in that mind set in darkness Jesus appeared to him to OPEN HIS EYES  and to, in time, remove all those blind spots that he had in his thinking and that were in his thoughts about the Christ and about heavenly or spiritual things. 
      Eventually after being given and being taught an abundance of light and revelations of Jesus Christ and the meaning, purposes, benefits and blessings to men from His Cross, blood, death and resurrection and Christ Ascension back up unto the Father, Paul, in the process of progressive learning, learned from the Lord the revelation that we, in the inward man, in our spirits, in the heavenly man within us, that in the new birth we, with Jesus, by the operation of God Himself, and not by us, or by our works, efforts, or doings, but by grace thru faith and as a freely given to us gift from God, were made alive together with Christ (Ephesians 2) and were raised up together with Jesus and that we were made to sit down with Jesus in Gods heavenly places in His far above all regions where His throne resides.
     Have you yet learned also John 5:24 that Paul learned of and eventually preached in Ephesians 2). Has your eyes been opened yet to that revelation as Paul's eventually were, that you are passed from death unto life everlasting in your spirit and are risen with Christ and that you are raised up together with Jesus  and made to sit with him in God's heavenly places NOW?.....Do you see your spirit man there yet?????
      Did you know, in the spirit man, that you who are born of God are RISEN WITH CHRIST and are seated with Jesus in His heavenly places? Once you come unto that knowledge, once your eyes are opened to the degree that you really see and understand it, and you take your place and sit down in the seats of that revelation that you are risen with Christ and that you are seated with Jesus NOW in the Spirit in God's heavenly places, then and only then will you find the greater peace and assurance your soul is craving. For those who have come unto the revelation that Paul in time came unto, it is hard for Satan to toss them about with legalism rules of old laws or religious lies. For those who eventually see themselves rightly in Christ, see themselves RISEN WITH CHRIST, PASSED FROM DEATH UNTO LIFE EVERLASTING WITH CHRIST IN THEIR SPIRITS. We, though we look unto Jesus, he wants His people to look down from above as citizens and not as strangers or as hope to be one day some day people. But let it dawn on them that even now in their spiritual attachment and relationship to God that they now call Him their Father and that salvation is already come to and is inside their living house. He wants them to know the redemption glory and benefits since he raised us up together in the glory of his resurrection, ascension and our great adoption benefits and glory for the preaching of the gospel. 
     Jesus, more than once said, I came down from heaven, I'm from above. God is my Father and I am His Son. He so longs for us also to soon see ourselves the same IN HIM, not of this world but from above (John 17:14-17)(Colossians 3:1-4) and that we are the children of God Now. Once this truth dawns on us and we become ROCK SOLID in that light,  Satan cannot bring us down into religious bondages and into the deceiving soul saving rules and laws like physical circumcision sermons that people preached in Pauls day was of necessity if a man was to be much more to say on this matter but this will do for now. God bless you in Jesus Name ......deno......please share freely.

Food for thought and discussion......UPDATED......deno......please share freely

......One day as I was thinking on the scriptures that reveal to us that we who are IN CHRIST JESUS are NEW CREATURES, NEW SPIRITS IN THE INWARD MAN, new creatures in the hidden man of the heart created brand new by God in the image of Christ Spirits righteousness and true holiness, a thought came to my mind. Now I know that every thought that comes to our thinking zones are not sent from God so we have to try the thought to see if it is of God by it's line up with the scriptures.
     Here is what came to my mind..... In Christ Jesus you are born of God, made a new creature in your inner spirit that lives on beyond the bodies grave. The spirit that is born of God when the body dies, that spirit cannot be buried into hell, but rises far above into the third heaven to be with the Lord in Paradise for that new born spirit belongs to Christ and to God. That spirit when God created it His new creation, His new born again spirit, His new born son or daughter IS RE-MADE IN THE IMAGE OF ITS NEW FATHER WHICH IS THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD......It's new nature is not in any way like the old spirit.  God recreated it new and fully different. The former spirit was darkness, but now the new born again spirit in Christ is a spirit of God and light. It partakes of God's divine nature. It is created in the image and likeness of the Father of spirits made perfect. Nothing else is like it on earth but the Spirit of God only. Even it's flesh covering cannot be compared to it in it's nature. They are in nature SO DIFFERENT, THEY ARE EXACT OPPOSITE IN NATURE AS DARKNESS IS TO LIGHT, EVEN AS GOOD IS TO EVIL. One is risen with Christ when the flesh is not. One is born again with ETERNAL LIFE in it when the flesh remains the same aging it's way to the grave being still attached to the curse of the Law of sin and death. One becomes One spirit with the Lords Spirit when the flesh by the curse cleaves to the way of the world which is back unto the dust from whence it came.
      Now with all that in mind, I saw something the other day of the spirit and in the spirit. Something I had never thought or saw before. What I saw I admit may be wrong. What I saw may be unscriptural. But I want to share what I saw with you. Then we together can contemplate what I saw.
      I saw two born again christians male and female, who in the spirits dimension, in the spirit realm of their triune being which is spirit, soul and body, who in their spirit realm are mixed with the Holy Spirit of Jesus, those two Christians fell into temptation and sinned the sin of adultery. I saw a young kid who in his spirit was born of God but he to fell into temptation and lied to his parents and stole a piece of bubble gum at the local convenient store. When these two sins happened I saw what appeared to be God's Spirit inside those bodies wrap Himself and His love around His child's new born spirit that He dwelt with inside that body as if to shelter and  protect it from the sins that were committed and done by the flesh and by the foolish thinking of the flesh and for the flesh...It was like, as God cannot sin or partake of sins, the small sins or the BIG ONES, even though He is inside us, even so the new born again spirit that has become mixed and become one spirit with Christ Spirit within also cannot sin because it is BORN OF GOD AND GODS SEED REMAINS IN HIM FOR HE IS BORN AGAIN IN GOD HIS FATHERS IMAGE AND LIKENESS IN THE SPIRIT.....HOLY AND RIGHTEOUS.....But the mess is all in the flesh and in the carnal mind. But in the realm of the spirit within where God bears witness with our spirits that we are His child, the reach of sin cannot afflict death back upon the spirit because in the spirit great protection and great abounding  grace prospers, abounds and prevails to even renew the inward man day by day.....
    In Christ Jesus, Our spirits are endowed with, protected by,  and citizens of a Holy Almighty God and a Sinless Kingdom that is within us NOW. (That's Amazing in itself and is wrought only by amazing power and  amazing grace). In God and in that Kingdom that we ARE INSIDE OF on the inside of these bodies NOW, both God and the kingdom are light in whom there is no darkness, or sins, or death at all....It is in God and inside the spiritual kingdom of His Son Jesus Christ that our spirits live and dwell with Christ in God daily NOW. It is IN AND INSIDE THERE, THE SECRET PLACE, THE SHELTER OF THE ALMIGHTY, in the spirit realm, where the real worship and the real life  and the real fellowship with the Lord is and is taking place. Only a few of us over the grace centuries have really tapped into the great life, presence and glorious power of God and eternal life glory that dwells within us NOW IN THE SPIRIT REALM OF CHRIST IN US.
   It is amazing that He that is Holy and Sinless and Is a Spirit lives in us who believe and belong to Christ now though we have to ask daily for Him to forgives us and to cleanse us of our sins. It is amazing that He Vowed to live and remain with us forever for better or for worse in Spirit in spirit spiritual covenant marrital matrimony. For better or for worse, thru the good, the bad and the ugly, God stilled promised or swore in honor of the blood and great sacrifice of His Son, that He would never leave us or abandon us. What a love action from the throne for us. All by Christ it is all kept and done. His blood CONTAINS AMAZING GRACE AND SUSTAINING AND KEEPING POWER TO OUR SPIRITS that passes all natural levels of power understanding.....
    Well this is just food for thought...Something to think about and to ponder....deno

Supporting Scriptures: King James Version
John 3:1-18
2 Corinthians 5:15-21
2 Corinthians 4:7-18
Ephesians 4:23-24
Colossians 3:10
Galations 6:12-18
Galations 5:15-17 to26
Romans 8:6-10
1st John 5:18
1st John 3:9
Luke 17:21
Matthew 28:20,
John 14:16-17
Ephesians 4:29.....we are sealed, (Kept in the spirit surrounded by divine spiritual protection that nothing can separate our spirits from God. Even if we grieve Him He swore in Christ blood to REMAIN AND ABIDE WITH US FOREVER....) 

When we as Spirit filled christians disobey God in any area of our lives we have then sinned. But this and these sins that we have committed God did not do them. His Spirit is Holy and Sinless. Now He (being on the inside of us) is grieved and even quenched by them yes, but He who is Holy and Sinless, whose Spirit dwells and lives inside us, He had nothing to do with our sin or its choice or deed. His Spirit does not and cannot sin. Could it also be said that our NEW BORN SPIRITS BORN AGAIN IN THE IMAGE OF GOD IN RIGHTEOUSNESS AND TRUE HOLINESS ALSO SINS NOT????? but that our sins were wrought by the NO GOOD THINGS THAT IS OF OUR PRESENT SINFUL FLESH AND BY THE WICKEDNESS OF AN UN RENEWED STUBBORN  AND STILL IN THE DARK  CARNAL  MIND???????

Most people (including Christians) in this life live from the realm of the carnal natural thinking mind and from the 5 senses of the flesh world and few have ever really lived from or by or walked in the Spirit where Jesus and the Father and the Power from on High is in this world. We are either stuck inside the carnal mind and its unbelieving thoughts and spiritual darkness or we are stuck in the present sinful flesh living to please it's cravings and deceitful lust and pleasure wantings, such as fame and the fortunes that come by sinful pleasures and sinful business saying by it's course the damnable wisdom that we only live but once so get yours now. These who are like demon possessed with this doctrine are blind to hell and eternity realities. God in Jesus Name I pray we all overcome the carnal mind and the sinful deceiving lust of the present sinful flesh and really tap into and have our eyes opened to Christ and the Fathers Spirit and Kingdom that is within us as to walk in the spirit and to not fulfill the lust of the flesh for in doing this we will be pleasing to God and bring more glory and honor to Jesus Christ who loved us and gave himself for us. I pray this prayer for me and my generation.....amen

Monday, January 6, 2014

When Noah Landed.......deno.....please share freely

      When Noah landed on the mountains in the ARK of his salvation, he knew he was and had been saved from the wrath that God Himself foretold him was going to come. He took Gods instructions and built that ARK as God designed. He mixed his hearts faith and COMPLETE trust in the design and structure of that ARK as God promised him would SAVE HIM. After the wrath in those days was poured out upon the earth, Noah and his family survived and LANDED SAFELY. They stayed IN THE DOCTRINE OF THE ARK AS GOD PREACHED TO THEM FOR THEIR SALVATION.
      What is your confidence in today to ensure that you will be saved from the wrath of God that is surely to come  and to LAND SAFELY???? My confidence is in and remains in the blood, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ the Son of God. You see it was thru the Cross that the way was made for Jesus himself to ascend back unto heaven. It was thru his tasting of the death of the Cross first that ensured Him his OWN  ascension back home unto heaven a few days later. After he CONNECTED FIRST to the Cross, then and only then did the Father connect Jesus to the resurrection. Then after Jesus was connected to the resurrection, he then  was connected BY GOD HIMSELF to the great ASCENSION back into heaven itself WHERE HE LANDED SAFELY IN HIS FATHERS GLORIOUS THRONE....all of this glorious salvation and resurrection and great ascension came thru the CROSS OF CHRIST FIRST...and since it worked for Christ I know it will work for us. We stick to the way of the Cross of Christ. We cleave to Christ from the Cross, to the grave, to his resurrection and by this we ascend with Jesus unto the Father landing safely in Gods loving arms. We all can only cleave to Christ by faith.
     The Cross of Christ is Gods own designed and built ARK so save us all who believe and obey Christ from the wrath that is surely to come and to assure that we will land in heaven safely in tack. Behold that Lamb of God that saves and rescues HIS PEOPLE from their sins.
1 Corinthians 1:18) For the message of the Cross is foolishness to them who are perishing, BUT TO US who are being saved it is THE POWER OF GOD.....deno.