Thursday, February 20, 2014

Exposing The Truth....We Need, We Must Have A Come Back To God Revival.....deno.....please share freely

Mark 4:14-15 exposes all the real truth behind the fleshes veil why this generations wicked, and it's unbelieving, and it's unrepentant people in this land have been and are fighting endlessly to get the Word of the Lord out of all schools, and out of all public arena's in hope to get it out of and keep it from going into the heart of our children and this nations people. It's says, The Sower (Which is the Spirit of Christ) sows or plants THE WORD (God's Word, The Gospel of Jesus Christ - The bible says receive the implanted word that is able to SAVE YOUR SOUL). The Sower, the Planter sows the Word and (here it is) Satan, (just like he did to Eve and Adam with the trickery of deceit in twisting the word) Satan comes immediately to TAKE OUT THE WORD, that was planted.....For years and even centuries the people of this nation resisted Satan and his attempts to get the Word out of our schools and this nation. Our great history proves this to be truth. But now in the last days, the spirit of antiChrist is fighting us like never before and we have his vessels in the power seats of this nation letting him do it....God send a great come back to God revival in America. Pour out your Gospel & Spirit and change us all into lovers of God and His Son Jesus Christ......All things are possible with God.......deno

The Covenant of Peace Shall I Not Break, Saith The Lord Thy Redeemer.......deno......please share freely

       Christ shed his blood for all people. He bled and died for the whole world. None were righteous, no not one. Still yet He loved us and gave himself for us. Christ died for no righteous man for none in Gods eyes existed on earth. It is written, there is none righteous, there is none flawless or without spot, wrinkle, or blemish, no not even one.
      Christ knowingly died for the spotted. Christ died for the wrinkled. Christ died for the blemished. Christ died for the ungodly. Christ died for his enemies. Christ died for the sinful and the most wicked. Christ died for those he himself called evil....And in his death God released His very own redeeming saving power. When Christ died the gospel/the good news says that he reconciled all these unto God (Romans 5:8-10). For all these mentioned above, Christ made peace with God. FOR THEM thru the peace offering of the blood of HIS CROSS. He absorbed into himself the wrath they deserved. We all were and are those people. 
       Being the above written is true we confess; We confess by faith the word of reconciliation as preached in 2 Corinthians 5:18-21, that God was in Christ Jesus reconciling the world back unto Himself NOT HOLDING AGAINST THEM their trespasses and sins. (What a scripture.) If God did hold against us our trespasses and sins then He himself would be a transgressor of His own word of reconciliation that He Himself committed unto Paul and the apostles to preach as revealed in  2 Corinthians 5:18-20. This does not mean that we are exempt from believing or from obeying God or from the call to repentance for without repentance and holiness no man shall see God (SO SAITH THE SCRIPTURES). No it does not mean that we are exempt from His Fatherhood over us in Christ which He being our Dad gives him every right to rebuke and spank us, out of His great love for us, for the times we are disobedient to him. No it does not mean that.
       Not holding against us our trespasses and sins is a redemption, saving, covenant term of agreement between the Father and Jesus on the terms of his blood, and agonies, and sacrifice. It means God who led His Son to the cross with great purpose, to suffer tremendously for our sins, will never belittle any part of  the  pains, those suffering of the sacrifice or reason why His Son died such a horrible death. It in part means that he will not dishonor His Son's precious blood and sufferings, his sacrifice and death by saying it was not enough, they to must pay FOREVER for their sins. If so then Christ was a weak Savior of little power to redeem and save his people from their sins. Some actually think of Christ in that weak measure, but Jesus is far above that in his redeeming power and reconciling saving might. He and His Cross is the power of Almighty God to redeem and save us to the unttermost and even the whole world if they would repent and believe the gospel with the obedience of faith. If we believe it then let us live it. Let us live what we profess and believe in Christ.
      No, God would never break the covenant of peace that He wrote with the ink of His Sons own blood (Isaiah 54:7-10). It is written , for the transgressions of His people and for the sin of all the world Christ was stricken...God laid on him the iniquity of US ALL. WHY? So that they would not be laid upon us in the end in the time of the wrath of God. Our sins have been ALL PUNISHED once and for all in the agonizing sufferings of Christ at the Cross. 
      So let us with grateful hearts of thanksgiving more and more live a life worthy of Christ. A life that shows forth true repentance and the fruits thereof. Let us yield forth more and more the fruits of the fellowship of Christ sufferings with love and forgiveness at the front lines of our marching in Christ everyday. For without Christ love and forgiveness none else matters. It is wasted labor. Let us more and more love one another and bring forth the fruit of  those things that accompany salvation. Let us receive Christ. Trust Christ. Love Christ. Believe Christ. Obey His Will and Words. Honor Christ. Live for Christ. Let us call upon His Great Name in the great assembly of the family of those redeemed and reconciled unto God by Christ blood. Let us all CLEAVE to Christ like our life and eternity depend on it. IT DOES......In His Love & Mercy In Christ......deno.

From their God to our Daddy. The New Covenant Relationship.......deno......please share freely

.....In the old covenant they knew God as God, even as an unapproachable God by the Law of the veil that hid God in the holy of holies away from the people. Very little intimacy with God. Only a few like Abraham,King David had a love/friend relationship with God. In the new covenant though we see God thru Christ and thru his (Son of God) eyes in us. We see the heart of God unveiled in Christ. The greatness of His great love. God is love...... 
      In the new covenant we do not see God staying at a distance from us or His people. We see God moving, walking lovingly about us looking for people to heal and to bless and looking for new hearts/new homes to enter and dwell in with his new born kids soon to be. We see the Father touching the people and pouring forth the love and virtues of the holiest of all upon His people, that they in the old covenant dared not approach unlawfully. But here He was being shed abroad in healing's and miracle of deliverance's.  We see the Father shedding abroad His Holy Spirit,  all over, into, upon and inside the people for a great touch of His great love, thru His own designed made better way, thru the better covenant than what they had in the old one and by a new covenant that is established upon better promises for us to have a better more love filled, joy filled, Father to his children relationship with God. God does all this  by the blood of Jesus Christ our Redeemer that destroyed the power of the veil, and shattered all enmity and all spiritual friction that was between Gods Spirit and ours. Thru the blood of his cross Christ made peace (an everlasting covenant of peace-Isaiah 54:7-10, and tore down all and everything that made up  that spiritual wall of division. By Jesus Christ in us we are born of God inside in the inner man, the sons of God in our spirits, by faith in Jesus Christ (1st John 5:1-5) and because we are sons we by the Spirit of Christ in us, we cry and call God Father, Abba, Daddy. What great peace this gives us. Perfect love casteth out fear. He is to us Daddy.
      Religious Christians, legalistic people have a problem with making this intimate love transition of Daddy to child, to sons and daughters of God mindness as Jesus always has had with the Father. It is to intimate for them. To close of a relationship. It's perfect love destroys tormenting religious fears about God.  But it is the Word of God and His love for us, and is exactly why Jesus came, Christ came to establish for us an unbreakable covenant of everlasting peace with the Father thru the peace offering of the blood of his cross (Isaiah 54:7-19) and to bring many sons and daughters unto sonship with the Father unto glory (Galations 4:4-7). Some ministers or people can become very upset over this sonship light and truth but it is the WORD OF GOD. They think and say calling God your Dad or Daddy or Father, how dare you. Well like Christ we do and like Christ let us not fear to do so. We are new covenant light RIGHT to do so......deno.....these scriptures are why. See John 17:23, John 20:16-17, Romans 8:14-17, Galations 4:4-7, 1st John 3:1-2, Hebrews 2:9-18.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

God Now Has Two Choices.....Lord Send Now A Great Revival.......deno.....please share freely

     Without abounding grace, this generation has had it. Jesus told us that in the last days sin would be abounding and we all can see that it is. Even in the church. I admit I have done my share. Have you? Let us repent.  
     Jesus said in the last days also that the love between people would wax cold in their heart because of sin abounding which  also leads to more and more self indulging, self centered living. The scriptures tell us that in the last days iniquity would be so massively done in the earth, that Satan would be given great place in the world for his anointing of the antiChrist...see Ephesians 4:26 & 2 Thessalonians 2:1-13)......

      So God has two choices in this matter in His addressing of this generations abounding sin. The two choices are these.....Grace & Mercy which are blessings, or Wrath & Punishment which are cursings....What is the church asking Him to do? Are we asking God to rain down fire from heaven and devour this generation? The disciples one time wanted to actually do that on some peoples heads in their hour and Jesus rebuked them for it, saying," You know not what spirit you are of. I came to save and not to destroy". Or are the intercessors, you know, those called to stand in the gap; are they praying for their generation. Praying for God to have mercy and pour out His gospel in NEVER SEEN BEFORE great light measure, great abounding grace measure, and greater Holy Spirit  Measure, by great compassion multiplied, knowing it is the goodness of God, and the fear of God that leads men to repentance......?
      Paul wrote that God's will is that none perish, but that all come unto the knowledge of the truth and be saved. He said, that that was God's highest will. Then it is this we should be asking Him to do. Asking Him to do in this generation HIS HIGHEST BEST GOOD WILL.  To send a great revival, A great harvest of souls revival in America and in all the Nations of the earth before His Son goes and gets the book out of His right hand to loosen and open the Seals thereof for the judgements of God to be fulfilled. For when that happens, it is uh oh time for the world in darkness.
     So in closing this blog I ask you, The New Billy Grahams, where are you????? Stand up and be heard......deno......

Psalm 34....Words to Hope In., Words To live by.....deno....

Psalm 34, 
1 I will extol the LORD at all times; his praise will always be on my lips.
2 My soul will boast in the LORD; let the afflicted hear and rejoice. 
3 Glorify the LORD with me; let us exalt his name together. 
4 I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.
5 Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.
6 This poor man called, and the LORD heard him; he saved him out of all his troubles.
7 The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them. 
8 Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him. 
9 Fear the LORD, you his saints, for those who fear him lack nothing.
10 The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the LORD lack no good thing. 
11 Come, my children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the LORD. 
12 Whoever of you loves life and desires to see many good days, 
13 keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking lies. 
14 Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it. 
15 The eyes of the LORD are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their cry; 
16 the face of the LORD is against those who do evil, to cut off the memory of them from the earth. 
17 The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles. 
18 The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. 
19 A righteous man may have many troubles, but the LORD delivers him from them all; 
20 he protects all his bones, not one of them will be broken. 
21 Evil will slay the wicked; the foes of the righteous will be condemned. 
22 The LORD redeems his servants; no one will be condemned who takes refuge in him.....Amen

Warning: Don't Mess With God's Kids......deno

      The Father, Son and Holy Spirit and all the Angels in glory know you as Christ flesh and bone. This calling, this name given you as believers, means you greatly belong to Jesus, and that you have been HIGHLY HONORED....Oh that is one of Christ flesh and bone parts over there, honor them, do not mess with them or Jesus will take it personally. For what men and this world does to the even the least of Christ bodily members, he and they do it to Christ and Christ will avenge them in the avenging hour and season coming. Remember Christ sermon about offending his children. If you offend them, he basically said it had been better for you to have never been born. They will understand this in the hour of God's avenging His Son......deno

Are You A Crazy? Get this revelation, get this understanding and you want be......deno.....please share freely all my writings. Thank You

......Can you Imagine this? Can you imagine that after God with His very own Strong Arm, and by the blood of a Passover Lamb had totally delivered His People out from under Pharaohs power and grip, and opened up that great Red Sea, then guided His people thru the opening He alone and He only could make happen, guided them thru on dry ground, and then once they got to the other side God lifted His hand up upon their enemies that pursued them and destroyed them right before their eyes. Could you imagine them now on the other side, having been delivered from the power of Pharaoh/Satan unto God and translated into the Promise Land thru the great opening God made in the Red Sea, with their feet in the Land of Promise, some ol nut, some ol so called self appointed preacher comes up from within the ranks of the people and says to them that unless you keep the Law and you men be circumcised you will not be saved from Pharaoh and you will remain slaves in Egypt? Or if they said, you must every day do 100 deep knee bends and every day stare at the moon or you want be saved from Pharaoh but would remain slaves in Egypt.  You would have to be severely deceived, deaf, dumb, and  blind to believe and accept that. You would have to be a CRAZY.
       Did you know that this has happened to many in Christ whom God has saved with His very own strong Arm. Thru the blood, death and resurrection of his Son Jesus Christ, from the Cross back to the throne, God has DELIVERED & SAVED His people and raised them up with Jesus into paradise in the spirit realm of their being in the new birth (See John 5:24 & Ephesians 2:1-10. Yet they being ignorant of this spiritual information and it's spiritual sight, men preach to them all forms of carnal bondage making doctrines like the need to be circumcised or you want be saved, or things like you must keep all Sabbath days, religious feast and all the Law or you want be saved. This burns God and it also inflames Him to anger and it is a big  dishonor to Christ and to all He endured for us in His incredible sufferings for us in his passion. 
      You see, God knows that He himself has already redeemed, delivered, set free, SAVED HIS PEOPLE and that He has given life, deliverance, and even transport, and translation to their spirits and has raised His children's spirits up with Christ into His heavenly places that is above and that is also on the inside of them.  But they being some how numb to this and blind to spiritual realities, heavenly truths & things, and understanding, the devil sends to them his blinded messengers to bring them back again into Egypt, back into religious slavery IN THEIR MIND'S, though their spirits are already saved, and delivered, transported, and translated with Christ, and are seated with Christ in salvation's togetherness RIGHT NOW in the connection and in the fellowship of his sufferings.
     He/Satan uses mental manipulation even with the use of the scriptures to do this. But friends, once your salvation by the Cross and by the resurrection of Jesus Christ is formed in you, the devil has lost that grip on you. You then will be set free and if you will take your stand and if you will enforce your own stand on this matter that God has saved and delivered you by the blood of His Sons Cross and by His resurrection and not by your own works, but by faith in Christ blood thru grace, you will find the peace you seek on this so important subject and light. Then once this truth is fully formed in you, no devil in all of hell can take you down into bondage or back into Egypt in your minds ever again into religious bondages. For you are FREE and you know you are THE FREED and you know who set you FREE and what a great price was paid for your FREEDOM and what that price paid was. Jesus Christ and him crucified.
     Had the children of God, once they had all walked thru the Red Sea on dry ground that He provided, once they had all landed on the other side of the Red Sea in the Promise land, had they thought they were not saved or delivered from Pharaoh and set free from Egypt and their slavery, you would think that they were CRAZY and had lost their minds. Well are you a crazy? Ephesians 2:1-10 and John 5:24, Colossians 1:12-14, is you In Christ in the spirit man. Know this and don't lose your ground in this matter. Whether by Satan's use of scriptures deceitfully or by this worlds phony other hopes that they claim  saves you,  stay joined with Christ from the Cross to the Throne and you will always LAND RIGHT just as he did, He at the right hand of the Father and you right next to Jesus.  Behold Jesus is risen and is seated with the Father in the Throne. No word, no voice, no other message is above the One who sits with the Father in THE MIGHTY THRONE OF GOD. His blood speaks for greater things and is far more richer in all redeeming saving power than all our and the worlds works of self righteousness measurements. SO BY FAITH STAY EVERYDAY CONNECTED WITH JESUS FROM THE CROSS BACK TO THE THRONE and you can enjoy the Father in his heavenly place, at the Throne in the spirit. For God right now desires all who worship and fellowship with Him to do so in His connection to their spirit, in the spirit in Spirit mix that Jesus paid for in his own blood for us to have with the Father. As it is written, he that is now joined unto the Lord's Spirit has become One Spirit with God.........deno....please share freely.

Whom the Son has set free is free indeed. This is what is to be formed in you. He/Jesus paid all the price for all your deliverance, freedom, fellowship with God and for your salvation needs to give it all to you as FREE GIFT FROM GOD...YOU ARE INVITED.