Saturday, January 11, 2014

Satans Most Favorite 5 Words. A Must & Most Important Read.........deno.....please share freely

.......then Jesus said to the disciples the word of His upcoming passion. He said, "We go to Jerusalem and there I will be betrayed and handed over to the Gentiles. I will be crucified unto death. Then three days later I will rise again". The saving gospel, the so great a salvation that our dad preached for over 50 years, Jesus just preached to the first church members of the body of Christ. They heard for themselves the simplicity of the way of the gospel-THE CROSS OF CHRIST. They heard in their hearing the incomparable words from a mighty God that God was soon to, as a man, taste death for every man in order to, by His death and resurrection, reconcile and bring many sons and daughters unto God, unto glory. 
    Jesus in the above paragraph, told the first members of His Church, Words, even the Words of the gospel whereby they and their household would be saved by.......And just how did they, the first elders of the great congregation, react and respond to his sermon about the Cross of Christ? Peter, the Moses of the pack said, Get this, are you listening?????.....He responded to the Cross of Christ and to the death and resurrection of the Son Of God this way. He said,
 "Be It Far From You Lord." (Matthew 16:21-23)
.......Now lets notice how Jesus answered Peter, the Moses of the pack back. Jesus said, "GET THEE BEHIND ME SATAN........Do you know that these 5 words "BE IT FAR FROM YOU," that they are Satans counter words for almost every thing God is trying to talk us into believing and into doing? THEY ARE SURELY THAT.  FOR INSTANCE.... it far from you.
PRAY WITHOUT it far from you.
FORGIVE it far from you.
TURN THE it far from you.
LOVE ONE it far from you.
BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS it far from you.
HAVE FAITH IN it far from you.
MEDITATE IN GODS it far from you.
TAKE UP THE CROSS OF it far from you.
DAILY DENY it far from you.
SERVE GOD it far from you.
OBEY GODS it far from you.
GO TO it far from you.
SHARE THE it far from you.
TESTIFY YOUR it far from you.
BLESSED it far from you.
JUSTIFIED BY it far from you.
WALK IN NEWNESS OF it far from you.
WALK IN NEWNESS OF it far from you.
VISIT THE it far from you.
VISIT THOSE IN it far from you.
FEED THE if far from you. 
CLOTH THE it far from you.
HELP THE it far from you.
BE HONEST & it far from you.
BE it far from you.
TITHE & GIVE TO THE it far from you.
BELIEVE YOU RECEIVE it far from you.

    Well by now you should get the point. BE IT FAR FROM YOU IS SATAN'S EVERY DAY CONSTANT SERMON THAT HE PREACHES THAT ROAMS IN THE MINDS OF PEOPLE ALL OVER AMERICA AND THE WORLD. He persuades us and preaches that to our minds and to peoples minds to ROB GOD OF OUR LIFE, SOULS, MINUTES, HOURS, AND DAYS. His main and  highest purpose for this 5 word demonic inspired persuasion and sermon is to keep people far far away from obeying & serving God and far far away from the Cross of Christ which is the Power Of God Unto Salvation. All of us must start to respond and answer back and mean it just as Jesus did....GET THEE BEHIND ME SATAN........deno....please share freely.

P.S......Isn't it rather strange that the first person that we know of to say or to preach Satans 5 word sermon against the Cross of Christ , "BE IT FAR FROM YOU," was preached by the first great up and coming  New Testament preacher/prophet/evangelist Peter the Rock. Satan will try to use any of us to keep the Cross of Christ away from others or others away from the for thought....

So you took them every weekend to the skating ring and the city swimming pool. Did you ever take them to the Cross of Christ?

So you took them to the ball games every friday night. Did you ever take them to the Cross of Christ?

So you took them to church every Sunday. But in that church did you ever take them to the Cross of Christ???????? Jesus died on the Cross to save us from our sins and He rose again to justify all who believe....and Paul wrote in Romans 5:1 in the light of the glorious power of the death God Himself Tasted on the Cross, he wrote....Romans 4:23-25, then Romans 5:1) therefore we being now justified by faith, WE HAVE PEACE WITH GOD thru our Lord Jesus Christ....Jesus on the Cross was our PEACE OFFERING.....Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world...IT IS WRITTEN...God, by the sacrifice of Himself Put Away Sin.....Hebrews 9:26.....By The Cross of Christ.....AMEN


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